Nawain/Logs/20240515: Difference between revisions

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<pre>Siendra exclaims, Well, we have one more performance for the evening! Nawain!
Siendra exclaims, Well, we have one more performance for the evening! Nawain!

Dytt winks at Penrhyn.
Dytt winks at Penrhyn.
Line 60: Line 59:
Prey to beasts that need no rest.
Prey to beasts that need no rest.
Every step buys precious moments
Every step buys precious moments
For our families fleeing west.
For our families fleeing east.
They will find us in the morning.
They will find us in the morning.
Soon our blood will stain the land.
Soon our blood will stain the land.

Latest revision as of 13:02, 15 May 2024

Siendra exclaims, Well, we have one more performance for the evening!  Nawain!

Dytt winks at Penrhyn.

Elurora looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

You take in a great breath of air.

Finnris applauds.

You beam!

Penrhyn grins at Dytt.

Siendra beams at you!  What a warm feeling!

Penrhyn nods in agreement.

Penrhyn looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Allye looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Mordiazi says, I need to find some of these talking apple trees.

Dytt looks at you and lets out a hearty cheer on your behalf!

Tekhelet whispers, Good luck.

Elurora grins at Mordiazi.

You get a polished Siksrajan applewood viola with a fingerboard crushed epidote from inside your instrument case.

You get a polished goldenglow glaes instrument bow from inside your instrument case.

Siendra giggles at Mordiazi.

You begin a quiet dirge on your applewood viola, your skill in your craft showcased in every note.

You solemnly sing in a mezzo-soprano voice:
     They say Mrod is always watching,
      That Enelne gives us breath,
      That Coshivi fights beside us,
      And the Great Pack marks our death.
      That the pack is strong together.
      That no Rakash will stand alone,
      And our heart is in Odcoru,
      Where the Pack and land are one.

Dytt smokily says to Mordiazi, Drink enough and I can show you a talking cactus.

You continue playing on your applewood viola.

Mordiazi smiles at Dytt.

Siendra smiles at you.

You soberly sing in a mezzo-soprano voice:
     We are too few against thousands,
      Prey to beasts that need no rest.
      Every step buys precious moments
      For our families fleeing east.
      They will find us in the morning.
      Soon our blood will stain the land.
      We have run for days unending,
      And the time has come to stand.

You continue to bow a quiet dirge, with an effortless style that underscores the skill being displayed.

Elurora gazes at you.

You continue playing on your applewood viola.

You longingly sing in a mezzo-soprano voice:
     Odcoru I'm coming home!
      I can see your orchards crowned with green,
      And streets of cobblestone.
      I am calling out, my heart longs for you!
      I'm coming home Odcoru!

With a melodious elegance, a quiet dirge pours from your applewood viola.

Siendra throws her head back and howls!

Tekhelet throws his head back and howls!

Mordiazi smiles at you.

You tensely sing in a mezzo-soprano voice:
     Oh the alpha he lay dying,
      And he bids me lead the pack,
      For we'd finally been surrounded.
      Soon the undead would attack.
      Far too few of us still standing,
      But our hearts could hold no ache,
      For we'd led the horde far westward,
      And our kin might now escape.

Dytt throws her head back and howls!

You continue playing on your applewood viola.

Mordiazi sniffles.

As you continue to bow a quiet dirge on your applewood viola, you master each subtle movement with ease.

You resonantly sing in a mezzo-soprano voice:
     Odcoru I'm coming home!
      I can see your orchards crowned with green,
      And streets of cobblestone.
      I am calling out, my heart howls for you!
      I'm coming home Odcoru!

You valorously sing in a mezzo-soprano voice:
     Now my blade is sharp and heavy,
      And Katamba's full and low.
      My claws are at the ready,
      As we charge towards the foe.
      And the Great Pack runs beside us!
      And Mrod o'erhead does fly!
      And Coshivi roars a challenge,
      As I howl our battle cry!

Siendra grins wickedly.

