Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09162024/Unaka Visits with Adventurers at the Northeast Wilds Grimsage Way

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Unaka Visits with Adventurers at the Northeast Wilds Grimsage Way
Event Date: 09/16/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 156 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Golden Panther.


This log starts with conversation that occurred immediately following the Beseech Elanthia to Clarity event hosted by Waydren. For context of the initial discussion, you can find the log for that event here: Beseech Elanthia to Clarity log


[Northeast Wilds, Grimsage Way]
The once pristine tower of the Warrior Mages is now no more than a memorial. The stresses of the great fire have shattered the crystalline spire. The building stands broken and raw against the sky. One onyx door tilts wildly to the side, its hinges melted to slag, while the other has been reduced to rubble. You also see an ethereal vela'tohr thicket, a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms, a fiery red setter puppy, a fluffy flame point kitten, a pink-checked cotton cloth with several things on it, a fluffy grey tabby kitten, a tiny chocolate brown kitten, a svelte alfar warrior, a pink-eared white piglet with a bright yellow shirt stitched with a chaotic rainbow of daisies on it, a tall fir tree and a landing area cordoned off by Musparan silk stanchion ropes.

Eyst asks Gragnel, "So where might you place the Heralds in the order of Everything?"

Kerennya says to Gragnel, "I do not dispute that. It simply seems that the Immortals and Herald-Guardian-Gardener-whoevers are now at cross-purposes with each other."

Crobin takes a bite of the sandwich.

Aislynn stretches her arms.

Phierre says, "Alright well.. time to go find snacks."

Phierre raises his hand in a quick salute.

Saragos says, "Sounds like the Heralds are having a rough time of it, but the Immortals have always been much more on our side. Asildu couldn't stop talking about how much the Heralds don't care about us, don't even understand us as individuals."

Crobin waves to Phierre.

Gragnel says to Aislynn, "Exactly, so let's worry about us and not all that heretical nonsense."

Doctor Phierre saunters west.

Sukidesu nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Avrenka asks, "Question is ... when did the Guardians place the rules upon the Immortals? Is it recent within the past few years, or is it ages ago?"

Aislynn chuckles.

Gragnel takes a sip of his fizz.

Crobin clasps Leayne's hand tenderly and draws her into his arms.

Zalinyar says, "One Gurardian saved Lanival."

Aislynn quietly says to Gragnel, "It's hard to ignore the needs of an entire planet. Hard, and also stupid."

Calabra ponders.

Mistanna says, "Much to think on. Thank you for holding this gathering and sharing your visions with us."

Leayne nods to Zalinyar.

Larasa says to Avrenka, "Good qeustion."

Aislynn quietly says to Gragnel, "Especially when She is speaking so loudly."

Allye nods to Mistanna.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Kerennya gathers up a pink-checked cotton cloth and all the food it holds, stuffs the bundle into a silverwillow picnic basket, and closes the lid securely.

Gragnel ponders.

Leilanie nods in agreement.

Kerennya puts her basket in her mariner's rucksack.

Mistanna waves.

Mistanna salutes before turning and wandering off to find some rest.

Allye says, "Safe paths, everyone."

Kerennya waves.

Larasa waves to Allye.

Crobin hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj strolls west.

Kethrai says to Avrenka, "If it was the Day Magic Died, it could explain why things are happening now, rather than eons in the past."

Leayne waves to Allye.

Aislynn hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Trajan nods politely to Allye.

Allye waves to Larasa.

Illiya hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Allye hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Allye hugs Aislynn, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Damoone raises his hand in a quick salute.

Allye hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Leviathan Friend Lupdels saunters west.

Allye waves.

Calabra hugs Aislynn, who wraps her arms around Calabra with a warm smile.

Pyppa hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Forest Watcher Damoone goes west.

Aislynn hugs Calabra, who wraps his arms around Aislynn with a warm smile.

Allye gives Shaylynne a smooch.

Calabra waves to Allye.

Allye just hugged Pyppa.

Larasa says, "Not sure if that gives us much clarity."

Leayne softly says, "Be well."

Ghust slowly empties his lungs.

Calabra hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Allye waves to Calabra.

Gragnel says to Aislynn, "The Immortals have been speaking loudly as well. It has been well documented as of late."

Vaerek says, "If anyone would like a vision of their future I can oblige. It may or may not help."

Cateress Allye goes west.

Saragos says to Aislynn, "I don't think I heard anything about the needs of the planet in there. I heard about the needs of the Heralds."

Shadow Tracker Sliyder goes west.

Larasa shakes her fist!

Calabra says, "Be safe everyone."

Leayne hugs Pyppa, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Hebion joins Zersha's group.

Aislynn nods to Gragnel.

Hebion nods to Zersha.

Calabra waves to Crobin.

Lexxa waves to Calabra.

Crobin says, "I would Vaerek."

Pyppa hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Pyppa with a warm smile.

Crobin waves to Calabra.

Valynn asks Zersha, "Do you remember where the river is?"

Crobin just hugged Pyppa.

Pyppa hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Pyppa with a warm smile.

Vaerek nods to Crobin.

Zersha says to Valynn, "I think so."

Valynn grins at Zersha.

Vaerek gazes absently at Crobin, almost staring through him.

Valynn nods.

Pyppa goes west.

Vaerek gasps!

Katriwen joins Calabra's group.

Kerennya mutters something into the air about need to talk to Waydren about this.

Calabra grabs Katriwen's arm and drags her west with him.

Valynn says to Zersha, "I will see you there."

Illiya says, "I'll see you all soon."

Illiya hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Zersha nods to Valynn.

Shaylynne wanders west.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Valynn hugs Zersha, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Larasa leaps to her feet!

Leayne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Zersha hugs Valynn, getting a smile in return.

Aislynn quietly asks Gragnel, "And there are many offering their support to Them, aren't there? Not just clerics, but all sorts of people. How many do you think are asking Elanthia what She needs right now?"

Illiya hugs Aislynn, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Aislynn hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Aislynn smiles.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes west.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "It certainly sounded like the Heralds, at least."

Gragnel says, "Just a few weeks ago I saw Tamsine's avatar, quite a few people did."

Vaerek says to Crobin, "Very disturbing."

Gragnel takes a sip of his fizz.

Avrenka says to Kethrai, "I'm inclined to believe it was very recent ... around the time when our Wild research revealed to us the Font of Creation being stymied."

Saragos nods to Ezerak.

Crobin says, "Yes I agree."

Valynn asks Madigan, "Perhaps we will talk after the Watch meeting? Or before?"

Musical Enthusiast Kentara parades west.

Larasa nods to Gragnel.

Crobin says, "I am not sure what this means."

Crobin clasps Leayne's hand tenderly and draws her into his arms.

Madigan says to Valynn, "I think maybe before Val? But, I am open to whenever."

Aislynn ponders.

Valynn says to Madigan, "Before then."

Karthor peers at a svelte alfar warrior over the rim of his spectacles.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Avrenka says, "Perhaps ... this "boundaries and rules" that the Heralds imposed is what is causing their pure energy needs to be so high."

Valynn nods to Madigan.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Madigan nods to Crobin.

Aerilia looks thoughtfully at Avrenka.

Desert Dancer Zersha goes west, leading her group.

Valynn gazes thoughtfully at Avrenka.

Vaerek says to Crobin, "It is yours to ponder."

Avrenka says, "They are directly suppressing the Immortals, and it is requiring a vast amount of energy to do so."

Aislynn quietly says, "I think I need to bake something. Far too many mysteries in the world. Time for waffle-tsann."

Aislynn clicks her claws together.

Aislynn waves.

Crobin says, "And I shall thank you."

Ghust quietly says, "Yeah ahm totally wired with energy."

Saragos says to Ezerak, "Heralds, Guardians, whatever. I didn't hear anything about what the planet needs. Just what they need. I guess so far, I haven't heard anything that tells me why I should care about the Heralds' difficulties. Giving them pure mana seems to make our problems worse, and they treat us like ants."

Crobin shakes Vaerek's hand.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Kethrai with a crisp hand salute.

Madigan grins at Kethrai.

Vaerek nods to Crobin.

Crobin hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Mooring Thread Aislynn patters west.

Ezerak nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Gragnel points at Saragos.

Valynn goes west.

Lexxa nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aerilia says to Avrenka, "That is a curious thought. You may be onto something."

Gragnel says to Saragos, "I couldn't have said it better myself."

Kethrai sighs.

Eyst nods in agreement.

Intern Rhainn goes west.

Madigan says, "Anyone mind boiling that down in bullet points for me? That was...very dense."

Crobin hugs Zalinyar, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Eyst says to Avrenka, "It is a compelling theory."

Karthor says, "All I know fer sure's that ZerraZap was no help again. Methinks I'm goin' to stop invitin' him to these."

Ghust quietly asks, "Soooooo......whats next?"

Zalinyar hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zalinyar with a warm smile.

Karthor peers at a svelte alfar warrior over the rim of his spectacles.

Zalinyar says, "We go melt waterfalls."

Kerennya says to Madigan, "I think most of us need some time to digest first to get to that point."

Madigan nods to Kerennya.

Leayne nods to Kerennya.

Gragnel says, "Faith in the Immortals has carried us through many hardships, they have given us clear direction."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Madigan says, "That is...absolutely understandable."

Crobin gives Sothios a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Crobin hugs Zynell, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Zynell hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Kerennya smiles at Madigan.

Crobin shakes Gragnel's hand.

Zynell hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Several of the charms on Ghust's anklet flare brightly for a moment.

Gragnel nods to Crobin.

Crobin waves to Aerilia.

Madigan grins at Kerennya.

Lexxa hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Aerilia waves to Crobin.

Leayne hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Crobin waves to Ghust.

Leayne waves.

