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News 5 6 - How to transfer characters between accounts

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NEWS article 5-6:


The customer service department provides a character transfer service for moving characters from one Simutronics account to another. This service has a $20 fee associated with it, per character transferred to cover the time spent investigating the request. Investigations include verifying billing, ensuring that the transfer is approved by both parties, as well as making any needed adjustments to the subscriptions on the involved accounts. The fee will be applied to the receiving account.

The Requirements - You must be a customer in good standing with Simutronics. This means:
1. You must not owe any money from unpaid subscriptions;
2. You must have valid and current billing information;
3. You must not be under lockout status or in the process of being
locked out;
4. You must already have a character on the account to which the
character is being transferred.

To transfer a character from one Simutronics account to another, do the following. Go to the url and fill out the appropriate form depending on whether you are the transferring account or the receiving account. Both parties must fill out their portion of the Transfer Request Form before the character will be transferred.

A copy of the transfer request will be sent to the email address that we have on file for you. You may change your e-mail address at and we recommend that you keep all of your personal information up to date.

A billing supervisor will review all billing information and read in-game logs for the character to be transferred. You will be notified when the transfer occurs, but if ten days go by without a change please check with the other party before writing to

Note to Premium Home Owners: Characters in DragonRealms with homes will be transferred without regard to their home status. If the character being transferred has items in their home, those items and the home will be moved with the character to the new account. If that account lacks Premium status, the home's contents will be preserved but will not be accessible until the account is upgraded to Premium. If the system reclaims the home, you can at that point use HOME RECLAIM to pull any non-furniture items from the home. If you want to keep the home on the original account, please review HOME HELP 12 for how to change ownership.