Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09252024/The Immortals Stretch

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The Immortals Stretch
Event Date: 09/25/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 192 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 5th month of Uthmor the Giant in the year of the Golden Panther.
It is currently summer and it is early evening.

Visions Received

Note: These visions were received by the respective eight individuals and are shared with their permission for documentation purposes. They were not visible to everyone.

Ruea: Damaris
The shadows darken swiftly and rumble with authority. The sound of a low, grumbling growl emanates from the darkness.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light.

Everything goes silent.

Before you, the shadows slink with a calculating motion. From the dark, an inky black panther stalks towards you. Its ebony fur reflects but a glint of light, creating a sheen that cascades across its body with graceful motion.

Though unnaturally silent, there's a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the lessons of the dark. You feel a sense of growth unfurling in your heart, a quiet nudge toward reflection and understanding.

As your gaze locks with the panther's, a flurry of disparate images suddenly fight for expression at the back of your mind. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal.

The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Wolf Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

A masculine voice echoes all around you, enticingly stating, "The time has not yet come for Our children to sleep. Sing them the song of unity and cooperation. Tell them. And hurry."

As the shadows recede, the panther vanishes leaving the scent of dusk berry on the air. The melody of an old forest song is still repeating in your mind, just on the edge of your memory. You are struck with a renewed sense of purpose and peace.

Waydren: Hodierna
The air around you hums with a silent authority.

A matronly figure emerges, draped in the verdant hues of spring, her face tranquil and filled with a wealth of benevolence. Her flowing gowns shimmer like the first rays of morning, casting both warmth and comfort. By her side, a magnificent unicorn with soft eyes steps forward, its coat luminous with porcelain iridescence. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the tenderness of motherhood.

As you reach out to touch the unicorn, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Wolf Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

The woman gazes at you softly and says, "Your noble attempts at restoration are a valued exercise and healing will come, when We choose. Some scars serve as reminders. Tell them. And hurry."

A soft luminescence intensifies for a moment, then gently fades, leaving behind a promise of renewal and grace. She and the unicorn vanish leaving behind a sense of profound peace and divine protection, as though the very root of nature has embraced your soul.

Imroth: Truffenyi
A stalwart figure emerges, clothed in simple and rustic garments, his gaze paternal and stern. By his side, an enormous ox with rigid eyes lumbers forward, its coat cast in tawny hues. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the lessons of hard won battles.

As you reach out to touch the ox, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Tiger Clan.

The man smiles and a warm glow intensifies for a moment, then dims, leaving with a renewed sense of strength and stamina, the smell of tobacco lingers in the air. He and the ox vanish.

Kerennya: Eluned
The air around you hums with a silent authority.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light. Everything goes silent.

The sound of crashing waves echoes around you, growing louder with each passing moment. A pool of unfathomably deep water collects at your feet. As you sink within the depths, the light grows dim, becoming but an ember above you. From the watery twilight, a lithe figure emerges, draped in the tangle of seaweed, coral, and algae, her face tranquil and filled with a wealth of wisdom. Accompanying her at one side, an pelagic dolphin with black eyes swims forward, its soft smooth skin rigid and awash with blue-grey tones. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from deepest dark.

As you reach out to touch the dolphin, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Tiger Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

The woman gazes at you knowingly and says, "The woman gazes at you knowingly and says, "The time has come for your voice to be heard. We will crash upon the encasement as the sea crashes on the ocean cliff, and tear it down. You must tell them. Hurry now, my Wavedancer."

A blinding luminescence intensifies with vicious speed, the waters engulfing you recede, leaving behind a promise of healing and grace. The woman and the dolphin vanish. Though gasping for breath, you feel as though the very essence of purity has embraced your soul.

Allye: Berengaria
The light around you flares with blinding authority.

A radiant figure emerges, bathed in the golden hues of wheat, her face serene and filled with an endless well of compassion. Her long robes shimmer like the first rays of morning, casting warmth and comfort. By her side, a majestic cow with soft eyes steps forward, its coat glowing with auroral hues. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the break of dawn.

As you reach out to touch the cow, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Wolf Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

The woman says, "The time has come, Cateress. Our chosen will toil mighty in their quest to return them to Us. Feed the lost, feed the hungry. Tell them. And hurry."

The woman smiles and a warm glow intensifies for a moment, then dims, leaving behind a sense of peace and hope, the smell of warm bread lingers in the air. She and the cow vanish.

Urbaj: Kertigen
A figure emerges, his presence marked by the scent of earth and metal, a testament to his dominion over craftsmanship and the treasures of the deep. Upon his forearm, a sleek raven perches with watchful eyes, its dark feathers gleaming like polished gemstones.

The raven cocks its head, one way and then another, as though conveying balance and fairness. There's a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the annals of divine law.

As you reach out to touch the raven, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Tiger Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

The man says, "The time has come to account for these lawless swindlers, abiding by no contract, beholden to no fair trade. Tell them. And hurry."

The figure's stern countenance softens, revealing a flicker of paternal care and concern. The sound of jingling coins echoes briefly, leaving behind a sense of trust and hope. He and the raven vanish.

Khearkrash: Aldauth
The air around you takes on the scent of decay. You suddenly feel terrified as though eyed by authority itself.

Time slows and the air takes on a dark golden light. Everything goes silent as the grave.

A ghostly, faceless figure stands before you, his countenance obscured by a countless number of screams, each one changing into the next in a ceaseless parade of agony. This presence is marked by the scent of death, a testament to his dominion over the last moments of life itself. Upon his shoulder, a vulture perches with watchful eyes, its dark feathers mangled and unkept. There s a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the coffers of long lost kingdoms.

The vulture cocks its head and locks eyes with you and suddenly a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see several things at once.

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Tiger Clan.

A mischievous masculine voice echoes all around you, stating wryly, "In time, I will come for even you, Paladin. Vanquish this encasement in my name. Tell them how and do not delay."

The figure swiftly grows pale, becoming translucent as the last scream across his face twists into a wry, tricker's grin. The figure and the vulture vanish. As you regain your resolve, you feel as though the very essence of pain has embraced your soul.

Parkons: Hav'roth
The air around you hums with a silent authority.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light. Everything goes silent.

Before you, several stones split, from which a golden cobra emerges, its scales shimmering with every hue of precious metals. It slithers slowly, gracefully, its silent path speaking of the deep wisdom of the desert.

As it coils near your feet, you feel a sense of growth unfurling in your heart, a quiet nudge toward reflection and understanding.

The cobra's hood flares out as your gazes lock, suddenly a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. You see three things at once --

A feint on Knife Clan to distract. You see yourself here first, watching the chaos unfold. You await a signal. The view changes.

You see a set of scales, perfectly balanced: Tiger Clan on one side, Wolf Clan on the other. You see yourself on the side of Wolf Clan.

Focused beams of holy light to lance the encasements, burning away vine and stone.

A dissonant masculine voice hisses all around you, strongly stating, "Quartermaster, you sought to contract with the Crystal. We have shown you your path. If we are in accord you must tell them. And swiftly."

By the time your vision clears, the snake is nowhere to be seen, but you are struck with a renewed and stalwart sense of strength and purpose. You feel parched.

How it Began - The Immortals Call

* Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.

Maraisel asks, "Hmm?"

Ezerak ponders.

Saragos says, "My wife and my friends have been missing for nearly seven months. I have to hope they haven't starved. But I got a feeling through our bond... I think they're suffering."

Isava frowns.

Kethrai frowns at Saragos.

Saragos asks, "I'm going to darn well do risky things at this point if it gets them back. Who knows what condition they're even in?"

Ezerak gives a slight nod.

Saragos stands up.

Isava firmly says to Saragos, "Not Blackfire."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "Just remember, we need somewhere to get them back to, as well."

Anuril takes a sip of his eclipse.

Isava points at Ezerak.

Kethrai nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Isava says to Ezerak, "Yes! Someone with some sense."

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "A quiet evening."

Rileos gazes upward.

Rileos groans.

[General] Your mind hears Jecala thinking, "well it WAS"

[General] Your mind hears Illiya thinking, "Things always happen when someone says that.."

Anuril says, "Hmm. Get your party dresses on."

Ezerak sighs.

[General] Your mind hears Ryeka thinking, "Good evening!"

Ezerak says, "The Q word."

Saragos coldly says, "If I can do anything to get her back, I will. And if I can get anywhere close to the ones that took her, I'm going to absolutely burn their miserable hearts out."

Maraisel gazes upward.

Rileos says, "I gotta run, it's about to get frisky out there."

Ezerak puts his reserve in his rucksack.

Isava asks, "Q word?"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "Did I say something wrong?"

Rileos shakes his head.

A tongue of colorless flame erupts from Saragos's hand, and the Katamba's eclipse that he is holding explode in a splash of black sparks and steam! The ebon smoke that remains is quickly and utterly consumed as the Blackfire fades.

[General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Join us for drinks, Asildu, we're at Taelbert's"

[General] Your mind hears Kem thinking, "Wolfsdaughter?"

Ruea chuckles.

Isava blinks at Saragos.

Saragos coldly says, "And I'll pay whatever price I have to afterwards."

[General] Your mind hears Ryeka thinking, "Aye, that's me"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "You'll have to forgive me if I doubt your intentions in inviting me anywhere."

Isava says, "Well that's it. Guess I'm joining the guild."

[General] Your mind hears Lupdels thinking, "Asildu, I spoke with Miraena earlier. She very much would appreciate it if you would talk to her."

Anuril takes a sip of his eclipse.

Isava says, "I'll be seeing you again soon, Dad."

[General] Your mind hears Ryeka thinking, "Oh, I was in seclusion for a while. But I'm back out again!"

Isava says, "The rest of you had better keep him in line, or you answer to me."

Saragos slowly empties his lungs.

Rileos says to Isava, "Yes ma'am."

Saragos says to Isava, "We all have to do what we have to do."

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "I'm surprised so few people are here at this encasement."

Isava makes a grunting noise.

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Which one would that be?"

Isava says to Saragos, "Remember that Mother wants her children to live too."

[General] Your mind hears Kem thinking, "I just woke up after a very long nap myself. "

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "What did it used to be? Knife Clan?"

Saragos nods to Isava.

[General] Your mind hears Mahe thinking, "I love hide and seek."

Isava goes south.

Saragos says, "Ok, it's on."

  • Messenger Miraena joins the adventure.

Kethrai sighs.

A beam of golden light suddenly bathes Ruea. They blink as their gaze focuses on a specific point. You turn to see, but can t spot what they are looking at.

A beam of golden light suddenly bathes Khearkrash. They blink as their gaze focuses on a specific point. You turn to see, but can t spot what they are looking at.

Kethrai blinks.

Ezerak stands up.

Rileos blinks.

Ezerak acts puzzled.

Kethrai blinks at Ruea.

Rileos says to Ruea, "Uhhh...darlin, you're shinier than usual."

Rileos asks Ruea, "Which don't get me wrong I certainly like, but...is this you?"

Ezerak says, "And so is someone else who isn't even here."

Rileos searches around for a moment.

Ezerak adds Maraisel to his group.

[General] Your mind hears Ryeka thinking, "I was just thinking of Father Karjon and the piglet there"

Rileos gets a leaf-bladed Imperial spear bound in crimson fabric along its etched bronze shaft from inside his war belt.

Rileos flourishes his Imperial spear about in a butterfly pattern.

With a sudden cross-body move, Ezerak draws his throwing axe and glaes pasabas from his belt.

Ezerak hangs his throwing axe from his belt.

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "You know, at this point Asildu I prefer to be on a different continent from you whenever possible"

Ezerak hangs his glaes pasabas from his belt. It rattles against the throwing axe hanging from his belt, and he adjusts them.

Ezerak asks, "I'm heading that way, if anyone else is ready?"

Kethrai asks, "Is... What about Ruea?"

Anuril peers quizzically at Ruea.

Ruea gasps!

Ezerak gazes at Ruea.

Ruea fervently says, "Damaris."

[General] Your mind hears Saragos thinking, "You miserable cur. It wasn't enough to have your masters take our people. It wasn't enough to encase the clans. Now you have to mock us besides?"

Ruea says, "I saw the panther."

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Rileos beams at Ruea!

Kethrai gazes silently at Ruea.

[General] Your mind hears Khearkrash thinking, "holy warriors, meet me at Tiger Clan, Now!"

Rileos asks Ruea, "Good news I hope?"

Ruea says, "A scale, we have to go to Wolf Clan."

Ruea says, "We need holy magic to break through."

Ruea stands up.

Ruea says, "We have to go."

Kethrai says, "Wolf Clan. Not Knife."

Ruea yells, "We have to go!"

Kethrai ponders.

Rileos nods.

Anuril nods to Ruea.

Anuril casually observes the area.

Anuril joins Ruea's group.

Kethrai joins Ruea's group.

Ruea says, "Now."

Rileos joins Ruea's group.

(Off to the Clans!)

Knife Clan

[Wilderness, Edge of the Primal Encasement]
An abrupt line slashes across the forest here, the tree line ending with a stark immediacy and with the ground cleared. To the north, a crater descends gently downward, encased in a veritable wall of snapping and writhing thorny vines that constantly churn the land and create an impassable barrier. Extending upward into a vague teardrop pinnacle from which erupts a golden beam of light, the lifesculpted spire occupies the same space Knife Clan previously occupied. You also see an Immortal Eu card and a large moss-green tsavorite.

Sofina just arrived, leading her group.

Firehawk Casari just arrived.

Brutish Miscreant Mahe just arrived.

Asildu says, "Ah, look. People."

Ezustrea asks, "Where?"

Ezustrea gasps!

Sofina asks, "What else do I have to do than watch the world burn?"

Zehira says, "Well there are so many encasements."

Zehira says, "And the world burning is a favorite thing to watch."

Sofina says, "Yet somehow it never happens."

Asildu says, "At least someone recognizes that the world is burning."

Ezustrea coughs.

Zehira says, "Of course we do."

Zehira says, "It's our job."

Mahe snickers.

Sofina says, "I like to think of myself as observant."

Sofina shrugs.

Casari says to Asildu, "I imagine it's no surprise, but there are a number of people who have declared their intent to murder you. At least one of them is hiding here now."

Zehira searches around for a moment.

[General] Your mind hears Saragos thinking, "You miserable cur. It wasn't enough to have your masters take our people. It wasn't enough to encase the clans. Now you have to mock us besides?"

Zehira laughs!

Asildu says to Casari, "They've already murdered me."

Casari frowns.

[General] Your mind hears Khearkrash thinking, "holy warriors, meet me at Tiger Clan, Now!"

Asildu says, "That seems to be what you adventurers do."

Mahe nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Asildu says to Casari, "But thank you for the warning."

Zehira says, "I wouldn't be too worried."

Casari glances up at the sky.

[General] Your mind hears Saragos thinking, "We trusted them! We thought they were the Guardians of Magic, trying to protect us from ourselves. It turns out they were just a dog growling at anyone who came near their food. Guardians of the Food Bowl."

[General] Your mind hears Ruea thinking, "We have to go to Wolf Clan, Holy magic users! Run!"

Casari says, "Like Lupdels said, Miraena is worried about you and wishes you would speak with her."

[General] Your mind hears Nulak thinking, "I thought Tiger clan got blowed up"

[General] Your mind hears Urbaj thinking, "Comrades! There is a weakness in the vines surrounding Tiger Clan. Assemble outside the clan so that we can liberate our trapped brothers and sisters. Let us give back to this community that so many have taken from!"

[General] Your mind hears Asildu thinking, "So many words. You never listen to mine. Why should I listen to yours?"

[General] Your mind hears Kem thinking, "Now this brings back memories"

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "best case, you're simply too dangerous to be around"

War Healer Misteeus just arrived.

Misteeus ponders.

Sofina just left.

Esotericist Eyst just arrived.

Eyst nods politely to Zehira.

A multicolored ward wraps itself around Asildu.

Zehira nods to Eyst.

Eyst glances at Asildu.

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived, leading his group.

Avrenka bows.

Gwenddolyn nods.

Lupdels gets a blue iris from inside his green backpack.

Lupdels bows to Asildu.

Sofina just arrived.

Avrenka says to Asildu, "Greetings."

Lupdels says to Asildu, "Miraena is worried about you."

Lupdels offers Asildu a blue iris.

[General] Your mind hears Ruea thinking, "The Panther has spoken to me, we must use Holy Magic in Wolf Clan. Please."

Chakrel Heart Malkien just arrived, leading his group.

Avrenka says to Asildu, "Perhaps there are some in Crossing who would wish you harm, but I personally have nothing against you."

Malkien says, "Asildu."

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived, leading his group.

[General] Your mind hears Darkewolff thinking, "Right."

Asildu says to Lupdels, "I worry about her, too."

Lupdels nods to Asildu.

Gwenddolyn asks, "Asildu, you mentioned Lanival the other day. Is he the imprisoned gardener?"

Valynn nods.

Lupdels moves a blue iris to his left hand.

Leayne nods to Malkien.

Harsh takes a deep breath and then raises his hands, murmuring prayers under his breath. A strong white light fills him, exploding outward and blinding you momentarily. When the light fades Harsh seems to be floating a few inches above the ground while descending slowly to a standing position, looking exhausted but happy.

Asildu says, "But I'm left with a dilemma."

Harsh quietly says, "It is blessed here."

Madigan says, "Moving South to get the banner set up."

Sir Madigan goes south.

Sofina just left.

Parkons laughs at Asildu.

Valynn goes south.

Asildu says, "This... anger."

Sofina just arrived.

Avrenka says, "Peace everyone."

Avrenka says, "Let us speak calmly and diplomatically."

Casari frowns at Asildu.

Malkien asks, "Peace? When their encasements are still in place?"

You hear a female voice yell from the south, "Harsh, can you place a commune here?"

Asildu says, "You don't listen. You've never listened! Unless someone is saying something you want to hear, you find any and every reason to reject it or ignore it."

Avrenka says to Malkien, "We know their encasements have not harmed anyone in Dirge."

You notice as a white dog pads into the area.

The white dog begins to watch the goings on carefully.

Harsh yells, "I intend to."

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Madigan joins Malkien's group.

Casari says to Asildu, "I think your connection is overwhelming you. I don't want to see you become a victim of it."

Asildu exclaims, "I gave up my studies to come here and warn you. To help you! But you were all so busy trying to find reasons to distrust me, you never cared to actually comprehend the message I brought. You preferred to question me. Insult me. Threaten me... ATTACK me!"

Avrenka says to Malkien, "The encasements are not harming anyone, let us listen what he has to say."

Sofina blinks.

Lupdels says to Asildu, "Many people don't listen, many people listen. Do not allow your anger to cast judgment on all of us."

Malkien says, "A show of force and encirclement is not a method to peace."

Parkons says to Asildu, "I pray the Immortals see good reason to pardon you when all is said and done."

Serial Killer Damiza just arrived.

Haelow just arrived.

Asildu asks, "Murderers, the lot of you. Dishonorable, foolish, arrogant murderers. To kill a man for winning a duel he was challenged to, fair and square, simply because he wasn't the winner you WANTED. And how many of you joined that fight? Seven? Eight? Against one man?"

The white dog sits down.

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Eyst says to Asildu, "I think a scholar should be able to appreciate questions."

Lupdels says to Malkien, "You are not helping."

Asildu exclaims, "One man!"

Casari says, "Calm down."

Ezustrea squints at Asildu.

Soul Surgeon Harsh hobbles south.

Malkien asks, "Perhaps we're done with time for questions?"

Golameth deftly removes the igorat axe from his morawen.

Casari says, "Remember your breathing."

Asildu exclaims, "And for what? Because I refused to hand you my life's work on a silver platter? Because you didn't like my answers to your questions? Because they weren't coming from your precious Immortals? Yet now... because of your foolishness - your arrogance - you are willing to throw this world away so you can continue to nurture your addiction to sorcery. So you can continue to ignore what is right in front of your eyes!"

Avrenka says, "Let him speak."

Malkien says, "I've not grabbed a throwing axe yet."

Eyst looks over Asildu very closely.

Asildu shakes his head.

Asildu says, "Their patience runs thin. They didn't have to warn you. They didn't need to give you all the chances they've given you to change your ways. To be honest, I'm amazed they've given you so many opportunities when they could just as easily have wiped you all from existence. But you're skating on thin ice now. They grow tired of your insolence."

Mageling Aerilia just arrived.

Telo'Getha Izathri just arrived.

Aerilia joins Malkien's group.

Asildu says, "It's time," he pauses, listening intently to something as his lips slowly curl into a smile. "Since you all seem to like unfair odds in battle... we'll see how you like it when the odds are stacked against you."

Malkien moves over to guard Aerilia.

Lupdels says to Asildu, "Miraena would not want further violence."

Aerilia frowns at Asildu.

Eyst frowns.

Ezerak raises an eyebrow in Asildu's direction.

  • Steward of Recursion Liraxes joins the adventure.

Parkons says to Asildu, "It would behoove you to manage your words."

Crobin says, "That sounded like a threat."

Dawn's Renewer Allye just arrived, leading her group.

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "See what I mean Asildu? You show up and suddenly everyones having weird visions and thinks Gods are speaking to them. It'll all end in tears."

Asildu raises his arms in dramatic fashion, the motion generating a powerful thrum of energy that causes the earth around him to quake. As the tremors intensify, the ground eventually breaks with the emergence of several whip-like vines that reach toward the sky, their sinuous tendrils writhing and twisting to encase Asildu within. They hold him for a pulse, pausing in their movement for only a moment before slowly starting to recede, leaving no trace of Asildu - or the vines - behind.

Suddenly, a company of drakes slams into the ground, breathing fire across the area and roaring in fury, begins to attack!

The heraldic company marches into view, their ranks in perfect formation.

An Heraldic Captain shouts, "Attack formation!"

The company quickly forms into attack position.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Maraisel.
The immaculate drake is still a distance away from you and is closing steadily.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Mistanna.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Gwenddolyn.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Allye.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Gwenddolyn.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Mistanna.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Allye.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Mistanna.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Allye.

Casari says, "Stop, Asildu."

Mahe gets a kertig greatsword from inside his tyrium baldric.

Telo'Getha Izathri goes south.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Gwenddolyn.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Lupdels.

Parkons says to Asildu, "Your soul may yet be saved."

Esotericist Eyst plods south.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Damiza.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Lupdels.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Gwenddolyn.

Crobin gets a telothian serrated parazonium from inside his multi-strapped carryall.

Leayne smiles at Allye, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Zehira.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Damiza.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Casari.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Allye.

Aerilia mumbles something unprintable.

The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Mistanna.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Zehira.

Malkien says, "Well, we tried."

Avrenka says, "Oh crap."

Allye blinks.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Avrenka.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Lupdels.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Damiza.

Lupdels growls ferociously!

With a sudden cross-body move, Ezerak draws his glaes pasabas and throwing axe from his belt.

Misteeus sighs.

Mahe begins to advance on a pristine drake.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Damiza.

Lupdels gets a lifesculpted sledgehammer flourishing with growths of greenery from inside his seasilk satchel.

Gwenddolyn retreats from combat.

Allye retreats from combat.

Mathematician Avrenka goes south, leading his group.

Zehira exclaims, "Whoa whoa we don't always like odds stacked against us!"

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived, leading his group.

Mahe closes to pole weapon range on a pristine drake.

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Allye.

Allye retreats from combat.

The immaculate drake rears up, her throat expanding dramatically as she unfurls her wings! Thrusting her snout at Zehira and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts her with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
Zehira deftly pirouettes away from the worst of the blast, smoothly stepping into a safe position.

Allye retreats from combat.

Mathematician Avrenka goes south, leading his group.

Dawn's Renewer Allye goes south, leading her group.

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Damiza.

The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Zehira says, "Oh."

Bookkeeper Parkons goes south.

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Salvitoriel.

The immaculate drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

The pristine drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

The pristine drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

The immaculate drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

The pristine drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

The pristine drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

Malkien gets a savage's savage senci spear savagely studded with savage sanguine serrations from inside his thigh sheath.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Leayne!

Mahe closes to melee range on a pristine drake.

Malkien hurls a savage's savage senci spear savagely studded with savage sanguine serrations at a pristine drake. The spear lands a powerful strike (10/23) that rips off a nice chunk of flesh from the neck, dealing her a vicious stun!
The savage spear lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!

Mahe's greatsword lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest!

Salvitoriel gets some blued steel icicles from inside his thigh quiver.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Lupdels.