Saragos says to Madigan, "My first take is that it's more of a clarification on what we've seen before. Guardians/Heralds need pure mana, made Gardeners. The Gardeners were flawed, drew in Sorcerous mana. The Immortals came along one day, didn't care about pure mana. Heralds were mad, put limits on them."

Zynell just hugged Lexxa.

Crobin says, "We are heading off for a bit."

Sothios nods to Zynell.

Sothios takes his rightful place beside Zynell.

Avrenka says, "It's clear now ... pure magic energy gives Heralds strength to suppress Immortals ... and sorcery magic energy gives Immortals strength to resist."

Zalinyar hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Zalinyar with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "Here we go."

Crobin waves to Avrenka.

[General] Your mind hears Waydren thinking, "For those who wish to discuss that which we saw, let us meet at the River's Edge, in the Wilderness, west of the brook. The site of the Reveal ritual."

Hanryu nods to Saragos.

Larasa says, "Immortals are the latest iteration of "gardener" for the Heralds. The Heralds keep making gardeners that use mixed mana, which they don't like. They purge gardeners every so often but it seems like the Immortals have gotten too strong."

Crobin shakes Anuril's hand.

Madigan says to Saragos, "Alright. I can digest that. Thank you sir."

Avrenka waves to Crobin.

Aerilia nods to Avrenka.

Crobin shakes Hanryu's hand.

Saragos nods to Avrenka.

Nighthawk Raknur goes west.

Skraddarsy stands up.

Saragos grins at Madigan.

Crobin shakes Saragos's hand.

Hanryu says to Saragos, "That's my feelings on what I saw also."

Skraddarsy joins Zynell's group.

Sukidesu clasps Kayena's hand tenderly.

Fearless Crobin saunters west, leading his group.

Saragos says to Avrenka, "That sounds like it's probably right."

Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu shuffles west, leading his group.

Leilanie joins Zynell's group.

Karthor says, "Oy, didn't Asildu say the Heralds consider 'emselves Gardners? Methinks they're not the Guardians, but rather came from the Guardians."

Vaerek asks Saragos, "If Rangers and Empaths were able to weave their alike mana to hear a message then maybe Warrior mages and Bards should try and ask Elanthia for answers?"

Kethrai says to Larasa, "The Immortals came from elsewhere, and weren't created by the Guardians, though."

Purn joins Zynell's group.

Vaerek says to Saragos, "Just a thought."

Skraddarsy smiles at Zynell.

Zynell stands up.

Zynell carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a night-black starlight velvet prayer tapestry stitched with loimic and fey-bone.

Zynell puts her tapestry in her encompassing shadows.

Hanryu says to Saragos, "And I think that the way the guardians limited the Immortals might just have been by rewriting the laws of the plane of abiding. CHanging history so they didn't even notice the limits."

Karthor says, "Which'd make that orange dragon-lady from before a Guardian."

Casari says, "I'm... going to try something a little different, soon. I'll need Bards to help. It will be in Shard."

Larasa asks Kethrai, "Oh, where did they come from??"

Saragos says to Vaerek, "Bards can evoke the past. Might be they could do something like that. I don't think Warrior Mages have any special senses there. We've got Othersight, but that's something different."

Kethrai says to Larasa, "From where they are now -- the Spiritual Plane."

Gragnel exclaims, "Do not let your faith be shaken! Do no fall prey to the temptations of flase prophets!"

Gragnel sighs.

Avrenka says, "Here's another thought ... the Heralds are using the pure magic energy to shut the Planar Void, stifling the connection to the Divine Plane, Elemental Planes, and Plane of Probability."

Gragnel joins Zynell's group.

Gragnel nods to Zynell.

Leilanie nods at Skraddarsy, obviously agreeing with her views.

Firehawk Casari goes west.

Vaerek nods to Saragos.

Zynell quirks one ear sideways, glancing at Gragnel in confusion.

Larasa asks Kethrai, "So they are not a creation of the Heralds?"

Avrenka says, "They're trying to accomplish what they've always wanted ... a pure Elanthia without outsiders."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Kethrai says, "If the myths are to be believed, they were created at the beginning of time by the One and the Void."

Avrenka says, "Maybe that's why the Bulwark is shaking so much."

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Kethrai says, "But at the very least, in the vision we just saw, they were a new and outside influence. One of those very influences the Guardians didn't want to let in."

Saragos says to Avrenka, "Maaaybe. That's a good question whether they want to shut things to those other Planes."

Vaerek says, "I'm glad critters have swarmed us and certainly glad another town, clan, city or machine didn't get hit with a meteor."

[General] Your mind hears Illiya thinking, "Like right now?"

Vaerek says, "Haven't."

Vaerek sighs.

Madigan smiles at Vaerek.

Gragnel gazes off into the distance.

Vaerek says, "Ok, take care everyone."

Kerennya smiles at Vaerek.

Vaerek waves.

Larasa says to Kethrai, "Oh alright, sorry it is a lot."

Gragnel lightly touches his panther pin as he says a quick prayer.

Kerennya waves.

Avrenka says to Kethrai, "Third vision implied the Guardians welcomed the Immortals to contain blights."

Vaerek strides west.

Kethrai nods to Larasa.

Skraddarsy nods to Zynell.

Kethrai says to Larasa, "It sure is."

Sothios nods to Zynell.

Kethrai says to Avrenka, "Yeah. It may be that they came to some kind of accord."

Soul Surgeon Zynell patters west, leading her group.

Kethrai ponders.

Larasa asks, "Did the Immortals not create the mortal races then?"

Larasa says, "I need to read several books."

Avrenka says, "I get the feeling the Heralds don't care about mortal races."

Kethrai asks, "I wonder... We know that the Immortals generally remain on the Spiritual Plane, because manifesting here is dangerous. Was that part of the... agreement about boundaries?"

Hanryu says, "We've been pretty much told so by Asildo/."

Kerennya says to Larasa, "I believe that may have been what the font of creation was for. Or at least one thing it was for."

Ezerak says to Avrenka, "I think that has been made abundantly clear, so long as we are not using sorcery too much."

Vaddon asks, "So who are the new beings mentioned in these visions?"

Kethrai asks, "Did the Heralds, or the Guardians, or whoever, say 'you can keep doing sorcery, just keep it on your own plane'?"

Larasa says, "But there were people in primal Elanthia. Mortals I assume."

* Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Aerilia ponders.

Larasa flails her arms about.

Zalinyar gives Vaddon a gentle poke in the ribs.

Zalinyar giggles at Vaddon.

Avrenka says to Larasa, "That's true ... people with Empathy."

Aerilia gets a dog talisman from inside her scroll case.

Avrenka ponders.

Kethrai says to Larasa, "They may not have been the same kind as us."

Larasa ponders.

Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived.

Madigan says, "I will say this is the first I have heard of the Guardians being directly mentioned in visions. At least I believe that is true."

Anuril fixes Unaka with a serene, lofty stare.

Unaka waves.

Aerilia smiles at Unaka.

Kethrai says, "In fact... I have a sneaking suspicion they may have been Kather."

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Karthor waves to Unaka.

Lexxa bows to Unaka.

Kerennya waves to Unaka.

Zalinyar bursts out in loud, raucous laughter.

Ezerak nods to Madigan.

Kerennya says to Unaka, "You just missed all the fun."

Madigan smiles at Unaka.

Ghust quietly asks, "Who?"

Zalinyar says, "Perfect timing, right."

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Unaka with a crisp hand salute.

Larasa says, "Oh, maybe."

Ezerak says to Madigan, "I think you are correct."

Zalinyar snickers at Vaddon.

Unaka asks, "Oh? What'd I miss?"

Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.

Ruea glances at Unaka.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Everything. War's over! We can all go home."

Larasa says, "More visions of old Elanthia."

Unaka chuckles at Avrenka.

Avrenka flashes a quick grin.

Lexxa says, "This one about guardians."

Unaka nods to Larasa.

Kerennya says to Unaka, "We got a vision about Elanthia's past. Guardians and gardeners and invaders to the plane."

Unaka furrows her brow.

Karthor says, "A bit more of a clear who's-who than before, at any rate. But still no sense o' what Elanthia's actual needs are."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "I've a job for you, if you want it."

Trajan says to Unaka, "You did not miss any food."

Kerennya says, "It was very dense. Not sure what it means just yet."

Unaka asks, "Who are these guardians?"

Madigan says to Ezerak, "I will need to go back and read some ancient history to see where they fit in our recollection of Elanthia's history. I must say, they do not teach that class much on the drill field."

Madigan grins.

Unaka says to Trajan, "Good."

Ezerak nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Kethrai says to Unaka, "That's the million plat question."

Unaka nods to Kethrai.

Saragos asks Ezerak, "What's that?"

Ezerak says to Madigan, "There's little to be found on the subject, but there's one or two good ones."

Hanryu says, "They weren't wearing name tags in the vision sadly."

Madigan nods to Ezerak.

Zalinyar glances at Unaka.

Kerennya grins at Hanryu.

Karthor says, "Far's I can tell, the Guardians're exceedingly ancient and've been here all along. Somewhere 'long the way they made the Gardeners to help 'em out, but the Gardeners messed everythin' up."

Kethrai asks, "Did the Heralds create the Guardians we saw? Or are they the Guardians we saw? Or are they the Gardeners?"

Kerennya crosses her arms and points in opposite directions.

Karthor says to Kethrai, "Methinks they're the Gardeners. Leastwise Asildu said they consider 'emselves to be Gardeners."

Unaka rubs her head.

Aerilia sighs.

Unaka says, "Sounds confusing."

Kethrai says, "Probably not the Gardeners, since they continue to oppose sorcery."

Larasa says, "I guess I thought the guardians were the Heralds."

