Item:Cream calfskin sporran with a brass clasp: Revision history

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6 November 2024

  • curprev 23:0123:01, 6 November 2024DAMEANIE talk contribs 407 bytes +407 Created page with "{{Item |noun=sporran |look=The front clasp is shaped in the form of a round circle engraved with knotwork. |MTag=calfskin, brass |CTag=cream |STag=knotwork |ptype=container |verby=No |pcrystal=No |atmos=No |istone=No |wearloc=belt |metal=- |weight=10 |appcost=50,000 |rarity=festival |lsize=- |ilsize=2 |iwsize=2 |ihsize=2 |csize=150 |enchanted=No |feature-change=No |generator=No |sourcetype=- |fname=No }}"