The pristine drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

The pristine drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

Salvitoriel hurls a blued steel icicle at a pristine drake. The icicle lands a glancing (0/23) strike to her right arm!

The blued steel icicle lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
Salvitoriel hurls a blued steel icicle at a pristine drake. The icicle lands a harmless (0/23) blow to her left arm!

The blued steel icicle lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
Salvitoriel hurls a blued steel icicle at a pristine drake. The icicle lands a glancing (0/23) blow to her left arm!

The blued steel icicle lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!
Salvitoriel hurls a blued steel icicle at a pristine drake. The icicle lands a grazing (0/23) blow to her right leg!

The blued steel icicle lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Salvitoriel.

The pristine drake settles her wings back into place.
A faint breeze surrounds her.

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at a pristine drake. The axe lands a strong hit (6/23) to her right arm!
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Lupdels retreats from combat.

A swarm of drakes fly by, spewing a gout of flame at you before moving to the southwest!
Aerilia bursts into flames!
Golameth bursts into flames!
Haelow bursts into flames!
Damiza bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Maraisel bursts into flames!
Ezerak bursts into flames!
Salvitoriel bursts into flames!
Leayne bursts into flames!
Crobin bursts into flames!
Malkien bursts into flames!
Mistanna bursts into flames!
Lupdels bursts into flames!
Misteeus bursts into flames!
Mahe bursts into flames!
Casari bursts into flames!
Zehira bursts into flames!
Ezustrea bursts into flames!

Mahe feints a kertig greatsword at a pristine drake. The greatsword lands a hard hit (5/23) that bruises the left forearm!

Crobin closes to pole weapon range on an immaculate drake.

[General] Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "join the ranger guild, we dont have halucinations."

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "So if it's all the same to you, if you need to say something to us I'd prefer to have this conversation by gwethdesuan."

Malkien hurls a savage's savage senci spear savagely studded with savage sanguine serrations at a pristine drake. The spear lands a devastating hit (17/23) (That'll leave a mark!) that leaves her with a short bloody stump of a left leg!
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!

Ezustrea gestures.
Dark cracks interlace themselves across the ground, snaking in rapid succession until they coalesce into a writhing web of living shadows!

Crobin closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

Damiza says, "Well, at least now we know the drakes are caused by Asildu."

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!

The air around Mistanna reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
A pristine drake charges at Mistanna. The body lands a solid hit (4/23) to her left leg!
The pristine drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The pristine drake begins to advance on Salvitoriel.
The immaculate drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Salvitoriel.
The pristine drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The pristine drake begins to advance on Leayne.
The pristine drake sweeps its tail along the ground near her talons. A fiery glow begins building.

The air around Mistanna reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
A pristine drake lashes at Mistanna. The barbed tail lands a hard hit (5/23) to her left arm!

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Madigan rushes the pristine drake with his pavise shield, thwarting the blow aimed at Leayne!

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at an immaculate drake. The axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to her left arm!
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The web of shadows emits a high-pitched whine. Its mad thrashing momentarily resolves into an emerging pattern of straight lines and geometric shapes that threaten to engulf everything in its reach!

The pristine drake begins to advance on Leayne.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Zehira.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Haelow.
The immaculate drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Haelow.
The immaculate drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The air around Mistanna reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
An immaculate drake growls lowly and swings at Mistanna. The sharp claw lands a solid hit (4/23) to her head!
The pristine drake sweeps its tail along the ground near her talons. A fiery glow begins building.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Haelow.

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a good strike (3/23) to her scales!

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Madigan.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Ezerak.
The pristine drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Haelow.
The pristine drake sweeps its tail along the ground near her talons. A fiery glow begins building.

A pristine drake slashes fiercely at Salvitoriel.
The pristine drake's tail churns with electricity, which spirals up along her scales as it builds in intensity!

The pristine drake begins to advance on Lupdels.

Aerilia falls over.

[Wilderness, Edge of the Primal Encasement]
An abrupt line slashes across the forest here, the tree line ending with a stark immediacy and with the ground cleared. To the north, a crater descends gently downward, encased in a veritable wall of snapping and writhing thorny vines that constantly churn the land and create an impassable barrier. Extending upward into a vague teardrop pinnacle from which erupts a golden beam of light, the lifesculpted spire occupies the same space Knife Clan previously occupied. You also see the heraldic company, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, a writhing web of shadows, a pristine drake which appears dead, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake that appears immobilized, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, a pristine drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, an immaculate drake, a pristine drake, a white dog that is sitting, a one-eyed nut brown kitten, a disagreeable Shadow Servant and an Immortal Eu card.

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!

The vapor surrounding Salvitoriel coalesces into a pair of icy blades that join the five deadly weapons already twirling about him.

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Lupdels.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Zehira.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Casari.
The immaculate drake spreads its wings and turns in a quick circle, drawing the winds into a swirling mass around her.

A pristine drake growls lowly and swings at Damiza.
The pristine drake sweeps its tail along the ground near her talons. A fiery glow begins building.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Lupdels.
The immaculate drake flaps one wing then the other, alternating at irregular intervals and stirring up a disorienting series of air currents!

Aerilia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

Malkien hurls a savage's savage senci spear savagely studded with savage sanguine serrations at an immaculate drake. The spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that draws a light scratch across her right wrist!
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Salvitoriel lies down.

Ezustrea seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Zehira seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Casari seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Mahe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Misteeus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Lupdels seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Mistanna seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Malkien seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Crobin seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Leayne seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Salvitoriel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Ezerak seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Maraisel seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Damiza seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Haelow seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Golameth seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Aerilia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!

Mistanna retreats from combat.

Mistanna retreats from combat.

Salvitoriel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

Stargazer Mistanna wanders south.

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Knife Clan under attack. Triage is just south of the Y crossroads."

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!

The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Lupdels tries to back out of combat but is unable to get away from a pristine drake!

Mahe falls over.

Zehira gestures.
The air about Zehira begins to bleed with bilious, deep green hues that oddly strain the eye.

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at an immaculate drake. The axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to her right leg!
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ezustrea gets a thin Purple Lion cigarillo from inside her scribe's pack.

An immaculate drake growls lowly and swings at Salvitoriel. The sharp claw lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm!
The pristine drake sweeps its tail along the ground near her talons. A fiery glow begins building.

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Haelow.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Haelow.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Haelow.
The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Zehira.

Leayne is unable to retreat from a pristine drake.

Aerilia continues to roll around frantically.

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to her chest!

Ezustrea drops a thin Purple Lion cigarillo.

Positioning himself in front of Leayne, Madigan absorbs the force of the immaculate drake's attack against his pavise shield!

Lupdels retreats from combat.

Salvitoriel continues to roll around frantically.

Zehira's electrified sand lands a slight static-charged spray to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg!
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Casari.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Zehira.
A pristine drake lurches forward and slashes at Damiza.

The pristine drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Haelow!
A whirlwind of fire erupts around a pristine drake's body, sending tongues of reddish flame flashing in all directions. Pulling away from her, the raging inferno coalesces into the shape of a crouching fire-maned lion. The elemental beast gazes at Haelow, then races toward him, leaping suddenly at the last moment to attack!

The lion slashes at Haelow with its blazing claws, leaving a trail of jagged white-hot lines branded upon him!
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

Lupdels retreats from combat.

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt!

Malkien chants in a contrabass voice:

   "You'll have your peace with Everild"

War Healer Misteeus goes south.

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Haelow.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Haelow.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Haelow.
The pristine drake closes to melee range on Zehira.

Leayne is unable to retreat from a pristine drake.

The pristine drake closes to melee range on Leayne.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Madigan.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Aerilia.

The immaculate drake begins to advance on Malkien.
The pristine drake begins to advance on Lupdels.

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt!

The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Madigan.

A pristine drake lurches forward and slashes at Haelow. The sharp claw lands a good strike (3/23) to his left arm!

Casari says, "No, that's... still not right. But..."

Pack Storyteller Lupdels saunters south.

Mahe falls over.

A pristine drake charges at Damiza.

The immaculate drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Casari!
A dancing flame springs into existence between an immaculate drake and Casari, quickly growing into a raging inferno. A large golden lion steps proudly out of the fire, drawing the flames with it like a shroud. Baring brightly glowing fangs, the lion pounces on Casari!

The lion suddenly yowls and shies away from Casari.
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

The pristine drake begins to advance on Ezerak.

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt!

Aerilia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.

Leayne is unable to retreat from a pristine drake.

The pristine drake closes to pole weapon range on Leayne.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Ezustrea.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Crobin.
The immaculate drake closes to pole weapon range on Ezustrea.
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Madigan.

Malkien protects Aerilia from being engaged.

The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Malkien.

Salvitoriel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished.

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt!

Malkien hurls a savage's savage senci spear savagely studded with savage sanguine serrations at an immaculate drake. The spear lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that stabs the fleshy portion of the right arm!
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

[General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Murder of drakes has arrived at Knife"

The pristine drake tosses her head back and lets out a roar as the flames from her tail grow and lash out towards Damiza!
With a burst of reddish light, a fiery swirl appears in the air beside a pristine drake. A glowing lion that appears to be crafted from dancing crimson flames slinks out of the flaming portal and glances around the area, assessing the situation. With a roar reminiscent of a raging forest fire, the lion suddenly leaps at Damiza!

The lion suddenly yowls and shies away from Damiza.
The fiery lion shakes its glowing mane, then vanishes in a swirl of flames.

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at an immaculate drake. The axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest!
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Leayne smiles at Madigan, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Mahe puts his greatsword in his tyrium baldric.

The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "We have a cleric there...need an empath for that triage location."

Aerilia rolls around on the ground. Typical.

Mahe deftly removes the leather whip from his frog.

Ezustrea seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Zehira seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Casari seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Mahe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Malkien seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Crobin seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Leayne seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Ezerak seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Maraisel seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Damiza seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Haelow seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Golameth seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!

Malkien bull-rushes at an immaculate drake, flattening her with a weighty shoulder strike.

Casari sighs.

Malkien hurls a savage's savage senci spear savagely studded with savage sanguine serrations at an immaculate drake. The spear lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that rips into the right calf, lightly stunning her!
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The web of shadows emits a high-pitched whine. Its mad thrashing momentarily resolves into an emerging pattern of straight lines and geometric shapes that threaten to engulf everything in its reach!

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Calculations updated. Drakes are present in the vicinity of Knife Clan, and combatants are needed to keep them in check."

Aerilia stands up.

The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt!

Aerilia retreats from combat.

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at an immaculate drake. The axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that gouges her forehead!
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Salvitoriel stands up.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

The hiss of bile-green droplets drowns out nearly all other sound as acidic showers erupting from around Zehira soak everything in sizzling wetness!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.

Madigan slides a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield off his left arm, gripping it in one hand.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly back.

Malkien hurls a savage's savage senci spear savagely studded with savage sanguine serrations at an immaculate drake. The spear lands a strong hit (6/23) to her right hand!
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Shaylynne just arrived.

The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Salvitoriel retreats from combat.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's left hind claw.

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side!

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at an immaculate drake. The axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to her abdomen!
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side!

Aerilia throws a glistening white icy spear at an immaculate drake.
The icy spear lands nearby!

The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

Salvitoriel strides south.

Crobin jabs a telothian serrated parazonium at an immaculate drake. The parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest!

The pristine drake begins to advance on Shaylynne.

The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The pristine drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!
The immaculate drake struggles in vain but remains largely immobile!

Aerilia throws a glistening white icy spear at an immaculate drake. The spear lands a light hit (1/23) to her back!
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.

Malkien hurls a savage's savage senci spear savagely studded with savage sanguine serrations at an immaculate drake. The spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that barely breaks the skin of her right leg!
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at an immaculate drake. The axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to her right leg!
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ezustrea seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Zehira seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Casari seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Mahe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Malkien seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Crobin seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Leayne seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Ezerak seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Maraisel seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Damiza seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Haelow seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Golameth seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!

A pristine drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.
A pristine drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.
A pristine drake pauses to sniff the air, then calms visibly.

Salvitoriel just arrived.

Shaylynne springs towards a pristine drake, with the speed of a tiger. Shaylynne angles herself to knock her to the ground!
Shaylynne slams into a pristine drake, knocking her prone!

A torrent of sizzling, bile-green acid sprays outward from Zehira!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!

Shaylynne's claw lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left arm.

Madigan's axe flickers sunny-yellow, lacerating with countless denticulated blade projections and lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Zehira retreats from combat.

Salvitoriel joins Malkien's group.

The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
The pristine drake swiftly bounds south in search of new prey.
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
The immaculate drake shakes her head in frustration, trying to regain her senses!
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.
The pristine drake tastes the air with her tongue and tilts her head in curiosity.

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "Pfanston, objection--assuming facts very much not in evidence."

Ershta Zehira traipses south.

Malkien's spear lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that cuts deeply into the left tricep.
The savage spear lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that pierces straight through the breastbone to lodge the serrated parazonium in the heart.

Golameth lowers his head briefly before unleashing a roar hinting at a fatal following.

Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's back.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.

Shaylynne gets a sleek ka'hurst meteor hammer with twin star-shaped heads from inside her madun bindle.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at a pristine drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

Madigan's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's back.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ezustrea seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Casari seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Mahe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Malkien seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Crobin seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Leayne seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Ezerak seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Maraisel seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Damiza seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Haelow seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.
Golameth seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
The flames extinguish themselves.

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that scratches a long swath of skin along the abdomen (A fine wound to show to friends!).
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that just barely penetrates the skin to nick the stomach ('Tis but a scratch!), lightly stunning her.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

[General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Combatants needed at Knife Clan"

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Madigan's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's right arm.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at a pristine drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's dragonlike snout.

Malkien's spear lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that drives the savage spear under the sternum to pierce the heart.
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's chest.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Salvitoriel gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake collapses to the ground!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake collapses to the ground!
An immaculate drake shivers as a layer of frost covers her body!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake collapses to the ground!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake collapses to the ground!
A pristine drake gasps in shock as her body is completely coated in a layer of frost!
A pristine drake collapses to the ground!

Ezerak's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's left hand.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Malkien's spear lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's back.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

The Zoluren company marches into view, their ranks in perfect formation.

Zfora gestures.
The air about Zfora begins to bleed with bilious, deep green hues that oddly strain the eye.

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Ghust, just south of Knife CLan. Look for a bannered room. Valynn and Harsh are there."

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest.

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that painfully mashes several toes of the left foot.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived, leading her group.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Ezerak's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.
The throwing axe lodges itself deeply into the immaculate drake!

Haalik Showldh Utbrach just arrived.

Madigan's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

[General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "I will open a moongate at Crossing Empath in a minute"

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that lightly bruises the drake's side with an attack which fails to pierce the skin.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that bites deeply into the side of the neck.
The throwing axe lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Alternating waves of hot and cold swirl through the area in abnormal patterns as greenish acid falls in a horizontal rain all around Zfora!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's face as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave melts nearly the entirety of an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her, leaving areas where white bone is visible underneath.
The pristine drake teeters and nearly falls over.

Utbrach gets a war hammer from inside his haversack.

Madigan's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that savages the belly to expose the intestines.
The hurling axe lodges itself deeply into the immaculate drake!

[General] Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "what kind of drakes?"

Zfora makes a sweeping gesture with one arm, bringing it up from the sky down towards the ground.
With a slurping sound, a massive torrent of viscous red and green goo rains from above!

Roughneck Rileos just arrived, leading his group.

The immaculate drake rears up, her throat expanding dramatically as she unfurls her wings! Thrusting her snout at Utbrach and beating the air violently, the immaculate drake blasts him with impossibly powreful blasts of air!
Utbrach squares against the powerful currents, leaning into his war shield!

The immaculate drake is enraged by Ezerak's attack!
Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that slices through the neck and sends the drake's head flying through the air.
The throwing axe lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Malkien chants in a contrabass voice:

   "Triage is south"

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Madigan's axe lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that cleaves off the tips of several of the drake's fingers.
The hurling axe lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "See last time there were drakes to fight at Knife Clan I was totally useless, and also I'm a coward."

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ershta Zehira just arrived.

Rileos's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's right arm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Sibilant jets of vile acid spout from around Zfora, dyeing the vicinity an obscene shade of green!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's face as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is stunned!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Madigan's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left leg.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that scratches the right bicep (But another battle scar for the drake's collection!).
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The golden light atop the enclosure flares, then dims. The Immortals are focused elsewhere!

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Rileos's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that scratches the left elbow.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

[General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Nevermind, can't open a gate"

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right arm.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Haxen just arrived.

Utbrach closes to melee range on an immaculate drake.

The immaculate drake slowly tips over and falls down.

Madigan's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's chest.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that cuts deeply into the left tricep.
The savage spear lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's chest.

Tear Reaper Tambellis just arrived.

Malkien's spear lands a powerful strike (10/23) that tears the left leg from the socket when the savage spear gets jammed between thigh and hip.
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

The greenish radiation around Zfora burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's slitted right eye as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake teeters and nearly falls over.

Tambellis joins Malkien's group.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's chest.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left arm.

Rileos's spear lands a strong hit (6/23) that lightly pierces the left forearm.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that pierces straight through the breastbone to lodge the serrated parazonium in the heart.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's abdomen.

Malkien's spear lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's right arm.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The hiss of bile-green droplets drowns out nearly all other sound as acidic showers erupting from around Zehira soak everything in sizzling wetness!
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left leg.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that tears a small piece of skin from the left calf.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Golameth asks, "Malkien you pick up some roars?"

Rileos's spear lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's neck.

Shaylynne just arrived.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right leg.

Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's head.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.

Malkien's spear lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's chest.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Sir Madigan goes south.

Briaen makes a sweeping gesture with one arm, bringing it up from the sky down towards the ground.
With a slurping sound, a massive torrent of viscous red and green goo rains from above!

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that scratches the right bicep (But another battle scar for the drake's collection!).
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Rileos's spear lands a good strike (3/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side, lightly stunning her.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the right hamstring.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

The greenish radiation around Zehira burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is severely stunned!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at a pristine drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's dragonlike snout.

Golameth lowers his head briefly before unleashing a roar hinting at a fatal following.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes south, leading her group.

Rileos gets a polished silversteel throwing axe sculpted with the lines of an anguished visage from inside his war belt.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good hit (2/23) that temporarily knocks away the drake's breath with a light blow to the chest.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at a pristine drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Sibilant jets of vile acid spout from around Haxen, dyeing the vicinity an obscene shade of green!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's slitted left eye as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's face as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's face as it blasts across her.

Rileos's axe lands a good hit (2/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.

Malkien's spear lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that exposes bone along the entire left arm and spatters blood everywhere.
The savage spear lodges itself deeply into the immaculate drake!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right arm.

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left hand.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

A Zoluren Captain yells, "Archers stand ready!"

[General] Your mind hears Ruea thinking, "It MUST be Wolf Clan, Knife Clan is a feint! You are wasting time!"

Haxen whips his meteor hammer at a pristine drake. A pristine drake deftly sidesteps Haxen's meteor hammer.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Briaen gestures at a pristine drake.
Writhing black and red particles form around the pristine drake and pierce her body!
A pristine drake suddenly seems pained.

Salvitoriel gestures.
The earth beneath your feet begins to shake violently!
A pristine drake is thrown to the ground by the heaving of the earth!
An immaculate drake is thrown to the ground by the heaving of the earth!
The immaculate drake manages to stay upright, but looks a bit wobbly!
The pristine drake manages to stay upright, but looks a bit wobbly!
A pristine drake is thrown to the ground by the heaving of the earth!
The pristine drake manages to stay upright, but looks a bit wobbly!

Rileos's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

A Zoluren commander yells, "Pikemen down!"

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that lightly cuts the drake's forearm, lightly stunning her.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The front row of pikemen forming the defense for the Zoluren company suddenly kneel down, revealing a line of archers!

Between Zehira's hands, ichorous yellow-black needles twist into existence, like suppurating wounds in the air. They are drawn into a circle facing the immaculate drake.
The immaculate drake's thick-scaled forearm is jerked slightly.
The immaculate drake's scales is momentarily pinched outward in several places.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that buckles the left knee for a moment with a painful frontal blow.

Malkien's spear lands a massive strike (11/23) that pierces through the shoulder of the right arm and forces it and the arm to separate in a painful bloody display.
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that rips skin and exposes bloody cartilage under the left kneecap.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the serrated parazonium deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Malkien lowers his head briefly before unleashing a roar hinting at a fatal following.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that cuts deeply into the drake's groin.
The throwing axe lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at a pristine drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

The greenish radiation around Haxen burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's slitted right eye as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's slitted right eye as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave directly blasts into a pristine drake's scaly chest, destroying the majority of the torso as it does so. All that remains is a bleached center of a skeleton that clatters to the ground.
The arcing electricity along the pristine drake's tail ceases.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.

An opposing commander yells, "Archers, prepare to return fire!"

The Zoluren archers of the the Zoluren company let loose of their bowstrings! Multitudes of arrows sail into the air towards the heraldic company.

Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.

Rileos's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that raps her sharply across the knuckles.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a solid hit (4/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Malkien's spear lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that rips the entire left arm from its socket.
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

[General] Your mind hears Ruea thinking, "I have nothing to gain from misleading anyone now, come to Wolf Clan."

The greenish radiation around Zfora burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is stunned!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the chest with a blow to the ribcage.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Briaen says, "Electric attacks may empower them, do be careful."

The hiss of bile-green droplets drowns out nearly all other sound as acidic showers erupting from around Zehira soak everything in sizzling wetness!
The wave melts nearly the entirety of an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her, leaving areas where white bone is visible underneath.
The immaculate drake is dealt a vicious stun!
The wave melts nearly the entirety of an immaculate drake's scaly back as it blasts across her, leaving areas where white bone is visible underneath.
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.

A Zoluren commander yells, "Row two!"

A Heraldic commander yells, "Pikemen down!"

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that rips apart the left bicep and splinters the bones of the upper arm, stunning her.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a hard hit (5/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at a pristine drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Malkien's spear lands a devastating hit (17/23) that tears the left leg from the socket when the savage spear gets jammed between thigh and hip.
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.
The throwing axe lodges itself deeply into the immaculate drake!

The first row of archers kneel to the ground, while re-nocking their bows. Behind them, a second row of archers stand upon the ground.

The front row of pikemen forming the defense for the heraldic company suddenly kneel down, revealing a line of archers!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that shatters both shoulders with a blow to the upper back.

Alternating waves of hot and cold swirl through the area in abnormal patterns as greenish acid falls in a horizontal rain all around Haxen!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.

  • Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that shatters every bone in the left arm, ripping it from its socket.

Zfora is revealed.
The greenish radiation around Zfora burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's face as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is stunned!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.

The second row of Zoluren archers pull back their bowstrings, aiming them towards the heraldic company.

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at a pristine drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's serpentine neck.

Malkien throws his head back and lets out a high-pitched roar, seemingly filled with battle madness.

Ezerak's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that tattoos a fine imprint of the throwing axe onto the drake's neck.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Damiza holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Rileos says, "Need more holy casters at Wolf Clan."

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that leaves her with a short bloody stump of a left leg.
The arcing electricity along the immaculate drake's tail ceases.

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

The Heraldic archers of the the heraldic company let loose of their bowstrings! Multitudes of arrows sail into the air towards the Zoluren company.

The greenish radiation around Zehira burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
The wave completely engulfs an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it passes by, erasing it down to bleached bones that clatter down to the ground.
The immaculate drake is severely stunned!
The immaculate drake crumbles to the ground, her tail lashing wildly in agitation!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
The wave melts nearly the entirety of an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her, leaving areas where white bone is visible underneath.
The immaculate drake is dealt a vicious stun!

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right eye.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Salvitoriel's cutlass lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.

Malkien's bearing is full of confidence and battle fury, and that fury is expressed in a roar of unrelenting rage.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Golameth's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Continued updates. The time is now. Equal resources are needed at both Tiger Clan and Wolf Clan. Those who are capable, keep the drakes at bay in Knife Clan."

Firehawk Casari goes south.

Golameth's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's back.

With a loud **TWANG**, all the bowstrings are released at once, sending a flight of death towards the heraldic company.

Harsh screams of pain and surprise echo through the area as the lethal rain of arrows comes down upon the unlucky victims of the Zoluren company.