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Eyst says to Madigan, "I think the academies might have to revise their definition of ancient history with all we are learning about Elanthia's primordial state."

Kerennya says, "Unaka It was."

Several of the charms on Ghust's anklet flare brightly for a moment.

Madigan asks, "If you take that back to the last vision, we bloody need to figure out which gardner got exiled and kill that fellow?"

Madigan smiles at Eyst.

Larasa says, "But I have been way off a number of times."

Eyst says, "Merely Old History or somesuch."

Unaka asks, "Can someone explain in small words?"

Madigan says to Eyst, "I am beginning to realize that as well. Which..makes me feel a tad less ignorant on the topics."

Kerennya says to Madigan, "That one gardener could have symbolized the lot of them."

Hanryu says, "We did see the guardians consumed pure mana where the gardners drew in mixed streams."

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Kethrai says to Unaka, "More things we don't know than things we know. Still."

Ezerak says to Saragos, "Well, we're pretty sure the enemy doesn't like sorcery. But it's risky to cast it gathered together. I intend to spread some groups out, to each of the encasements, and a group here at the tower. Sir Madigan is preparing a defense force, to respond to any...responses the enemy may have."

Unaka nods.

Raising his roasted coffee to Kerennya, Madigan gives her a toast.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "The vision in its entiriety:."

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Epochs of time pass in moments. Seasons pass and Elanthia moves from a primal state to new ages, with crops, and in turn civilizations, but still something is ever present. A powerful existence -- one guiding force with many voices, Guardians consuming enormous quantities of pure mana. They shape the rise and fall of peoples, the drift of continents, and the very definition of life in small gestures of enormous impact dispersed by thousands of years."

Saragos says, "Hmm. Interesting."

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Breath of the unseen chorus is felt with each stroke that shapes creation in light gestures, and in turn, the streams of pure mana that ebbs with every act. Gardeners are created to support the Guardians in more consistent but smaller movements, but see that the Gardeners were flawed, leading to their downfall. They mixed streams of mana to enhance their own influence, introducing new and unintended consequences to the plan of their creators, drawing new beings that were not within the intent of the guiding forces of the universe."

Kethrai gazes at Avrenka.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "A lingering trail disperses the streams of mana necessary to fulfill the will of the beings that existed before time with each sorcerous event, leaving each movement less impactful. Yet, in time, a new powerful influence arrives, and with it, access to their own font of creation, carrying enormous capability and supply of a variant of mana harnessed by new shapers that had no compunctions regarding the mixing of energies. These beings begin to shape and blend and with every exertion of their will, the Guardians' presence feels more distant as the mana streams become further mixed."

Unaka says, "Hmm. Not small words."

Larasa suddenly looks like she wishes she were somewhere else.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "The tone of the unseen chorus change at this. Not only do these new beings shape without understanding the Guardians' need, but they do so with impunity, starving the Guardians from the very lands and sources they cultivated for so long. In a single expenditure of will, I felt the Guardians react. The might of these new beings diminishes, and the Guardians place boundaries, rules around their capacity to influence and to shape. Despite and without recognizing these limitations, the interlopers persist, enacting their own plans and shepherding their own flocks."

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Avrenka.

Aerilia chortles softly at some secret joke.

Karthor asks, "That was slowly an' with small words, eh?"

Kethrai shakes his head at Unaka.

Karthor chuckles.

Anuril fixes Avrenka with a serene, lofty stare.

Madigan says to Saragos, "The idea is to keep the attack going while we keep the drakes off of everyone."

Serial Killer Damiza just arrived.

Avrenka takes a deep breath.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "I need people to lead individual groups, if you'd like. Though I would understand completely if you'd prefer to be at the tower with me."

Ezerak nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos nods to Madigan.

The leaves on a lush mimosa tree dappled with glowing pink blossoms begin to fade into a dissonance of color as the strange plant dims somewhat.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "To not stop until either we are forced to, or something happens."

You notice as a white dog looks upward negligently.

Sublime Mender Kerennya glides west.

Unaka asks Avrenka, "Okay so. Some people looked for this vision... from Elanthia? Is that right?"

Madigan says to Saragos, "And, this keeps me from being so cranky because I do not have anyone to fight."

Karthor asks, "Oh right, food. Too many cooks in the kitchen?"

Madigan smiles warmly.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Karthor scratches his head.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Yes."

Saragos says to Ezerak, "I have an idea for something I was going to plan, that might help."

Ezerak grins at Madigan, his dimples flashing into view.

Unaka nods.

Trajan says to Avrenka, "One more time, with pictures."

Saragos says, "I like the idea."

Damiza stretches her arms.

Kethrai says to Anuril, "I've got a Troupe meeting in a little over ten roisaen. Optimistically, we'll plan for the world continuing to exist and need art."

Karthor says, "An' they can't agree on what to cook."

Karthor scratches his head.

Madigan says, "Aaiyaah is a similiar idea, tha I think we can weave into this one. Two for one attempts for the same coordination."

Anuril smirks.

Karthor says, "Or somethin'."

Ghust ponders.

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Madigan says, "Aaiyaah has a similiar idea I should say."

Madigan clears his throat.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Basically ... Guardians didn't like everyone mixing mana, especially the Immortals ... so they suddenly placed "boundaries, rules around their capacity to influence and shape."

Lexxa says, "The guardians were powerful, and consuming enormous quantities of pure mana. But the Gaurdains were flawed mixing mana streams to enhace their own influence. Then a new powerful influence arrived."

Saragos asks Madigan, "Does Aaiyaah have something already scheduled for that too?"

Ezerak nods to Madigan.

Unaka fixes Avrenka with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Ezerak says to Madigan, "The more, the better. Well, unless I am wrong."

Trajan says, "Maybe we can work this into a food analogy."

Avrenka says to Unaka, "I believe this refers to when Wild Magic started, when clerics detected the Font of Creation being stymied."

Ezerak says, "But I think it worth the risk."

Kethrai says, "The interesting thing about the Guardians consuming large amounts of mana... Is it seems it was still in a balance, while the plane was closed off."

Ghust quietly asks, "Did anyone see those iris petals the other day?"

Damiza says, "How do we know it's really the guardians? This Asildu and his buddy companion could be "false prophets" of some sorts here to wreck havoc."

Damiza gazes off into the distance.

Madigan says to Saragos, "I am not certain. We are discussing at the next Watch Meeting tomorrow. He wants to track down the source of who is using raw mana...to try to identify the enemy here."

Kethrai says, "So... Well, not to put too fine a point on it... they did the same thing with what they ate that everything else does."

Karthor chuckles at Kethrai.

Trajan pets Aerilia's white dog.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "This vision confirms that the Heralds are directly suppressing the Immortals abilities."

Lexxa says, "So it would seem as though the Heralds are not wanting to make the same mistake the Guardians made."

Larasa nods to Avrenka.

Unaka runs her hand over her scalp, deep in thought.

Aerilia furrows her brow.

Ezerak nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Lexxa says, "Which is why they don't want us doing sorcery."

Damiza says, "Mkay.."

Damiza gazes off into the distance.

Larasa says, "Does sort of paint the Immortals as invaders though."

Madigan asks Avrenka, "Were the Heralds directly mentioned in that vision? Or, is it so obvious that there can only be that answer here?"

Lexxa gives a slight nod.

Tinkerer Olinslag just arrived.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Kethrai says to Avrenka, "It may confirm that they've rewritten reality to have those boundaries and suppressions."

Unaka slowly asks Avrenka, "So you think the Guardians are the Heralds, and the interlopers are the Immortals?"

Avrenka says to Madigan, "They were not. Just "Guardians" and "Gardeners."

Lexxa says, "They were not named explicidely."

Avrenka says to Unaka, "That's what it sounds like. Although I wouldn't be surprised if the Heralds themselves aren't native to this plane either."

Kethrai says, "Point being, even if they were to perish, that might not be un-done."

Damiza asks, "This is why it's so hard for others to join in here.... Did I not ask it loud enough?"

Unaka says to Damiza, "Ask what? Sometimes I need loud."

Lexxa pats Damiza on the back.

Ghust pets Aerilia's white dog.

Madigan smiles at Damiza.

Ezerak nods to Saragos.

Saragos steps towards Ezerak to join him, but Ezerak steps away.

Ezerak joins Saragos's group.

Damiza says, "I asked... how do we know it's really the guardians? This Asildu and his buddy companion could be "false prophets" of some sorts here to wreck havoc."

Tempest Knight Saragos strides southeast, leading his group.

Avrenka says to Damiza, "Possible."

Kethrai says, "We don't, really."

Ghust ponders.

Lexxa says, "The guardians and the heralds are not the same thing."

Avrenka says, "And in fact ... there seem to be multiple different kinds of "Heralds."

Kethrai says, "But... What we have been shown by Elanthia matches the behavior we've seen from these entities."

Unaka says to Damiza, "I don't trust 'em."

Unaka looks at Damiza and shrugs.

Trajan nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Damiza says, "I read up on a book at the libraries of Huldah doing a similar trick morphing into another Immortal to darken a Cleric."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Pack Brother Ghust went through a fire-etched onyx door.

Kethrai says to Lexxa, "So I've heard, but I've yet to hear what each of those things actually is."

Damiza says to Unaka, "I don't trust them either."

Trajan says, "I don't think they're deceivers. Pawns, maybe, but they believe in their mission."

Kethrai says, "Until we can point to a specific group of entities and say for sure 'they are the Heralds' and 'they are the Guardians' then the semantics are gonna be a little muddy."

Avrenka says to Damiza, "It's one thing to trick a cleric ... it's another to be able to take a group of poeple into the 5th dimension and suppress all 13 immortals."

Karthor says to Kethrai, "This'un gave the sense that the Guardians've always been here. The orange dragon from last time, or probly the Kather's Sun Dragon."

