Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09102024/Repeating the Forbidden Experiment

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Repeating the Forbidden Experiment
Event Date: 09/10/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 132 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Golden Panther.
It is currently spring and it is early evening.
You think it's approaching the Anlas of Revelfae.

Arrivals & Greetings

[Arhat's Tower, Workshop]
Very little is recognizable from the workshop's original contents. The walls are broken off at half their intended height and the area lies open to the elements. The only obvious sign of the room's prior function, odd glowing stains marking the floor, are most likely the result of past experiments gone awry. You also see a grey cat, a tubby honey badger, a smokey grey leopard with hypnotic crimson eyes and flecks of ashes on her fur that is sitting, a monstrous nightmare-black panther with sharp blue-hazed eyes that is sitting, a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood and a worn stone.
Also here: Firehawk Casari, Test Subject Kalyndara, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Dawnsworn Briaen who is surrounded by a corona of fiery light, Tempest Knight Saragos, Songbird Mendira whose figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light, Reader Purn, Valynn, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Merchant Marine Teavira, Death's Messenger Buzan who is shining with a dark golden glow, Stargazer Mistanna who is being harassed by an intrigue of phantasmal kittens, Peace Keeper Vaddon, Primal World Ender Dartwin, Primal Lady Zalinyar, Perune, Mageling Aerilia, Lord Knight Hebion, Doctor of Kittens Sukidesu who is surrounded by six playful cats bounding around, Holy Lash Nawain who is sitting and Desert Dancer Zersha.
Obvious paths: down.

Zersha grins at Mendira, her dimples flashing into view.

Valynn pulls down the hood of her shroud.

Zersha giggles at Briaen.

Haxen just arrived.

Nawain grins at Briaen.

Mendira babbles something incoherent at Briaen.

Zersha asks Briaen, "Still attached toes?"

Briaen grins at Mendira.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived, leading her group.

Illiya waves.

Mendira quietly says to Briaen, "That was one time."

Briaen says to Zersha, "I should hope so."

Illiya just hugged Nawain.

Nawain hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Valynn grins at Illiya.

Zersha laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Briaen gawks at Mendira.

Illiya hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Valynn hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Illiya leans over to give Valynn a friendly smooch.

Casari glances up at the sky.

Dasheek waves.

Planar Pilgrim Maintain just arrived.

Valynn grins at Illiya.

Nawain hugs Maintain, getting a smile in return.

Maintain touches a hand to his mouth and offers a prayer for the continued safety and good fortune of the people surrounding him.

Ezerak waves to Casari.

Vaerek just arrived.

Maintain gives Nawain a brotherly hug, rubbing her scalp with his knuckles.

High Priestess Maraisel just arrived.

Casari waves to Ezerak.

Mistanna pets the grey cat.

Zersha softly says to Mendira, "I think the only meat I have are spider legs and I get weird enough looks from people for eating them sometimes or I'd offer her a snack."

Nawain grins at Maintain.

Zersha grins at Mendira, her dimples flashing into view.

Bioexorcist Karthor just arrived.

Vaerek wiggles around a bit.

Zersha softly says, "And I like my toes."

Zersha checks her footing.

Zersha giggles.

Mendira begins chortling at Zersha.

Kerennya says to Zersha, "THose spider legs are GOOD."

Kerennya nods.

Intern Souhei just arrived.

Zersha nods at Kerennya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zersha grins at Kerennya, her dimples flashing into view.

Kerennya grins at Zersha.

Risaro just arrived.

Ezerak hugs Maraisel, who wraps her arms around Ezerak with a warm smile.

Maraisel hugs Ezerak, who wraps his arms around Maraisel with a warm smile.

Sofina stands near Zersha.

Maraisel smiles at Ezerak.

Aerilia stands up.

Maraisel waves to Casari.

Zersha pulls Sofina to her in a tight hug.

Casari waves to Maraisel.

Zersha grins at Sofina, her dimples flashing into view.

Sofina hugs Zersha, who wraps her arms around Sofina with a warm smile.

Valynn raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Ezerak.

Esotericist Eyst just arrived.

Teavira glances up at the sky.

Fearless Crobin just arrived.

Valynn grins at Crobin.

Valynn hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Valynn with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Valynn, getting a smile in return.

Mistanna hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Mistanna with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Crobin shakes Dasheek's hand.

Crobin hugs Zalinyar, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Crobin shakes Vaerek's hand.

Teavira serenely says, "I don't know what that shadowling said, but I agree."

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Teavira nods.

Crobin pats Vaddon on the back.

Nawain hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Vaerek waves to Crobin.

Vaerek waves to Mistanna.

Sukidesu waves to Crobin.

Mistanna waves to Vaerek.

Crobin waves to Sukidesu.

Vaerek waves to Zalinyar.

Crobin hugs Zalinyar, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Dasheek shakes Crobin's hand.

Crobin waves to Aerilia.

Crobin just hugged Nawain.