(Nawain stills the strings of her viola with a hand, letting the song's final chorus ring out without accompaniment.)

Siendra throws her head back and howls!

You finish playing a quiet dirge on your applewood viola.

Dytt throws her head back and howls!

Mordiazi casually observes the area.

You hauntingly sing in a mezzo-soprano voice:
     Odcoru I'm coming home!
      I can see your orchards crowned with green,
      And streets of cobblestone.
      I am calling out, my heart screams for you!
      I'm coming home Odcoru!
      I've come home, Odcoru.

Mordiazi gulps.

You solemnly say, Many of us don't remember the Migration, for we weren't yet born when our parents fled East before the Izsalcis Klusarlaik, the Hungry Dead.

Finnris nods to Elurora.

Siendra nods to you.

You honestly say, Siksraja is our tiny home, where-so-ever we actually dwell, and Odcoru is a place where someone else lost everything. Our parents and grandparents gave up all they had in the West to secure the future of our People, of our ways of life, and they succeeded.

Tekhelet nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Elurora gives Finnris a slight nod.

You meaningfully say, They fled so that we could survive, but even as they paused to erect an impenetrable godwish-given-form, a silent vow took root in their hearts. One day our People would return. One day we would retake the lands of our ancestors, where sights and smells are familiar to our souls.

Dytt smokily says to Mordiazi, A full pack howling in out true forms is a thing of beauty.

(Siendra raises her glass in a toast to the West.)

Elurora grins at Finnris.

Elurora nods to Finnris.

You seriously say, The last time we visited the West was over 14 years ago. Even then, undead monstrosities and echoes of Lyras herself ravaged the lands, despite her undoing in 397.

Mordiazi smiles at Dytt.

Mordiazi clears his throat.

Mordiazi nods.

You intently say, I think it is time to go back. I think it is time to turn someone else's wistful memories into the real, the tangible. We need to see if our homeland is ready for our return. We need to see with our own eyes the blood-watered dirt, the moss-covered bones, the empty roads... And start to put it right again.

(Dytt cracks her knuckles)

You get the lingering sensation of being watched, and sized up.

Hondashi gives you an emphatic nod.

You simply say, I propose a pilgrimage, to the last known location of the redivawzis. We will travel as quickly as we can, but we will be wary for any undead or corruptive forces, and we will eradicate as much of it as we are able. We will cleanse any polluted waters we find, as well, and we will gather seeds and samples of the traditional herbs and plants, and encourage them to grow in Siksraja.

Dytt smokily says, So many of us headed there alone in their age, We need to see if they still luve as well.

Vaerek gasps!

You nod to Dytt.

You gravely say, If we are successful, we will find the where the redivawzis was last known to be. It may be defiled. It may be shattered. Or it may be whole and untouched, Coshivi's gift to His children. Depending on what we have seen and experienced, and how many hostile undead still befoul the lands, we may even attempt the journey to Odcoru itself.

Penrhyn gazes at you.

You sonorously say, We will be the eyes, ears, and hands of our People, and everything we learn we will share with the Elders, the Hubs, and the packs. Perhaps it will be in our lifetimes that our People return to the West. Perhaps our home is ready and waiting for us to return, and our pilgrimage will simply... open the door.

Hondashi gently says, My bones may be creaky but I'm not dead yet...

Hondashi throws his head back and howls!

Mordiazi smiles at you.

Siendra gives you a slight nod.

You rapidly say, I'm going to try. And I want the Pack to try with me. I want the Prydaen to try with me. I want every ranger, every holy warrior, every mage and storyteller, every fighter, healer, and... heh. Acquisitions expert. I want everyone who will come.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at you.

You resonantly say, It's time to go home.

Dytt throws her head back and howls!

Tekhelet throws his head back and howls!

Siendra throws her head back and howls!

You nod.

Medikaus throws his head back and howls!

You throw back your head and howl!

Vaerek blinks.

Vixonia trills softly at you.

You tuck the bow in a pocket on the inner side of the instrument case.

Vaerek glances outside a moment.