Peace Keeper Vaddon strides west, leading his group.

Hanryu says, "Well I've got to run. Safe paths everyone."

Avrenka nods to Hanryu.

Madigan waves to Hanryu.

Damiza says to Trajan, "Yeah but you got to think about it. His female friend talked about the destruction of her village and why nobody cared, yet she's assisting in the possible destruction of 4 different locations and not even batting an eye."

In the blink of an eye, Hanryu disappears into his surroundings.

Kethrai nods to Karthor.

Damiza says to Avrenka, "Point taken."

Damiza ponders.

Larasa waves.

Avrenka says to Damiza, "Yeah, the duplicity of their statements is staggering."

Lifeblade Larasa goes west.

Damiza nods at Avrenka, obviously agreeing with his views.

Trajan nods to Damiza.

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Avrenka says to Damiza, "They have no choice but to lie to further their agenda."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Anuril squints.

Damiza nods at Avrenka, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai says to Damiza, "She would say that she's got nothing to do with those Clans being destroyed. That it's on us for not heeding her warnings."

Kethrai says, "Rightly or wrongly."

Trajan nods.

Unaka asks Kethrai, "What do you think about that?"

Kethrai frowns.

Trajan says, "They place blame for the Heralds' actions squarely on us, for not capitulating."

Damiza says to Kethrai, "I noticed that but all she's doing is going around telling people not to do something rather than what you guys are doing by trying to purify the world and whatnot."

Damiza nods to Trajan.

Eyst says, "Frankly it is hard to say whether they are outright lying. They are certainly under the influence of the Heralds. Or Something, for those still suspicious of the entire thing."

Madigan says to Trajan, "Lord Sorrow also blamed his occupation on the fact we didn't surrender to him."

Madigan smiles at Trajan.

Trajan nods to Madigan.

Avrenka says, "I did not see either Asildu or Miraena at Nawain's vigil for the Clans that were destroyed."

Eyst says, "I would not be surprised if their minds were not entirely their own."

Kethrai says to Unaka, "I don't know. I wish I knew. But it does seem that the wrath they're expressing is... self-serving."

Aerilia nods to Eyst.

Avrenka says, "They did not mourn or grieve like we did."

Unaka says, "Seems to me like if someone has a bootheel on my throat and tells me to obey or someone dies, they're not the good guy."

Damiza asks, "Now.... In my studies, I read up on a guy named Daervlan eth'Riel who corresponded with the Heralds. I couldn't find whether he was still living or not. Are we able to find him to see if he concurs with Asildu and his buddy?"

Trajan says to Madigan, "It's the classic refrain of tyrants, despots, and abusers."

Damiza taps a black-bordered parchment that she is holding.

Lexxa nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Anuril shakes his head.

Damiza puts her parchment in her wyvern skull.

Avrenka says to Damiza, "You are referring to the Lord of the Void? Saragos has corresponded with him once or twice."

Damiza says, "Ahh, I wasn't sure if he was good or bad."

Kethrai says, "When we were casting pure magic... I could feel the being that was speaking, as it drank deep, like it had been thirsty for eons."

Aerilia says to Unaka, "Exactly. If I threaten to kill someone unless you obey, I'm ultimately responsible no matter what you choose to do."

Damiza says, "Just saw him in the studies."

Damiza nods to Avrenka.

Damiza says, "I think that's him."

Madigan says to Trajan, "Which, is why our guild exists. The Immortals spark our soul and then we are charged with fighting the good fight."

Unaka nods to Aerilia.

Madigan grins at Trajan.

Avrenka says to Damiza, "He is good. Top of the Warrior Mage guild. And he believes the Heralds are the antagonists behind everything."

Trajan nods to Madigan.

Trajan says, "I'm all for protecting the innocents."

Damiza says to Avrenka, "Ahh okies. It definitely was a fascinating read."

Damiza nods.

Kethrai says, "The -- Heralds, Guardians, the voices in the sky, whoever they are. They're... starving to death."

Tempest Knight Saragos just arrived, leading his group.

Lexxa says, "We should let them starve."

Trajan says, "Even the barbarian guild."

Lexxa gives a slight nod.

Avrenka says to Kethrai, "We know from the Elanthia visions that their projects require vast amounts of pure magic energy."

Damiza asks Kethrai, "I forget her name but in my studies mentioned a woman of the heralds who killed to feed the Heralds. So they feed on us?"

Unaka says, "Or maybe they don't really need the juice. Maybe it's something they want really badly, but don't need."

Ezerak grins at Saragos, his dimples flashing into view.

Damiza ponders.

Aerilia says, "Whether our enemy is single or multiple - herald, guardian, gardener - it doesn't change our directive. We support the Immortals and restore balance through sorcery."

Lexxa points at Unaka.

Lexxa gives a slight nod.

Unaka smiles at Aerilia.

Unaka smiles at Lexxa.

Kethrai says to Unaka, "May be. Less of a thirst and more of an addiction."

Lexxa says, "Like samatek."

Unaka nods to Kethrai.

Damiza nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ruea chuckles.

Unaka says, "Not saying I know for sure."

Avrenka asks Unaka, "Unaka, you once mentioned you didn't know if the Bulwark was to keep things out, or to keep things in ... do you have any further insight into the Bulwark, as of late?"

Kethrai says, "I've never been less sure about anything than I am about everything these days."

Unaka says, "Just that it seems to be vibrating lately. Don't know what that means."

Saragos asks Damiza, "I was away for a moment, but I was told you had a question about Daervlan?"

Karthor nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Unaka pats Kethrai on the back.

Avrenka ponders.

Trajan says to Unaka, "Nothing good, I'd imagine."

Alith rises to a kneeling position.

Kethrai gently kisses Anuril on the cheek.

Kethrai says to Anuril, "Got to be off to my meeting, arn miate."

Karthor says, "Aye, it's all upside down. Apparently fillin' a bunch o' pure "juice" into the "bowl" causes the level to go DOWN, of all things."

Karthor twitches.

Unaka says to Kethrai, "If it helps, Truffenyi will love you no matter what."

Anuril stands near Kethrai.

Madigan smiles at Karthor.

Anuril glances at Unaka.

Unaka fixes Anuril with a heavy, ponderous stare.

Kethrai says to Unaka, "Mmh, I guess. A little."

Kethrai brushes one ear with his hand, grooming it absentmindedly.

Damiza says to Saragos, "Well, I'm sorta convinced Asildu and his companion are 'false prophets' of sorts keen on destruction but I read up on that Daervlan guy and seemed like a good guy and was curious if we knew anyone who knew him to see if he concurs with Asildu and see if what he claims the Guardians are saying is actually true or false."

Avrenka says, "Unless you renounce them and follow the Heralds that is."

Avrenka coughs.

Avrenka ducks his head.

Unaka says to Karthor, "Yeah, I don't know. There may be a problem with the theory. I think it's mostly there though."

Eyst asks Unaka, "Curious, where exactly do you place in the Paladin heirarchy? Are you, respectfully, just another adventurer?"

Kethrai whispers something to Anuril.

Anuril smirks.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Damiza says, "There's hardly any lore on Asildu and his companion. It's like they just appeared out of thin air and to me that's suspicious."

Unaka says to Eyst, "I am, yes."

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Aerilia says to Avrenka, "You can still love someone that betrays you. It just hurts all the more."

Primal World Ender Anuril goes west.

Heart Tender Kethrai glides west.

Ruea saunters west.

Unaka nods to Aerilia.

Madigan says, "Ohh, I have fought many of the Immortals minions. Some of them are fairly crazy. I oppose one of them every year in fact."

Madigan smiles at Avrenka.

Trajan nods.

Unaka says, "Not all Immortals are the same."

Madigan says, "The Code does not require that I follow any one Immortal in particular."

Avrenka says, "Everyone loves to hate on Asketi huh."

Ezerak nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Saragos says to Damiza, "I sent a letter to Daervlan at the beginning of all of this. His response was cut off, but he said that he's watched these events with 'growing horror', and that he agreed with my suspicion that this was the Heralds. He said, 'the signature and ripples speak to their arrogance, though it has been ages since they moved so directly'."

Unaka says, "Think there's a reason Truffenyi in particular reached out to me."

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Saragos says to Damiza, "He also said, 'There are no channels that are secure. There are no actions that are not observed. Step wisely, step cautiously, and be rea-' And that's where his message was burnt away in front of me, engulfed by a no-color flash."

Eyst says to Avrenka, "There's not exactly much else to love in her regard."

Aerilia asks Unaka, "Were you particularly close to Him before He made you His champion? Before that night at the campfire?"

Saragos says to Damiza, "I've written him again, but not gotten a response."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Unaka nods to Aerilia.

Pack Brother Ghust came through a fire-etched onyx door.

Unaka says, "Yeah. Always liked him. Always worshipped him."

Pack Brother Ghust drifts west.

Aerilia nods.

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Arch Huntress Kyssandra goes west.

Ezerak says, "I should be off. Many things to think about."

Eyst asks, "Is that all it takes to become his champion?"

Ezerak doffs his top hat.

Trajan nods to Ezerak.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Damiza says to Saragos, "Oooh, I recall there was a newsletter that said something about a deceased bird with a note. Was that it? All curious for sure."

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Sefiya ponders.

Unaka says, "Lotta people where I'm from like Everild. But the work I was doing was about civilization, the way I figured it."

Lexxa waves to Ezerak.

Mountain Lord Ezerak swaggers west.

Damiza says, "Guess he wanted us to be ready for something and someone didn't like us known what to be ready for."

Damiza ponders.

Damiza gets a jumbled memory book filled with keepsakes and drawings from inside her wyvern skull.

Karthor ponders.

