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Order of Inquiry

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The monastery north of Crossing, houses the Order of Inquiry, headed by Abbot Adano.

The monastery is surrounded by fields RanikMap6.

A few of its known members are the Abbot Adano, Brother Valtir, and Brother Tynick.

They are also known to produce wine, and hire only commoners, not guilded adventurers, for mundane tasks, such as cutting firewood, hauling water, washing clothes, and picking apples.

Topics of Conversation

There are four monks which guard the entrance, and they each will respond to questions on the following subjects:

  • Monastery: "Been standing here forever, since before there were Dragon Priests!", the monk says proudly. "Course not always in our order's hands, an' there's some spooky things in there from other ways, but aside from the skunks, it's fine.
  • Order: "The Order of Inquiry, that's us! But, I can't tell you more than that without violating my vow of secrecy. Oh, if you visit the monastery itself, don't forget to ask Brother Tynick for a blueberry tart!"
  • Abbot: The monk smiles. "That's Adano! He's our abbot. It's his job to watch over us an' lead the order. he's the one who hired all the hunters."
  • Adano: The monk beams a bit. " Why, Adano's our abbot! He's a grand, kind man - but tales say he was a wild one when he was young! He's the one who dared Sir Robyn to joust with the dragon."
  • Gods: "Your mum ignore your religious education?" the monk asks and launches into a long discourse of obscure religious lore.
  • Necromancy: The monk glares at you. "I will not speak of that terrible craft, and it would really be in your best interest to drop the subject now."

Other Messaging

"They say that if you go into the fields and thickets you'll see statues that have come to life, and deceased brothers who do not sleep peacefully in the rest of death." the monk snorts. "Have you ever heard of anything so silly?"

The brown-robed monk says, "Abbot Adano says that we really need more hired help around the monastery, and to look for people willing to do some work He sighs a bit. "Personally, I think we've got more than we can handle."

"Something pushed the abbot down the belltower stairs today. Thankfully, he wasn't hurt", the monk says softly.

"If you're looking to buy wool, see Brother Valtir, the monk advises. "He's in the infirmary at the moment - one of the cows kicked him."

About the order itself, Abbot Adano says the following:

"This here is the Order of Inquiry. We're a little unusual for an order...instead of devoting ourselves to any one god, or even to all the gods, we focus mainly on knowledge and self-improvement. More than that I can't really tell you since you haven't joined us.

  • Join: "The abbot Adano shakes his head. I'm afraid we're not really taking initiates into the monastery at the moment...It's quite a gruelling process and the season isn't quite right for it. However, if you'd like a simple job, we are willing to pay."
  • Wine: Looking rather pleased, Adano nods."Let me tell you, we make some of the "finest" wine you'll drink this side of the Segoltha. It's the best, don't let anyone else fool you." He looks to be quite proud of it.
  • Gods: At the mention of the gods, the Abbot's face lights up, although the expression doesn't quite reach his eyes. "Ah yes, the gods! There is a copy of The Immortals in several places in the Crossing. I'm afraid our own library is restricted at the moment though...bit of trouble with poisonous water snakes." he coughs softly.
  • Snake: Abbot Adano grumbles. "I hate snakes."
  • Book: Abbot Adano sighs. "Unfortunately, our library is currently overrun by poisonous water snakes, so it's not really safe to go inside." He pauses. "we do have a rather nice collection of books in it, though."
  • Monastery: Abbot Adano smiles, although his eyes look expressionless. "This monastery has been standing here for ages now. It's quite a nice place, we've been through a lot of changes in the recent past, but even through those changes it somehow stays the same."