Salvitoriel's cutlass lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left leg.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

Ezerak's axe lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that shatters the right elbow into grinding splinters.
The throwing axe lodges itself deeply into the immaculate drake!

Golameth's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's left hand.

Salvitoriel's cutlass lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's neck.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that punches a hole through the skin on its side.

Malkien's spear lands a strong hit (6/23) to the drake's back.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a solid hit (4/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a hard hit (5/23) to her muscular left leg!
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!

Harsh screams of pain and surprise echo through the area as the lethal rain of arrows comes down upon the unlucky victims of the heraldic company.

A Heraldic commander yells, "Row two!"

Crobin says, "Nuts attack."

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left arm.

Golameth's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that rips a small chunk of flesh from the drake's left forearm.

Salvitoriel's cutlass lands a solid hit (4/23) that just barely penetrates the skin to nick the stomach ('Tis but a scratch!).

A Zoluren commander yells, "Crossbowmen!"

The first row of archers kneel to the ground, while re-nocking their bows. Behind them, a second row of archers stand upon the ground.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a heavy strike (7/23) to a pristine drake's muscular left leg.

The pristine drake is enraged by Malkien's attack!
Malkien's spear lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that lightly bruises the drake's side with an attack which fails to pierce the skin, lightly stunning her.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Golameth's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that nicks the neck with a light scratch, lightly stunning her.

Salvitoriel's cutlass lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's back.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right arm.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly chest!

The second row of archers kneel. The crossbowmen behind them point their fully loaded weapons at the heraldic company.

The second row of Heraldic archers pull back their bowstrings, aiming them towards the Zoluren company.

Salvitoriel's cutlass lands a solid hit (4/23) that cuts deeply into the drake's groin.

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

Malkien's spear lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that embeds the savage spear into the top of the drake's left foot.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Salvitoriel's cutlass lands a good hit (2/23) that raps her sharply across the knuckles.

Rileos's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ezerak's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the serrated parazonium deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's back.

The Zoluren crossbowmen fire their weapons! Bolts zip through the air at a tremendous speed, heading straight towards the heraldic company!

With a loud **TWANG**, all the bowstrings are released at once, sending a flight of death towards the Zoluren company.

Briaen gestures at a pristine drake.
Several shards of elemental flame fly at a pristine drake!
The fire shard glances off her shield.
The shard hits a pristine drake squarely in the scaly abdomen, sending her reeling and scorching the scales.
The fire shard glances off her shield.
The shard strikes her scaly chest like a flaming hammer, smashing bone and incinerating flesh.
The fire shard glances off her shield.
The shard hits a pristine drake squarely in the scaly back, sending her reeling and scorching the scales.
The fire shard glances off her shield.
The fire shard clouts a pristine drake hard on the side of her dragonlike snout.
The fire shard glances off her shield.
The fire shard smashes into her muscular left leg, breaking it and burning away the flesh.
The arcing electricity along the pristine drake's tail ceases.

Salvitoriel sidesteps and adjusts his footing.
Salvitoriel makes an agile leap towards a pristine drake, attacking it with a mighty cleave!

Salvitoriel's steel cutlass lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's dragonlike snout!

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that rips into the right calf.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left leg.

The pristine drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from a pristine drake!
A bolt glances off Ezustrea's target shield, causing a shower of sparks.
Ezustrea flinches as a bolt grazes her chest and scorches the skin.
Ezustrea is lightly stunned!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Zehira!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Haxen!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Crobin!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Briaen!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Ezerak!

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) that rips the top layer of skin from the drake's chest and exposes underlying muscle.
The throwing axe lodges itself firmly into the pristine drake!

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that bruises the right hamstring.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Damiza asks Crobin, "You trained your nuts to attack?"

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a hard hit (5/23) to her muscular right leg!

A Zoluren commander yells, "Repeat!"

A Heraldic commander yells, "Crossbowmen!"

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that tears a small piece of skin from the left calf.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

A Zoluren commander yells, "Pikemen down!"

The second row of archers kneel. The crossbowmen behind them point their fully loaded weapons at the Zoluren company.

Damiza holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Ezerak's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that rips skin and exposes bloody cartilage under the left kneecap.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's dragonlike snout.

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.

Haxen asks, "Do we need to be cutting vines anywhere like at dirge?"

Crobin says, "My kitten Nuts."

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's serpentine neck.

The front row of pikemen forming the defense for the Zoluren company suddenly kneel down, revealing a line of archers!

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

Crobin says, "Yes."

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg.

Malkien's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left arm.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.
The pristine drake teeters and nearly falls over.
The pristine drake slowly tips over and falls down.

Ezerak's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that explodes the chest in a shower of blood and splintered ribs.
The throwing axe lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

The Heraldic crossbowmen fire their weapons! Bolts zip through the air at a tremendous speed, heading straight towards the Zoluren company!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a hard hit (5/23) that thumps painfully on the toes of the left foot.

Golameth's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that painfully mashes several toes of the left foot.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left hand.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a solid hit (4/23) that staggers her with a bruising drive between the shoulders.

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Malkien's spear lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that severs the webs between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand.
The savage spear lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Golameth's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.

The greenish radiation around Zfora burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's slitted right eye as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's slitted right eye as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.

Madigan joins Malkien's group.

Salvitoriel's cutlass lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly back.

The Zoluren archers of the the Zoluren company let loose of their bowstrings! Multitudes of arrows sail into the air towards the heraldic company.

A flight of slender-tipped arrows soars through the air in a graceful arc before coming to earth, shredding the front ranks of the Zoluren company.

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scales!

Rileos's axe lands a good hit (2/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the chest with a blow to the ribcage.

Damiza says, "Oooh..... that Nuts."

Sibilant jets of vile acid spout from around Zehira, dyeing the vicinity an obscene shade of green!
The wave completely engulfs an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it passes by, erasing it down to bleached bones that clatter down to the ground.
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.
Writhing black and red particles leap from the dead immaculate drake and into a pristine drake's body!

As the onslaught of arrows rain down, soldiers fall in an almost random pattern. Some of the luckier ones manage to raise their shields in time. Those that do not sprawl awkwardly to the ground, pinned in place by the arrows like insects in a grotesque display.

A Heraldic commander yells, "Repeat!"

Leayne laughs at Damiza.

Malkien's spear lands a powerful strike (10/23) that pierces clean through the abdomen and out the back (Shiskabob!).
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that painfully mashes several toes of the left foot.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone, Maraisel kicks her foot at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake badly fails to parry with a razor-sharp talon. The foot lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that slams the sternum into the heart with a sickening *Crack!*.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Rileos's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's chest.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

A Zoluren commander yells, "Row two!"

A Heraldic commander yells, "Pikemen down!"

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a hard hit (5/23) to her scaly chest!

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Moving with powerful grace, Maraisel kicks her foot at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake fails to block with a thick-scaled forearm. The foot lands a good hit (2/23) that temporarily knocks away the drake's breath with a light blow to the chest.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that bites deeply into the left calf.
The throwing axe lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that explodes the chest in a shower of blood and splintered ribs.

The first row of archers kneel to the ground, while re-nocking their bows. Behind them, a second row of archers stand upon the ground.

The front row of pikemen forming the defense for the heraldic company suddenly kneel down, revealing a line of archers!

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Etasia, you can absolutely be of use. Come towards Knife Clan and you will see triage."

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's left hind claw.

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Ezerak's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.
The throwing axe lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Madigan's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's chest.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's dragonlike snout.
The immaculate drake slowly tips over and falls down.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

The second row of Zoluren archers pull back their bowstrings, aiming them towards the heraldic company.

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a good strike (3/23) to her scaly chest!

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Moving with deft grace, Maraisel punches an armor-clad fist at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake barely fails to block with thick-scaled forearm. The fist lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the left forearm.

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right arm.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

The Heraldic archers of the the heraldic company let loose of their bowstrings! Multitudes of arrows sail into the air towards the Zoluren company.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.

Madigan asks, "We have vines to cut yet?"

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest.

Malkien's spear lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) that skewers a perfect hole between the shoulder blades (Heart Burn!).
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left arm.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

With a loud **TWANG**, all the bowstrings are released at once, sending a flight of death towards the heraldic company.

The soldiers of the Zoluren company smoothly raise their shields as the arrows fly toward them. Most of the arrows are blocked, though it severely damages many of the shields. Scattered grunts and cries of pain from throughout the the Zoluren company are testament that not all were so lucky.

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly chest!

Madigan's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that painfully mashes several toes of the left foot.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Rileos's axe flashes midnight-blue, lacerating with many acutely-angled blade fragments and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Whistling through the air at tremendous speeds, the arrows quickly close the ranks between the opposing units. Arcing down in the middle of the formation of the heraldic company they find their marks. Anguished screams shatter the air, some choking off into blood-soaked gurgling.

A Heraldic commander yells, "Row two!"

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's right leg.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's left hind claw.

Salvitoriel gestures.
Ice crystals begin to form in the air.
A pristine drake shivers as a layer of frost covers her body!
A pristine drake shivers as a layer of frost covers her body!
An immaculate drake shivers as a layer of frost covers her body!
A pristine drake shivers as a layer of frost covers her body!
An immaculate drake shivers as a layer of frost covers her body!
A pristine drake shivers as a layer of frost covers her body!

Rileos's axe flashes midnight-blue, lacerating with many acutely-angled blade fragments and lands a good strike (3/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Briaen swipes his fingertips over his hand, collecting blood on them.
The blood on Briaen's hand seems to burble and shift before he flicks his wrist to send the incarnadine droplets hurtling towards a pristine drake!
The pristine drake manages to intercept some of the droplets with her shield.
The droplets blast apart as they impact the pristine drake's scaly chest, emitting wrathful hissing noises and inflicting forceful burns.
The force of the vile explosives knock a pristine drake flat!

Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right leg.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.

Malkien chants in a contrabass voice:

   "No vines, kill them.  Triage is south"

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

A Zoluren commander yells, "Crossbowmen!"

The first row of archers kneel to the ground, while re-nocking their bows. Behind them, a second row of archers stand upon the ground.

Madigan's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's right arm.
The hurling axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's back.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest, lightly stunning her.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that drives the serrated parazonium deep into the ribcage to savage the lungs.

Ezerak says to Madigan, "Just drakes, sir."

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. A pristine drake deftly sidesteps Mahe's leather whip.

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's left hand.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Moving skillfully, Maraisel punches an armor-clad fist at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake badly fails to block with a razor-sharp talon. The fist lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left eye, lightly stunning her.

The second row of archers kneel. The crossbowmen behind them point their fully loaded weapons at the heraldic company.

The second row of Heraldic archers pull back their bowstrings, aiming them towards the Zoluren company.

Damiza says, "Doesn't look like it."

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's abdomen.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Aerilia's spear lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's right arm.
The icy spear lands at Aerilia's feet.

Malkien's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right leg.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that etches a light cut into the right side of the chest.

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly back!
The pristine drake is knocked completely senseless!

Malkien's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right leg.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The Zoluren crossbowmen fire their weapons! Bolts zip through the air at a tremendous speed, heading straight towards the heraldic company!

With a loud **TWANG**, all the bowstrings are released at once, sending a flight of death towards the Zoluren company.

Whistling through the air at tremendous speeds, the arrows quickly close the ranks between the opposing units. Arcing down in the middle of the formation of the heraldic company they find their marks. Anguished screams shatter the air, some choking off into blood-soaked gurgling.

Arrows fall sporadically among the Zoluren company's ranks, killing and injuring some unlucky souls.

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scaly chest!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

Malkien's spear lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that pierces clean through the abdomen and out the back (Shiskabob!).
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

Ezerak's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that scratches the right hamstring in a light blow barely worth mentioning.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's scaly abdomen.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's right arm.

A Zoluren commander yells, "Repeat!"

A Heraldic commander yells, "Crossbowmen!"

Zehira gestures, drawing her hands out and back fluidly.
Between Zehira's hands, ichorous yellow-black needles twist into existence, like suppurating wounds in the air. They are drawn into a circle facing the pristine drake.
The pristine drake's thick-scaled forearm is jerked slightly.
Great sections of the pristine drake's scales are ripped away and suctioned toward Zehira, pelting her with a grisly red rain.

Ezerak's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that lightly cuts the drake's forearm.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a light hit (1/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Golameth's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's right leg.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's right hind claw.

With strength, Maraisel claws her fingers at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake badly fails to parry with a razor-sharp talon. The fingers lands a good strike (3/23) that rips skin and exposes bloody cartilage under the left kneecap.

Rileos's axe lands a light hit (1/23) that cuts deeply across the pectoral muscles.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

Golameth's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's abdomen.

A Zoluren commander yells, "Pikemen down!"

The second row of archers kneel. The crossbowmen behind them point their fully loaded weapons at the Zoluren company.

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scales!

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that scratches the right forearm.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Utbrach's shield lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left hand.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that painfully mashes several toes of the left foot.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Moving skillfully, Maraisel punches an armor-clad fist at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake attempts to dodge. The fist lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the right hamstring.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that barely punctures the skin on the upper chest causing a slight welt, lightly stunning her.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly chest.

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart, severely stunning her.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular left leg.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's slitted right eye.

The front row of pikemen forming the defense for the Zoluren company suddenly kneel down, revealing a line of archers!

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

Ezerak's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that staggers her with a bruising drive between the shoulders.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that collapses the ribcage and bursts the diaphragm in a messy splattering of bloody pink froth.

Poshly gets a polished silversteel throwing axe sculpted with the lines of an anguished visage from inside his hitman's backpack.

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that pricks the drake's back (Get your needle work out!), lightly stunning her.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Damiza says, "Yell out if you need heal."

Sightless Ezustrea glides south.

Ezerak's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that cuts deeply into muscle on the right thigh.
The throwing axe lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

The Heraldic crossbowmen fire their weapons! Bolts zip through the air at a tremendous speed, heading straight towards the Zoluren company!

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a solid hit (4/23) to her scales!

Rileos's axe flickers midnight-blue, lacerating with many acutely-angled blade fragments and lands a solid hit (4/23) that explodes the heart and lungs with a bone-shattering blow to the chest.
The arcing electricity along the pristine drake's tail ceases.

Crobin's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) that penetrates deeply into the muscles of the chest.

Salvitoriel's cutlass lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's left leg.

Damiza holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Malkien's spear lands an obliterating hit (20/23) (Hodierna winces!) that pierces through the shoulder of the right arm and forces it and the arm to separate in a painful bloody display.
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the immaculate drake!

The Zoluren archers of the the Zoluren company let loose of their bowstrings! Multitudes of arrows sail into the air towards the heraldic company.

Arrows fall sporadically among the Zoluren company's ranks, killing and injuring some unlucky souls.

Rileos's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left hand.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ezerak's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that cuts deeply into the drake's groin.
The throwing axe lodges itself firmly into the immaculate drake!

Golameth's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that scratches the right hamstring in a light blow barely worth mentioning.

Harsh screams of pain and surprise echo through the area as the lethal rain of arrows comes down upon the unlucky victims of the heraldic company.

A Heraldic commander yells, "Repeat!"

An icy blade circling Salvitoriel glances off a pristine drake's shield and lands a hard hit (5/23) to her scaly chest!

Malkien's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left arm.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's left arm.

Golameth's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's neck.
The immaculate drake slowly tips over and falls down.

A Zoluren commander yells, "Row two!"

A Heraldic commander yells, "Pikemen down!"

Utbrach's shield lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's back.

Sightless Ezustrea just arrived.

Briaen makes a sweeping gesture with one arm, bringing it up from the sky down towards the ground.
With a slurping sound, a massive torrent of viscous red and green goo rains from above!

Golameth's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that just barely penetrates the skin to nick the stomach ('Tis but a scratch!).

Ezerak's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that lightly cuts the drake's forearm.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Rileos's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's chest.

Moving skillfully, Maraisel punches an armor-clad fist at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake attempts to dodge. The fist lands a good hit (2/23) that rips into the skin of the left arm in a strong swipe.

Malkien's spear lands a powerful strike (10/23) that spills bile upon the ground as the savage spear drills a hole straight through the drake's spleen.
The savage spear lodges itself savagely into the pristine drake!

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's dragonlike snout.

Shaylynne whips her meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

The first row of archers kneel to the ground, while re-nocking their bows. Behind them, a second row of archers stand upon the ground.

The front row of pikemen forming the defense for the heraldic company suddenly kneel down, revealing a line of archers!

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Ezerak's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that bruises the chest with a blow to the ribcage.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Golameth's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Rileos's axe lands a good hit (2/23) to the drake's chest.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen.

Madigan recites:

   "Malkien, we are moving this unit. We need to relocate to Wolf Clan. Move this fighting unit first to triage and then to Worf Clan."

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Malkien's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) to the drake's left arm.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

The second row of Zoluren archers pull back their bowstrings, aiming them towards the heraldic company.

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

Rileos's axe lands a light hit (1/23) to the drake's chest.

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's left leg.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

The Heraldic archers of the the heraldic company let loose of their bowstrings! Multitudes of arrows sail into the air towards the Zoluren company.

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.

Zfora is revealed.
The hiss of bile-green droplets drowns out nearly all other sound as acidic showers erupting from around Zfora soak everything in sizzling wetness!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's slitted right eye as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that glances the war hammer across the forehead.

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) to the drake's neck.
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that nicks the drake's left forearm.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Moving as a single sinuous force, Maraisel kicks her foot at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake badly fails to block with a razor-sharp talon. The foot lands a good strike (3/23) that knocks the drake's breath away with a loud *Whuff* as the stomach takes full force of the blow, lightly stunning her.

With a loud **TWANG**, all the bowstrings are released at once, sending a flight of death towards the heraldic company.

Unlucky soldiers topple to the ground when falling arrows catch them unawares. Despite these random casualties, the wide majority of the Zoluren company remain untouched.

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Tambellis!
The air around Salvitoriel reverberates unnaturally, hindering the attack.
The sphere surrounding Salvitoriel thrums with energy and he seems somehow empowered.
A bolt glances off Salvitoriel's ceremonial shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Salvitoriel, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his back.
Salvitoriel is lightly stunned!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses an arisen wyvern zombie!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Crobin!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Utbrach!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Haxen!

Golameth's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that crushes the pelvis with a loud snap, knocking her completely senseless.

Malkien's spear lands a heavy strike (7/23) that scratches a long swath of skin along the abdomen (A fine wound to show to friends!).
The savage spear lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Rileos's axe lands a good strike (3/23) that barely pierces the skin to nick the chest.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Ezerak's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that rips away the eyebrow and surrounding tissue above the left eye.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the immaculate drake!

Madigan says, "Alright, this is a ruse here. Watch is moving to Wolf Clan."

Damiza holds out her arms, then brings them down evenly.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
A pristine drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.
An immaculate drake wobbles slightly, then collapses into sleep.

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped right wing.

Whistling through the air at tremendous speeds, the arrows quickly close the ranks between the opposing units. Arcing down in the middle of the formation of the heraldic company they find their marks. Anguished screams shatter the air, some choking off into blood-soaked gurgling.

A Heraldic commander yells, "Row two!"

A swarm of drakes fly by, spewing a gout of flame at you before moving to the southwest!
Ezustrea bursts into flames!
Poshly bursts into flames!
Madigan bursts into flames!
Shaylynne bursts into flames!
Tambellis bursts into flames!
Haxen bursts into flames!
Zehira bursts into flames!
Briaen bursts into flames!
Rileos bursts into flames!
Utbrach bursts into flames!
Salvitoriel bursts into flames!
Zfora bursts into flames!
Leayne bursts into flames!
Aerilia bursts into flames!
Golameth bursts into flames!
Haelow bursts into flames!
Damiza bursts into flames!
Maraisel bursts into flames!
Ezerak bursts into flames!
Crobin bursts into flames!
Malkien bursts into flames!
Mahe bursts into flames!

Mahe whips his leather whip at an immaculate drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's claw-tipped left wing.

Madigan retreats from combat.

Madigan retreats from combat.

Golameth's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that breaks the right femur and cleaves clean through the hamstring.

The immaculate drake crumbles to the ground, her tail lashing wildly in agitation!

Sir Madigan goes south.

Sibilant jets of vile acid spout from around Haxen, dyeing the vicinity an obscene shade of green!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's face as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's scaly chest.

Rileos joins Malkien's group.

Ezerak's axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to the drake's chest.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

The first row of archers kneel to the ground, while re-nocking their bows. Behind them, a second row of archers stand upon the ground.

A Zoluren commander yells, "Crossbowmen!"

Briaen swipes his fingertips over his hand, collecting blood on them.
The blood on Briaen's hand seems to burble and shift before he flicks his wrist to send the incarnadine droplets hurtling towards a pristine drake!
The pristine drake manages to intercept some of the droplets with her shield.
The droplets blast apart as they impact the pristine drake's face, emitting wrathful hissing noises and inflicting forceful burns.
A pristine drake is staggered by the force of the vile explosives!
The pristine drake is dealt a vicious stun!

Malkien says, "Moving back."

Golameth's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that nearly tears the entire left quadricep clean from the bone.

The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Haxen.

A torrent of sizzling, bile-green acid sprays outward from Zfora!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly chest as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's face as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that slams the sternum into the heart with a sickening *Crack!*.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main company!

Golameth's axe lands a very heavy hit (8/23) that slashes skin and sinew along the back to expose the spinal cord (Nasty!).

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that staggers her with a bruising drive between the shoulders.

The second row of Heraldic archers pull back their bowstrings, aiming them towards the Zoluren company.

The second row of archers kneel. The crossbowmen behind them point their fully loaded weapons at the heraldic company.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good strike (3/23) to a pristine drake's left hind claw.

Shaylynne wanders south.

Haxen seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Tambellis seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Poshly seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Ezustrea frantically runs around in circles as the flames consume her chest!
Mahe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Malkien seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Crobin seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Ezerak seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Maraisel seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Damiza seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Haelow seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Golameth seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Aerilia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Leayne seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Zfora seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest!
Utbrach seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Rileos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Briaen seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest!
Zehira seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Rileos retreats from combat.

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

Poshly's axe flashes midnight-blue, erupting with many acutely-angled blade fragments and lands a good strike (3/23) to the drake's chest.
The throwing axe lands at Poshly's feet.

Mahe whips his leather whip at a pristine drake. The leather whip lands a good hit (2/23) to a pristine drake's muscular right leg.

Malkien says, "Retreat and south."

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that drives the lungs into the throat with a strike to the solar plexus.

Malkien says, "Retreat and south."

Damiza retreats from combat.

Rileos retreats from combat.

Malkien says, "Retreat and south."

Serial Killer Damiza limps south.

Roughneck Rileos moseys south.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that bruises the left forearm.

Mageling Aerilia strides south.

With a loud **TWANG**, all the bowstrings are released at once, sending a flight of death towards the Zoluren company.

Leayne is unable to retreat from a pristine drake.

The Zoluren crossbowmen fire their weapons! Bolts zip through the air at a tremendous speed, heading straight towards the heraldic company!

Chakrel Heart Malkien swaggers south.

Briaen retreats from combat.

The soldiers of the Zoluren company smoothly raise their shields as the arrows fly toward them. Most of the arrows are blocked, though it severely damages many of the shields. Scattered grunts and cries of pain from throughout the the Zoluren company are testament that not all were so lucky.

A flight of slender-tipped arrows soars through the air in a graceful arc before coming to earth, shredding the front ranks of the heraldic company.

Briaen retreats from combat.

Fluidly, Maraisel punches an armor-clad fist at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake barely fails to block with thick-scaled forearm. The fist lands a good strike (3/23) that deeply bruises the right thigh.

Ezerak's axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that cuts the neck deeply with the end of the weapon.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Leayne is unable to retreat from a pristine drake.

Crobin retreats from combat.

[General] Your mind hears Etasia thinking, "Would luv to but I found it impossible to move about the other eve fighting them. I do not trust in this, I rest soon for the guild patrols also. May all of the defenders be most deadly this eve."

Crobin grabs Leayne's arm and drags her south with him.

Briaen retreats from combat.

Dawnsworn Briaen goes south.

