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Basics, The

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Written By The Elanthian Lorethew Mentorship Society



1. About This Guide ........................ 2
2. What Every Novice Needs ................. 3
3. Racial Differences & Fighting Styles .... 4
4. Learning Lore .......................... 10
5. Magical Devices ........................ 11
6. Guild Basics: .......................... 12
Barbarians ................................ 12
Bards ..................................... 13
Clerics ................................... 15
Empaths ................................... 16
Moon Mages ................................ 17
Paladins .................................. 19
Rangers ................................... 20
Thieves ................................... 21
Traders ................................... 22
Warrior Mages ............................. 24

1. About This Guide

The Basics is a guide written to help Mentors better aid Novices get equipped properly for their race and guild. Unless needed in order to make decisions about buying armor, weapons, and other items necessary in their first five circles, no information on guild-specific abilities and skills is presented here.

2. What Every Novice Needs

Regardless of what guild or race a newcomer may be, they will need four things. They will need:

  • to know that they can always get HELP and ADVICE.
  • to know that they will be able to get DIRECTION in The Crossing.
  • a BACKPACK or similar large container.
  • to know where the BANK is and how to make transactions.

3. Racial Differences & Fighting Styles

Elanthia's population is a varied one, each race having its own strengths and weaknesses, and each individual having their own preferences. In helping Novices get equipped, such elements as race, profession and personal preference must be considered carefully. Elanthia's races include Dwarves, Elves, Elotheans, Gor'Togs, Halflings, Humans, and Skra'Mur.

  • DWARVES - Short, stocky, and a bit furrier than most others, Dwarves are sturdy folk. In exchange for their tremendous stamina, Dwarves move slower and are less agile.
  • ELVES - Tall and quiet, elves are known for their reflexes and their charisma, but tend to be weaker than most other races.
  • ELOTHEANS - Thought by some to be created of the Immortals, Eloths are known for their excellent reflexes and great intelligence. Like Elves, they are not very strong and suffer more under burden than any other race.
  • GOR'TOGS - This towering race was once enslaved for their tremendous strength and stamina and lesser intelligence, now many seek professions using heavy weapons and armor.
  • HALFLINGS - Though generally a frolicsome race, halflings are small wonders known for good reflexes, agility and stamina. Thier folly is thier weakness, however, as they have a harder time focusing their attentions.
  • HUMANS - While there is tremendous variation within this race, humans have no particular strength or weaknesses.
  • SKRA'MUR - The serpentine Skra' are very quick and strong, though not terribly smart or wise.

There are basically three fighting styles, light, medium, and heavy which roughly correspond to the major weapons and armor classes. Rather than think of these as hard and fast catagories, think of them as being points on a spectrum. Most people fall somewhere between these points, and that is where guild, race and personal preference come in. These are hybrids.


Light fighters use their quick reflexes, low burden, and a well developed evasion skill to avoid attacks. The sacrafice for being light and quick is protection and power of attack. If a light fighter gets hit, they will incur more damage than heavy or medium fighters. When they hit, they will hit with less damage, but are able to attack quicker.

Leather armor, having the least encumberance, is the prime choice for the light fighter. Some leather is very protective, but can be heavy for Novices, but being that they have not developed the evasion skills to maximize their lower encumberance, more protection is a good choice within the leather class.

While a light fighter may use most any class weapon, they excel at lighter, quicker weapons. Light fighters often include ranged weapon and magic users who avoid melee combat. Light fighters may use light edged weapons, but light edged weapons are not recommended for Novices, as they require more agility than most Novices have.

Most light fighters do not use shields because they are hindering to evasion, the light fighter's prime asset.

Races that have difficulties carrying heavy loads and swinging larger weapons are best suited to this style.


While light fighters are trained and equipped to avoid getting hit when under attack, the heavy fighter is designed to absorb damage from attacks. The greater degree of protection afforded by heavier armor is offset by a greater burden and decreased ability to evade attacks.

Plate armor is the preferred choice of the heavy fighter. Light plate and heavy plate require different training. Most Novices do not have the physical or economic capacity to wear plate armor, so it is likely a decision they can wait to make. Most plate wearers start out in either leather or chain armor.

Most heavy fighters choose larger, slower, more damaging weapons. Because they must have good stamina and strength to manuever well in their armor, heavy fighters have the ability to most effectively use weapons that would wear out another fighter rapidly. The weapons of choice are heavy edged and two-handed edged. Unless the Novice is exceptionally strong, two-handed edged weapons should be approached a bit later in their careers.

Since heavy fighters are designed to absorb damaging attacks and do not rely on evasion to the degree light fighters do, most heavy fighters use shields. Shield quality is measured in hindrance. Typically, the greater the hindrance of the shield, the greater the protective capacity. It is important to understand, however, that the shield user's skill is very important in utilizing shield protective capacity. A tower shield with a high hindrance and high protective capacity is a poor choice for the Novice because they do not have the skill to maximize the shield's protective capacity and do not have the supporting defensive skills to compensate for the hindrance to their movement. If they must learn shield skill it is best to start with a low or moderately encumbering shield.