Zalinyar hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zalinyar with a warm smile.

Crobin shakes Saragos's hand.

Nawain inhales a great swallow of air.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Ezerak nods politely to Crobin.

Aerilia waves to Crobin.

Haxen casually observes the area.

Crobin nods to Ezerak.

Mistanna flashes a quick grin at Crobin.

Tezirite Luna just arrived.

Ezerak says to Saragos, "This many people ought to catch their attention."

Luna waves to Crobin.

Crobin waves to Luna.

Saragos says to Ezerak, "Might be."

Valynn nods politely to Luna.

Crobin says, "I am here and ready to cast."

Saragos takes a bite of the sandwich.

Saragos takes a bite of the sandwich.

Crobin nods.

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Crobin.

Aerilia grins at Crobin.

Vaerek chuckles at Crobin.

Mendira grins at Crobin.

Crobin smiles at Zersha.

Luna says, "Hi Valynn."

Luna smiles.

Vaerek asks Crobin, "Cast stones?"

Karthor asks Crobin, "Bring a fishin' pole?"

Valynn grins at Luna.

Saragos asks Crobin, "Can you cast one hundred times harder than you've ever cast before?"

Vaerek ducks his head.

Black Fox Xionara just arrived, leading her group.

Mendira chortles softly at some secret joke.

Saragos gives Crobin a crooked grin.

Xionara hugs Kalyndara, who wraps her arms around Xionara with a warm smile.

Zersha giggles a little oddly.

Xionara beams at Kalyndara!

Crobin says, "I do have a fishing pole actually."

Kalyndara winks at Xionara.

Karthor grins.

Valynn says to Luna, "How are you this evening."

Crobin says, "At least 100 times harder."

Kalyndara joins Xionara's group.

Kalyndara rests her hand on Xionara's arm with a soft smile.

Gardener Trustii just arrived.

Nawain whispers a prayer from her mouth into the wind, certain it will reach Enelne's ear.

Luna asks, "'}I'm as well as possible I suppose. How are you holding up?"

Kerennya mutters something into the air about heh.

Mistanna says to Luna, "I love your shoes."

Luna grins at Mistanna.

Luna exclaims, "Thank you!"

Zalinyar gives Dasheek a smooch.

Zalinyar grins at Dasheek, her dimples flashing into view.

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

Xionara hugs Zalinyar, who wraps her arms around Xionara with a warm smile.

Zalinyar holds her hand out towards Dasheek for a highfive.

Mistanna just hugged Xionara.

Xionara hugs Mistanna, who wraps her arms around Xionara with a warm smile.

Casari nods to Saragos.

Crobin hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Holy Vengeance Imroth just arrived.

Khozh Elizzibiana just arrived.

Crobin shakes Imroth's hand.

Valynn tips her balaclava to Karthor with a courteous nod.

Xionara flashes a wide grin at Mistanna.

Malorna hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Valynn grins at Karthor.

Crobin waves to Elizzibiana.

Crobin pats Karthor on the back.

Karthor waves to Valynn.

Elizzibiana waves to Crobin.

Karthor nods to Crobin.

Valynn places a hand on her chest and bows her head.

Zalinyar tried to highfive Dasheek, but got left hanging!

Nawain hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Xionara chuckles.

Zalinyar says, "I'd like to point out htat this is the third if not fourth historical even that the Heralds have intervened in our Elanthain magics."

Valynn raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Imroth.

Luna waves to Imroth.

Illiya asks, "They haven't intervened yet have they?"

Imroth asks, "Have they done soemthing already?"

Zersha shakes her head.

Zalinyar asks Illiya, "Wild magic, have they not?"

Mendira gazes off to the west.

Luna shakes her head.

Teavira serenely says, "Ah, starlight armor. This can't go badly."

Ezerak nods to Maraisel.

Teavira studies the ground for a moment.

Vaerek says, "Pretty sure we have all intervened way more often than them. They just seem to ignore us more often than none."

Maraisel nods to Ezerak.

Luna says, "This lynx is so beautiful."

Hunter Hanryu just arrived.

Zersha gives Sofina a gentle poke in the ribs.

Luna glances at a furry-footed snow lynx with a luscious white coat tipped in icy silver.

Sofina giggles at Zersha.

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Nawain inhales a great swallow of air.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Dasheek leans on Illiya.

Zalinyar asks Vaerek, "Until they kidnap our friends and hold them for what hostage?"

Crobin stretches his arms.

Peace Keeper Vaddon strides down.

Valynn nods politely to Kalyndara.

Sukidesu nods to Nawain.

(Crobin moves back and leans on the wall watching the gathering as it grows)

Vaerek asks Zalinyar, "Maybe they're gone forever?"

Vaerek looks at Zalinyar and shrugs.

Karthor stands near Crobin.

Karthor adjusts the fit of his spectacles.

Zalinyar scowls at Vaerek.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Saragos clears his throat.

Vaerek cowers in fear.

