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Talk:Astral travel

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Armifer on astral travel 2020-08-14

Several travel attempts has led me convinced that while Grazir's mana is flowing swiftly, although it may make it less "stressful" to move around (i.e. requiring less concentration or harnesed mana), it also raises the difficulty of percieving your area. I never walked in circles or wrong directiosn when mana streams are low, while at swift mana streams I frequently do. --Niaura 22:28, 3 March 2009 (UTC)

Skills Required

What is the bottom amount of abilities (circles, experience, stats, etc.) that a moon mage needs to begin Astral Travel?

It's possible to undertake and complete the Astral Travel quest at Circle 25th, with the caveat that you'll almost certainly need help getting to the first shard to start your journey. You can study and memorize shards as soon as you have completed the quest, skills permitting. However, even with magics well outscaling my level, I was unable to actually enter the astral plane at even the easiest shards via Teleport /or/ Moongate until I hit 40th circle and grabbed Braun's Conjecture. Once I did so, I had no problems getting in via Moongate, and it was relatively easy to navigate any of the shards I had memorized... with the caveat that I have 200+ in all magics+astrology and didn't touch Dor'na'torna or any of the island shards, and I had Cautious Harnessing, which I believe makes a TREMENDOUS difference to the process. This is with Braun's Conjecture, Aura Sight, and Artificer's Eye up. Rolagi's a little iffy if the mana's at one extreme or the other, if I don't have a casting of MEF at middling-high mana. VOROSR (talk) 14:32, 12 October 2020 (CDT)