The immaculate drake swishes her tail back and forth like a whip before cracking it loudly upon the ground, sending tendrils of electricity lashing out!
A storm of blinding white lightning arcs from an immaculate drake!
Haelow deflects a bolt with his ceremonial shield!
A bolt of lightning narrowly misses Zehira!
A bolt glances off Haxen's demonscale shield, causing a shower of sparks.
The worst of a bolt misses Haxen, but tendrils of lightning lash out in passing to scorch his left arm.
A bolt glances off Ezustrea's target shield, causing a shower of sparks.
Ezustrea stares in shock at the remains of her right leg as it is blown completely off her body by a lightning bolt.
Ezustrea is severely stunned!
Ezustrea screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!

A Heraldic commander yells, "Crossbowmen!"

A Zoluren commander yells, "Repeat!"

Ezustrea screams and falls to the ground grasping her mangled right leg!

Golameth bull-rushes at a pristine drake. Passing by, he backhands the pristine drake to the ground.

Utbrach's hammer suddenly cries out "Justice!" as it flares white hot and lands a good strike (3/23) that explodes the chest in a shower of blood and splintered ribs.

Ezerak's axe lands a hard hit (5/23) that knocks the drake's breath away with a loud *Whuff* as the stomach takes full force of the blow.
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

The second row of archers kneel. The crossbowmen behind them point their fully loaded weapons at the Zoluren company.

A Zoluren commander yells, "Pikemen down!"

Golameth's axe lands an extremely heavy hit (9/23) that partially splits the sternum, snapping some ribs surrounding the heart.

Ezustrea's in shock and dying!

* Ezustrea is slain before your eyes!

The fiery marks branding Ezustrea slowly fade away.

The heraldic company, ill-organized due to their losses, repositions into a reinforced unit.

A group of the enemy breaks off from the main unit!

The hiss of bile-green droplets drowns out nearly all other sound as acidic showers erupting from around Zfora soak everything in sizzling wetness!
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is lightly stunned!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is stunned!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is lightly stunned!
The immaculate drake closes to melee range on Zfora.
The pristine drake swiftly bounds northeast in search of new prey.
The pristine drake flaps one wing then the other, alternating at irregular intervals and stirring up a disorienting series of air currents!

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

The front row of pikemen forming the defense for the Zoluren company suddenly kneel down, revealing a line of archers!

Golameth's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that shatters the right elbow into grinding splinters.

Ezerak says, "Keep these at bay, let those there work."

Haxen retreats from combat.

The Heraldic crossbowmen fire their weapons! Bolts zip through the air at a tremendous speed, heading straight towards the Zoluren company!

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

Ezerak's axe lands a heavy strike (7/23) that breaks the right femur and cleaves clean through the hamstring.
The throwing axe lodges itself deeply into the pristine drake!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

Utbrach retreats from combat.

Haxen goes south.

Golameth slices a monstrous igorat axe with a gnarled haft wrapped in goblin-skin leather at a pristine drake. The axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that cleaves the right arm from the shoulder!
The powerful currents swirling about the pristine drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

A volley of arrows fly through the air, landing in the middle of the Zoluren company. Soldiers sprawl to the ground, dead or injured with shafts bristling from their contorted bodies. Despite this minor success, the sheer number of soldiers in the Zoluren company far outnumbers the arrows being fired at them.

The Zoluren archers of the the Zoluren company let loose of their bowstrings! Multitudes of arrows sail into the air towards the heraldic unit.

Moving skillfully, Maraisel punches an armor-clad fist at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake attempts to dodge. The fist lands a light hit (1/23) that breaks the right femur with a sickening crunch of splintered bone.
The immaculate drake crumbles to the ground, her tail lashing wildly in agitation!

Golameth slices a monstrous igorat axe with a gnarled haft wrapped in goblin-skin leather at a pristine drake. The axe lands a strong hit (6/23) to her right arm!

A Heraldic commander yells, "Pikemen down!"

A Zoluren commander yells, "Row two!"

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at a pristine drake. The axe lands a solid hit (4/23) to her left arm!
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

The front row of pikemen forming the defense for the heraldic unit suddenly kneel down, revealing a line of archers!

The first row of archers kneel to the ground, while re-nocking their bows. Behind them, a second row of archers stand upon the ground.

Moving skillfully, Maraisel punches an armor-clad fist at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake badly fails to parry with a razor-sharp talon. The fist lands a light hit (1/23) that slams the sternum into the heart with a sickening *Crack!*.

A Heraldic commander yells, "FIRE!"

The second row of Zoluren archers pull back their bowstrings, aiming them towards the heraldic unit.

Driving in like the irresistable force of a cyclone, Maraisel kicks her foot at an immaculate drake. An immaculate drake fails to block with a thick-scaled forearm. The foot lands a good strike (3/23) that shatters every bone in the left arm, ripping it from its socket.
The powerful currents swirling about the immaculate drake cease as her lifeforce fades.

The greenish radiation around Zfora burbles warningly before a sphere of hissing acid spews forth in all directions!
The wave deeply pits an immaculate drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
The immaculate drake is stunned!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
A pristine drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The pristine drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's scaly back as it blasts across her.
An immaculate drake roars and her skin crackles as the electricity from the attack is absorbed along branching pathways between her triangular scales. The immaculate drake looks revitalized!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.

The Heraldic archers of the the heraldic unit let loose of their bowstrings! Multitudes of arrows sail into the air towards the Zoluren company.

A Zoluren commander yells, "FIRE!"

Brutish Miscreant Mahe just arrived.

The soldiers of the Zoluren company smoothly raise their shields as the arrows fly toward them. Most of the arrows are blocked, though it severely damages many of the shields. Scattered grunts and cries of pain from throughout the the Zoluren company are testament that not all were so lucky.

With a loud **TWANG**, all the bowstrings are released at once, sending a flight of death towards the heraldic unit.

A swarm of drakes fly by, spewing a gout of flame at you before moving to the southwest!
Mahe bursts into flames!
Tambellis bursts into flames!
Ezustrea bursts into flames!
Zehira bursts into flames!
Zfora bursts into flames!
Golameth bursts into flames!
Haelow bursts into flames!
Maraisel bursts into flames!
Ezerak bursts into flames!

A torrent of sizzling, bile-green acid sprays outward from Zfora!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular left leg as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits a pristine drake's slitted right eye as it blasts across her.
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's scaly abdomen as it blasts across her.
The wave deeply pits a pristine drake's serpentine neck as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake is stunned!
The wave lightly pits an immaculate drake's muscular right leg as it blasts across her.
The pristine drake slowly tips over and falls down.

Ezerak hurls a light haralun throwing axe at a pristine drake. The axe lands a hard hit (5/23) to her chest!
The throwing axe lodges itself shallowly into the pristine drake!

Golameth chops a monstrous igorat axe with a gnarled haft wrapped in goblin-skin leather at a pristine drake. The axe lands a strong hit (6/23) that gouges her forehead!

Mahe whips his meteor hammer at an immaculate drake. The meteor hammer lands a good strike (3/23) to an immaculate drake's muscular right leg.

(Fighting continued at Knife Clan. Meanwhile, at the other Clans…)

Tiger Clan

[Grassland Path, Edge of the Primal Encasement] To the south, the forest is neatly cleared, revealing a clean crater littered with torn soil and tumbling rocks. The forest pathway neatly skirts the northern edge of the crater, the village gate torn in half, the sign nowhere to be seen. A churning wall of writhing vines and flowing stone now occupies the space where Tiger Clan once stood, forming a large teardrop atop which erupts a beam of golden light. You also see a swaying plant dancing to a melody only heard by the vela'tohr, a black dog that is sitting and a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood. Also here: Anointed Soul Efratue, Haalik Showldh Utbrach, Stellar Statistician Urbaj who is blurred by hazy afterimages, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Danger Wizard Dasheek who has a stony visage, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Black Dog Maintain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Enelne's Repent Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Bioexorcist Karthor, Holy Vengeance Imroth and Wharf Wolf Khearkrash. Obvious paths: east, west. Illiya says, "I want to see the feint though." Illiya grins, revealing her dimples. Imroth chuckles. Efratue gestures. Illiya says, "I'll be right back." Imroth nods. Karthor says, "Just don't faint at the sight o' the feint." Dasheek joins Illiya's group. Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes west, leading her group. Efratue bows his head and chants catechisms. Imroth chuckles at Karthor.

A beam of golden light focuses upon the encasement, burning the air and streaming with holy fury! You sense it is your duty to help guide the light that Their strike land true!

Pack Brother Ghust just arrived. Karrissa just arrived. Nawain nods. Imroth blinks. Ghust quietly asks, "This where th slauterin will be?"

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Nawain says, "One of them."

Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain winces. Nawain exclaims, "Sorcery!" Ghust quietly asks, "Um,,,,whats that?" Nawain exclaims, "Hurry!" Karthor says, "Have a close look at that light, methinks." Karthor points at a dim beam of holy light. Khearkrash says, "Use.sorcery." Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived, leading her group. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya joins Imroth's group. Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain winces. Ghust quietly says, "Nope aint touchin that." Mathematician Avrenka goes west. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

* Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived. Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says, "Look at the light." Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks, "What's going on here?" Imroth says, "We can control it." Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust shakes his head. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust quietly says, "Nope nope nope." Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain bobs a brief, respectful bow towards Unaka. Illiya beams at Unaka! Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor waves to Unaka. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Unaka nods. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks, "What are we supposed to do?" Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karrissa goes east. Imroth smiles at Unaka. Khearkrash says to Ghust, "Touch the dang light Ghust." Nawain nods to Unaka. Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka asks, "Seems like something's going on. What'd I miss?" Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka just touched an unfocused beam of holy light. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust quietly asks, "Why??" Nawain says to Avrenka, "Push the light." Imroth says, "The light is safe." Illiya just touched an unfocused beam of holy light. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Dasheek looks at Unaka and shrugs. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks, "We don't have to focus it?" Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Valynn just arrived. Ghust just touched an unfocused beam of holy light. Nawain says, "We can do that when it's strong." Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Avrenka says, "When it diffuses, we need to refocus." Khearkrash says, "I will focus it, keep charging it people." Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air. Firehawk Casari just arrived. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Fanatic Jecala just arrived. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain exclaims, "I'm needed at Wolf. Keep going! We're helping!" Thinker Couri just arrived. Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain beams! Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Enelne's Repent Nawain lopes west. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka says, "Well I'll protect while we figure it out. Tell me where to go if you need me." Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka says to Unaka, "Perhaps you'd be better at Knife where the battle is." Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust quietly says, "Ummmm ahm totally lost her." Unaka nods to Avrenka. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust quietly says, "Here." Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka says, "I'll get there then." Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash asks, "Unaka, perhaps you can help with powering it?" Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth exclaims, "Keep pushing the light!" Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn asks Illiya, "You have triage taken care of here?" Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka asks, "Oh uh, which is it? Fight or power?" Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash says, "Push it to brighten." Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Illiya says, "Um.." Ghust touched his root. Maintain gestures at Avrenka. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Esotericist Eyst just arrived. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya says, "I can watch." Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn says to Unaka, "Tiger Clan right now." Dasheek says to Valynn, "That's the best combat empath we've got."

The holy light wavers a moment, and then dims, returning to a more stable intensity!

Reverend Sebb just arrived. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Unaka nods to Valynn. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Eyst glances at Unaka. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Valynn grins at Dasheek. Kerennya says, "I'll swap to triage if needed." Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says to Unaka, "Checkw ith the other clans." Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Eyst says, "Ah, there's a light here as well." Valynn grins at Kerennya. Illiya asks, "What is the alternative to triage?" Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash says, "Stop pushing for a moment, needs to be stable." Unaka asks, "So you want me to make the light brighter?" Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth nods to Eyst. Firehawk Casari goes east. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Firehawk Casari just arrived. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn asks, "Great. Can we get a banner here and also one west?" Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Green Mountain Grakraw just arrived. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Unaka says, "I'll banner, sure." Eyst says, "I believe the group at Wolf Clan has focused their light more." Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth bows his head and chants a prayer. Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth says, "Working on a banner." Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka says, "I'll get the one west." Dasheek says, "I saw the light at Wolf dim, and felt the immortals attention elsewhere." Valynn loudly asks, "Can we banner here and also one west of here?" Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Holy Guardian Unaka strides west. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth gestures. A lucent sphere enfolds Eyst. A lucent sphere enfolds Valynn. A lucent sphere enfolds Avrenka. A lucent sphere enfolds Urbaj. A lucent sphere enfolds Kerennya. A lucent sphere enfolds Khearkrash. Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya says, "Circle looks good." Couri raises her hands skyward, chanting. Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived. Imroth says, "Oh." Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka joins Imroth's group. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says, "I can't do one on top fo you all." Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn grins at Unaka. Unaka says to Imroth, "Oh, yeah, huh." Green Mountain Grakraw trudges west.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says, "You are all too strong." Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Green Mountain Grakraw just arrived. Ghust quietly says, "Wow that was...wow." Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn says to Unaka, "Thank you." Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka says, "It's working, I think." Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka says, "Whatever it is we're doing." Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka asks Imroth, "Get one east?" Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth nods to Unaka. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn nods. Khearkrash exclaims, "Focus people!" Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn says, "Aye, there's one east."

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Unaka asks, "So we're sure we need to make it brighter?" Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Black Dog Maintain treads west. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks Unaka, "...yes?" Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka asks Avrenka, "Why?" Holy Vengeance Imroth trudges west, leading his group. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Holy Vengeance Imroth just arrived, leading his group. Avrenka ponders. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn asks Khearkrash, "You have triage and combat take care of here?" Imroth shrugs. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash says, "We will take back this clan in the name of the immortals." Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka says, "Uh." Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks, "Should it be dimmer?" Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala quietly says, "Pull it to dim it." Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya joins Imroth's group. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Esotericist Eyst plods east. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks Unaka, "What do you think?" Unaka asks Avrenka, "How do we know what it needs?" Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Dasheek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Unaka asks, "What have we seen so far?" Illiya says, "I thought the circle looked good." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala quietly exclaims, "Nudge it!"

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Karthor says to Unaka, "It looks a lot like the holy light what blasted the Dirge encasement away not long ago. That'un was strong an' bright all on its own though." Efratue softly says, "Nudge it to coherence." Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek says, "Yeah, we're seeing the light fade, and then get too intense.." Imroth nods. Avrenka asks, "Are you saying we should ... have it in balance?" Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek says, "WHen it is right, it is a perfect circle." Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust looks at the beam and concentrates. Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Khearkrash exclaims, "Pay attention and we will get it!" Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka says, "I'm just saying maybe we should think it through." Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka ponders. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth nods to Unaka. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Ghust just touched a black oak beam mottled by weathering. Dasheek says, "THere." Avrenka says, "Ok wait." Illiya says, "Wait." Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek says, "THAT." Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya says, "Wait there."

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya ponders. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust just touched a dim beam of holy light. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya says, "Or do something to put it back into a circle." Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka nods to Illiya. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka says to Illiya, "That sounds good."

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Avrenka asks, "Circle being Truffenyi's preferred shape?" Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Illiya studies her silkcress-bound almanac closely. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Firehawk Casari goes west. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks, "Too dim now?" Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth nods. Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth says, "Now nudge." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash says, "Good now." Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek says, "Oh, too much..." Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Valynn goes west. Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Grakraw looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Unaka asks, "Maybe it went too far?" Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash exclaims, "Stable light, make it a circle!" Ghust quietly says, "Nudgin it makes it shrink." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates.

(look light) Splitting the sky, the wavering holy light shines with a golden radiance, focused upon the encasement. As you watch, the light seems to both drift in and out of focus, and brighten and dim, as if it was not just yet ready for action. You feel drawn to it, a comforting tugging within your chest like a rallying cry. You believe you could STUDY it to learn more.

Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Grakraw looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash says, "Its supposed to be small ghust."

(study light) You believe you could NUDGE the light to refocus it, PUSH it to make it brighter, and PULL it to make it dimmer. The light wavers with a serene calm, and you are confident it is safe to interact with.

Dasheek asks, "Make it a circle, then nudge it?" Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust nods. Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek asks, "What do you think?"

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Ghust quietly says, "Okay." Khearkrash says, "Small focused, and strong." Illiya exclaims, "There!"

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Unaka asks, "Now what?" Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

A scorpion scurries into the area and seems to look around. It grasps something you cannot see with its claws, and pulls a moment, before vanishing into a haze of golden light!

Ghust just touched a dim beam of holy light. Jecala quietly exclaims, "Push it!" Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya says, "I'm coordinating with Nawain to get the Wolf Clan one too." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Unaka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks, "Is there something we're supposed to do when it turns into a circle?" Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust quietly says, "Ooo a scorpion." Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash says, "Like this pike." Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says, "A scorpion." Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya asks, "Did any of you just see Urrem'tier run in?" Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj nods to Kerennya. Avrenka says, "Yes." Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth nods to Kerennya. Jecala quietly says, "Yep." Unaka nods to Kerennya. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust quietly says, "Yep." Illiya nods. Dasheek says, "I believe we focus it once it is a perfect circle." Avrenka says, "He found something." Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash says, "We are taking it in his name." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

Your palms are covered in a warm golden glow for a moment, which slowly fades.

Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka ponders. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Ghust quietly says, "Wow." Avrenka holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Momus just arrived. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Momus babbles something incoherent at Illiya. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Dasheek nods to Momus. Momus waves to Dasheek. Dasheek says to Momus, "Yo." Kem just arrived. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka asks, "Oh too bright?" Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Momus exclaims, "Yo!" Illiya grins at Momus, her dimples flashing into view. Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth nods. Kem goes west. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala quietly says, "PULL." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Esotericist Eyst just arrived. Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Urbaj holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Eyst casually observes the area. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Firehawk Casari just arrived. Momus asks, "Pull what? the beam?" Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates.

Something stirs in the shadows nearby, and a pair of cat eyes stare you down, sizing you up. A blade is drawn, a dry rasp that seems to echo, and a chill runs down your spine.

Couri holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala quietly says, "The night." Urbaj says, "Pull the light." Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala quietly says, "Light rather." Sebb holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Eyst says, "I've just been to Liraxes. He's implied that... err.." Avrenka says, "Damaris." Ghust holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Urbaj shivers. Unaka nods to Avrenka. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Avrenka says to Eyst, "What is it? Speak up." Sebb holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Eyst shakes his head. Couri holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Eyst says, "Right. He suggests that the lights must not be TOO bright or TOO dim." Khearkrash exclaims, "We have the immortals with us, keep going!"

A splash of sea spray catches you by surprise, though the sensation is invigorating.

Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Momus says, "Pew pew pew." Kerennya smiles. Imroth nods. Avrenka nods. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. The glowing aura fades from around Efratue. A loud purring noise comes from Avrenka's general direction. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Illiya says, "Sea spray." Imroth says, "Maybe we don't need quite so many working on them." Avrenka asks Eyst, "Is there something we're supposed to do when it's just right?" Couri holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

Your palms are covered in a warm golden glow for a moment, which slowly fades.

Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Unaka asks Eyst, "He say anything else?" Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Eyst says to Avrenka, "Err, not that he said." Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor says, "So we keep the light level just right, an' nudge it toward the encasement while it's in that state, I s'pose." Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka mutters something into the air about goldlocks over here. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue softly says, "Eluned if its the sea spray." Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Illiya nods in agreement. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks, "Maybe we focus it when it's just right?" Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya says, "Yes, she spoke to me." Unaka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka says, "I mean, nudge it." Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. With a rising crescendo in her voice, Casari reprises the strong measures of the chorus one more time before bringing her enchante to an abrupt conclusion. Ghust looks at the beam and concentrates. Eyst says, "I'm off to Wolf Clan, if you have positive results let us know over the gweth." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor nods at Avrenka, obviously agreeing with his views.

You gently nudge the beam, urging it to greater coherence. The beam shrinks a bit, forming a small dot on the encasement.

Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Esotericist Eyst plods west. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash says to Avrenka, "Yes." Ghust looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates.

A kindly woman with pale skin and black hair appears before you and smiles softly. You feel yourself drawn forward, but she shakes her head and holds one hand up, palm forward. You blink, and she vanishes.

Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri gasps! Urbaj says, "I'm not sure we're doing anything wrong with this approach...the Immortals are at work." Efratue softly asks, "Hodernia?" Jecala kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers. Unaka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala stands up.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Khearkrash says, "Small, sharp strong point to pierce it." Jecala chants solemnly, "May Be'ort's gaze not fall upon your love, nor his ire upon your family. Do not offend him, lest you die in anguish, madness and pain." Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Levie fades into view. Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kerennya says, "I think we are supposed to stop now." Momus says, "I think this place is haunted." Urbaj holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash says, "Like a scorpion's tail." Kerennya says, "Eluned gestured to stop." Avrenka holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Illiya says, "Let's stop then."

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Momus nods. Avrenka ponders. Dasheek nods. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue lifts his voice in praise of the gods, reciting for all to hear:

    "I Thank the viper for the gifts of Strength and Mind
     I thank the Kingsnake for the gifts of Love, Honor, and Pride
     I thank the Cobra for the gifts of Language, Creativity, and Magic
     Hav'roth, Lord of Stone, Protect me with your scales
     Peri'el may your battle with the World Dragon give me Courage
     Ushnish, maybe your venom smite my foes"

Efratue looks up and sighs, smiling. Unaka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Momus goes east. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Momus just arrived. Momus goes west. Jecala quietly says, "At least we're not being lit on fire like the others." Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Mathematician Avrenka goes east. Imroth says, "Maybe only react when you see it has changed." Mathematician Avrenka just arrived. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Karthor looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash says to Imroth, "Probably best." Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Wildflower Levie pads west. Karthor holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka says, "Perhaps we need to slow down how much we push and pull the light." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Avrenka says, "We seem to be alternating between too much of either." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka says, "Perhaps everyone just push or pull it once." Imroth nods to Avrenka. Khearkrash ponders. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. You hold your hands out and sweep back, using your mind to pull at the light, willing it to dim. The beam dims a little, and you feel a warm pulling in your chest. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

Khearkrash exclaims, "Everyone wait!" Ghust nods. Khearkrash says to Imroth, "Push when it dims."

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Khearkrash says to Unaka, "Pull when its too bright."

A splash of sea spray catches you by surprise, though the sensation is invigorating.

Unaka nods to Khearkrash. Unaka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Khearkrash says, "Ill focus it." Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Avrenka nods. Urbaj slowly empties his lungs. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka says, "Do it slowly, not everyone at once." Ghust quietly says, "Eluned wants us ta stop ah thihnk."

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue softly says, "Back to Eluned again." Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Esotericist Eyst just arrived. Grakraw looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Grakraw looks at the beam and concentrates. Avrenka says, "Perhaps we don't want to over focus it." Avrenka says, "Let's wait."

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something. Avrenka says, "Huzzah." Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya says, "Ooh." Avrenka says, "Stop." Unaka grins at Avrenka. Dasheek says, "Nudge it." Avrenka says, "Wait wait wait." Imroth says, "I am just reacting to what I see it needs." Kerennya says, "It's focused." Dasheek says, "Or, I did nudge it, and it formed a small dot on the encasement."

A scorpion scurries into the area and seems to look around. It grasps something you cannot see with its claws, and pulls a moment, before vanishing into a haze of golden light!

Eyst frowns. Market Analyst Ciarelle just arrived. Imroth nods to Dasheek. Avrenka asks, "Ok ... now what?" Illiya looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue softly says, "Urrem'tier again." Dasheek says, "We wait." Imroth says, "Wait a moment." Avrenka says, "I despise waiting." Dasheek says, "Whenever we do that correctly, an immortal comes and snatches something."

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Ghust quietly says, "Yeah....ah think they want us ta stop." Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth exclaims, "Pull!" Imroth says, "Once." Unaka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Light of the World Gwenddolyn just arrived. Sebb holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Avrenka says, "Perhaps only a few of us should manipulate the light." Gwenddolyn waves. Dasheek nods in agreement. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth waves to Gwenddolyn. Light of the World Gwenddolyn goes west. Light of the World Gwenddolyn just arrived. Unaka says, "I'll stand back if you want. Just tell me what to do." Khearkrash says to Unaka, "You were doing great." Unaka says, "Thanks." Valynn just arrived. Unaka grins at Khearkrash.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Dasheek says to Unaka, "Keep that club ready." Imroth pats Unaka on the back.

Valynn falls down! Valynn's in shock and dying!

Avrenka says, "I think we're doing better now than before." Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ghust rests his hand on Valynn's arm with a soft smile. Karthor lays his hand on Valynn's arm. Valynn stirs a bit. Imroth says, "Pull once." Sebb holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Unaka draws forth a notched splitting maul with an ox horn attached to the head. Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Unaka nods to Dasheek. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Karthor assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something. Khearkrash says, "One.person pulls." Unaka says, "Bal Katalni is ready."