Nawain nods to Sukidesu.

Nawain nods at Briaen, obviously agreeing with his views.

Mistanna gazes at Saragos.

Forest Sprite Lileath just arrived.

Saragos gets a purpleheart humidor inlaid with a silver ophidian devouring its own tail from inside a crackling eddy of seething blue light arcing from a lumium torus.

Dasheek nods.

Saragos gets an elegant silver-foiled cigarillo from his purpleheart humidor.

Illiya nods to Dasheek.

Saragos puts his humidor in a crackling eddy of seething blue light arcing from a lumium torus.

Elizzibiana gets a sungrown cigar from inside her watersilk bag.

Zalinyar grins at Dartwin, her dimples flashing into view.

Saragos says, "Might as well have a smoke. Don't know how this is going to turn out."

Nawain rearranges the folds of her uaro's'sugi, revealing her face.

Valynn leans on Hanryu.

Ezerak nods to Maraisel.

Elizzibiana touches a sungrown cigar with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Belzor just arrived.

Aerilia slowly empties her lungs.

Zersha waggles her fingers mystically at Belzor. How nice.

Mistanna nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos asks, "Ok, everyone ready to get started?"

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

(Sukidesu straightens his back and folds his arms behind him)

Nawain gets an itsy-bitsy Ilithic applewood keg reinforced with howlite-studded leather straps from inside her slender rugursora.

Ezerak nods politely to Belzor.

Mistanna gets a purpleheart humidor inlaid with a silver ophidian devouring its own tail from inside her watersilk bag.

Grinning, Nawain pulls a swig from an itsy-bitsy Ilithic applewood keg reinforced with howlite-studded leather straps.

Hanryu clasps Valynn's hand and rests his other hand upon Valynn's shoulder.

Kalyndara winks at Mistanna.

Saragos puts his cigarillo in his leather rucksack.

Elizzibiana takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Belzor nods politely to Ezerak.

Saragos gets a frosted icesteel glass filled with a splash of mock whiskey quartz liquid from inside his leather rucksack.

Vaerek nods to Saragos.

Kerennya nods to Saragos.

Saragos twirls the icesteel glass through a convoluted series of gestures (showoff!). A lime-accented lowball glass of Formal Fellow gin and tonic on the rocks appears in his left hand!

Nawain puts her keg in her slender rugursora.

Mistanna gets an elegant silver-foiled cigarillo from her purpleheart humidor.

Valynn whispers something to Illiya.

Aerilia says, "Ready as ever.."

Mendira gives Saragos a slight nod.

Luna nods to Saragos.

Zalinyar says to Saragos, "There is much contention."

Teavira nods to Saragos.

Valynn clasps Hanryu's hand and rests her other hand upon Hanryu's shoulder.

Saragos puts his glass in his black greatcoat.

Mistanna puts her humidor in her watersilk bag.

Crobin says, "Ready and willing Saragoos."

Elizzibiana takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Mistanna gets an iridescent twilight-blue pivuh with glittering black diamond eyes from inside her watersilk bag.

Crobin says, "Saragos even."

Crobin sighs.

Crobin chuckles.

(Nawain chafes her palms together vigorously and gazes at Saragos.)

Mistanna points her iridescent pivuh at a silver-foiled cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Dartwin says, "Meatshield at the ready."

Mistanna puts her pivuh in her watersilk bag.

Dartwin nods in agreement.

Saragos says, "I'm not trying to be contentious with anyone. I just don't care about anything but getting my wife and friends back./."

Dasheek nods to Illiya.

Zalinyar says to Saragos, "I am ready to find our friends."

Crobin pats Dartwin on the back.

Saragos gets an elegant silver-foiled cigarillo from inside his black greatcoat.

Mistanna takes a long drag off of a burning silver-foiled cigarillo.

Belzor whispers something to Ezerak.

Crobin says, "I do love a good meat shield."

Dartwin takes a sip of his whiskey.

Belzor smiles at Zersha.

Dartwin smiles.

Dasheek pats Crobin on the back.

Dartwin nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Saragos touches a silver-foiled cigarillo with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Elizzibiana takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Soul Surgeon Zynell just arrived, leading her group.

Saragos puffs on his silver-foiled cigarillo.

Saragos says, "Ok, let's do this."

Valynn grins at Belzor.

Dartwin puts his whiskey in his bright silver pouch.

Elizzibiana takes a long drag off of a burning sungrown cigar.

Casari says, "I hope you succeed. And I hope the sky doesn't fall in the process."

Saragos takes a drink of his tonic.

Sukidesu says, "Oh...that's a cute smoke image...maybe I need to take up smoking..."

Roughneck Rileos just arrived.

Introduction & Explanation

Saragos says, "Tonight, we're going to be reproducing the experiment that caused Ayrell, Dantia, Mazrian, Miskton, and Navesi to disappear. Our missing may be able to see us. I hope that they at least will take heart that so many were gathered here to help learn enough to bring them back."

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.