News 1 20 - SimuCoins and you!

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NEWS article 1-20:

Dateline 2/18/2015: SIMUCOINS AND YOU!

Are you looking for protection from losing that special weapon or shield? Perhaps you seek a hidden magical tower to call your own? Low on vault space or care to safely store your hard won loot at home? Worry no more! We are happy to announce the opening of the SimuCoins Store for all your microtransactional needs!

You'll need to visit the store and purchase a package of SimuCoins for your account. The more coins you buy, the better the deal is for you! Once that's done, you can browse the shop's inventory and purchase the item(s) that you want. When you log in, check the SIMUCOIN verb -- SIMUCOIN BALANCE will tell you how many coins you have available to spend, and SIMUCOIN DELIVER will list all pending deliveries. You can have items delivered to ANY character on your account!

Take care when shopping! Some items have limited charges or only last a certain number of days. Some items may also be sold in limited supply, and those who dawdle may miss out! We do restock some of the limited-supply items each month, so be sure to check back regularly!

Ready to see what all the fuss is about? Head on over to the store now and start exploring! If you have questions, concerns or feedback, be sure to leave us a message on the forums!

DragonRealms Simucoins Forums:
Simutronics SimuCoins Forums:

(Note: TinyURL used simply for readability reasons. They link to our own forums!)