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Post:Necromancer tolerance - 07/28/2015 - 17:25

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Re: Necromancer tolerance · on 07/28/2015 05:25 PM CST 2644
A lot of other points have already been covered, but I want to throw this out there:

While it is perfectly fine to OOCly feel apathy/desire to ignore Necromancer related conflicts (or anything, honestly -- you do you), AND it is also perfectly fine to ICly roleplay a character who feels apathy regarding Necromancy, desire to ignore Necromancy in all or some situations, outright love of Necromancy, or even a delusional psychosis wherein you believe Necromancers are actually tiny sparkle-skinned creatures with floppy ears who bring snuggles and cookies to the world with every corpse they mutilate, it is exceptionally unrealistic to engage publicly in the game setting espousing or encouraging others to agree to any of the above and also expect the setting to ignore you doing this.

If you put that sort of thing out in the game, either by unintentionally letting some of your OOC feelings slide into what your character says very publicly IG or by purposefully choosing to RP in a way that is basically seen as crazy, evil, or at the least really, really suspect of indications of being crazy or evil by the background population as indicated by the setting and lore of the game world -- well, the game world is going to respond. Maybe not every single time, maybe not right away, but it will respond.

If you do this sort of thing, your character may be seen and reacted to by the game world as potentially dangerous, crazy, and/or evil. What you do in public in the game is reacted to ICly. One way that this is reflected is via mechanic intervention, and this is called Social Corruption for non-Necromancers. It is not someone, PC or GM, being mean to you. It is a natural potential consequence of saying or doing stuff that is seen as non-negotiable dangerous, crazy, and/or evil by the game's setting.

If you steal stuff in game, you open yourself to being arrested, amongst other things. This is because the game setting includes that there are laws against stealing, etc. If you do the above stuff in the game, you open yourself to the setting-appropriate reactions to those things, too.


This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia / General Discussions - Events in General (OOC), by DR-PERSIDA on the forums.