The holy light wavers a moment, and then dims, returning to a more stable intensity!

Avrenka holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

You hear a dog barking excitedly, and turning your head catch a glimpse of a streak of black fur trotting away.

Kerennya asks, "Black dog?" Illiya exclaims, "A dog!" Kerennya ponders. Gwenddolyn says, "Hmm." Karthor lays his hand on Valynn's arm. Imroth grins. Avrenka asks, "Meraud, no?" Illiya asks, "Is it Meraud?"

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Dasheek nods. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Karthor gestures toward Valynn's head. Valynn slowly opens her eyes. Eyst mutters something into the air about blasted animals scurrying about. Karthor tries to pull Valynn to her feet, but cannot. Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala quietly says, "Nudge it, slowly." Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust rests his hand on Valynn's arm with a soft smile. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Valynn sits up. Illiya says, "Wolf Clan says they aren't seeing a circle." Druid Zyros just arrived. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Druid Zyros runs west. Illiya ponders. Imroth says, "Push." Avrenka says, "Let's try to limit ourselves to 5 actions." Valynn grins at Karthor. Illiya says, "I'm gonna go check." Ghust quietly says, "Yer good." Imroth says, "Oh sorry." Dasheek nods to Illiya. Imroth shakes his head. Karthor says to Valynn, "Ya picked a good spot to collapse, if nothin' else." Karthor pats Valynn on the back. Illiya glances at Dasheek. Valynn says to Karthor, "Thank you." Ghust chuckles. Avrenka nods to Karthor. Illiya says, "Well I'll be right back." Dasheek says to Illiya, "Ready."

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Valynn says, "Thank you as well Ghust." Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghust nods. Dasheek joins Illiya's group. Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes west, leading her group. Valynn rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Valynn says, "So many drakes at Knife Clan." Avrenka says, "Nice." Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates.

You feel a firm grasp on your shoulder, a comforting warmth encouraging you onward!

Jecala quietly says, "There it is." Kerennya exclaims, "Good!" Gwenddolyn nods to Valynn. Valynn asks, "How can I help here?" Gwenddolyn says, "Yes and I was standing here." Eyst dusts himself off. Gwenddolyn chuckles. Kerennya says, "Right now we wait." Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash exclaims, "Keep going!" Karthor asks Valynn, "Do they need help up there?" Ghust quietly asks, "Push th light right?"

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Avrenka says to Ghust, "Not yet." Jecala quietly says, "Pull it." Khearkrash says, "We are doing great." Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Market Analyst Ciarelle goes west. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Avrenka says to Ghust, "We need to limit ourselves to five actions." Ghust quietly says, "Ah cant handle drakes so ahll stay here."

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Light of the World Gwenddolyn goes west. Efratue softly says, "I think we each do something once when it alters." Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says, "Push once." Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn says to Karthor, "It's hard to tell. I can't get through fast enough to see any bodies." Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka says, "It's too easy to push or pull too mu." Avrenka says, "Much." Imroth glances at Jecala. Karthor nods to Valynn. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash says to Jecala, "Wrong way." Jecala snaps her fingers. Eyst asks, "Have we witnessed any positive signs of a progress from the encasement as of yet?" Jecala quietly says, "It's too dern fast."

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Imroth says, "No."

Urbaj says, "Not from the encasement, but from the immortals doing their work." Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ghust quietly says, "Becomin more stable." Avrenka says, "A few pulls."

A splash of sea spray catches you by surprise, though the sensation is invigorating.

Valynn asks, "That looks promising?" Black Dog Maintain just arrived. Avrenka asks, "Or?"

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Avrenka says, "No, pushes." Imroth says, "Push once." Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn says, "Alright, headed back to Knife Clan." Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka says, "Sorry." Jecala quietly says, "I'm getting way too confused." Light of the World Gwenddolyn just arrived. Avrenka nods to Jecala. Ghust nods at Jecala, obviously agreeing with her views. Avrenka says to Jecala, "I'm not even sure we're doing it right." Valynn goes west. Jecala nods to Avrenka. Gwenddolyn says, "Both west and nw have banners now." Khearkrash says to Unaka, "All good, we must keep at it." Firehawk Casari goes west. Unaka nods to Khearkrash.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says, "Push once." Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash says to Unaka, "They are here with us." Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka says, "All we know is from Liraxes saying we need to make sure it's not too dim, and not too bright." Maintain says, "At Wolf Clan, they push until the beam loses coherence, then nudge until it loses strength." Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Imroth says, "Good." Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka asks Maintain, "Did they liberate Wolf Clan already?" Imroth says, "Hold here."

Eyst gives a slight nod. Maintain says to Avrenka, "No, but the Immortals are with them." Jecala quietly says, "They're still working at it same as us." Avrenka says, "Hm." Pack Storyteller Lupdels just arrived. Khearkrash kneels down and begins to pray. Master Ranger Aidirr just arrived, leading his group. Maintain says to Avrenka, "Pay it no mind. The Paladin Unaka is here." Khearkrash stands up. Unaka smiles at Maintain. Maintain's feet are dripping water everywhere.

A gentle voice plays across the area, "My child, you are performing wonders, and We are nearly ready. You are almost there."

Eyst asks Imroth, "You'd say a slight waver to the light is what we are looking to maintain?" Jecala kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers. Kerennya says, "We are nearly there."

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Imroth smirks. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala stands up. Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Maintain holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kerennya says, "Eluned just spoke." Imroth says, "Pull once." Karthor asks, "How's that fer encouragement?" Kerennya holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Unaka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Karthor grins. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ghust nods. Kerennya nods at Karthor, obviously agreeing with his views. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth glances at Ghust. Aidirr nods to Ghust. Shaylynne just arrived. Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain says to Avrenka, "Devotion is rewarded. You can feel them all around us."

The holy light wavers a moment, and then dims, returning to a more stable intensity!

Avrenka nods to Maintain. Jecala quietly says, "There." Imroth says, "Ghust, please wait." Messenger Miraena just arrived. (Khearkrash raises his pike into a line pointed at where the beam is hitting) Eyst glances at Miraena. Messenger Miraena wanders west. Imroth nods. Avrenka says, "That was ... Miraena." Pack Storyteller Lupdels saunters west. Jecala nods to Avrenka. Avrenka says, "She's going to Asildu." Imroth says, "Sure was." Maintain places his hands together in silent prayer. A smile passes his lips and you can't help but notice how he begins to rub his hands together. Shaylynne wanders west. Gwenddolyn nods. Unaka frowns. Avrenka says, "I'm going to check it out." Unaka asks, "Asildu is around?" Kerennya says, "She wanted to talk to him, so probably." Avrenka puts his compendium in his black backpack. Khearkrash says, "We need to keep it strong like steel, and sharp to a point."

The light flicks back and forth, burning the encasement!

Eyst nods to Unaka. Avrenka says to Unaka, "He's at Knife." Imroth lets out a loud "Huzzah!" Gwenddolyn nods to Unaka. Avrenka exclaims, "It's working!" Kerennya exclaims, "Burning the encasement!" Gwenddolyn says, "He was very angry." Mathematician Avrenka goes west. Imroth exclaims, "We got it to burn!" Unaka touches the kyanite stones on her gwethdesuan. Efratue lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sebb fidgets nervously. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Maintain holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says, "Push once." Urbaj says, "Get your buffs ready." Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Unaka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ghust coughs. Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash bows his head and chants a mantra. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj raises his arm skyward, chanting. Urbaj closes his eyes in concentration. Efratue softly says, "I shall run when bad things come, I will be of no help in the fight." Light of the World Gwenddolyn goes west. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya says, "I'll be heading to triage if drakes attack." Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash nods.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala quietly says, "Stable."

Urbaj gazes at a wavering beam of holy light. Unaka asks, "Who should I protect?" Imroth says, "Hold." Light of the World Gwenddolyn just arrived. Aidirr pets his full-grown wolf. Ghust holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says, "Ghust." Imroth says, "Stop." Ghust quietly says, "Oh sorry." Ghust blushes a bright red color. Dawnsworn Briaen just arrived. Imroth waves to Briaen. Eyst nods politely to Briaen. Briaen nods to Imroth.

You hear a chorus far above, a battlecry screaming in defiance! The beam pulses wildly, and the encasement shudders with the force!

Gwenddolyn says, "Triage is west and northwest if need be." Unaka moves into position to cover Maintain from harm. Imroth lets out a loud "Huzzah!" Eyst asks Briaen, "Did you see Miraena on your way here?" Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Avrenka says, "Ok, ouch." Briaen says to Eyst, "I did not." Sebb holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Khearkrash says to Ghust, "It is alright, we are all stressed, just focus on turning the light into a spear." Urbaj holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth says, "Pull once." Karthor lays his hand on Avrenka's arm. Avrenka says, "Knife Clan is completely swarmed with Drakes, very dangerous." Maintain holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Eyst says, "I suppose she's gone to join Unaka then." Ghust quietly asks, "How is that?" Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Unaka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Eyst says, "Err, Asildu." Eyst says to Unaka, "Apologies." Unaka nods to Eyst. Khearkrash says, "We wil get it to a point and burn it, like venom from a stinger."

Briaen says to Eyst, "If I find Asildu, I'll send him home." Avrenka says to Karthor, "Much thanks." Maintain says, "This monk must go to aid the fallen." Maintain bows. Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Karthor nods to Avrenka. Avrenka nods to Maintain. Unaka nods to Maintain. Ezathiel just arrived. Unaka moves into position to cover Avrenka from harm. Eyst says to Briaen, "I wish you luck with that." Ghust quietly says, "Ah must go do mah job sorry." Black Dog Maintain treads west. Pack Brother Ghust drifts east. Khearkrash says to Briaen, "Send him to Urrem'tier he will have words for him." Eyst asks Briaen, "Were you there when he disappeared into the encasement?" Gwenddolyn says, "I will be west and northwest." Briaen says to Khearkrash, "As you say." Light of the World Gwenddolyn goes west. Unaka rubs her head. Briaen says to Eyst, "I missed him by a few steps." Unaka slowly asks, "He... disappeared?"

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Avrenka says to Eyst, "I saw it." Eyst gives a slight nod. Jecala quietly exclaims, "Stable!" Karthor says, "Methinks I'll go check on the folks at Knife Clan, the seem to be droppin' some and might could use someone to help hold folks up." Imroth says, "Hold." Ezathiel casually observes the area. Karthor adjusts the fit of his spectacles. Kerennya nods. Avrenka nods to Karthor. Karthor raises his hand in a quick salute. Bioexorcist Karthor plods west. Kerennya says, "I can handle any healing here." Imroth nods. Dawnsworn Briaen goes west. Unaka says, "You all tell me if I should go fight too, or stay here." Avrenka says, "I would open gates except something is blocking my moonbeams." Khearkrash traces an odd shape in the air with his finger and frowns when nothing happens. Imroth says, "You should go fight." Eyst says, "Taken into the vines. I worry the next time we see him we'll have a better idea of what changes Miraena may have been talking about." Imroth says, "They probably need you." Unaka nods to Imroth. Unaka says, "Knife Clan? Okay." Imroth nods to Unaka. Valynn just arrived.

The beam falters a moment, sputtering as it searches across the encasement for a new section!

Khearkrash says, "Stay safe." Avrenka asks Unaka, "You know the way?" Unaka says, "Yeah, thanks." Unaka waves. Avrenka nods.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Avrenka looks at the beam and concentrates. Efratue looks at the beam and concentrates. Kerennya looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth says, "Nudge once." Holy Guardian Unaka strides west. Khearkrash looks at the beam and concentrates. Grakraw looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala looks at the beam and concentrates. Urbaj looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth looks at the beam and concentrates. Couri looks at the beam and concentrates. Sebb looks at the beam and concentrates. Khearkrash bows his head and chants a mantra. Grakraw gets a massive tyrium nodachi ensnared by luminous morah vines of verdant moonsilver from inside his leather belt. Ezathiel pleasantly asks, "What are we doing here?" Mathematician Avrenka goes west. Eyst gestures at an unfocused beam of holy light. Imroth says, "Light manipulation." Light of the World Gwenddolyn just arrived. Ezathiel pleasantly asks, "How do I help?" Light of the World Gwenddolyn goes west. Kerennya says, "Keeping the light focused and stable." Valynn asks, "How might I help?" Efratue softly says, "Helping the immortals focus their power to free Tiger Clan." Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived, leading her group. Urbaj says, "Watch the light, and listen to Imroth's instructions when it changes." Imroth says, "I will shout out what to do." Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Ok." A full-grown wolf howls for no reason. Kerennya says, "Study the light, we'll call out what to do." Illiya asks, "Did you see the light search for a new section?" Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Will do." Efratue nods. Imroth nods to Illiya. Kerennya nods to Illiya. Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Yes it was searching." Aidirr nods to Dasheek. Khearkrash says to Illiya, "Yes."

The beam snaps onto a thick vine, and several pulses of surging energy roar down the beam!

Dasheek waves to Aidirr. Illiya says, "Things are happening at the same time at both clans then."

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Imroth lets out a loud "Huzzah!" Imroth says, "Push once." Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn says, "Ooo." Sebb holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ezathiel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aidirr holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ezathiel pleasantly says, "This is interesting." Illiya grins at Ezathiel, her dimples flashing into view. Imroth nods to Ezathiel. Ezathiel grins at Illiya. Ezathiel hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return. Valynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya says to Ezathiel, "And thankfully not so dangerous as drakes." Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Agreed." Ezathiel chuckles. Eyst asks, "Another round of pushes perhaps?" Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aidirr paces back and forth, smiling slightly to himself.

A rallying cry echoes across the area, "Continue my child, continue! They are losing their grasp!"

Valynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Imroth says, "One moment." Ezathiel gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Khearkrash says to Eyst, "No, we only react." Valynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kerennya says, "Voice said to continue." Eyst ponders.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Jecala quietly says, "Stable." Efratue softly says, "Stable is good." Imroth says, "Oh, now hold." Imroth says, "We did need a couple more." Khearkrash bows his head and chants a mantra. Eyst nods. Imroth grins. Valynn frets. Khearkrash laughs! Imroth exclaims, "But we are good now!" Khearkrash says, "Guess so."

The light flicks back and forth, burning the encasement!

Ezathiel applauds. Eyst says, "Focused, with a slight waver seems to be the tickdet." (Kerennya cheers for the light) (Valynn glances northwest.) Imroth exclaims, "BURN!" Ezathiel gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Dasheek nods. Kerennya exclaims, "Burn, baby, burn!"

A scorpion scurries into the area and seems to look around. It grasps something you cannot see with its claws, and pulls a moment, before vanishing into a haze of golden light!

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Sebb holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Imroth exclaims, "Pull once!" Urbaj holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kerennya holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Efratue holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Grakraw holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Jecala holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Couri holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Illiya holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Imroth says, "Maybe a couple more." Ezathiel holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Illiya holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Urbaj holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Aidirr holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Khearkrash asks, "Has anyone been to wolf to see how theyre doing?" Dasheek nods. Illiya nods. Ezathiel shakes his head.

Illiya says, "They have a ton of people there." Valynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Dasheek says, "They're doing like us, but with lots more people."

The holy light wavers a moment, and then dims, returning to a more stable intensity!

Aidirr pets his full-grown wolf. Eyst says, "It was hard to tell. There's many more cooks in the kitchen over there." Jecala quietly says, "They're working with Miraena, surprisingly she's helping." Imroth exclaims, "Ok hold!" Kerennya says, "Stable." Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Illiya says, "The progress seems to be around the same at both encasements." Dasheek says, "I think we should nudge it.." Imroth asks, "Miraena is helping??"

Suddenly, you see Them, striding forward, heads held high.

Jecala nods to Imroth.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light.

Kerennya smiles. Eyst frowns.

A proud S'Kra Mur man clad in shifting sands and flowing stars, a menacing cobra wrapped around his shoulders.

A serene woman in shimmering robes that radiate like the first rays of morning, riding atop a muscular cow.

A beautiful woman, holding a sickle in one hand, her other placed on the shoulder of a magnificent unicorn.

A tall man wrapped in a black cloak that seems to blur into a pool of shadows, his passing marked by the rumbling of a panther.

A craftsman clad in tools, a raven perched upon his shoulder, scrutinizing everything.

A kindly man garbed in simple attire, wearing well-worn work gloves and muddy boots, one hand placed on the shoulder of a massive ox.

A slender woman wrapped in green robes and trailing salty mist, her eyes as wide as the sky and deep as the ocean.

A bound and ghostly figure, wrapped in barbed chain, twitching along awkwardly, bearing a tall and patient vulture perched atop his bloody head.

As one, they blur, and erupt with golden light, vanishing.

The light flares with brilliance, a deafening roar drowning out all other noise as it rakes back and forth across the encasement! Vines and leaves explode into ash, stone glows red hot and shatters, and the encasement begins to tear apart!

Eyst gazes off to the south. A tear runs down Couri's face.

With a final surge, a wild pulse of holy energy slams into the remainder of the encasement wall, shattering it entirely!

The encasement slows, the vines browning and fading to ash, the malleable stone crumbling to fine sand. The golden light expands in a radiant explosive shockwave, sweeping the encasement away and knocking you back!

Without warning, a great wind surges through the area!

Dasheek is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Illiya is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Valynn is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Ezathiel is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Lileath is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Karrissa is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Aidirr is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Eyst is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Imroth is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Grakraw is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Sebb is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Couri is suddenly buffeted out of the area. Jecala is suddenly buffeted out of the area. The wind knocks you off your feet. [Grassland Path, Farmlands] A thick rock wall angles from the west around to the south beyond which can be heard the soft lapping and gurgling sounds of what can only be the Segoltha River. Also here: Fanatic Jecala who is lying down, Holy Vengeance Imroth who is lying down, Strawberry Nurse Illiya who is lying down and Danger Wizard Dasheek who is lying down. Obvious paths: southeast, west. Suddenly Khearkrash comes falling into the area followed by the howling of a loud wind! Illiya leaps to her feet! Illiya exclaims, "We did it!" Jecala quietly says, "Oof." Dasheek stands up. Jecala stands up. Imroth stands up. Imroth lets out a loud "Huzzah!" Holy Vengeance Imroth trudges west. Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes west, leading her group. Khearkrash stands up. Wharf Wolf Khearkrash limps west.

Suddenly Khearkrash comes falling into the area followed by the howling of a loud wind! Suddenly Dasheek comes falling into the area followed by the howling of a loud wind! Suddenly Imroth comes falling into the area followed by the howling of a loud wind! Sayase stands up. Imroth says, "Oof." Dasheek stands up. Imroth stands up. Sublime Mender Kerennya just arrived. Holy Vengeance Imroth trudges west. Dasheek points west. Holy Vengeance Imroth just arrived. Mage Slayer Golameth skips southeast. Dasheek says, "It was that way." Khearkrash stands up. Wharf Wolf Khearkrash limps west. Danger Wizard Dasheek strolls west. Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived. Jecala quietly says, "We got swapped with the other clan people." Holy Vengeance Imroth trudges west. Dasheek searches around for a moment. Danger Wizard Dasheek strolls west.

[Grassland Path, Village Gate] A long rock wall extends east and west bordered by the grassland path. Beyond the wall you can make out the thatched rooftops of the village homesteads. The massive village gate stands open, its wooden beams painted with colorful gold and black stripes. You also see a musk hog and a musk hog. Also here: a calmed Master Ranger Aidirr, Master of None Kazmous, Moon Ranger Antharos, Animal Trainer Urist who has a stony visage and Ezathiel. Obvious paths: east, west.

Valynn just arrived. Master Ranger Aidirr goes west. Holy Vengeance Imroth came through a village gate. Valynn goes west. Moon Ranger Antharos goes west, leading his group. Master Ranger Aidirr just arrived. Haxen came through a village gate.

[Grassland Path, Village Gate] A long rock wall extends east and west bordered by the grassland path. Beyond the wall you can make out the thatched rooftops of the village homesteads. The massive village gate stands open, its wooden beams painted with colorful gold and black stripes. You also see a musk hog and a musk hog. Also here: Serial Killer Damiza, Wharf Wolf Khearkrash and Holy Vengeance Imroth. Obvious paths: east, west. withered enaada. Khearkrash and Imroth highfive each other. Imroth exclaims, "Nice work!" Imroth asks, "Is Knife still down?" A musk hog hisses viciously and lunges at Imroth! Imroth says, "Going to check." Khearkrash says, "Aye." Dawnsworn Briaen just arrived. Imroth retreats from combat. Dawnsworn Briaen runs east. Holy Vengeance Imroth trudges west.

Wolf Clan

A golden beam of light pierces the sky, brilliantly illuminating the encasements around Wolf Clan and Tiger Clan!

[Wildulf Woods, Edge of the Primal Encasement] The forest is neatly cleared, revealing a wide crater littered with torn soil and tumbling rocks. A shallow creek neatly terminates into a sloping waterfall, pouring down the crater walls. To the south, a massive encasement of malleable stone and snarled vines writhes in a growing teardrop where Wolf Clan previously stood. Atop the teardrop, a pinnacle of golden light shines upward. You also see a pyroclastic ash cloud, a shining beam of holy light, a colorful elbaite runestone, an azure poplar tree, The Aftermath card and a huge piece of ivory. Also here: Esotericist Eyst, Vagabond Katriwen, Daerlynn, Danger Gnome Messica, Dancer Vixonia who is trailed by softly glowing silvery-blue musical notes, Dawn's Renewer Allye, Ryeka who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Sister Severei who is emanating a bright holy aura, Ghost Hunter Neeno who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Lord Knight Hebion, Desert Dancer Zersha, Knight of Meraud Tirost who is surrounded by seven circling blades of ice, Sothios who is kneeling, Soul Surgeon Zynell who is emanating a bright holy aura, Reverend Gragnel, Ruea, Tempest Knight Saragos who is clenched by a pair of ghostly hands, Primal World Ender Anuril who has a fiery visage and Heart Tender Kethrai. Obvious paths: north.

Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. The air feels thick with an almost palpable sense of malevolence.

Balls of blazing fire continue to descend from a pyroclastic ash cloud, each hurtling down with explosive force!

Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

[General] Your mind hears Ruea thinking, "I have nothing to gain from misleading anyone now, come to Wolf Clan." Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea slowly empties her lungs. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

* Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then dims, returning to a more stable intensity!

Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno gestures at a wavering beam of holy light. A brilliant silver glow surrounds a wavering beam of holy light for a few moments, but nothing else seems to happen. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Continued updates. The time is now. Equal resources are needed at both Tiger Clan and Wolf Clan. Those who are capable, keep the drakes at bay in Knife Clan." Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel exclaims, "We hear your call, and answer it! Praise unto you, our Immortals!" Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Eyst ponders. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Firehawk Casari just arrived. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen exclaims, "Nudge it back again!" Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye mumbles a word of general praise. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai exclaims, "NUDGE it to more coherence!" Ruea quietly says, "Damaris, don't make a fool of me now." Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Elemental Colossus Striphe just arrived. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates.

