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Status Active
Race Rakash
Gender Male
Guild Paladin
Instance Prime


  • Socially awkward, prefers to be alone most times.
  • Maker of metal armor (chain, brigandine & plate).


Normal You see Holy Guardian Rikosun, a Rakash Paladin.
Rikosun has an oval face, slightly pointed ears, mismatched eyes, one dark brown and the other milky blue and a small nose. His deep blue-streaked black hair is long and wavy, and is worn in a tousled mass of locks that tumbles over his shoulders. He has ebon skin and a lean build.
He is slightly under average height for a Rakash.
He appears to be in his prime.
Moonskin You see Holy Guardian Rikosun, a Rakash Paladin.
Rikosun has a wolfish face, slightly pointed ears, mismatched eyes, one dark brown and the other milky blue and a squared muzzle, a black and white coat with white masking, a long floofy tail and a lean build.
He is slightly under average height for a Rakash.
He appears to be in his prime.


Year/Event Alterer Item
AC 449
Shelvy a blackened steel necklace strung with tiny niello varna charms
The black metallic charms resemble crows with exaggerated wings created from interlocking stars. A circle of pure black onyx is positioned as if held by each creature's open beak.
AC 449
Shelvy a blackened dragonwood standard with a shadesatin banner
Trimmed in lustrous goldweave, interlocking varnas are woven into the field of the banner's shadowy material, which appear to shift with every moment of the fabric. A large, meticulously embroidered crest of the Paladins' guild dominates the foreground, meant to distract from the viciously barbed business end of the weapon.
HE 447
Hrinagri a niello varna icon soaring above a thunderstorm of black glaes
The holy crow of Mrod has large, exaggerated wings studded with interlocking stars of tempest sapphire. Glittering with flame-like inclusions, its piercing eyes of Gemfire ruby seem to carefully observe the surroundings.
GF 443
Hrinagri a sable armure armor pack clasped with a soulstone varna
Reinforced with a frame of steel to ensure optimal weight distribution, the fabric has been woven in a pattern that resembles fine mail. The holy emblem of Mrod stretches its wings protectively, its glossy surface swirling with patterns of black and white which resemble a churning thunderstorm.