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Analyze *KS* (script)
Analyze *KS* (script) | |
Category | Barbarian,Combat |
Front-end | StormFront |
Author | Kashna |
What This Script Does
This script is designed for barbarians to train expertise. If you're looking to train tactics as a member of a different guild, check out the general adaptation: Tactics *KS* (Script).
Regardless of the melee weapon that you're using, whether it's edged, blunt, or brawling, this script will ANALYZE FLAME and complete the sequence over and over until expertise is mind locked.
I've tried it with other ANALYZE options, unfortunately I wasn't able to keep them going in a continuous loop. If you find a more advanced analyze option, that teaches better, just change the very first line of the script "setvariable T flame", to change 'flame' to the name of your analyze of choice.
It also tracks your balance and fatigue to keep things on track throughout and will skin and "loot" the creature upon death. It does not, however, pick up anything that the creature drops.
Analyze (Script)
setvariable T flame Bob: put bob goto CounterReset CounterReset: counter set 0 goto Analyze Analyze: pause 1 put analyz %T match Analyze ...wait match Bob analyze what match Jab landing a jab match Feint landing a feint match Chop landing a chop match Thrust landing a thrust match Lunge landing a lunge match Slice landing a slice match Draw landing a draw match Sweep landing a sweep match Swing landing a swing match Bash landing a bash match Slam landing a slam match Punch landing a punch match Claw landing a claw match Kick landing a kick match Elbow landing an elbow match Slap landing a slap match Bite landing a bite match Butt landing a butt match Knee landing a knee matchwait Attack: pause 1 counter add 1 put %A match Attack ...wait match Dead You turn to face match Dead There is nothing else to match Dead sand sprite slowly match Dead howls and falls on its side match Dead lies still match Dead falls to the ground like a stone match Dead falls still match Dead falls over with a *THUD* match Dead one last time and collapses match Dead before closing its eyes forever match Dead crumples to the ground match Dead with a heavy thud match Dead ceases all movement match Dead ceasing all movement match Exp4 combat expertise match FatigueCheck Roundtime matchwait FatigueCheck: pause 1 put fatigue match BalanceCheck slightly fatigued match BalanceCheck rested match BerserkAvalanche somewhat tired match BerserkAvalanche You are tired match BerserkAvalanche You are fatigued match BerserkAvalanche worn-out match BerserkAvalanche You are beat match BerserkAvalanche exhausted matchwait BerserkAvalanche: put bers ava goto BalanceCheck BalanceCheck: put balance match Exp%c nimbly balanced match Exp%c adeptly balanced match Exp%c incredibly balanced match BalanceCycle slightly off match BalanceCycle solidly balanced match BalanceCycle You are off balance match BalanceCycle You are somewhat off match BalanceCycle badly balanced match BalanceCycle imbalanced match BalanceCycle unbalanced matchwait BalanceCycle: pause 1 put bob waitfor Roundtime goto BalanceCheck Dead: pause 1 put skin pause 2 put loot goto BalanceCheck Exp0: Exp1: Exp2: Exp3: goto Analyze Exp4: pause 1 put exp expertise match Done 34/34 match Done 33/34 match CounterReset /34 matchwait Done: pause 1 echo echo ************************* echo echo *** Expertise mind locked *** echo echo ************************* echo Exit Jab: setvariable A jab goto Attack Feint: setvariable A feint goto Attack Chop: setvariable A chop goto Attack Thrust: setvariable A thrust goto Attack Lunge: setvariable A lunge goto Attack Slice: setvariable A slice goto Attack Draw: setvariable A draw goto Attack Sweep: setvariable A sweep goto Attack Swing: setvariable A swing goto Attack Bash: setvariable A bash goto Attack Slam: setvariable A slam goto Attack Punch: setvariable A punch goto Attack Claw: setvariable A claw goto Attack Kick: setvariable A kick goto Attack Elbow: setvariable A elbow goto Attack Slap: setvariable A slap goto Attack Bite: setvariable A bite goto Attack Butt: setvariable A butt goto Attack Knee: setvariable A knee goto Attack