Medir's Drinkfest 450

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Drinkfest 450, presented by the Tavern Troupe and hosted by Medir al'Malik took place on Thursday, 12 September 2024 at Medir's Tavern. It was a celebration of curiosity, creativity and community, featuring performances from Vixionia, Shaoimeh, and Nilme.

The evening also featured a contest for the Finders of the Golden Slips Medir had hidden across Kermoria: Nevali, Jundara, Ysindre, Istercal, Nawain, Etasia, and Levie all competed for a hefty purse and three specially brewed Rathan pale ales!


Medir, Valynn, Mathematician Avrenka, Vagabond Katriwen, Field Medic Darkewolff, Poshly, Hamnir, Lord Knight Bryinn, Lifeguard Lushk, Dancer Vixonia, Daerlynn, Zekai, Shadow Tracker Sliyder, Fist of the Elements Seihjin, Vaerek, Rozalynde, Stray Stelling, Danger Gnome Messica, Tartling Shaoimhe, Lexxa, Pit Viper Ophidian, Etasia, Lord Knight Hebion, Danger Gnome Aetheline, Shaylynne, Bootlegger Kamisama, Langen Esturi Nilme, Wildflower Levie, Back Alley Hack Phierre, Wild Card Elore, Musical Enthusiast Kentara, Reverend Gragnel, Novus Nevali, Alchemy Guru Lilustra, Desert Dancer Zersha, Reverent Istercal, Enelne's Repent Nawain, Wharf Wolf Khearkrash, Traveling Doctor Jundara, Gypsy Ysindre, Cateress Allye and Heart Tender Kethrai, Sir Madigan, Bioexorcist Karthor, Soultaken Isaish, Khozh Elizzibiana.