Damiza carefully opens a jumbled memory book filled with keepsakes and drawings.

Damiza quietly peruses the pages in a jumbled memory book filled with keepsakes and drawings with a contemplative look upon her face.

Unaka says, "I learned a lot about the way the Clan was formed, and how we carved civilization out of wilderness. I've got a lot of respect for that."

Damiza nods.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Lexxa nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Madigan says, "Pardon me."

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Sir Madigan goes west.

Avrenka nods.

Karthor says to Unaka, "Hm, know much about Kertigen by chance? Purgin' a bunch o' plague wraiths seemed to help 'im out, but I'm not sure in what sense."

Lexxa bows.

Lexxa waves.

Lexxa taps a lockpick ring that she is wearing.

Lexxa strides west.

Unaka says to Karthor, "Not as much, no."

Karthor nods.

Unaka says, "Purging the right sort of undead does seem to please Them sometimes though."

Unaka looks at Karthor and shrugs.

Karthor says, "Oy, all sorts of undead're the right sorts to purge."

Karthor makes a matter-of-fact grunting noise.

Saragos says to Damiza, "It wasn't exactly a bird. It was a magical message sent by means I hadn't seen before. I wrote in my notes that, "I tasted copper and felt a momentary rush of static as a crackling snarl of electricity unfurled before you, displaying a sheet of... maybe paper? The rectangle glowed faintly as an elegant script formed before my eyes."

Trajan nods to Karthor.

Damiza says, "Oh, before I forget, did I miss the clarity beseeching? I came as soon as I could."

Eyst asks, "Is there a wrong sort to purge?"

Avrenka asks Unaka, "You ever fight against demons or anything like that?"

Saragos nods to Damiza.

Unaka says to Avrenka, "Me, personally? No."

Trajan says, "I've never met an undead creature that didn't look better back where it came from."

Mage Slayer Golameth just arrived.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Just wondering if any of them had a specific cause to fear you personally."

Unaka asks, "They're not exactly around in forms to fight, know what I mean?"

Damiza says to Saragos, "Fascinating. With permission, I'd love to look at your notes."

Avrenka says, "Yeah."

Saragos nods to Damiza.

Damiza nods.

Aerilia pets her white dog.

Avrenka ponders.

Unaka says to Karthor, "I've heard some undead are the make of the Immortals, and those ones are okay by them, but it's hard to understand which is which."

Karthor frowns.

Unaka says to Avrenka, "Demons, fear me? Hmm. Well, seems to me like they'd certainly fear Truffenyi."

Avrenka asks Unaka, "You're referring to Asketi's ride, right?"

Unaka flashes a wide grin at Avrenka.

Karthor says, "I've heard somethin' similar methinks. They're still crimes against Life though, by my reckonin'."

Damiza holds her hand out towards Golameth for a highfive.

Trajan says to Unaka, "That's why I just dispatch them all and let Chadatru sort them out."

Unaka says to Avrenka, "Sure. Might be others."

Unaka chuckles at Trajan.

Golameth smiles at Damiza.

Damiza grins.

Damiza tried to highfive Golameth, but got left hanging!

Damiza waggles her fingers mystically at Golameth. How nice.

Golameth gnashes his teeth at Damiza.

Damiza chortles softly at some secret joke.

Damiza gives Golameth a smooch.

Damiza says, "Only thing I can do with my teeth are."

Damiza curls back her lips to display her fangs briefly.

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Unaka says to Avrenka, "Anyway, Truffenyi kinda holds back some of the demons, the way I understand it."

Saragos gets a battered volume with notes scribbled on the edges from inside his black greatcoat.

Unaka says, "If he works through me, I'd imagine they'd be scared. They should be."

Saragos gently flattens his open volume.

Avrenka nods to Unaka.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Truth is, I know almost nothing about demons."

Unaka nods to Avrenka.

Eyst asks Unaka, "Why only some of them?"

(Saragos hands Damiza a sheaf of papers full of notes.)

Saragos gently closes a battered volume with notes scribbled on the edges.

Saragos puts his volume in his black greatcoat.

Damiza smiles and accepts Saragos's papers. "Thank you!"

Damiza curtsies to Saragos.

Unaka says to Eyst, "Not sure. Could be he holds back all of them, just not completely sure. I do know he holds back at least some though."

Unaka says, "Good thing, too. Demons aren't good for civilization. I know that much."

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Eyst says, "Better than none I suppose."

Avrenka says, "I wonder if the Heralds and Immortals simply cannot co-exist any more, or if diplomacy could somehow be made to compromise between them."

Unaka nods to Avrenka.

Avrenka says, "They've shared this plane for eons ... why not some more."

Saragos nods to Avrenka.

Trajan says, "I'm still mulling over the vision the empaths and rangers had. At least, as it's been repeated."

Trajan furrows his brow.

Aerilia frowns in thought.

Unaka says, "I'd like that. But I don't know how we would get them to talk."

Avrenka says, "Or if they even can talk to each other."

Saragos says to Avrenka, "I've had similar thoughts, though how one would broker that kind of discussion would be..."

Saragos shakes his head.

You notice a white dog rub against Golameth for a moment.

Unaka says, "Though, then again, if the Heralds are behind the Clans, think maybe I'd rather them gone."

Saragos says, "If anyone could do it, Ayrell could. But we don't have her."

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Avrenka says, "Let's hold a debate between one representative each from the Immortals and the Heralds."

Aerilia nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Avrenka chuckles.

Avrenka says, "I kid."

Unaka chuckles at Avrenka.

Damiza grins at Avrenka.

Karthor narrows his eyes.

Aerilia says, "If we can arrive on the other side of this with the Immortals no longer being challenged by these gaurdians, I think that would be best for us."

Avrenka says, "But if they cannot speak to each other, perhaps they can thru their intermediaries."

Damiza holds her hand up as if waiting for a highfive, pausing briefly before swinging her other hand up and clapping her hands together. She must not have many friends to highfive.

Trajan says, "There was coexistance for longer than there's been imbalance."

Avrenka nods to Trajan.

Saragos says, "The problem is that the Heralds won't even speak to us. We tried diplomacy with them."

Avrenka says, "That's right."

Trajan says, "Something's changed."

Avrenka says, "We had their attention, but they chose not to respond when we asked to broker their cooperation."

Saragos says to Trajan, "Either something changed, or an usustainable situation finally started to bite."

Eyst says, "The Heralds haven't seen much given to reason, but the fact they seem to call and answer their messengers of late, perhaps they're coming to understand us better."

Trajan says, "And the Immoirtals don't fight without reason. At least not on this scale."

Unaka says, "I guess they might speak to the Immortals, but I don't know how we'd help that along."

Trajan says, "Immortals, rather."

Trajan nods to Saragos.

Karthor says, "Hm, methinks I might be startin' to get the picture here."

Avrenka says, "We have to understand each sides motivations and wants."

Avrenka says, "Then we can find middle ground."

Unaka says, "Well, sounds to me like the Heralds want to drink all the pure juice, drink us down into Wild Magic."

Avrenka says, "As a great moonmage once said ... peace cannot be achieved by force; it can only be achieved by understanding."

Trajan says, "I'm not sure how one invites two separate groups of extra-planar entities to anything, let alone a parlay."

Saragos says to Unaka, "Maybe if we convince them that the situation is untenable, that they cannot prevail unless the Immortals help them, they might come to the table."

Saragos says, "Basically, be ungovernable."

Unaka says, "Not sure we can work with that, if they've finally taken enough that it's just going to kill us all."

Unaka nods to Saragos.

Eyst asks, "I wonder what a compromise might look like. Would we have to allow them to maintain some amount of encasement zones? Accept limits to the Immortals influence?"

Trajan asks, "What size table would we need, exactly?"

Karthor says, "Our experience today gave the sense that there's no conflict between the Guardians an' the Immortals. The Guardians just matter o' factly imposed restrictions the Immortals didn't even notice or care about."

Unaka says, "From what I've seen, they don't seem very reasonable though. They just demand that we do what they want."

Avrenka nods to Unaka.

Karthor says, "It's the Gardeners what're the problem."

Avrenka says, "They're probably not used to negotiating."

Aerilia says to Saragos, "It may be they may consider the dissoluton of the plane as acceptable. That may be while they're draining us to begin with. To erase us and start over."

Avrenka says, "Certainly not with ants like us."

Unaka nods to Avrenka.

Unaka says, "Yeah, seems clear they're not going to talk to us like that."

Avrenka asks, "What if we can find where they live?"

Saragos says to Eyst, "Maybe. Honestly, I don't think hardly anyone would have argued against putting encasements in any places that were... not right on top of towns. They dropped them on our settlements in their arrogance and intransigence."

Avrenka says, "Give 'em a little taste of their own medicine."

Eyst nods in agreement.

Unaka says to Avrenka, "Even if some ants came to my bed, I don't think I'd listen to anything they were saying."

Avrenka says to Unaka, "What if the ants started spelling messages in the dirt for you after blowing up your bed though."

Damiza says, "Got a point there... I usually squish them with my thumb and go back to sleep."

Damiza nods to Unaka.

Eyst says to Saragos, "They would be a wholly intriguing area, were their arrival not such a tragedy."

Unaka chuckles at Avrenka.

Avrenka quietly says, "We track the stolen energy ... it'll lead us right to them."

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Saragos asks Unaka, "What if you woke up because the ants had methodically chewed through your chandelier and made it fall on your face? Would that get your attention?"

Unaka says to Avrenka, "Doubt we could blow up anything they'd care about. And I don't know how we'd make messages they'd understand either."

Avrenka says, "They speak common to us no problem."

Unaka asks Saragos, "Sure, but it might just make me angry?"

Saragos says to Unaka, "At least you're paying attention to them at that point. That's the minimum starting point for a conversation."