You gently set a polished applewood viola into the instrument case.

Siendra quietly exclaims to Vaerek, You can howl, try it.  It feels freeing!

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Vaerek ponders.

Vaerek points up.

Mordiazi raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Vaerek beams!

Mordiazi smiles.

Siendra grins.

Mordiazi stands up.

Dytt chuckles at Vaerek.

(Penrhyn throws her head back and howls in remarkable impression.)

Elurora grins at Penrhyn.

Penrhyn just nudged Vaerek.

Siendra praises Penrhyn.

Penrhyn flashes a wide grin.

Dytt grins at Penrhyn.

Dytt sounds a powerful roar, her cry spanning the octaves!

Finnris grins at Penrhyn.

You lean back against Tekhelet with a tender smile.

A tension fills the air, as if a predator were watching.  You note a single figure watching from the distance -- a Rakash in a thick leather coat.  He leans on the haft of an ilglaiks skefne and keeps his distance, watching you cautiously from a distance.  He lifts a single toothpick to his mouth, and chews on it idly.

Siendra says to you, You have everything I can give, Nawain.

Mordiazi blinks.

Finnris glances at Elurora.

You smile at Siendra.

Kasizva says, A lot of interest.  Can't say I've seen so many Easterners talking about the West in so many years.  I'm not here to chew the fat, I don't sing and dance, and I'm not paid to take a shot at no one, so I'll be quick.

Vixonia angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Siendra squints.

Hondashi shivers.

Elurora raises an eyebrow.

Siendra stands up.

Hondashi gently asks, Who's there?

[Dzirta Nars, Common Room]
A few tables and chairs provide seating for those wishing to socialize, share a drink, or play a game.  Wooden stools, complete with backs and arms to contain those who might overindulge, surround a wide counter.  When Gazlok remembers to wind it, a grandfather orlog tracks the passage of time for those inclined to forget to go home.
You also see a fish bone, a tubby honey badger, a scruffy slate-blue agouti rat with blotchy point markings that is sleeping, a box of gifts bearing the crest of the Order of the Dragon Shield, a Dragon Shield silverwood bar with several things on it, a lissome russet panther with rivulets of azure rippling through its fur that is sitting, a corner table with a chess board on it and a luxurious nightsilk cloth embroidered with opulent bands of gold.
Also here: Bluntmaster Medikaus who is surrounded by a colorful cloud of glitter, War Hawk Kasizva, Enelne's Son Hondashi, Mordiazi, Elemental Aegis Tekhelet who is sheathed in an aura of crackling electricity, Vaerek, Cateress Allye who is haloed by ethereal lotus and gladiolus blooms dancing in a gentle breeze, Pack Brother Finnris, Woodland's Mercy Penrhyn, Dancer Vixonia who is trailed by softly glowing silvery-blue musical notes, Truthseeker Elurora whose figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light, Rook Dytt who is tracking an effulgent Grazhir-white afterglow with every movement and Lady of Frostbite Siendra who is camouflaged in a swirling fog of frigid arctic currents.
Obvious exits: west.
Room Number: 9007

You gaze at Kasizva.

Elurora glances at Kasizva.

Mordiazi searches around for a moment.

You see War Hawk Kasizva Keston, a Rakash Mercenary.
Kasizva has a square-jawed face, silver-flecked black eyes and a broken nose.  He has cropped frost-white hair, with weathered skin and a burly build.
He is a bit over average height for a Rakash.
He appears to be a pack beta.
His arms and chest are covered in faded black tattoos, the only color standing out that of a small red hatchet behind his left ear.
He is in good shape.
He is holding an ilglaiks skefne with a leather-wrapped haft in his right hand.
He is wearing a black leather coat with frayed embroidery reading 'nevawn dzirta', a muslin fighting shirt, a blackened steel wrist kaft with a hooked tip, a sleek sword belt with a grusana kaft and a hatchet hanging from it, some dark leather fighting pants fastened with ebony studs and a pair of steel-toed leather boots.