Those races that are blessed with naturally high stamina and strength are particularly well suited to be heavy fighers.


The medium fighter obviously lays at the center of the spectrum, training more evenly to be able to take hits, though not the hard hits absorbed by heavy fighters, and to evade attack, but with less ability than the light fighter.

Medium armor is chain mail, which is available in both light and heavy depending on which side of center the individual's preferences lay in fighting style.

There is a whole class of weapons suited for the fighter who wants some of the best of both styles. The best is a medium edged weapon, such as a scimitar.

Only those that have a great difficulty with burden, specifically Elotheans, would have any troubles choosing this fighting style.


Most fighters pick and choose from among the three main styles to find what works best for them given their race and professional factors. Few fall exactly on the points of the spectrum that are light, heavy and medium. They may choose light armor and heavy weapons, medium weapons and heavy armor, light weapons and medium armor or any concievable combination. To guide Novices in their selections, Mentors should understand the pros and cons of the major fighting styles and their components to help find what will work best with the individual's race and guild.

4. Learning Lore

Most guilds require that their fellows be skilled at handiwork, or mechanical lore. There are many ways for Novices to learn to work with their hands and most of them involve using certain items. Of course, Novices can COMBINE reagents which requires no tool use. Common tools such as CARVING KNIVES and FLINT are inexpensive items that any Novice seeking to learn lore should have. A MORTER AND PESTLE are better tools, but their cost can be prohibitive to someone just making a start.

5. Magical Devices

Many guilds require their fellows be skilled with magical devices. RUNES and CAMBRINTH items are most commonly found on creatures, though they can be purchased in several Artificer Shops. These are the most appropriate devices for Novices to begin learning with in terms of difficulty. These items are expensive if purchased, and it is suggested the Novice aquire one from donations or first-hand hunting experience.

6. Guild Basics


Masters of combat and resistance to magic, Barbarians have weaponry as their primary skill, with survival and armor as secondary skills.

WEAPONS Required: Knowledge of two weapons. Most preferred: Heavy edged and two-handed edged weapons. Alternates: Medium edged weapons.

ARMOR Required: Shield skill. No specific body armor is required. Most Preferred: Leather is the armor of choice for most Barbarians. Training soley in non-leather armor can hinder certain guild specific abilities they may wish to use later on. Some Barbarians choose to train in another armor type later on, though they are only able to train off all hinderance in leather armor.

MAGIC Barbarians do not use magic and have a contrary philosophy which resists it.

LORE Mechanical lore is a required skill for Barbarians (see Learning Lore).


Bards are storytellers and warriors who make lore their primary skill with magic and weaponry as secondary skills.

WEAPONS Required: Knowledge of two weapons.

Most preferred: Novices are taught some skill in Medium Edged weapons and Light Crossbow when they join the guild.

ARMOR Required: There is no required armor for Bards.

MAGIC Bards' magic is summoned through music. Novices in the guild are required to learn sing and play stringed instruments. Most Preferred: Vocal skill is gained by singing songs from SONG SCROLLS or form singing original songs. It is not generally suggested that Novices buy song scrolls as they are very expensive, but often they can be gotten second hand from an elder Bard. The Novice will need to STUDY the SCROLL a few times before they can then SING it.

The preferred stringed instrument is a LYRE. The Novice should also have a CLOTH to clean it with. You may wish to warn Novices not to have their instruments out in bad weather or to DROP it (they should rather PUT their instrument ON THE GROUND. The resulting damage can be corrected with repair kit by a skilled Bard, but is quite expensive. The Novice Bard should also be aware they will need to TUNE their instruments.

LORE Mechanical lore is a very important skill for Bards (see Learning Lore).


Following the holy path, clerics primarily use magic skill to do their work, but have lore and weaponry as secondary skills.

WEAPONS Required: Skill in a weapon is required for Clerics. Most Preferred: Novice Clerics are taught some skill in Medium Blunt when they join the guild. Alternate: Medium Blunt can be a tough starter weapon for any Novice because they generally lack the agility and stamina necessary to wield such weapons. Medium Edged or Heavy Edged is a common choice.

ARMOR Required: Shield skill is required. No specific body armor is required. Preferred: Novice Clerics are taught some skill in light chain upon joining the guild.

MAGIC Clerics are Holy Magic users and are required to lean about Magical Devices (see Magical Devices).

LORE Clerics are not required to learn mechanical lore.


Lore is the primary skill of healers, with magic and survival as secondary skills.

WEAPON Required: It is required that Empaths -not- use weapons if they wish to retain their ability to heal.

ARMOR Required: No armor skill is required for Empaths. Most Preferred: If a Novice knows they want to spend any time in hunting areas, it is suggested they get armor of some type, leather being the most common choice.

MAGIC Empaths are Life Magic users are are requied to learn to use magical devices (see Magical Devices).

LORE Empaths are required to learn mechanical lore (see Learning Lore).