Unaka says, "Just because they speak Common to us doesn't mean they understand us when we speak to them."

Trajan asks, "I don't think ants is an apt analogy, anyway. We're more like bees to them, aren't we?"

Aerilia says to Avrenka, "So long as we can track it without a repeat of the pure mana party. I don't think we can afford to let the balance tip much farther."

Trajan asks, "And the mana we make is their honey?"

Avrenka says to Aerilia, "About that .. I have an idea."

Unaka says to Trajan, "We need a food analogy."

Unaka sighs.

Trajan says to Unaka, "There you go."

Unaka says to Trajan, "Wait -- honey! Okay, you have my attention."

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Damiza chortles softly at some secret joke.

Avrenka quietly says, "We bait them in with the startings of a pure mana party ... like trapping a predator, you need bait."

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Damiza asks, "So they feed on pure magic?"

Avrenka says, "When the predator snatches the bait, it leaves a trail of blood."

Eyst asks, "Then the Heralds are apiarist? Or would that be the Immortals and the Heralds just hungry bears?"

Avrenka says, "We follow that trail to the predator's hideout."

Unaka says to Saragos, "My gut just tells me that they don't understand, somehow. They'll just get mad and swat at us more. At least, that's the way it seems to me."

Trajan looks thoughtfully at Eyst.

Avrenka says, "We switch the bait, go from pure magic to sorcery magic."

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Avrenka says, "Give them an upset stomach."

Avrenka chortles softly at some secret joke.

Damiza says, "Yeah but now you're risking another city or town."

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Trajan says to Eyst, "The Immortals would be the bee keepers, because nothing the Heralds are doing feels remotely like tending."

Aerilia says, "That's a risk we have to take, no matter what we do."

Unaka asks, "Anyway, did anyone else see a huge scorpion in the sky the other day?"

Eyst glances at Unaka.

Branagan stands up.

Karthor raises an eyebrow.

Damiza asks, "I did not. What did it do?"

Damiza observes Unaka with fascination.

Aerilia says to Unaka, "I heard about that, but the details were sparse."

Avrenka asks Unaka, "I heard about it ... did you see anything about it?"

Eyst says to Unaka, "I've heard a few stories about it."

Karthor says, "Hm, sounds like 'nother Immortal sightin' to add to the pile."

Karthor grins.

Illiya says, "I saw it."

Trajan says, "The sighting was relayed to me."

Unaka asks, "Just saw a giant scorpion, stinger looked like it was in some kind of... silvery liquid?"

You hear a voice ask, "Saw what?"

Illiya nods to Unaka.

Illiya says, "A giant scorpion."

With a waver like a mirage, Shaylynne fades into view.

Damiza says, "That's Urrumptier aspect? Or, I could be pronouncing his name wrong."

Aerilia ponders.

Illiya begins chortling at Shaylynne.

Unaka asks, "Anyone know what that was about?"

Karthor scratches his head.

Avrenka shakes his head.

Trajan says, "Urrem'tier, aye."

Trajan nods to Damiza.

Damiza nods.

Illiya ponders.

Illiya says, "It was in response to an experiment."

Illiya says, "Of putting blighted objects near the encasement to see if there was any response."

Trajan says, "By my understanding, it seemed as if it might have been a message."

Unaka nods to Illiya.

Trajan says, "Yet another riddle."

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Unaka asks, "Why do you think Urrem'tier might care about that?"

Unaka rubs her head.

Aerilia ponders.

Illiya says, "I was confused by that too."

Trajan says, "He may have just been the Immortal most immediately adjacent to the subject matter."

Illiya says to Trajan, "I think that was the conclusion some came to."

Trajan says, "The closest god to death."

Trajan says, "It was in his wheelhouse, so to speak."

Eyst says, "A good question isn't it? Of course scorpions sometimes feed on carrion. Perhaps he found something to his liking there."

Unaka nods to Eyst.

Damiza ponders.

Karthor says, "Maybe he wanted to see if he could stuff a Gardener into the Void."

Karthor scratches his head.

Unaka says, "Wonder if the Heralds can die."

Unaka nods to Karthor.

Xibar sets, slowly dropping below the horizon.

Trajan says, "Everything can die."

Trajan says, "It's just a matter of effort, or time."

Aerilia says, "Hm. One of the visions from Elanthia showed them dying, I think? In a war with a terrible invading force."

Illiya studies her silkcress-bound almanac closely.

Unaka frowns.

Damiza says, "Are the Herald's beneficial to us at all? Cause at this point, if they're not assisting with life and such, I'd have to have the same question as Unaka here."

Karthor nods to Aerilia.

Karthor says to Aerilia, "Somethin' like that, though it wasn't quite clear which beings those were."

Trajan says, "But, speaking of wheel houses, the nuances of death is not really in mine."

Aerilia nods to Karthor.

Unaka says, "Regardless, I like the idea of punching them. Just wish I were strong enough."

Saragos says to Damiza, "I don't know of any way that they are. It doesn't mean that they're not, but I don't know if it."

Illiya ponders.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Illiya exclaims, "Oh wait!"

Damiza nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Saragos nods to Unaka.

Damiza nods to Saragos.

Illiya says, "They mentioned something about 'the Maul'."

Illiya asks Unaka, "Maybe it was you?"

Trajan says to Unaka, "Sometimes punching is done with something besides a fist."

Unaka asks, "They?"

Aerilia says to Unaka, "If we can keep starving them enough maybe they'll become punchable-sized."

Unaka draws forth a notched splitting maul with an ox horn attached to the head.

Illiya says, "The um.. participants in the experiment."

Unaka pats a notched splitting maul with an ox horn attached to the head.

Illiya says, "Not me, but the other ones."

Yavash sets, slowly dropping below the horizon.

Unaka says to Aerilia, "Now there's a thought."

Shaylynne grins at Illiya.

Unaka asks Illiya, "What did they have to say about the maul?"

Illiya says, "THey were trying to figure out who or what it was."

Unaka leans on her maul.

Avrenka says, "Well there's a maul right there."

Avrenka chuckles.

Damiza grins at Unaka.

Unaka chuckles.

Unaka says, "Yep."

Illiya says, "Indeed."

Aerilia smiles.

Unaka asks, "Why did they care about who or what 'the Maul' was?"

Illiya says, "They saw something related to it."

Damiza asks, "Oh... Maul of Truffenyi. Where they talking about Unaka?"

Damiza cocks her head at Illiya.

Unaka says, "Gotta admit, this experiment doesn't make any sense to me."

Eyst frowns.

Eyst asks Unaka, "And what flaw do you find with it?"

Trajan shakes his head.

Trajan says, "This was a meeting I wasn't invited to."

Unaka says, "I mean, seems like a good enough attempt to hurt the encasement. I just don't understand what it has to do with a Maul or Urrem'tier."

Trajan says, "I only have second hand knowledge."

Avrenka says, "Perhaps the presence of tainted artifacts drew the attention of the Immortals."

Avrenka shrugs.

Karthor says, "Well anywho, I should probly be off. Take care folks."

Unaka nods to Karthor.

Karthor waves.

Aerilia nods to Karthor.

Trajan nods to Karthor.

Damiza waves to Karthor.

Trajan says to Karthor, "Take care."

Unaka says to Karthor, "Good job killing those undead, anyway."

Karthor smiles.

Karthor says to Unaka, "Thanks."

Karthor raises his hand in a quick salute.

Bioexorcist Karthor plods west.

Illiya says to Unaka, "There was a presence evoked that had a fear of 'The Maul'."

Reverend Gragnel just arrived.

Unaka nods to Illiya.

Gragnel raises an eyebrow.

Trajan asks, "Literally, or metaphorically?"

Unaka says, "Well, I'd fear my maul too."

Unaka flashes a wide grin.

Damiza chortles softly at some secret joke.

Gragnel says, "Oh..."

Damiza grins at Unaka.

Gragnel says to Unaka, "Hello, again. It's me, Gragnel. Down here."

Gragnel waves to Unaka.

Shaylynne says, "I mean, it's not really fair if you attach a horn to it, that is pretty much gonna scare anyone."

Illiya grins at Gragnel, her dimples flashing into view.

Shaylynne nods to Unaka.

Gragnel waves to Illiya.

Illiya says to Unaka, "It is rather intimidating looking."

Shaylynne nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Unaka steps out of range of those present and casually swings the massive maul in a few maneuvers, ending with it slung over one shoulder. It's big enough to easily crush the head of a horse.

Unaka blinks.

Damiza grins at Gragnel.

Trajan ponders.

Unaka looks down.

Gragnel falls over.

Unaka waves to Gragnel.

Shaylynne blinks.

Trajan gets an oversized kertig maul capped with a viciously sharp warklin impaler from inside a surging eddy of cold blue light radiating within a polished silversteel matrix.

Eyst says, "It sounds to me as if the attendance of Urrem'tier and this business with the Maul caused some general confusion. Perhaps all unintended results of their experiment."

Gragnel exclaims, "What a strong wind!"

Avrenka grins.

Gragnel stands up.

Illiya chortles softly at some secret joke.

Aerilia chortles softly at some secret joke.

Unaka chuckles at Gragnel.

Damiza ponders.

Gragnel says, "Sheesh."

Gragnel dusts himself off.

Trajan shows Unaka his kertig maul.

Avrenka asks Eyst, "You were there?"

Unaka nods to Eyst.

Unaka says, "Well, with gods moving lately, not always going to be clear what's going on."

Gragnel says, "Oh... hrummm."

Gragnel gazes off into the distance.

Reverend Gragnel slogs west.

Unaka says to Trajan, "Oh, nice."

Eyst says to Avrenka, "As I've said, I've heard stories along with what Illiya has recounted."

Avrenka nods.