Kasizva says, Hearin' some scrumblings about what's West these days.  You make it past the Steppe, I might know a few that'd lend a hand for a few gold.  Got a few that've gone out a few times and hit some trouble.  Something about animal attacks, and some strange overgrowth we don't see this way.  Not many coming back, truth be told.

Siendra gazes at Kasizva.

Elurora folds her arms across her chest.

You nod to Kasizva.

Kasizva says, They're working on how to get past it.  Might take some time.  Probably take a lot of lives.  But I suppose you few are used to that by now.

Tekhelet glances at Kasizva.

Finnris nods to Kasizva.

Vixonia angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Kasizva.

Dytt raises an eyebrow in Kasizva's direction.

Siendra gives a slight nod.

Kasizva says, Anyway, that's my piece.  I'll make myself scarce now, as I guess a few of you might have some words to say to me, and I don't want to mess up your nice party.  Don't want to dampen the light of your fire with blood.

Dytt smokily says, Not the first time I've eatten dirt.

Siendra says, It takes a lot to take down a pack.

Elurora says, I don't know that I'd want to follow a murderer anywhere.

Elurora fixes Kasizva with a serene, lofty stare.

Mordiazi raises an eyebrow.

Kasizva lifts the skefne in a salute, and slowly walks away.

Finnris grunts at Elurora.

Finnris gestures at himself.

Elurora says, He attacked the Mountain Guard, killing Commander Ayrell and Court Mage Miskton.

Vixonia says, Well, that's definately interesting...

Vixonia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Siendra wrinkles her nose.

Dytt smokily says, Well, that's a new turn of events.

Hondashi gently says, May be misguided, but he can sure make an entrance...

Tekhelet glances at Elurora.

Vixonia nods at Hondashi, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora shrugs.

You ask Elurora, He is a mercenary, after all. Who paid him to attack the Guard?

Allye asks Elurora, Oh, that was him?

Elurora says, I'd just be careful if you decide to listen to him.

Finnris makes a grunting noise.

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Elurora nods to Allye.

Finnris grunts to himself.

Elurora says to you, We don't know.

Allye nods.

Allye says, Interesting.

Siendra asks Elurora, I can't say he was offering to help, so much as just...reporting?

Dytt smokily says, Honestly, not even the most unsavory person I've had to work with in the past.

You say to Elurora, There's a place for everyone. Except necromancers.

You make a grunting noise.

Hondashi nods at Dytt, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elurora casually observes the area.

Vaerek furrows his brow.

Finnris leans on Elurora.

Penrhyn trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Siendra gazes off to the west.

Vixonia says, Been a while since I have heard much of anything about the west...

Vixonia exclaims, Definately something to ponder!

Allye nods at Vixonia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Siendra wryly says to you, Sounds like we've got our work cut out for us, anyway.

You grin at Siendra.

You nod in agreement.

Elurora asks Siendra, Reporting the truth though?  Would you trust someone who can be paid to murder innocent folks?

Allye grins at Siendra.

Tekhelet says to Vixonia, Not just ponder, we intend to go.

Dytt smokily says to Vixonia, Most of us who have went have never reported back. For all I know my Aunt is still looking for Sunfall.

Vixonia nods to Dytt.

Elurora says, I suppose if you're going anyway it doesn't matter too much, but I'd be leery.

Siendra asks Elurora, We know the West isn't exactly the most friendly area at the moment.  That's pretty much all he said, is it not?

Hondashi gently says, Keep one eye on the west and one eye on our back.

Siendra says, He has nothing to do with this decision, regardless.

Siendra nods to Hondashi.

Vixonia exclaims to Hondashi, Good plan there!

Finnris stares meekly at the ground in a moment of embarrassment.

Dytt smokily says, So not much has changed from previous excursions.

You nod in agreement.

Finnris bares his teeth.

Siendra smiles at Finnris.

Elurora says to Siendra, He did say he might know someone who would help for coin.

Vaerek says, My apologies.  I have to leave.

Vaerek sighs.