A swarm of drakes fly by, spewing a gout of flame at you before moving to the northeast! Striphe bursts into flames! Casari bursts into flames! You burst into flames! Eyst bursts into flames! Katriwen bursts into flames! Daerlynn bursts into flames! Messica bursts into flames! Vixonia bursts into flames! Allye bursts into flames! Ryeka bursts into flames! Severei bursts into flames! Neeno bursts into flames! Hebion bursts into flames! Zersha bursts into flames! Tirost bursts into flames! Sothios bursts into flames! Zynell bursts into flames! Gragnel bursts into flames! Ruea bursts into flames! Saragos bursts into flames! Anuril bursts into flames! Kethrai bursts into flames! Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Eyst asks, "Is there another light like this at tiger clan?" Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. A pained expression crosses Allye's face. Saragos snarls. Kethrai falls over. Kethrai rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye touches Daerlynn with a confident grace and familiar smile. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Eyst lies down. Gragnel falls over. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Eyst rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Gragnel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Kethrai seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Anuril seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Saragos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Ruea seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Gragnel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Zynell seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Tirost seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Zersha seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Hebion seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Neeno seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Severei seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Ryeka seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Allye seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Vixonia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Messica seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Daerlynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Katriwen seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Eyst seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Ysilda seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Casari seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Striphe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Anuril falls over. Ruea screams! Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha falls over. Anuril rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai exclaims, "Drop and roll!" Zersha rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Kethrai continues to roll around frantically. Allye falls over. Ryeka begins to dance, her eyes tightly shut and her head thrown back. Allye rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Gragnel continues to roll around frantically. Eyst continues to roll around frantically. Severei falls over. Zynell falls over. Severei rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Saragos lies down. Zynell rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Anuril continues to roll around frantically. Ruea falls over. Vixonia falls over. Zersha continues to roll around frantically. Saragos rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Ruea rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Eyst exclaims, "Blast!" Kethrai continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Firehawk Casari goes north. Vixonia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Allye continues to roll around frantically. Tirost falls over. Tirost rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Eyst continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Gragnel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Severei continues to roll around frantically. Zynell continues to roll around frantically. Anuril continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Zersha continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Hebion falls over. Ruea continues to roll around frantically. Saragos continues to roll around frantically. Hebion rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Kethrai stands up. Ryeka falls over. Allye continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Gragnel leaps to his feet! Vixonia continues to roll around frantically. Messica lies down. Eyst stands up. Messica rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Saragos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Ruea seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Zynell seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Tirost seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Hebion seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Neeno seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Severei seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Ryeka seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Vixonia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Messica seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Daerlynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Katriwen seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Ysilda seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Striphe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Severei continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ryeka rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Anuril stands up. [General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Etasia, you can absolutely be of use. Come towards Knife Clan and you will see triage." Zynell continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ruea continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Zersha rolls around on the ground. Typical. Saragos continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Striphe lies down. Katriwen lies down. Hebion continues to roll around frantically. Zersha rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. Eyst dusts himself off. Tirost continues to roll around frantically. Striphe rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei rolls around on the ground. Typical. Katriwen rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Vixonia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Allye stands up. Ryeka continues to roll around frantically. Messica continues to roll around frantically. Severei rolls around on the ground. Typical. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye touches Vixonia with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Zynell rolls around on the ground. Typical. Neeno lies down. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell rolls around on the ground. Typical. Ruea rolls around on the ground. Typical. Zynell rolls around on the ground. Typical. Severei rolls around on the ground. Typical. Saragos stands up. Neeno rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Zynell rolls around on the ground. Typical. Severei stands up. Hebion continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Kethrai shakes his fist! Tirost continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Zynell stands up. Striphe continues to roll around frantically. Vixonia stands up. Ryeka continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Katriwen continues to roll around frantically. Ruea stands up. Messica continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Neeno seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Daerlynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Katriwen seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Striphe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Hebion stands up. Neeno continues to roll around frantically. Tirost stands up. Eyst says, "It sounds as if our efforts need to match those who are at Tiger Clan." Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye touches Daerlynn with a confident grace and familiar smile. Katriwen continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Vixonia looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Messica stands up. Saragos gestures, and a water ball forms in his hand. Striphe continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Vixonia looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Neeno continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Daerlynn looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka stands up. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Striphe leaps to his feet!

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Katriwen stands up. Ryeka dances, seeking the attentions of her deity. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Neeno rolls around on the ground. Typical. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Neeno stands up. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! The flames extinguish themselves. Daerlynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! The flames extinguish themselves. Enelne's Repent Nawain just arrived. Neeno begins to carefully examine a damite chain lorica. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei nods to Nawain. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos examines a water ball. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye touches Sothios with a confident grace and familiar smile. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye nods to Sothios. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Esotericist Eyst plods north. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. With a wave of Allye's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos yells, "We're coming for you, Wolf Clan!" Allye looks at the beam and concentrates.

Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye exclaims, "Nudge it!" Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye babbles incoherently. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. The faint roar emanating from Saragos's forearms suddenly ceases. Katriwen nods to Allye. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea wobbles, looking a bit faint. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates.

A swarm of drakes fly by, spewing a gout of flame at you before moving to the northeast! Nawain bursts into flames! Striphe bursts into flames! Ysilda bursts into flames! Katriwen bursts into flames! Daerlynn bursts into flames! Messica bursts into flames! Vixonia bursts into flames! Allye bursts into flames! Ryeka bursts into flames! Severei bursts into flames! Neeno bursts into flames! Hebion bursts into flames! Zersha bursts into flames! Tirost bursts into flames! Sothios bursts into flames! Zynell bursts into flames! Gragnel bursts into flames! Ruea bursts into flames! Saragos bursts into flames! Anuril bursts into flames! Kethrai bursts into flames! Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea falls over. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Nawain winces. Severei falls over. Severei rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Zersha falls over. Kethrai says, "Drop and roll." Tirost falls over. Zersha rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Hebion falls over. Tirost rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye falls over. Hebion rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Kethrai falls over. Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Allye rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Nawain falls over. Ruea continues to roll around frantically. Nawain rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Messica lies down. Gragnel falls over. Saragos tosses the water ball up into the air, then catches it roughly between his open palms. Water splashes everywhere, soaking him thoroughly. Severei continues to roll around frantically. Messica rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Anuril seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Saragos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Kethrai seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Ruea seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Gragnel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Zynell seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Tirost seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Zersha seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Hebion seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Neeno seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Severei seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Ryeka seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Allye seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Vixonia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Messica seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Daerlynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Katriwen seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Ysilda seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Striphe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Nawain seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Gragnel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Tirost continues to roll around frantically. Hebion continues to roll around frantically. Ryeka falls over. Zersha continues to roll around frantically. Zynell falls over. Katriwen lies down.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Kethrai continues to roll around frantically. Allye continues to roll around frantically. Zynell rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Nawain continues to roll around frantically. Ryeka rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Katriwen rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Ruea continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Severei continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Gragnel continues to roll around frantically. Messica continues to roll around frantically. Hebion continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Zersha continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Kethrai continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Vixonia falls over. Zynell continues to roll around frantically. Neeno lies down. Saragos lies down. Nawain continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Allye continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Tirost continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Katriwen continues to roll around frantically. Ryeka continues to roll around frantically. Saragos rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Neeno rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Vixonia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea stands up. Gragnel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Striphe lies down. Messica continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Hebion stands up. Kethrai exclaims, "Nudge it!" Striphe rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Daerlynn lies down. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Kethrai stands up. Allye stands up. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain stands up. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Ryeka continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Tirost stands up. Saragos continues to roll around frantically. [General] Your mind hears Etasia thinking, "Would luv to but I found it impossible to move about the other eve fighting them. I do not trust in this, I rest soon for the guild patrols also. May all of the defenders be most deadly this eve." Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Saragos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Neeno seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Vixonia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Daerlynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Ysilda seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Striphe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Vixonia continues to roll around frantically. Gragnel leaps to his feet! Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai touches Anuril with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica stands up. Zynell stands up. Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical. Zersha rolls around on the ground. Typical. Neeno continues to roll around frantically. Katriwen rolls around on the ground. Typical. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Daerlynn stands up. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical. Allye touches Saragos with a confident grace and familiar smile. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen stands up. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos stands up. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka stands up. Striphe continues to roll around frantically. Anuril falls over. Nawain's feet are dripping water everywhere. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Neeno continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia stands up. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai touches Saragos with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Daerlynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Striphe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Striphe continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Kethrai touches Ruea with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Serial Killer Damiza just arrived. Anuril continues to roll around frantically. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei rolls around on the ground. Typical. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye touches Daerlynn with a confident grace and familiar smile. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei rolls around on the ground. Typical. Neeno rolls around on the ground. Typical. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne just arrived. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen's voice soars into the high reaches of the spectrum, each note ringing purely as she continues to sing her enchante. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Zersha rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. Striphe leaps to his feet! Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril stands up. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye asks, "They spit naphtha?" An almost visible connection between Kethrai and Gragnel seems to thrum through the air. Shaylynne seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! The flames extinguish themselves. Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! The flames extinguish themselves. Daerlynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! The flames extinguish themselves. Damiza seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! The flames extinguish themselves. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye frowns. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Kethrai touches Zynell with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye touches Shaylynne with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos exclaims, "Meraud! Guide us!" Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates.

Gragnel appears stronger, while Kethrai seems to weaken. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza falls over. Damiza rolls around on the ground. Typical. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza leaps to her feet! Neeno rolls around on the ground. Typical. Damiza dusts herself off. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril puts his talisman in his silk backpack. Kethrai asks, "Too bright?" Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Neeno rolls around on the ground. Typical. Severei stands up. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno stands up. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel yells, "Remain undaunted! We cannot be swayed by mere fire and flame! You have the flame of the Immortals inside of you! Persevere!" Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen asks, "Maybe yes, pull a little?"

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai exclaims, "PULL it under control!" Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain nods. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Dawnsworn Briaen just arrived. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye nods to Kethrai. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Striphe holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Neeno holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Damiza asks, "What're we pulling?" Severei holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Striphe holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. [General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Watch is relocating to Wolf Clan. We are enroute." Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos says, "The light." Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn exclaims, "The light!" Damiza holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Katriwen says, "The light,." Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Damiza says, "Ok, thank you." Kethrai touches Sothios with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then dims, returning to a more stable intensity!

Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye beams! Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka dances, seeking the attentions of her deity. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Chakrel Heart Malkien just arrived, leading his group. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. [General] Your mind hears Gwenddolyn thinking, "banners are being shredded" Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. An eerie, whispered sigh echoes around Zynell. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai exclaims, "NUDGE it!" Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen says, "Okay now we nudge." Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Momus thinking, "where?" Neeno holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. The air feels thick with an almost palpable sense of malevolence. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Dawnsworn Briaen goes north. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye nods at Katriwen, obviously agreeing with her views. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea says, "If you push it, nudge it next." Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril yawns expansively. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos says, "The light." Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye exclaims, "More nudging!" Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel ponders. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios lies down. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios rolls around on the ground. Typical. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien moves about with magnified violence! Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios stands up. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus presses his palm against the bole of an azure poplar tree, fingers splayed. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye beams! Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Maintain thinking, "Would an empath kindly join this poor monk near the half-open gate?" Katriwen exclaims, "Great, push it now!" Malkien whirls about in a bold, flashy manner! Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai exclaims, "Worked!" Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Harsh holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien says, "Push the light." Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Striphe holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka exclaims, "Hang on, Wolf Clan!"

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Ryeka throws her head back and howls! Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien narrows his eyes, focused within his fury. Malkien whirls about in a bold, flashy manner! Allye exclaims, "Push, push!" Gragnel yells, "Remain stedfast, Adventurers! We shall see the end of these encasements and the return of our Clans!" Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Malkien visibly churns with an inner rage! Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Striphe holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Neeno holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos exclaims, "Push the light!" Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Harsh holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos appears calmer than he did a moment ago. Fearless Crobin just arrived, leading his group. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Allye's ears perk up happily. Neeno looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leayne joins Malkien's group. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin joins Malkien's group. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai exclaims, "Worked!" Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin says, "Sorry about that sir." Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Crobin says, "I wasn't leaving herr behind." Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai exclaims, "NUDGE!"

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos exclaims, "Nudge!" Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. The soft white glow fades from around Severei. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne softly says, "Not sue." Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Neeno looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne rests her hand on Harsh's arm with a soft smile. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne rests her hand on Aerilia's arm with a soft smile. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain asks, "Other group is apparently trying to turn their light into a circle, or something?" Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen exhales involuntarily and shifts her stance, as if now under a heavy burden. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye exclaims, "Nudge, nudge!" Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn just arrived. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye beams! Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea gasps! Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain says, "A perfectly focused circle. Which seems to be what we're already doing." Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain nods. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne rests her hand on Madigan's arm with a soft smile. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Haxen just arrived. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye grins at Nawain. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks! Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Ezerak thinking, "We need an Empath and a Cleric at Knife Clan." Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen says, "Yes, now push I think." Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos exclaims, "Push!" Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye exclaims, "Push!" Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leayne rests her hand on Valynn's arm with a soft smile. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

A scorpion scurries into the area and seems to look around. It grasps something you cannot see with its claws, and pulls a moment, before vanishing into a haze of golden light!

Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye gasps! Malkien says, "Oh." Striphe holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain blinks. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia furrows her brow. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn's feet are dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around her. [General] Your mind hears Rejind thinking, "I am en route." Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka exclaims, "That was new!" Leayne rests her hand on Nawain's arm with a soft smile. Valynn says to Madigan, "The team at Tiger Clan is also focusing on the beam. All is well there right now." Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain says, "Urrem'tier caught something. That's lovely." Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel yells, "The Immortals are with us!" Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Madigan nods to Valynn. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. The fiery marks branding Aerilia slowly fade away. Salvitoriel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Kethrai thinking, "Wolf Clan is so far free of drakes, but we need people here supporting the work." Ryeka nods to Gragnel. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos exclaims, "Immortals, we do Your will!" Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Daerlynn exclaims, "Yes!" Crobin says, "Keep working as a team." Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel yells, "They show to their faithful that they are a part of our struggle!" Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Neeno looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka lets out a hearty cheer for Leayne! Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Gragnel. Valynn says to Madigan, "I will go back to Tiger Clan and help." Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Zynell says, "Urrem'tier stealing again." Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Gwenddolyn thinking, "someone needs to come and grab me from knife and bring me there" Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell giggles. Salvitoriel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel exclaims, "Do, not give up now!" Madigan nods to Valynn. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. A soft silvery light seeps out of Harsh's eyes as he peers around the area. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

(look light) Splitting the sky, the wavering holy light shines with a golden radiance, focused upon the encasement. As you watch, the light seems to both drift in and out of focus, and brighten and dim, as if it was not just yet ready for action. You feel drawn to it, a comforting tugging within your chest like a rallying cry. You believe you could STUDY it to learn more.

Madigan says to Valynn, "Top notch Val." [General] Your mind hears Kethrai thinking, "Those who are too small to fight, this is your spot." Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

(study light) You believe you could NUDGE the light to refocus it, PUSH it to make it brighter, and PULL it to make it dimmer. The light wavers with a serene calm, and you are confident it is safe to interact with. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leayne rests her hand on Malkien's arm with a soft smile. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye exclaims, "Push it brighter!" Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

Your palms are covered in a warm golden glow for a moment, which slowly fades.

Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Valynn goes north. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea says, "Ohh." Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril frowns. Firehawk Casari just arrived. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Salvitoriel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea sighs. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai ponders. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Rejind thinking, "Empath just outside the Knife gate." Anuril adjusts his tyrium hand. Kethrai gazes down at his hands. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leayne rests her hand on Ruea's arm with a soft smile. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha gazes down at her hands. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Allye quietly says, "Wow..." Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai exclaims, "PULL it!" Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye exclaims, "Ah, pull it back a bit!" Harsh holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Crobin holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Firehawk Casari goes north. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "all folks in elanthia come to the clans west of crossing, we need cannon fodder to get rid of all this crap out here. Dont worry we will get you all rezzed eventually." Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Haxen holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Crobin says, "Pulling with you KETH." Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

Something stirs in the shadows nearby, and a pair of cat eyes stare you down, sizing you up. A blade is drawn, a dry rasp that seems to echo, and a chill runs down your spine.

Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

Ryeka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Gragnel yells, "We shall overcome this challenge as we have overcame others before it! We are those imbued with the light of the Immortals!" Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

Allye's ears perk up happily. [General] Your mind hears Ghust thinking, "I am completely lost here" Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha blinks. Ruea gasps! Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Salvitoriel holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Leayne rests her hand on Gragnel's arm with a soft smile. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea says, "He's here." Nawain nods in agreement. Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye beams at Ruea! Katriwen quietly says, "Damaris is here..." Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai says, "There's Damaris..." Kastek just arrived. Madigan smiles at Ruea. Ryeka exclaims, "Tamsine!" Nawain holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully. Ryeka nods. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zynell grins. Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin says, "DAMARIS." Ryeka exclaims, "And Damaris!" Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin says, "WE KNEW IT." Crobin holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Nawain exclaims, "Keep going!" Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea nods. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates.

A splash of sea spray catches you by surprise, though the sensation is invigorating.

Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Madigan exclaims, "Nice!" Malkien holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. [General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "Wold and Knife clans?" Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Tirost smiles. Crobin holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye gasps! Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain says, "Eluned." Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai asks, "Eluned?" Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain nods. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha rubs her eyes. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea says, "The gods are with us." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka nods. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost nods to Ruea. Malkien holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Haxen gasps! Crobin holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Neeno lets out a loud "Huzzah!" Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos flashes a quick grin at Ruea. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

Your palms are covered in a warm golden glow for a moment, which slowly fades.

Crobin says, "The Immortals are answering all our calls." Nawain holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Severei throws her head back and howls! Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos slowly empties his lungs. Gragnel yells, "Lord Damaris answers our prayers!" Malkien holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Clearing up Wolf Clan presently. Drakes are all over Knife Clan." Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye exclaims, "Nudge!" Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell bows her head and mutters a short prayer in a hushed voice. Raising her head, she glances to the shadows with a knowing smile. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates.

Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. You gently nudge the beam, urging it to greater coherence. The beam shrinks a bit, forming a small dot on the encasement. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. [General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "heading to Knife clan" Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril flicks bits of dirt and lint off his damask cloak, and a small dust cloud flies from the firestorm damask. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne presses her palm against the bole of an azure poplar tree, fingers splayed. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye's ears perk up happily. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye says, "Much better." Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leayne softly asks, "Who put the tree up?" Salvitoriel looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kastek looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn begins to sing, a gentle arpeggio of notes that segues into a soft melodic introduction. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost gets a dark cube inlaid with shards of blackwater jet from inside his sling bag. Tirost traces a geometric sigil in the air.

A kindly woman with pale skin and black hair appears before you and smiles softly. You feel yourself drawn forward, but she shakes her head and holds one hand up, palm forward. You blink, and she vanishes.

Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Kastek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head. Esotericist Eyst just arrived. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain says, "Elyhaar." Aerilia furrows her brow. Nawain nods. Aerilia nods. Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin shivers. Katriwen nods to Nawain. Ryeka nods. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

A swarm of drakes fly by, spewing a gout of flame at you before moving to the northeast! Eyst bursts into flames! Kastek bursts into flames! Haxen bursts into flames! Leayne bursts into flames! Crobin bursts into flames! Mistanna bursts into flames! Harsh bursts into flames! Misteeus bursts into flames! Aerilia bursts into flames! Salvitoriel bursts into flames! Madigan bursts into flames! Rileos bursts into flames! Malkien bursts into flames! Shaylynne bursts into flames! Damiza bursts into flames! Nawain bursts into flames! Striphe bursts into flames! Ysilda bursts into flames! Katriwen bursts into flames! Daerlynn bursts into flames! Messica bursts into flames! Vixonia bursts into flames! Allye bursts into flames! Ryeka bursts into flames! Severei bursts into flames! Neeno bursts into flames! Hebion bursts into flames! Zersha bursts into flames! Tirost bursts into flames! Sothios bursts into flames! Zynell bursts into flames! Gragnel bursts into flames! Ruea bursts into flames! Saragos bursts into flames! Anuril bursts into flames! Kethrai bursts into flames! Salvitoriel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye quietly says, "Beautiful." Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril falls over. Zersha falls over. Leayne softly asks, "Who was that woman?" Ryeka falls over. Anuril rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Zersha rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Messica lies down. Nawain says, "ROLL." Hebion lies down. Eyst falls over. Allye falls over. Messica rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Tirost falls over. Gragnel lies down. Eyst rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Ryeka rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Kethrai falls over. Tirost rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Allye rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Nawain falls over. Kethrai rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Gragnel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Hebion rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Katriwen lies down. Nawain rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Severei falls over. Rileos falls over. Madigan says, "Drop and roll." Severei rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Aerilia falls over. Damiza falls over. Rileos rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Saragos lies down. Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia falls over. Ruea falls over. Crobin falls over. Zersha continues to roll around frantically. Aerilia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Damiza rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Anuril continues to roll around frantically. Saragos rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Crobin rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Eyst says, "Blazes." Kethrai seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Anuril seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Ruea seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Saragos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Gragnel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Zynell seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Sothios seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Tirost seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Zersha seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Hebion seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Neeno seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Severei seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Ryeka seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Allye seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Vixonia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Messica seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Daerlynn seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Katriwen seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Striphe seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Nawain seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Damiza seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Shaylynne seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Malkien seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Rileos seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Madigan seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Salvitoriel seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Aerilia seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Misteeus seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Harsh seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Mistanna seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Crobin seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Leayne seems not to notice as the flames consume her chest! Haxen seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Kastek seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Eyst seems not to notice as the flames consume his chest! Vixonia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Messica continues to roll around frantically. Ryeka continues to roll around frantically. Striphe lies down. Zynell falls over. Kethrai continues to roll around frantically. Allye continues to roll around frantically. Ruea rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Striphe rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Eyst continues to roll around frantically. Zynell rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Hebion continues to roll around frantically. Gragnel continues to roll around frantically. Madigan falls over. Tirost continues to roll around frantically. Nawain continues to roll around frantically. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel lies down. Madigan rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Severei continues to roll around frantically. Aerilia continues to roll around frantically. Shaylynne lies down. Rileos continues to roll around frantically. Katriwen continues to roll around frantically. Zersha continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Crobin continues to roll around frantically. Anuril continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ryeka continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Salvitoriel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Shaylynne rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Messica continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Leayne falls over. Kethrai continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Allye continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Vixonia continues to roll around frantically. Striphe continues to roll around frantically. Daerlynn lies down. Gragnel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Leayne rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Haxen falls over. Zynell continues to roll around frantically. Ruea continues to roll around frantically.

Eyst continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Hebion continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Malkien falls over. Daerlynn rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Damiza continues to roll around frantically. Nawain continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Tirost continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Sothios falls over. Malkien rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Madigan continues to roll around frantically. Haxen rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Aerilia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Rileos continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Severei continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Shaylynne continues to roll around frantically. Salvitoriel continues to roll around frantically. Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical. Katriwen continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Crobin continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Anuril stands up. Sothios rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Messica stands up. Zersha rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical. Allye leaps to her feet! Striphe continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Kastek treks north. Kethrai stands up. Zynell continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Vixonia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Misteeus lies down. Allye touches Vixonia with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Anuril dusts himself off. Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical. Leayne continues to roll around frantically. Ruea continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Daerlynn continues to roll around frantically. Misteeus rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion stands up. Gragnel stands up. Malkien continues to roll around frantically. Madigan continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Aerilia rolls around on the ground. Typical. Haxen continues to roll around frantically. Nawain stands up. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost stands up. Neeno lies down. Severei rolls around on the ground. Typical. Shaylynne continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Damiza continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Salvitoriel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ryeka stands up. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios continues to roll around frantically. Severei rolls around on the ground. Typical. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin stands up. Eyst stands up. Striphe leaps to his feet! Aerilia stands up. Rileos stands up. Katriwen stands up. Severei rolls around on the ground. Typical. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Zynell stands up. Daerlynn stands up. Neeno twitches slightly. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ruea stands up. Leayne continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Misteeus continues to roll around frantically. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei rolls around on the ground. Typical. Haxen continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Shaylynne rolls around on the ground. Typical. Madigan stands up. Severei stands up. Harsh falls over. Salvitoriel stands up. Sothios continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin says, "The fire will not stop us." Daerlynn looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Harsh rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia stands up. Shaylynne stands up. Malkien leaps to his feet! Misteeus continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen leaps to his feet! Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Saragos rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Sothios stands up. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Crobin says, "FOR THE IMMORTALS." Salvitoriel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Harsh continues to roll around frantically. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno continues to roll around frantically. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus stands up.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Saragos continues to roll around frantically. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain says, "We were born in fire." Misteeus assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something. Harsh continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain chortles softly at some secret joke. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea says, "We're making progress, yoyu're all doing wonderfully." Malkien says, "Nudge." Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell says, "It only makes more shadows." Eyst says, "Are you all managing to balance the light? I've come from Liraxes and he says it must not be too bright, nor too dim." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne puts her hammer in her thigh bag. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Saragos continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Allye exclaims, "Nudge it back in!" Zynell grins at Crobin. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh rolls around on the ground. Typical. Katriwen says, "Keep nudging." Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Madigan gestures. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh stands up. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza rolls around on the ground. Typical. Saragos stands up. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen nods to Eyst.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza leaps to her feet! Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea says, "Praise the shadows." Allye's ears perk up happily. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Saragos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin says, "But the smell of burnt fur sucks." Katriwen says to Eyst, "We are certainly trying." Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Mistanna falls over. Crobin winks at Zynell. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye exclaims, "We're getting better at this!" Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Zersha grins at Allye, her dimples flashing into view. Allye traces a gossamer pattern in the air. Nawain grins at Allye. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne stands up. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka nods. Salvitoriel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Mistanna leaps to her feet! Eyst gives a slight nod. Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement. Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Eyst gazes at a wavering beam of holy light. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai says, "Pull." Gragnel holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien says, "Expanding, nice." Ryeka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell says to Crobin, "We have smelled worse." Neeno stands up. Crobin puts his branch in his thigh bag. Zynell giggles. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha quietly says, "I'm not sure putting myself out is something I wanted to get good at..." Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain's rage dissipates.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Zersha gazes off into the distance. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Wildflower Levie just arrived. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin says, "Aww you have been to my chili nights I see." Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Harsh holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye exclaims, "Pull it back a bit!" Malkien holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Crobin holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Dawnsworn Briaen just arrived. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Hebion chuckles at Zersha. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen grins at Zersha. You hold your hands out and sweep back, using your mind to pull at the light, willing it to dim. The beam dims a little, and you feel a warm pulling in your chest. Neeno looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Salvitoriel holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain says, "Not too much, though... Goodness." Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain winces. Anuril stretches his arms. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Harsh holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. With a wave of Allye's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Striphe says, "Keep conducting. I'm not sure what's happening, but I'm here to help."