Reverend Gragnel just arrived.

Gragnel nods.

Aerilia traces a complex pattern of arcane sigils in the air around herself.

Trajan says to Unaka, "Never leave home without a maul."

Closing her eyes, Aerilia grunts briefly in effort as a small earthen ethereal fissure opens in front of her. Thrusting her hand through, Aerilia draws out a crystalline jade stone lance. As Aerilia opens her eyes, the fissure closes.

Gragnel says to himself, "Of course that knocked you over, ya goof. Put the armor away next time."

Gragnel slaps his forehead!

Damiza says, "I don't have a maul."

Damiza looks downright miserable.

Aerilia concentrates for a moment and a crystalline jade stone lance she is holding is replaced with a crystalline jade stone maul.

Unaka pats Damiza on the back.

Trajan pats Damiza on the back.

Aerilia leans on her maul.

Illiya grins at Aerilia, her dimples flashing into view.

Unaka says to Damiza, "Time to find yourself a good weaponsmith."

Aerilia grins.

Damiza grins at Unaka.

Gragnel says, "Maul is a bit much for my noodle arms, I like my nightstick."

Shaylynne gets a sharpened tree trunk from inside her thigh bag.

Gragnel gets a bronze nightstick with a series of notches crudely engraved along its length from inside his bag.

Gragnel holds a bronze nightstick with a series of notches crudely engraved along its length high into the air for all to see.

Unaka says, "Though they are pretty heavy, gotta warn you."

Damiza says to Unaka, "I do have cards tho."

Damiza draws forth some jagged-edged cards.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Shaylynne shows Illiya her tree trunk.

Damiza shows Unaka her jagged-edged cards.

Aerilia asks Illiya, "I have no bloody hope of swinging this. But it looks nice, eh?"

Damiza leans on her cards.

Illiya begins to carefully examine a sharpened tree trunk.

Shaylynne says to Illiya, "Big pointy sticks."

Illiya beams at Shaylynne!

Avrenka says, "Until someone explains exactly what they saw or experienced, I'm afraid I don't have any way of figuring out that vision of the scorpion."

Avrenka shrugs.

Shaylynne takes a sip of her Drawg.

Illiya says, "I can tell you what I experienced."

Avrenka nods to Illiya.

Illiya says, "But again, I didn't see everything that the other participants saw."

Gragnel says, "Oh... that..."

Avrenka says, "Please do."

Gragnel scowls.

Gragnel puts his nightstick in his bag.

Unaka asks Illiya, "You saw the scorpion?"

Illiya nods to Unaka.

Trajan puts his maul in a surging eddy of cold blue light radiating within a polished silversteel matrix.

Illiya says, "I did.."

Unaka says, "Okay, let's hear it."

Illiya says, "The experiment was to put blighted objects around the encasement by Knife Clan and see if there was any reaction."

Illiya says, "When they started to place the objects, there was whispers, and then screaming, and then I smelled burnt hair and stinging solvents, and then a winged creature flit across the sky, marked by twin streaks of purple."

Shaylynne wrinkles her nose.

Aerilia frowns.

Unaka nods.

Damiza cocks her head at Illiya.

Illiya says, "A scorpion skittered into the area and darted back and forth. It waved its pinchers with a loud clack, snapping them in the air, sending silvery sparks of starlight drifting upward, motes of light that slowly faded. I blinked, and the scorpion was nowhere to be found."

Trajan says, "I think I understand why I wasn't invited to this experiment."

Illiya says, "Something skittered between the stars, an unsettling flicker of movement. The scorpion returned, its stinger poised and ready, its pinchers held high in defense. It rotated around, as if scanning the area, and vanished in a golden haze."

Illiya says, "A gentle breeze swept the area, bringing the scent of fresh flowers and rain. The vine wall seemed to thicken, rising taller and solidifying."

Avrenka says, "Stinging solvents ... acid? ... sounds .. Arcane."

Illiya says, "The scorpion again appeared, skittering across the area. It seemed to grow, the size of a dog, a horse, a house, a mountain, and I found myself looking up at massive swaying pinchers and a horrifically looming stinger dripping with a glowing silvery fluid that left a sparkling trail of stars."

Unaka asks, "Hmm, so the blighted stuff actually helped it maybe?"

Illiya says, "The scorpion's stinger whipped forward too fast to follow, its tip disappearing into something far above that I could not see. Reaching forward with one of its pinchers, the scorpion clasped at something, and brought it closer to its mouthparts. Held within its pincher, something flared with blinding luminescence, and the scorpion was now a hunched man trailing dripping smoke, cupping something in His hands."

Illiya says, "The man stared at the blinding object, and suddenly looked directly at me, His eyes an endless void, an empty abyss, a boundless chasm into which I fell and fell and fell."

Aerilia blinks.

Illiya says, "And finally, everything was normal again after that."

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Illiya says to Unaka, "The wall seemingly growing stronger was confusing to me too."

Avrenka asks, "So the scorpion caught the flying purple creature?"

Aerilia asks, "Urrem'tier plucked something bright from the sky?"

Avrenka rubs his head.

Shaylynne rubs her head.

Unaka says, "Stinger whipped out of view, pincer grabbed something."

Gragnel says, "A meal."

Unaka says, "I feel like I need a Cleric."

Gragnel clears his throat.

Gragnel gazes off into the distance.

Illiya beams at Gragnel!

Avrenka says, "Seems like the scorpion was specifically looking for something too."

Gragnel says, "Yeah, maybe Harsh is available."

Unaka says to Gragnel, "Oh, look at you. You're dressed like one."

Gragnel smirks.

Trajan says, "It sounds as if he caught a star."

Avrenka says, "And found it."

Shaylynne nods to Unaka.

Eyst says, "The recounts I have heard suggest that whatever other creatures were there, seemed to have little interest in maintaining their presence."

Aerilia nods to Trajan.

Unaka nods to Eyst.

Aerilia says to Trajan, "It does, doesn't it? But you'd imagine the Moon Mages would've noticed one missing."

Eyst says, "The scorpion was certainly the highlight of the tale."

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Trajan says to Aerilia, "Possibly."

Avrenka asks Eyst, "Other creatures? The winged purple creature you mean?"

Unaka asks Gragnel, "What do you make of Urrem'tier with starry liquid on his stinger? And drinking something from his pincer?"

Eyst says to Avrenka, "Presumably."

Damiza scratches her head.

Avrenka asks Unaka, "You think the scorpion was drinking it?"

Gragnel says to Unaka, "It sounds like a cycle. Perhaps the very cycle of life itself."

Gragnel says to Unaka, "All living things must greet him in the end."

Unaka says, "Well, dunno I guess. Scorpion turned into a man who was cupping something. Sounds like a drink to me, but I could be wrong."

Illiya says, "Urrem'tier was the last of the Immortals to be created and has the largest part of the Void."

Unaka nods to Illiya.

Trajan says to Unaka, "He was cupping his hands, as if to hold something, I'd imagine."

Avrenka mulishly says, "Silvery haze..."

Unaka nods to Trajan.

Trajan says, "Whatever he plucked from the sky."

Unaka says, "Maybe that too."

Unaka says, "Lot of stars in visions too lately."

Unaka shrugs.

Gragnel gives a slight nod.

Aerilia nods.

Unaka says, "Anyway, thanks for catching me up."

Unaka puts her maul in her weapon harness.

Unaka sheathes her splitting maul.

Damiza nods.

Aerilia nods to Unaka.

Damiza sheathes her jagged-edged cards.

Illiya asks Unaka, "Is your maul.. famous by chance?"

Unaka blinks at Illiya.

Avrenka asks, "Isn't silvery haze ... Aether?"

Trajan says, "In the mythology of the Immortals, the stars came from Tamsine's tears."

Unaka says to Illiya, "I don't think so."

Unaka says, "Might call me the Maul of Truffenyi now, though."

Illiya says to Unaka, "Just grasping at straws I guess, you're the only one I know of with such an impressive maul."

Gragnel nods to Trajan.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Avrenka asks, "In Saragos' prison break attempt ... we saw silvery haze wisping from the Godling, where Nawain was attempting to feed Aether to her godling, no?"

Trajan says to Unaka, "You should. It's fitting."

Unaka smiles at Trajan.

Shimmering grey shrouds of aether begin to creep through a large chaotic fissure like a thick fog before slowly beginning to retract.

Avrenka says, "And warrior mages also saw silvery haze when they were Aether weaving."

Trajan says to Unaka, "And at your height, I'd imagine you don't come by things that fit very often."

Unaka holds her sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.

Gragnel ponders.

Gragnel just traced the outline of Unaka.

Illiya grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Gragnel says, "Yeah..."

Unaka says to Trajan, "I do in the Clan! But you're right, out here not so much."

Aerilia says to Avrenka, "Aether as seen plainly tends to have a blueish hue to it."

Trajan says, "My apologies. Comedy is also not in my wheelhouse."

Aerilia gestures at a large chaotic fissure.

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Trajan says to Unaka, "In any case, the Maul of Truffenyi you are."

Avrenka says to Aerilia, "From what I understand, Aether is mostly invisible actually."

Unaka says to Illiya, "Well, my maul is very impressive, and whoever is afraid of it, or me..." Her face turns more serious. "They should be."

Gragnel says to himself, "Don't do it. Last time you went to Muspar'i they tried to convert you to the World Dragon."

Aerilia nods to Avrenka.

Gragnel sighs.

Eyst asks Unaka, "You don't have any other appelations, do you?"

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Unaka.

Aerilia says to Avrenka, "That's what I meant by as seen plainly. When it's within our ability to see."

Gragnel glares at a teak airship suspended from a segmented balloon.

Unaka says, "Some call me the Conqueror of the Wilds."