These scholars are masters of foresight, using magic as their primary skill. Lore and survival are secondary skills for Moon Mages.

WEAPONS Required: Moon Mages are not required to learn any weapon skills. Most Preferred: Though they are not required to learn skill with weapons, many Moon Mages learn Medium Edged. This is because it enhances the Moon Blade spell they may choose to learn later on since Moon Blades are Medium Edged weapons.

ARMOR Required: No armor skill required. Most Preferred: Leather armor or light chain armor is most common among Moon Mages who tend to favor a lighter fighting style.

MAGIC Moon Mages are Moon Magic users and are required to learn to use magical devices (see magical Devices).

LORE Skill in mechanical lore is required for Moon Mages (see Learning Lore).

OTHER ITEMS Divination Bones: Novice Moon Mages are required to learn the skill of Divination. Both of these skills require them to use other items. Divination can be learned using a set of Divination Bones which should be purchased as soon as possible.


As holy warriors and leaders in the charge, Paladins are masters of armor, using weapons and lore as secondary skills.

WEAPON Required: Paladins are required to be proficient in a weapon of choice. Most Preferred: Novices are taught some in in using Heavy Edged and Two-Handed Edged weapons upon joining the guild. Alternate: Medium Edged.

ARMOR Required: Paladins are required to be very proficient at any armor class. Preferred: Novices are taught some skill in Heavy Plate and Light Plate upon joining the guild. Alternate: Though most Paladins choose Heavy or Light Plate because of their ability to enjoy its excellent protection while being able to train off all of it's hinderances, plate armor is both very encumbering and very expensive to the Novice. Most Novice Paladins wear leather and switch to plate later on.

MAGIC Paladins are Holy Magic users and are not required to learn skill in Magical devices.

LORE Skill in mechanical lore is required for Paladins (see Learning Lore).


Survival skills are prime to the Ranger, who is most at home in the wilderness. Weapons and armor are secondary skills for the ranger.

WEAPON Required: Rangers must be skilled at one weapon, but no particular weapon is required. Most Preferred: Novices are taught some skill in Longbow when they join the guild, but it is suggested they also have a melee weapon.

ARMOR Required: No specific body armor is required. Most Preferred: The armor of choice for Rangers is leather. Though some Rangers choose to use non-leather armor, the lack of skill in using leather armor may hinder them in othe guild-specific abilities later on.

MAGIC Rangers are Life Magic users and are not required to learn how to use magical devices.

LORE Rangers are required to learn mechanical lore (see Learning Lore).

OTHER ITEMS Chest/Trunk/Coffer/Strongbox: Rangers must learn how to disarm traps. Trapped boxes can be donated or taken from a dead creature.


Often called the Rangers of the Urban Shadows, Thieves primarily use survival skills with weapons and armor as secondary skills.

WEAPON Required: Thieves are required to be proficient in two weapon classes. Most Preferred: Novices are taught some skill in Light Edged and Light Crossbow when they join the shadow guild, however, because of the higher agility required to use Light edged weapons, they are not recommended for the Novice. Most thieves prefer Medium and Light Edged weapons as their melee weapon for their stealth and their ability to be used to backstab. Most Thieves also use a ranged weapon, and prefer Light Crossbow.

ARMOR Required: No specific body armor is required. Most Preferred: Those who stalk the shadows prefer the stealth afforded by leather armor.

MAGIC Thieves are not required to learn any of the magical arts.

LORE Required: Skill in mechanical lore is required (see Learning Lore).

OTHER ITEMS Chest/Trunk/Coffer/Strongbox: Thieves must learn how to disarm traps. Trapped boxes can be donated or taken from a dead creature. Lockpick: Thives are required to learn to pick locks. Inexpensive lockpicks can be purchased, donated, or taken from dead creatures.


For these travellers and movers of the Elanthian economy, lore is a primary skill, with survival and armor as secondary skills.

WEAPON Required: Traders are required to learn one weapon skill. Most Preferred: Many trade routes will take Novice Traders through dangerous areas in which skill with a weapon would be desireable. Most traders learn at least one weapon, and heavy edged is preferred.

ARMOR Required: Traders are required to be skilled in one armor class. Most Preferred: Novices are taught some skill in leather armor upon joining the guild. Because of evasion requirements, leather armor is the armor of choice among Traders.

MAGIC Traders are not required to learn any of the magical arts.

LORE Traders are required to learn mechanical lore (see Learning Lore).

OTHER ITEMS Ledger - Available from the minister in their guildhall, this is the most crucial tool for every Trader.


Magic is the primary skill used by a Warrior Mage, but weapons and lore are close secondary skills.

WEAPON Required: Warrior Mages are required to be skilled in one weapon class. Most Preferred: Upon joining the guild, Novices are taught some skill in Medium Edged weapons.

ARMOR Required: Shield skill required. No body armor required.

MAGIC Warrior Mages are Elemental Magic users and are required to be skilled in using magical devices (see Magical Devices).

LORE Skill in mechanical lore is required for Warrior Mages (see Learning Lore).