Dytt pats Vaerek on the back.

You say, And didn't imply that it was him. So maybe you wouldn't need to trust him with your back.

You chuckle.

Tekhelet asks Elurora, Perhaps he was referring to himself?

Mordiazi scratches his head.

Hondashi shrugs.

Dytt smokily asks, My question is this friend of his, can he be bought, or only rented?

Elurora looks at Dytt and shrugs.

Hondashi gently says, Well, everything we know right now is speculation.

Allye grins at Dytt.

Elurora says to Tekhelet, He could have meant himself, hard to know.

Vixonia chuckles at Dytt.

You say to Dytt, I've been told one doesn't buy or rent people.

Vixonia is giggling at you.

You say to Dytt, Twice, now.

Siendra laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Hondashi gently says, ...I'd disagree, but I won't elaborate.

Vixonia exclaims, I sadly need to head to bed!  Thank you all for a wonderful evening!

Finnris bows to Vixonia.

You gaze at Hondashi.

Siendra hugs Vixonia, getting a smile in return.

Vixonia hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Vixonia with a warm smile.

Vixonia hugs Siendra, who wraps her arms around Vixonia with a warm smile.

You ponder.

Penrhyn hugs Vixonia, getting a smile in return.

Tekhelet nods to Vixonia.

Allye hugs Vixonia, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Vixonia hugs Penrhyn, who wraps her arms around Vixonia with a warm smile.

Mordiazi bows to Vixonia.

Siendra exclaims, Thank you for coming!

Vixonia hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Dytt smokily says to you, Something my father said ones. Never trust a man who's honor is for rent.

Vixonia hugs Dytt, who wraps her arms around Vixonia with a warm smile.

Vixonia waves.

Dytt hugs Vixonia, getting a smile in return.

You say to Dytt, Mmm.

You ponder.

You wave to Vixonia.

Hondashi grins wryly at you.

Dancer Vixonia goes west.

Siendra says, I trust my pack, and I trust Nawain.  We've all thought of the West before.

Siendra shrugs.

Dytt smokily says, Because it's easy to rent it out for more.

Dytt nods to you.

You nod in agreement.

Tekhelet nods to Siendra.

Elurora nods to Dytt.

Mordiazi nods to Dytt.

Mordiazi says, That was well said.

You say to Dytt, My father also had a saying. Something about everyone having their price. To know him, find out that which is priceless to him.

Dytt nods to you.

Finnris grunts at Elurora.

You lean back against Tekhelet with a tender smile.

Mordiazi nods to you.

Dytt smokily says, Learn many things from having a thief in the family.

Tekhelet inhales a great swallow of air.

Elurora glances at Finnris.

Dytt grins.

Tekhelet slowly empties his lungs.

Elurora leans on Finnris.

You grin at Dytt.

Finnris leans on Elurora.

You wiggle over and snuggle up against Tekhelet.

Elurora grins at Finnris.

Dytt just kissed a grusana kaft depicting the phases of Katamba!

Elurora says to Finnris, Thank you.

Finnris nods to Elurora.

Dytt sheathes her grusana kaft.

Siendra exclaims, Well!  With that!  I believe we conclude this Rendezvous!

Penrhyn lets out a hearty cheer for Siendra!

You just feel so pleased with yourself, you can't help letting out a hearty cheer.

Hondashi throws his head back and howls!

You throw your head back and howl!

Siendra exclaims, Thank you as ever to Penny and the Dragon Shield, and to all of you!

Raising his Katamba's eclipse to Penrhyn, Finnris gives her a toast.

Dytt gently kisses Penrhyn on the cheek.

Elurora says, Thank you for hosting and for allowing me to attend as always.

Finnris makes a grunting noise.

Sounding not unlike a kitten, Penrhyn makes a small mewling noise.

Finnris grins at Penrhyn.

Penrhyn giggles.

Siendra says to Elurora, Always.

Siendra smiles.

Finnris grunts at Siendra.

Finnris makes a grunting noise.

Medikaus takes a bite of the biscuits.