The holy light wavers a moment, and then dims, returning to a more stable intensity!

Anuril leans to his left slightly. Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Crobin holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Striphe cackles! Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye's ears perk up happily. Anuril leans to his right slightly. Striphe holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Tempest Knight Saragos strides north. Kethrai says, "Did it." Misteeus holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Gragnel nods. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel exhales involuntarily and shifts his stance, as if now under a heavy burden. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien nods to Madigan. Eyst ponders. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen says, "Kay we can push again." Crobin nods to Madigan. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei exclaims, "I think we should slow down, we're doing too much each time!" Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Haxen holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

A splash of sea spray catches you by surprise, though the sensation is invigorating.

Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sir Madigan goes north. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leayne softly says, "Pushing." Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen nods to Severei. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head. Gragnel sniffs the air around him. Harsh holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Crobin holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates.

A swarm of drakes fly by, spewing a gout of flame at you before moving to the northeast! Briaen bursts into flames! Levie bursts into flames! Eyst bursts into flames! Haxen bursts into flames! Leayne bursts into flames! Crobin bursts into flames! Mistanna bursts into flames! Harsh bursts into flames! Misteeus bursts into flames! Aerilia bursts into flames! Salvitoriel bursts into flames! Rileos bursts into flames! Malkien bursts into flames! Shaylynne bursts into flames! Damiza bursts into flames! Nawain bursts into flames! Striphe bursts into flames! Ysilda bursts into flames! Katriwen bursts into flames! Daerlynn bursts into flames! Messica bursts into flames! Vixonia bursts into flames! Allye bursts into flames! Ryeka bursts into flames! Severei bursts into flames! Neeno bursts into flames! Hebion bursts into flames! Zersha bursts into flames! Tirost bursts into flames! Sothios bursts into flames! Zynell bursts into flames! Gragnel bursts into flames! Ruea bursts into flames! Anuril bursts into flames! Kethrai bursts into flames! Salvitoriel traces an angular sigil in the air. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

Severei falls over. Allye falls over. Rileos falls over. Eyst falls over. Nawain says, "ROLL." Haxen falls over. Ruea falls over. Rileos rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Allye rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Hebion falls over. Eyst rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Severei rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Zersha falls over. Aerilia falls over. Anuril falls over. Tirost falls over. Eyst's feet are soaked. Ruea rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Tirost rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Aerilia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Zersha rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Salvitoriel lies down. Hebion rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Messica lies down. Crobin says, "ROLL." Briaen falls over. Haxen rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Kethrai says, "If we push it, we'll be off balance..." Briaen rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Shaylynne falls over. Gragnel sprinkles some holy water on himself. Ryeka falls over. Neeno looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen says, "We also have to try to get it to that circle." Anuril rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Kethrai falls over. Misteeus lies down. Kethrai rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Gragnel lies down. Salvitoriel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Messica rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Shaylynne rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Rileos continues to roll around frantically. Eyst continues to roll around frantically. Ryeka rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Zynell falls over. Misteeus rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Severei continues to roll around frantically. Sothios falls over.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets! Leayne falls over. Allye continues to roll around frantically. Aerilia continues to roll around frantically. Zersha continues to roll around frantically. Ruea continues to roll around frantically. Tirost continues to roll around frantically. Gragnel rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Zynell rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Briaen continues to roll around frantically. Leayne rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Katriwen lies down. Malkien falls over. Harsh falls over. Striphe lies down. Nawain falls over. Hebion continues to roll around frantically. Crobin falls over. Sothios rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Neeno falls over. Striphe rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Haxen continues to roll around frantically. Katriwen rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Harsh rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Anuril continues to roll around frantically. Nawain rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Kethrai continues to roll around frantically. Crobin rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire.

Crobin appears stronger, while Leayne seems to weaken. Levie lies down. Levie rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Misteeus continues to roll around frantically. Eyst continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Shaylynne continues to roll around frantically. Malkien rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Severei continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Salvitoriel continues to roll around frantically. Rileos continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Zersha continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ryeka continues to roll around frantically. Ruea continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Aerilia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Damiza falls over. Daerlynn lies down. Allye continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Zynell continues to roll around frantically. Gragnel continues to roll around frantically. Briaen leaps to his feet! Tirost continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Damiza rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Hebion continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Daerlynn rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Leayne continues to roll around frantically. Kethrai exclaims, "Nudge! After you roll!"

[General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "Good news everyone Hengwild says theres no trouble in the province" Messica continues to roll around frantically. Vixonia falls over. Haxen continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Anuril continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Salvitoriel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Striphe continues to roll around frantically. Kethrai continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Nawain continues to roll around frantically. Shaylynne continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Vixonia rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Ryeka continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Zersha rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat. Gragnel continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Malkien says, "Nudge it when your fire's out." Eyst stands up. Zynell continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Rileos stands up. Allye stands up. Tirost stands up. Aerilia stands up. Ruea stands up. Malkien continues to roll around frantically. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Leayne continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Neeno rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Haxen leaps to his feet! Damiza continues to roll around frantically. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn stands up. Crobin continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Anuril stands up. Messica continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Striphe continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Nawain continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Kethrai stands up. Salvitoriel rolls around on the ground. Typical. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne rolls around on the ground. Typical. Katriwen continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia continues to roll around frantically. Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel leaps to his feet! Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Mistanna looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus stands up. Malkien continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ryeka rolls around on the ground. Typical. [General] Your mind hears Sliyder thinking, "Huzzah" Salvitoriel rolls around on the ground. Typical. Salvitoriel rolls around on the ground. Typical. Sothios rolls around on the ground. Typical. Salvitoriel rolls around on the ground. Typical. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei stands up. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea says, "Nudge the light." Shaylynne stands up. Messica stands up. Crobin stands up. Allye touches Daerlynn with a confident grace and familiar smile. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain stands up. Damiza continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Ryeka stands up. Zynell tries to stand and fails. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Striphe leaps to his feet! Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios stands up. Salvitoriel stands up. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh tries to stand and fails. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien leaps to his feet! Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne stands up. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Briaen lies down. Briaen rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Harsh stands up. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Esotericist Eyst plods north. Salvitoriel traces an angular sigil in the air. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka dusts herself off. Harsh looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin says, "You know how hard it is to grow this fur back like before." Neeno continues to roll around frantically. Vixonia stands up. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye touches Vixonia with a confident grace and heartfelt smile. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Briaen continues to roll around frantically. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen says, "Whew, right, nudging again." Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza stands up.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Briaen continues to roll around on the ground until the flames are completely extinguished. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks healthier and Allye appears to weaken. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Levie rolls around on the ground in an attempt to extinguish the fire. Allye exclaims, "Nudge!" Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos says to Crobin, "And gods, the smell." Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne rests her hand on Levie's arm with a soft smile. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien says, "I'm sure Leayne will love you even more with sexy burn marks." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye traces a gossamer pattern in the air. Briaen leaps to his feet! Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Levie continues to roll around frantically. Black Dog Maintain just arrived. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin asks, "RIGHT?" Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen stands up. Leayne softly says, "Yes dear." Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Levie rolls around on the ground. Typical. Tirost nods to Crobin. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno rolls around on the ground. Typical. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Levie leaps to her feet! Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Salvitoriel looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno stands up. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. The brilliant silver glow dissipates from Severei. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril glances up at the sky. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne rests her hand on Rileos's arm with a soft smile. [General] Your mind hears Pythios thinking, "Nothing more enjoyable than to hear me referenced as "cannon fodder."" Allye beams! Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei says, "STOP." Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai exclaims, "All right, stop!" Leayne rests her hand on Malkien's arm with a soft smile. Kethrai nods to Severei. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel nods. Sweeping currents of faint black lines eddy around Zynell for a moment. Crobin pats Kethrai on the back. Crobin pats Allye on the back. Levie quietly says, "Oof, that took a hit to the armor, be sure to check yourself." Salvitoriel traces an angular sigil in the air. [General] Your mind hears Sammee thinking, "It's a trick. Get an axe" Aerilia seems to be waiting for something. Leayne rests her hand on Shaylynne's arm with a soft smile. Severei pants.

A scorpion scurries into the area and seems to look around. It grasps something you cannot see with its claws, and pulls a moment, before vanishing into a haze of golden light!

Anuril gets a darkly tanned la'tami hide spellbook case clasped with an obsidian arrowhead from inside his silk backpack. Malkien says, "The drakes were using naphtha too. Peace talks, indeed." Rileos says, "Holdin steady she looks." Haalik Showldh Utbrach just arrived. Hebion stands up. Ruea leans on Rileos. Anuril opens a darkly tanned la'tami hide spellbook case clasped with an obsidian arrowhead. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril gets an iron-banded mistwood spellbook from inside his spellbook case. Rileos beams at Ruea! Ruea chuckles. Anuril puts his case in his silk backpack. Zynell nods. Rileos exclaims to Ruea, "Damn fine work, darlin!" Anuril opens an iron-banded mistwood spellbook. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost smiles. Rileos gives Ruea a smooch. Allye squints at a wavering beam of holy light. Crobin says, "Ruea looks like she needs aa smoke." Fury's Touch Rejind just arrived. Anuril turns the pale ivory vellum pages in his mistwood spellbook. Ruea says to Rileos, "Remember that time I got a message from a god? That was wild." [General] Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "WHen you see the drakes charge in. You probably wont live but it just might help those who can kill em" Leayne laughs at Crobin. Crobin pats Rejind on the back.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Ruea nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views. Tirost shakes his dark cube! Kethrai exclaims, "Pull!" Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Severei says, "Pull, slowly." Zynell holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Rileos exclaims to Ruea, "Well, you ain't done yet!" Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Crobin says, "PULLING." Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Nawain says, "Slower than that." Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye shakes her head at Nawain. Nawain winces. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Salvitoriel holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Rileos holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Malkien holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai exclaims, "Nudge also!" Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne softly asks, "Pull what?" Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Pythios thinking, "Then I will leave you "fighters" to enjoy battling them. " Rileos exclaims, "Nudging!" Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Mistanna looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "Where do I go if I'm not at all holy" Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Leayne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vixonia says to Leayne, "Nudge the Light." Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Mistanna looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Tiger and Wolf Clans need brains and Knife clan is a fist fight." Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Ruea thinking, "the Gods have provided the holy light, we just have to keep it stable." Striphe shrugs. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. You notice as a white dog looks around suspiciously. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Rejind looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "Is Lunar Mana needed somewhere in particular?" Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. You notice as a white dog sniffs the ground. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye exclaims, "Nudge, nudge!" Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia nods. The shadowy orb spins slowly as it hovers near Maintain, bathing the area in a fickle silver glow as bolts of light streak over its surface. Leayne softly says, "Nudging." Allye's ears perk up happily. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei says, "STOP." Ruea exclaims, "Stop!" Kethrai exclaims, "Stop!" Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Crobin says, "Stopping." Katriwen says, "We got it." Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

You hear a dog barking excitedly, and turning your head catch a glimpse of a streak of black fur trotting away.

Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos says, "It sounds like Knife Clan is getting hammered still." Leayne softly says, "Stopping." Aerilia beams! Wildflower Levie pads north. Nawain says, "It still doesn't look ready." Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. [General] Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "mages with AOE spells needed to help the fighters" Kethrai blinks. Nawain frowns. Crobin smiles. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Harsh rakes the area with his eyes, searching for something unseen. Crobin says, "Was that." Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Allye says, "I still feel drawn to it." Tirost shakes his dark cube! Kethrai asks, "...Meraud?" Kastek just arrived. Crobin nods to Kethrai.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai exclaims, "Nudge!" Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin says, "Nudging." (Aerilia murmurs a prayer to Meraud under her breath.) Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Ciarelle thinking, "What if I'm the other kind of Lunar magic user that isn't very good at that" Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Briaen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Kastek looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Rejind looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Gwenddolyn thinking, "I am at tiger clan now, will keep banner up" Malkien looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Harsh nods in agreement. Shadow Tracker Sliyder just arrived. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne wanders north. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Thanks Gwen. Top notch work by the way." Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Crobin looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn's voice soars into the high reaches of the spectrum, each note ringing purely as she continues to sing her enchante. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Leayne looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns the pale ivory vellum pages in his mistwood spellbook. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos says, "I'm being called to the distraction fight, you've got this under control."

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Briaen joins Malkien's group. Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived, leading her group. Kethrai exclaims, "Stop!" Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien says, "Alright." Severei says, "STOP." Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Malkien asks, "Back to the fight?" Neeno praises a wavering beam of holy light. Ruea nods to Rileos.

You feel a firm grasp on your shoulder, a comforting warmth encouraging you onward!

Rileos nods to Malkien. Illiya says, "Try to get it to a focused circle." Salvitoriel nods to Malkien. Allye's ears perk up happily. Aerilia smiles. Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. Ruea smiles. Vixonia trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head. Dasheek nods. Daerlynn gasps! Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Malkien says, "Moving back to knife clan in a moment." Rileos says to Ruea, "We're getting sloppy drunk after this, darlin." Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain says to Illiya, "There is no circle, just a dot." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views. Rileos says to Malkien, "Ready." Daerlynn exclaims, "Maybe it was Faenella...!" Illiya says, "When it's a circle, nudge it onto the encasement." Malkien nods to Crobin. Crobin says, "Don't move yet." Haxen casually observes the area. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Nawain gazes up at the sky.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai exclaims, "Nudge!" Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Rejind looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Neeno praises an unfocused beam of holy light. Tirost says, "I'll stay here, and catch up once the light's stable." Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Kastek looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Rejind looks at the beam and concentrates. Malkien suddenly bursts into a frothing avalanche of rage! Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos nods to Tirost. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka says, "We're making progress- I felt one of the Immortals at my shoulder just now." Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel yells, "Keep at it, fellow adventurers! We are favored among the Immortals and act in their name here today!" Malkien changes stance and becomes the epicenter of a violent rage! Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Rileos says to Tirost, "If you get hit, call." Chakrel Heart Malkien swaggers north, leading his group. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Rejind looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Aerilia smiles. Aerilia smiles. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost nods. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. A one-eyed nut brown kitten scrambles madly out of view, sounding like a herd of mammoths. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. A horned phantom thrall yips and hobbles off, tailing after its master. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Maintain looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Market Analyst Ciarelle just arrived. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Rejind looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. The air feels thick with an almost palpable sense of malevolence. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Pack Storyteller Lupdels just arrived. You notice a white dog rub against Lupdels for a moment. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Ruea exclaims, "Stop!" Kethrai exclaims, "Stop!" Illiya exclaims, "Right there!" Aerilia nods. Allye's ears perk up happily. Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Illiya says, "Nudge." Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Illiya looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus assumes a tense stance, concentrating on something. Nawain nods. Lupdels blinks. Zynell stretches every limb of her body from where she lies, ending with an expression of extreme contentment. Ruea flashes a quick grin at Kethrai. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya says, "Nudge the light." Kastek looks at the beam and concentrates. Ghost Hunter Neeno stomps north. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Black Dog Maintain treads north. Sliyder looks at the beam and concentrates.

A splash of sea spray catches you by surprise, though the sensation is invigorating.

Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Mistanna looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai exclaims, "Push!" Misteeus puts his paperweight in his canvas backpack. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye exclaims, "Push it brighter!" Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sliyder looks at the beam and concentrates. Kastek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rejind holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Elemental Colossus Striphe goes north. [General] Your mind hears Vixonia thinking, "The Tavern Troupe Song Circle will be delayed as we battle to rescue the clans! Thank you for your understanding!" Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. The music takes hold, manifesting as a large dome of bright light. Utbrach holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Dasheek says, "Just a bit, not too far.." Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Elemental Colossus Striphe just arrived. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen's voice soars into the high reaches of the spectrum, each note ringing purely as she continues to sing her enchante. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Rejind holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Dasheek holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kastek treks north. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Utbrach gets a pilgrim's badge from inside his haversack. Rejind holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Utbrach rubs a pilgrim's badge. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Haxen holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Rejind holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle's feet are dripping water everywhere. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai exclaims, "Stpo!" Kethrai coughs. Pack Storyteller Lupdels saunters north. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Haxen pants. Kethrai exclaims, "Or something!" Ears tilted forward, Zynell curls her tail around Sothios's ankles loosely. Nawain grins at Kethrai. Aerilia chortles softly at some secret joke. Fury's Touch Rejind goes north. Ruea smiles. Illiya grins at Dasheek, her dimples flashing into view. Daerlynn grins at Katriwen. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Ghust thinking, "Do you need more empaths at tiger clan?" Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. Healer Leilanie just arrived. Gragnel gazes up at the sky. Katriwen grins at Allye. Kethrai says to Zynell, "Well... You figured He would get involved sooner or later, eh." Allye gazes at a wavering beam of holy light. Utbrach puts his orb in his haversack. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

A gentle voice plays across the area, "My child, you are performing wonders, and We are nearly ready. You are almost there."

Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Nawain nods in agreement. Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Aerilia beams! [General] Your mind hears Pfanston thinking, "empath at my grove too. OUt west gate of crossing, go trail, ne, e." [General] Your mind hears Gwenddolyn thinking, "I have two adjoining areas w and nw from where we are that are bannered for triage" Illiya beams! Haxen raises an eyebrow. Illiya's feet are soaked. Kethrai exclaims, "Push!" Narrowing his eyes, Haxen presses his fingertips against the side of his neck. Allye's ears sag slightly in relaxation, a contented smile on her face. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Illiya exclaims, "We're close!" Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn gasps! Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea says, "We're almost ready." Allye says, "It was her." Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Utbrach holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Strange wisps of spectral flame streak and whorl around Nawain. Shaylynne just arrived. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye trills softly to herself. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle exclaims, "I still don't know what we're close to!" Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell says to Kethrai, "He was always involved." Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Gragnel yells, "Did you all hear that?!? Words of encouragement from the Immmortals themselves!" Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Shaylynne wanders north. Haxen holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen nods to Gragnel. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril gets an indurium phoenix with eyes of canary diamond from inside his leather haversack. Zynell says to Kethrai, "He just let you sort of see him this time." Zynell shrugs. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leilanie just touched a dim beam of holy light. Utbrach holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Striphe says, "I dunno either, but if centaurs start piling out, it's gonna be party time." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Striphe grins. Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. You notice as a white dog scratches itself. Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Gragnel yells, "We are on the right path! We are doing the right thing! We act in their name! Empowered by their words!" Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai exclaims, "Stpo!" Severei says, "STOP." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus just touched a wavering beam of holy light. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Kethrai says, "Stooop." Kethrai says, "I mean." Traenath just arrived. Damiza chortles softly at some secret joke. Ryeka chuckles. Aerilia traces a careful sigil in the air. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messenger Miraena just arrived. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns the pale ivory vellum pages in his mistwood spellbook. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Daerlynn says, "LI want to hear the music of Faenella." Gragnel glances at Miraena. Anuril raises an eyebrow. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye gazes at Miraena. Nawain fixes Miraena with a solid, steady stare. Tirost nods to Miraena. Damiza ponders. Misteeus raises an eyebrow. Allye exclaims to Miraena, "Help us! We can save Wolf Clan!" Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates.

The light flicks back and forth, burning the encasement!

Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Severei exclaims, "Be free!" Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Zynell stands up. Katriwen exclaims, "Oh!" Miraena says, "I heard something on this device." Miraena adjusts her kyanite gwethdesuan. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen exclaims, "Push!" Traenath looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha smiles at Miraena, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. Kethrai exclaims, "Push!" Tirost puts his runestone in his sling bag. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye exclaims, "Push it brighter!" Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Utbrach holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Striphe holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena gazes off into the distance. Traenath holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Traenath's feet are dripping with water. Pools of it are forming all around him. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye says to Miraena, "If anything you ever said about caring about the people of these lands is true, you must help us." Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. You get an odd feeling that someone is watching you. It quickly passes. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena asks Allye, "Helo... how?" Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena says, "Help, that is." Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Utbrach holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully. Damiza says, "Push the light." [General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Looks like Knife CLan is settling in for a slug fest. Line is holding." Haxen holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena gazes up at the sky. Firehawk Casari just arrived. Utbrach holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye says to Miraena, "We are guiding the light of the Immortals." The black dog pads off. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai says, "We're helping to aim this light at the spire to free the Clan." Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Casari moves over to guard Miraena. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Zynell takes off a night diamond panther-shaped pilgrim's badge with damaryn pearl eyes. Zynell looks up and sighs, smiling. Kethrai says, "The same as it was with Dirge." Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Gragnel yells, "We will remain true to our faith and trust in the light of the Immortals!" Miraena smiles at Casari. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea says, "Stop." Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei says, "STOP." Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Zynell puts on a night diamond panther-shaped pilgrim's badge with damaryn pearl eyes. [General] Your mind hears Efratue thinking, "Encasement being burned at tiger. We are getting there." Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia furrows her brow. Miraena quietly asks Casari, "I did not hear anything about a beam of light in how Dirge was freed?" Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek says, "Oh dear." Striphe straps his Imperial spear to a black Taisidon silkcress baldric. Miraena raises an eyebrow in Casari's direction. With a waver like a mirage, Shaylynne fades into view. [General] Your mind hears Ruea thinking, "We're making progress in Wolf Clan, the Gods have told us we're on the right path." Katriwen asks, "Now should we nudge it into the circle?" Casari says to Miraena, "There was light, but it was... different." Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Miraena. Katriwen asks, "Or just wait?" Damiza says, "Might be a conversation for a later time." Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek says, "When it is a perfect circle." Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye gazes at a wavering beam of holy light. Miraena says, "Hm, I see. Or, not really..." Aerilia traces a careful sigil in the air. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Traenath troops north. Miraena gazes up at the sky.

You hear a chorus far above, a battlecry screaming in defiance! The beam pulses wildly, and the encasement shudders with the force!