Avrenka says to Aerilia, "And the warrior mages and bards did describe a silvery haze from the godling and from their aether weave forming into the Aether anomaly."

Illiya asks Unaka, "Oh, why do they call you that?"

(Eyst's eye twitches.)

You notice a white dog rub against Gragnel for a moment.

Illiya glances at Eyst.

Gragnel glances at a white dog.

Gragnel pets Aerilia's white dog.

Unaka says, "Well, because I've been fighting the good fight out in the wilds for a long time. Keeping things at bay, so that others can build. Civilization can grow."

Damiza asks, "Ok, I know this isn't on subject, but curious. Reading more and more in books, came across a translation book on Tog language. Your name... it's Growl in Common?"

Aerilia says to Avrenka, "It does take on silvery or grey hues, too. It.. honestly varies quite a bit, now that I'm watching it."

Damiza cocks her head at Unaka.

Eyst asks, "A bit dramatic isn't it?"

Unaka looks at Eyst and shrugs.

Unaka says to Eyst, "People are dramatic sometimes. I didn't ask for it."

Illiya nods to Unaka.

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Unaka says to Damiza, "Yeah. Unaka means 'growl' in Common."

Unaka says, "It's kinda like naming your kid Buttercup, only you like growling things instead."

Damiza says, "Yeah, that's pretty fascinating."

Damiza grins at Unaka.

Unaka flashes a wide grin.

Damiza asks, "Growled a lot as a youngin?"

Avrenka says to Aerilia, "I hope to see you at my little experiment."

Unaka says, "Nah. I was named as a babe. My parents just liked it."

Damiza nods.

Damiza grins.

Aerilia nods to Avrenka.

Trajan says to Unaka, "Growling is also something a person's stomach does when they're hungry, so it's certainly keeping on theme."

Damiza grins.

Unaka gasps at Trajan!

Eyst asks Avrenka, "What experiment might that be?"

Unaka holds her sides and lets out a rumbling belly laugh.

Aerilia says to Avrenka, "I want to support anything that can help."

Unaka exclaims to Trajan, "You're right!"

Trajan nods to Unaka.

Damiza twirls the white oak scepter through an intricate series of gestures. Some Saemaus tarts appears in her left hand!

Gragnel takes a bite of a cherry.

As if on cue, Unaka's stomach growls.

Damiza puts her tarts in her wyvern skull.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds a cherry.

Damiza rotates the white oak scepter through an elaborate series of gestures (showoff!). A rainbow wildflower lollipop appears in her left hand!

Unaka blinks.

Gragnel offers Unaka a cherry.

Aerilia chuckles at Unaka.

Unaka laughs!

Damiza puts her lollipop in her wyvern skull.

Unaka accepts Gragnel's cherry.

Damiza swirls the white oak scepter through a serpentine series of gestures. A vegetarian tart appears in her left hand!

Avrenka says to Eyst, "I have a theory ... it's probably wrong ... but it's useful to disprove at least."

Unaka messily gobbles down a cherry.

With total concentration, Golameth continues to play a masterful concerto on his thin-edged zills.

Damiza puts her tart in her wyvern skull.

Damiza dances the white oak scepter through a puzzling series of gestures. A rainbow-swirled lollipop appears in her left hand!

Damiza puts her lollipop in her wyvern skull.

Damiza dances the white oak scepter through a serpentine series of gestures. A heart-shaped cherry tart drizzled in sweet pink frosting appears in her left hand!

Illiya gets a plate of fresh baked honey-glazed biscuits stuffed with ham and served with a creamy alfredo cheese sauce from inside her shopping bag.

Damiza puts her tart in her wyvern skull.

Damiza whirls the white oak scepter through a simple series of gestures (showoff!). A slice of almond tart appears in her left hand!

Illiya offers Unaka a plate of fresh baked honey-glazed biscuits stuffed with ham and served with a creamy alfredo cheese sauce.

Damiza puts her tart in her wyvern skull.

Damiza twists the white oak scepter through a serpentine series of gestures. A white bear-shaped lollipop appears in her left hand!

Unaka accepts Illiya's honey-glazed biscuits.

Damiza ponders.

Unaka messily gobbles down a plate of fresh baked honey-glazed biscuits stuffed with ham and served with a creamy alfredo cheese sauce.

Damiza offers Unaka a white bear-shaped lollipop.

Unaka accepts Damiza's bear-shaped lollipop.

Gragnel says, "I love summer, so many growing things."

Gragnel smiles.

Unaka messily gobbles down a white bear-shaped lollipop.

Damiza says, "Scepter is only giving me tarts and lollipops today it seems."

Damiza gazes at her scepter.

Damiza puts her scepter in her wyvern skull.

Unaka looks at Damiza and shrugs.

Unaka says, "Was pretty good though."

Damiza gets a heart-shaped cherry tart drizzled in sweet pink frosting from inside her wyvern skull.

Damiza grins.

Damiza offers Unaka a heart-shaped cherry tart drizzled in sweet pink frosting.

Unaka accepts Damiza's cherry tart.

Aerilia focuses briefly before the stone maul is ripped violently asunder.

Unaka messily gobbles down a heart-shaped cherry tart drizzled in sweet pink frosting.

Avrenka asks Unaka, "Any idea as to what the scorpion in the vision might've been drinking? Or why?"

Eyst asks Avrenka, "A negative result can be as enlightening as a positive one at times. Is it related to what you were saying earlier about the suppression of the Immortals?"

Damiza asks, "I'm not familiar with the size of a tog stomach but surely that'll satisfy the tummy there, right?"

Damiza observes Unaka with fascination.

Unaka says, "Urrem'tier and stars makes me think of the Starry Road. But really, I don't know anything special about these sorts of things."

Gragnel nods to Unaka.

Unaka says to Damiza, "Oh not even close, but thanks. I like snacks."

Damiza grins.

Damiza nods.

Avrenka says to Eyst, "No ... it is related to what I was saying about tracking stolen energy by using bait to find out where the predator lives."

Avrenka says to Eyst, "If you catch my drift."

Illiya blinks in puzzlement at Avrenka.

Eyst nods.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Gragnel forages around the area for a while until he finds a handful of blueberries.

Unaka asks, "Anyway, I should go pretty soon. Any last questions for me before I go?"

Gragnel takes a bite of a handful of blueberries.

Trajan says, "My initial thought was that whatever he grabbed in his pincer was the same as the target of his tail, but now I'm suspecting that the two weren't one and the same."

Gragnel takes a bite of a handful of blueberries.

Unaka nods to Trajan.

Damiza says, "None that I can think of at this current moment."

Damiza says, "But it was lovely to have met and conversed with you."

Damiza nods to Unaka.

Gragnel drops a handful of blueberries.

Unaka smiles at Damiza.

Gragnel roots around the area for a moment.

Illiya asks Unaka, "Does your maul have a name?"

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Always good to see you, friend."

Unaka says to Illiya, "Hmm, no. Maybe it should."

Illiya nods at Unaka, obviously agreeing with her views.

Avrenka says, "It likes to yell "Justice!" a lot."

Unaka says, "It is my holy weapon, after all."

Avrenka chuckles.

Illiya exclaims to Unaka, "It's very impressive!"

Damiza says to Unaka, "Should name it Dalaka."

Damiza nods in agreement.

Gragnel ponders.

Illiya puts her almanac in her encompassing shadows.

Gragnel slowly says to himself, "Da-La-Ka."

Unaka says to Damiza, "Pain? Maybe, if it's pain for the Heralds."

Damiza grins.

Illiya grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Avrenka smirks.

Trajan asks, "Is there a Gor'tog word for 'tenderizer'?"

Illiya says to Unaka, "It is always good to see you again."

Unaka says, "But I think it needs something nobler. Something about civilization. I'll think about it."

Unaka chuckles at Trajan.

Avrenka says to Unaka, "Where did you get it? Perhaps its origin can help you find a name for it."

Illiya scratches Aerilia's white dog.

Unaka says, "Was made for me by one of my Clan."

Trajan says to Unaka, "I like that idea."

Aerilia smiles.

Damiza says, "Perhaps Protector of Citizen's in your tongue? I read up on verbage but not exactly how to speak your language."

Damiza ponders.

Unaka says, "Yeah. I'll think about it."

Damiza nods.

Illiya nods to Unaka.

Damiza says, "Sorry, my mind trails off and such."

Damiza gazes off into the distance.

Eyst says, "I should be off. A good night to you all."

Eyst nods politely.

Gragnel says, "Time for me to visit the altars. Walk in the light of the Immortals, all."

Illiya waves to Eyst.

Aerilia nods to Eyst.

Unaka nods to Eyst.

Gragnel bows.

Esotericist Eyst plods west.

Reverend Gragnel slogs west.

Trajan nods politely.

Damiza says, "Yeah, I should be off as well."

Avrenka nods.

Unaka says, "Me too. Thanks again."

Trajan waves to Damiza.

Damiza waves.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Unaka.

Unaka waves.

Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.

Serial Killer Damiza limps west.

Trajan snaps to attention and hails Unaka with a crisp hand salute.

Avrenka says, "Good night all."

Avrenka waves.

Aerilia waves to Unaka.

Holy Guardian Unaka strides west.

Aerilia says, "Take care."

Illiya waves.

Illiya hugs Aerilia, getting a smile in return.

Aerilia hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

  • Unaka returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes west.

Aerilia glances up at the sky.

Trajan pets Aerilia's white dog.

Tempest Knight Saragos strides west.

Avrenka raises his palms skyward, chanting.

Avrenka bows.

Without fanfare, Avrenka is simply gone.

Aerilia waves.

Mageling Aerilia strides west.

Trajan says, "I'll be taking my leave as well."

Trajan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Trajan waves to Golameth.

Knight Errant Trajan goes west.