Finnris gestures at himself.

Finnris nods.

Mordiazi nods.

Elurora grins at Siendra.

Mordiazi says, Thank you. This was wonderful.

Elurora hugs Siendra, who wraps her arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Elurora hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Siendra whispers something to Elurora.

Elurora hugs Penrhyn, who wraps her arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Penrhyn hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Elurora grins at Siendra.

Allye hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Finnris wraps his arms around Elurora, giving Elurora a great big bear hug!

Siendra hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Allye puts her backpack in her tapestry carpetbag.

Dytt smokily says to Mordiazi, It's usually not so mysterious with it's visitors, but it was a fun time.

Finnris hugs Siendra, who wraps her arms around Finnris with a warm smile.

Finnris hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Allye hugs Finnris, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Siendra exclaims to Mordiazi, It was great having you!

Finnris hugs Dytt, who wraps her arms around Finnris with a warm smile.

Finnris bows to you.

Mordiazi bows to Siendra.

Finnris bows to Tekhelet.

Siendra hugs Finnris, who wraps his arms around Siendra with a warm smile.

You whisper to Tekhelet, Was it okay? I couldn't bring myself to pause for applause. I just wanted to get the words out... That was terrifying!

You hug Finnris.  A faint scent of smoldering fire clings to his skin.

Finnris hugs you, and you wrap your arms around him with a warm smile.

Finnris grins at you.

Siendra exclaims, For any who would like an escort back to Lang, join me!

Mordiazi says, It was great being had... or... I mean.

Siendra winks at Mordiazi.

You grin.

Hondashi laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Mordiazi shrugs.

Elurora catches Finnris up in a fierce embrace, swinging him around exuberantly.

Penrhyn giggles at Mordiazi.

Elurora grins at Finnris.

Finnris snickers at Elurora.

Finnris laughs at Elurora.

Elurora giggles.

Siendra says to you, If you ever need to call a meeting to discuss things, let me know what I can do to help.

Siendra says, I enjoy...organizing...

Elurora bows.

Finnris glances at Siendra.

You nod to Siendra.

Finnris makes a grunting noise.

Truthseeker Elurora goes west.

You laugh!

Siendra appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Finnris waves.

Finnris bows.

Tekhelet whispers, I think you accomplished what you came for.

Pack Brother Finnris wanders west.

Tekhelet kisses you, letting his lips linger.

Siendra asks, Everyone ready who is coming back to the Bin?

You say to Siendra, I'll definitely want a meeting sometime soon.

Penrhyn nods.

Siendra gives you an emphatic nod.

You take your rightful place beside Tekhelet.

Dytt smokily says to you, Well this should be fun.

Hondashi gently says, Well, I suppose I should head up to my manor house. One of these days I ought to pay my debt, but today is not that day.

Siendra says, Allye will bring the refreshments.

You grin.

Allye exclaims, I will!

You just feel so pleased with yourself, you can't help letting out a hearty cheer.

Hondashi hugs Siendra, who wraps her arms around Hondashi with a warm smile.

Hondashi hugs you, and you wrap your arms around him with a warm smile.

Hondashi hugs Dytt, who wraps her arms around Hondashi with a warm smile.

Allye grins.

Siendra says, Meetings always get more people when there are refreshments.

You say, A pilgrimage and picnic. How.. Ummm. How elanthian.

Siendra praises Allye.

You hug Hondashi who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile.  A faint scent of brandy clings to his skin.

Penrhyn grins at you.

Siendra laughs!

Hondashi grins.

Mordiazi chuckles.

Mordiazi nods to you.

Allye grins at Siendra.

Allye is giggling at you.

Hondashi gently says, Have a good night. Or...morning, I suppose, since the sun is coming up soon...

Siendra hugs Hondashi, who wraps his arms around Siendra with a warm smile.

You wave to Hondashi.

Hondashi waves.

Hondashi grins.

Siendra waves.

Mordiazi smiles.

Lady of Frostbite Siendra pads west, leading her group.