Casari says to Miraena, "I saw Asildu. He seems to have been overwhelmed by the Heralds again. I am afraid he's not himself now." Traenath just arrived. Nawain throws her head back and howls! Damiza asks, "Are we still pushing?" Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye beams! Pack Storyteller Lupdels just arrived. Katriwen gasps! Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Aerilia beams! Miraena frowns at Casari. Vixonia quirks her ears outward in surprise.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Kethrai says, "At Dirge, we needed to cut our way through vines. But a light still blasted through." Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye exclaims, "Nudge it!" Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek gazes up at the sky. Kethrai exclaims, "NUDGE it!" Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Maraisel thinking, "Any healers available by chance? Near Crossing?" Zynell says, "The scorpion had already stolen the light. so it came from within." Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Sliyder looks at the beam and concentrates. Damiza looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Traenath looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel yells, "They are with us! Lord Damaris blade will find it's target! Those of the faith rejoice in the love of the Immortals!" Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Melindrha thinking, "TGSE" Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Sliyder looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena's feet are soaked. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha says to Miraena, "Nudge the light and help us help the people, please." Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Mistanna looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Rejind thinking, "Need a Cleric just outside Knife clan gate." Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Sliyder says, "Lets go." Striphe looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn begins to sing, a gentle arpeggio of notes that segues into a soft melodic introduction. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel holds a ceremonial prayer tome embedded with a trio of night diamonds high into the air for all to see. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Mistanna looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Chisul thinking, "West gate, just inside." Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek's rage dissipates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena takes a few hesitant steps toward the beam of light, watching those gathered interact with it. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel idly picks at an unfocused beam of holy light. Casari folds her arms across her chest. Lupdels inhales a great swallow of air. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain smiles at Miraena. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Mistanna looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Sliyder looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha nods to Miraena. Zersha points at an unfocused beam of holy light. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye trills softly at Miraena. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia nods to Miraena. Vaerek just arrived. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost adds to Miraena's praises. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne beams at Miraena! Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. The deadening murk around Zynell subsides. Anuril shakes his head at Miraena. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light wavers a moment, the triplets pulling the beam into a focused perfect circle!

Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Vaerek beams at Miraena! Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Vaerek gets some crimson-red tomatoes from inside his treasureweave cylinder. [General] Your mind hears Momus thinking, "valynn in knife clan, where do i drag to?" Kethrai exclaims, "Stop!" Illiya looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Melindrha thinking, "Healer status outside the Clans?" Ruea says, "Stop." Allye's ears perk up happily. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Sliyder says, "Hold." Ciarelle says to Miraena, "I'm as confused as you are, dear." Aerilia nods. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Vaerek offers Miraena some crimson-red tomatoes. Soul Surgeon Zynell patters north. Striphe chuckles at Ciarelle. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena backs up from the light quickly at the command to hold. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Momus thinking, "nevermind" [General] Your mind hears Mahe thinking, "We could use an empath near Knife Clan." Vaerek asks, "What's going on here?" Miraena nods at Ciarelle, obviously agreeing with her views. Leilanie shifts her weight. Miraena gazes at Vaerek. Illiya says, "You should nudge it when it's a circle." Dasheek says, "The gods do battle." Allye gazes at a wavering beam of holy light. Miraena declines Vaerek's offer. [General] Your mind hears Ghust thinking, "On my way but I got lost" Sliyder waves to Vaerek. Kethrai says to Vaerek, "We're keeping this light focused on the spire." Vaerek blinks at Miraena. [General] Your mind hears Rejind thinking, "Empath is just outside Knife's gate." Ryeka says, "We're freeing Wolf Clan." Traveler Stattion just arrived. Sliyder nods to Ryeka. Vaerek says, "Ah." Damiza says, "She's a voice of the heralds, she knows what's going on. Just trying to distract us." Haxen exclaims, "We are close!" Ruea says, "Study the light. When Kethrai yells instructions, do what he said. The Gods have put this on us. It's not complicated." Allye beams at Ryeka! Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Damiza points at Miraena. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Ciarelle says to Vaerek, "See I was hoping you could maybe tell me." Miraena gazes at Damiza. Gragnel cocks his head and examines the holy light. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai says, "Nudging it keeps it more focused... Pushing brightens, pulling dims it. It has to stay balanced." Casari says to Miraena, "This will destroy something that the Heralds do not want destroyed. I'm not telling you which way to act, just want you to be aware of what it means." Striphe says, "The immortals have us focusing a lantern for them to save Wolf clan." Damiza asks, "We pushing or nudging?" Ruea says, "Anyone who interferes is going to end up hovering above their own dead body." Ruea smiles. Gragnel holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook.

The beam falters a moment, sputtering as it searches across the encasement for a new section!

Striphe says, "The bad guys are afraid of the dark. Help out." Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek looks at the beam and concentrates.

The holy light begins to lose coherence, spreading into diffuse triplets!

Ruea says, "Push." Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Soul Surgeon Zynell just arrived. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Traenath holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vaerek asks Miraena, "Are you ok?" Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea says, "Nudge." Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai exclaims, "Nudge it!" Striphe holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Severei looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Come on back Maintain." Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vaerek puts his tomatoes in his treasureweave cylinder. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Dasheek says, "Bah. Keep nudging when it is like that." Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost puts his runestone in his sling bag. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns the pale ivory vellum pages in his mistwood spellbook. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Stattion puts his sword in his firesilk baldric. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena says to Vaerek, "Not particularly, no. This is not the type of thing you normally see as a farmer..." Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Mistanna holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes north, leading her group. Hebion looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Ghust thinking, "Anyone able to tell me where to go from here?" Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Vaerek asks Miraena, "Anything I can do to help?" Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai says to Miraena, "There are hundreds of farmers trapped inside that spire. They're not used to that either." Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai says, "We've got to keep going." Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Asclepiys thinking, "hell?" Messica looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye nods to Kethrai. Kethrai looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia nods. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena says to Vaerek, "If you could ask the Heralds and the Immortals to please let me know who is telling the truth, I would appreciate that." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Utbrach looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena nods to Vaerek. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Sothios looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn asks, "Is a farmer like a gardener?" Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. [General] Your mind hears Ghust thinking, "Yeah trying to get there" [General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Alright, triage is just outside the Gate of Knife Clan...South all the way to the Gate from the main fighting." Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha grins at Miraena, her dimples flashing into view. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Vaerek says, "Ah." Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Ruea looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Leilanie looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha says to Miraena, "That would make this all easier." [General] Your mind hears Kelneth thinking, "Spousal abuse. She's making use magic." Shaylynne looks at the beam and concentrates. Misteeus looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Vixonia looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena gazes up at the sky. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Zersha looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Haalik Showldh Utbrach marches north. Lupdels sighs. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates.

The beam snaps onto a thick vine, and several pulses of surging energy roar down the beam!

Vaerek says, "Neither one seem to be telling the "truth"." Hebion says to Miraena in Ilithic, "It doesn't matter who is telling the truth when you can help those who need it, that is the right choice." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen says, "I think at this point it's a matter of faith." Casari says, "If only either of them could actually communicate anything more than commands."

The holy light begins to dim precariously, trailing shadows and sparks!

Zersha nods at Hebion, obviously agreeing with his views. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Kethrai exclaims, "Push it!" Severei holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Marienn thinking, "You like it." Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Haxen holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena quietly asks Casari, "Do you think they will attack me if I mess up this whole pushing and pulling?" Vaerek says, "They are in a battle and have left us farmers out of it." Nawain says, "The Gods have communicated plenty." Nawain makes a grunting noise. Striphe holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. [General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Moongate up from Crossing Empath to Gate outside Knife Clan" Hebion holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena gazes at Casari. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Katriwen holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sliyder growls ferociously! Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Casari says to Miraena, "These people? Who knows? They'll attack anything." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. An electric light shines around Casari, pulsing and crackling in time with her song. Miraena frowns. Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Gragnel yells, "It's working! We have the means to save the Clans! Do not falter now!" Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vaerek moves over to guard Miraena. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Ghust thinking, "Any chance you can send me a rift?" Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena smiles at Vaerek. Daerlynn gazes at Casari. Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell grins at Gragnel. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea says to Casari, "Be sweet or I'll talk to your mother." Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. [General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Haven't learnt that spell, sorry" Ruea winks at Casari. Leilanie glances at Miraena. Ciarelle says to Hebion in Ilithic, "I don't think she speaks Ilithic, dear." Casari laughs! Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena quietly says to Vaerek, "I'm afraid this is all moving very quickly, and I may push when you need to pull, or pull to push." Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Casari asks Ruea, "Do you know my mother?" Daerlynn asks, "These people?" Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vaerek says to Miraena, "I've been a bit beatin down but I'll try to help protect." Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha says to Ciarelle, "She does." Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena says to Ciarelle, "And I do." Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Apprehension sets in as Zynell gazes at you, her gaze seeming to peer through your mortal being. Traenath holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea says to Casari, "I do, we had a lovely chat once." Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena smiles at Vaerek. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Casari grins. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Tirost holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sliyder holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

A rallying cry echoes across the area, "Continue my child, continue! They are losing their grasp!"

Aerilia says to Miraena, "So long as you are making an effort to help Them, individual success or failure means little. But your contribution will mean much." Leilanie holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ciarelle says to Miraena in Ilithic, "Apologies." Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sliyder exclaims, "Let go!" Nawain throws her head back and howls! Zynell holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Zersha holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Miraena gazes up at the sky. Ryeka holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Leilanie carefully polishes her Hodierna emblem, renewing its natural lustre. Damiza holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vaerek says, "I don't know how to push or pull." Katriwen says to Miraena, "We all are a little unsure and just trying our best." Vaerek sighs. Zynell bows her head and mutters a short prayer in a hushed voice. Raising her head, she glances to the shadows with a knowing smile. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Vaerek says, "I know this." Striphe says, "Well, there's a coherent message from the gods for once." Vaerek gets some crimson-red tomatoes from inside his treasureweave cylinder. Nawain holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Traenath bows his head and chants a prayer. Messica holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then surges with brilliance, returning to a more stable intensity!

Vaerek smiles. Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vaerek gets a blue iris from inside his treasureweave cylinder. Allye holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little. Vaerek waves some blue iris over himself. Ciarelle says, "Unusual for a farmer." Kethrai exclaims, "Stop!" Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye nods. Severei says, "STOP." Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle says, "Well a human one anyway." Zersha says to Miraena, "And Sir Hebion is correct, helping the people trapped inside isn't about the Heralds or the Immortals, it's about helping the people like yourself." Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Zynell flicks one ear back as though listening for something. Miraena moves over to the beam of light, slowly reaching out her hands... and then yanks them back at the command to stop. Striphe chuckles at Ciarelle. Miraena sighs. Anuril turns the pale ivory vellum pages in his mistwood spellbook. Allye nods to Zersha. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the light and concentrates. The light brightens a little.

The light flicks back and forth, burning the encasement!

Leilanie nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Kethrai giggles. Allye gazes at Miraena. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Allye shakes her head. Tirost traces a geometric sigil in the air. Allye looks at the beam and concentrates. Aerilia traces a careful sigil in the air. Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Vaerek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Kethrai says to Miraena, "Sorry. It's coming in... waves. We just have to keep it balanced." Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Severei says, "Wait for it..." Nawain asks, "Still not ready for action. Was Tiger Clan ready to go yet?" Nawain frowns.

A scorpion scurries into the area and seems to look around. It grasps something you cannot see with its claws, and pulls a moment, before vanishing into a haze of golden light!

Miraena nods to Kethrai. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Katriwen looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena gasps! Zynell says, "Third steal."

The holy light begins to shine brightly, emitting a high pitched whine as it expands!

Vaerek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai exclaims, "Pull it!" Anuril turns through the pale ivory vellum pages of his mistwood spellbook. Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zynell holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Anuril studiously reviews his mistwood spellbook. Allye holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. [General] Your mind hears Ghust thinking, "Whre is this happening?" Ruea holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vixonia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Haxen holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Damiza holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Miraena holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Gragnel exclaims, "Yes! Yes! Tear these walls down and let us see friends and family once more!" Lupdels holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vaerek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zersha beams at Miraena! Allye beams at Miraena! Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Tirost holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Miraena holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Haxen holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain continues to praise Miraena. Ruea quietly says, "Damatis, I hope we're doing this right." Ciarelle holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Zersha softly says, "/softl Thank you." Misteeus holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ruea holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Anuril closes his mistwood spellbook. Zynell holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Aerilia holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Daerlynn holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Anuril gets a darkly tanned la'tami hide spellbook case clasped with an obsidian arrowhead from inside his silk backpack. Zersha holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Vaerek exclaims, "Light my tomatoes you beam!" Miraena holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Haxen holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Sothios holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Allye slowly empties her lungs. Anuril tucks an iron-banded mistwood spellbook into the spellbook compartment of his spellbook case.

The holy light wavers a moment, and then dims, returning to a more stable intensity!

Allye holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Misteeus holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Ciarelle laughs at Vaerek. Shaylynne holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Damiza begins chortling at Vaerek. Vaerek holds his hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Nawain holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Kethrai exclaims, "Stop!" Messica holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Miraena holds her hands out towards the beam and concentrates. The beam dims a little. Anuril closes a darkly tanned la'tami hide spellbook case clasped with an obsidian arrowhead. Ciarelle looks at the beam and concentrates. Miraena looks at Kethrai and blushes. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Daerlynn looks at the beam and concentrates. Vaerek gasps! Sliyder exclaims, "Hold!" Vaerek blinks. Ryeka looks at the beam and concentrates. Stattion slowly empties his lungs. Anuril puts his case in his silk backpack. [General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Head to Crossing Empath and take the moongate" Tirost smiles at Miraena. Leilanie shifts her weight. Anuril ponders. Vaerek drops some crimson-red tomatoes. Zynell says to Ruea, "If he has been able to steal the light this many times we are correct." Tirost says to Miraena, "Thanks for your help." Miraena glances at Tirost.

Suddenly, you see Them, striding forward, heads held high.

Time slows and the air takes on a golden light. Gragnel beams! Nawain says, "There." Ruea gasps! Kethrai gazes off into the distance. Aerilia beams! [General] Your mind hears Feizy thinking, "i'm guessing knife clan" Shaylynne nods to Tirost. Nawain smiles. Haxen gasps! Daerlynn exclaims, "Oh my!" Vixonia quirks her ears outward in surprise.

A proud S'Kra Mur man clad in shifting sands and flowing stars, a menacing cobra wrapped around his shoulders.

A serene woman in shimmering robes that radiate like the first rays of morning, riding atop a muscular cow.

A beautiful woman, holding a sickle in one hand, her other placed on the shoulder of a magnificent unicorn.

A tall man wrapped in a black cloak that seems to blur into a pool of shadows, his passing marked by the rumbling of a panther.

A craftsman clad in tools, a raven perched upon his shoulder, scrutinizing everything.

A kindly man garbed in simple attire, wearing well-worn work gloves and muddy boots, one hand placed on the shoulder of a massive ox.

A slender woman wrapped in green robes and trailing salty mist, her eyes as wide as the sky and deep as the ocean.

A ghostly figure, wrapped in barbed chain, twitching along awkwardly, bearing a tall and patient vulture perched atop his bloody head.

Allye says, "There..." Hebion gestures. Ryeka beams! Aerilia exclaims, "Watch Them Work!"

As one, they blur, and erupt with golden light, vanishing.

Allye gazes up at the sky. Kethrai says, "..Lot of them." Severei says, "Wow..." Misteeus gasps!

The light flares with brilliance, a deafening roar drowning out all other noise as it rakes back and forth across the encasement! Vines and leaves explode into ash, stone glows red hot and shatters, and the encasement begins to tear apart!

Ciarelle says, "Oh dear the eggs are in the scramble now." Vaerek scans the sky from horizon to horizon. An electric light shines around Casari, pulsing and crackling in time with her song. Ryeka exclaims, "Wow!" Kethrai exclaims, "Brace!" Allye beams! Katriwen gasps! Haxen gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Allye exclaims, "Yes!" Katriwen moves into a position to dodge. Nawain throws her head back and howls! Vixonia gasps! Ryeka gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Stattion inhales a great swallow of air.

With a final surge, a wild pulse of holy energy slams into the remainder of the encasement wall, shattering it entirely!

The encasement slows, the vines browning and fading to ash, the malleable stone crumbling to fine sand. The golden light expands in a radiant explosive shockwave, sweeping the encasement away and knocking you back! [Tiger Clan, Riverbank] The trees in this area give way to a gently sloping riverbank. Tufts of grass bravely peek through the sand in thick brownish clumps, adding a bit of traction on the perpetually muddy slope. A slightly worn trail leads down the bank towards the murky river below. Also here: Heart Tender Kethrai, Primal World Ender Anuril who has a fiery visage, Ruea, Reverend Gragnel, Sothios who is engulfed by a tsunami of cerulean light, Knight of Meraud Tirost who is surrounded by seven circling blades of ice, Desert Dancer Zersha, Lord Knight Hebion, Sister Severei, Ryeka who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Dawn's Renewer Allye, Dancer Vixonia who is trailed by softly glowing silvery-blue musical notes, Danger Gnome Messica, Daerlynn, Vagabond Katriwen, Enelne's Repent Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Serial Killer Damiza, Mageling Aerilia, War Healer Misteeus whose form wavers within a tempestuous storm of blue and grey smoke, Stargazer Mistanna who is being harassed by an intrigue of phantasmal kittens, Haxen who is covered with whitened ridges, Shadow Tracker Sliyder, Market Analyst Ciarelle who is trailed by sanguine negeri blossoms, Elemental Colossus Striphe who is surrounded by a shimmering shield, Healer Leilanie, Messenger Miraena, Firehawk Casari, Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers, Traenath who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Pack Storyteller Lupdels, Vaerek, Traveler Stattion and Soul Surgeon Zynell who is emanating a bright holy aura. Obvious paths: northwest.

Leilanie quickly clasps both hands over her mouth. Miraena gasps! Vixonia exclaims, "Yesss!!" Vaerek moves a blue iris to his right hand. Kethrai pants. Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants. Severei gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Haxen pants. Aerilia makes a grunting noise. Allye exclaims, "We did it!" Katriwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Ryeka exclaims, "Woo-hoo!" Zersha blinks. Stattion gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Sliyder exclaims, "WOO!" Tirost coughs. Aerilia gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer. Kethrai says, "All the way to Tiger Clan..." Sliyder lets out a loud "Huzzah!" Daerlynn says, "FREED."

[General] Your mind hears Ruea thinking, "Wolf Clan is free!" Sliyder lets out a loud "Huzzah!" Striphe says, "Good work, folks." Sliyder lets out a loud "Huzzah!" [General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Well done!" Aerilia exclaims, "Praise be the Immortals!" Ruea rubs her head. Striphe gets a goldwood battle longbow with a kau leather-wrapped riser from inside his silkcress baldric. Allye giggles at Kethrai. Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts northwest. [General] Your mind hears Eyst thinking, "Tiger Clan as well." Ruea says, "This has been a lot." Kethrai exclaims, "Wait, Tiger Clan!" Striphe loads his battle longbow with a drake-fang arrow. Gragnel exclaims, "Our Immortals have come to finalize this struggle! Praise unto the thirteen! Praise unto the thirty-nine!" Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Kethrai exclaims, "It's here too!" Allye exclaims, "Tiger clan!" Severei says, "Tiger Clan is good too." Vaerek ponders. Allye's ears perk up happily. [General] Your mind hears Sammee thinking, "well done everyone" Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully. Aerilia nods to Kethrai. Ciarelle asks, "Did I just get blown clear from wolf clan to tiger clan?" Lupdels gazes into his mirror, smiling slightly as he checks his appearance. Allye nods at Gragnel, obviously agreeing with his views. Kethrai nods to Ciarelle. Ryeka exclaims, "Yes!" Lupdels smiles at Miraena. Haxen says, "Nice work." Vaerek inhales a great swallow of air. Zersha says, "Really big wind." Shaylynne blinks. Ryeka throws her head back and howls! Striphe says, "Efficient travel." Zersha grins at Ciarelle, her dimples flashing into view. Severei says, "That's awesome." Ciarelle winces. Katriwen says, "Whoa." Ruea exclaims, "We're in Tiger Clan!" Sliyder snickers. Ruea laughs! Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Nawain says, "Let's take back Knife Clan now." Nawain nods. Soul Surgeon Zynell patters northwest, leading her group. Misteeus ponders. Reverend Gragnel slogs northwest. Enelne's Repent Nawain lopes northwest. Severei nods. Shadow Tracker Sliyder goes northwest. Ruea asks Kethrai, "You're alright?" Enelne's Repent Nawain just arrived. Aerilia slowly empties her lungs. Enelne's Repent Nawain lopes northwest. Ruea raises an eyebrow in Anuril's direction. Healer Leilanie walks northwest. Traveler Stattion strides northwest. Kethrai nods to Ruea. Traenath troops northwest. [General] Your mind hears Haxen thinking, "how's Knife Clan?" Healer Leilanie just arrived. Anuril looks at Ruea and shrugs. Ruea smiles. Traenath just arrived. Allye hugs herself tightly. Traenath troops northwest. [General] Your mind hears Feizy thinking, "heya Darkewolff!" Shaylynne says to Miraena, "Thank you for helping." Vixonia hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Vixonia with a warm smile. Hebion praises Allye. [Trade] Your mind hears Drathlar thinking, "Selling an old non crafted forester's longbow, it has less loading time and i checked it." Lupdels asks Daerlynn, "Another song soon?" Healer Leilanie climbed down the riverbank. Allye hugs Vixonia, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile. Serial Killer Damiza limps northwest. Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. Miraena nods. Ruea says to Kethrai, "You were an excellent leader." Healer Leilanie climbed up the riverbank. Katriwen nods at Lupdels, obviously agreeing with his views. Healer Leilanie walks northwest. [General] Your mind hears Illiya thinking, "The encasement around Tiger Clan is down!" Serial Killer Damiza just arrived. Allye smiles at Miraena. Daerlynn grins at Lupdels. Striphe gets a whittled finivire slingshot with a kirmiko-wrapped grip from inside his kertig-plated backsheath. Casari says, "I do not hear the Heralds shouting... yet." Allye nods in agreement. [General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "Knife Clan remains unchanged" Kethrai says, "I want to go check on Wolf Clan and make sure..." Daerlynn exclaims, "Possibly! Maybe Chapter two!" Miraena quietly says to Shaylynne, "I have only ever wanted to help save people." Vixonia exclaims to Allye, "Thank you for guiding!" Striphe straps his finivire slingshot to a black Taisidon silkcress baldric. Ryeka says, "Give them time." Shaylynne beams at Miraena! War Healer Misteeus goes northwest. Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks. Allye perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Vixonia. Ryeka winks. Ruea says to Kethrai, "I'd like to go with you please." [General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "You up Valynn?" Kethrai says, "Follow, whoever wants to." Serial Killer Damiza limps northwest. Hebion nods to Zersha. Striphe straps his battle longbow to his harness. Vaerek asks Miraena, "Did we do that without magic?" Aerilia joins Kethrai's group. Zersha joins Kethrai's group. Haxen goes northwest. Miraena joins Kethrai's group. Severei joins Kethrai's group. Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples. Casari joins Kethrai's group. [General] Your mind hears Imroth thinking, "Tiger Clan is free!" Vaerek joins Kethrai's group. Lupdels joins Kethrai's group. Ruea says, "I've never been specifically given a task by a god before, I'd like to be sure I did it correctly." Shaylynne joins Kethrai's group. Hebion joins Kethrai's group. Kethrai says, "Moving to Wolf Clan in 5." Ciarelle joins Kethrai's group. Miraena says to Vaerek, "I'm not sure what just happened here..." Daerlynn nods to Allye. As Daerlynn's enchante winds down to a close, she lets each note linger on the air. Allye joins Kethrai's group. Elemental Colossus Striphe goes northwest. Vaerek nods to Miraena. Katriwen joins Kethrai's group. Messica joins Kethrai's group. Ryeka joins Kethrai's group. Vixonia joins Kethrai's group. [General] Your mind hears Avrenka thinking, "How is everyone inside Tiger and Wolf?" Vaerek says, "Me either." Daerlynn joins Kethrai's group. [General] Your mind hears Illiya thinking, "Wolf Clan is free too!" Mistanna joins Kethrai's group. Kethrai seems to be waiting for something. [General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "No more Drakes at Knife Clan." Allye puts her wine in her tapestry carpetbag. Vaerek says, "I did see a tomatoe though." Hebion says in Ilithic, "You followed through with actions, what you claimed with words before." Aerilia beams! Miraena smiles at Vaerek. Kethrai says, "Four... four and a half..." Ciarelle says to Miraena, "This is all extremely confusing and even now I'm not sure it's necessarily what it seems." Kethrai says, "Moving." Allye grins impishly at Vixonia. Ruea smiles at Hebion. Heart Tender Kethrai glides northwest, leading his group.

Debrief at Taelbert's with Unaka

Debrief in Wolf Clan with Miraena