Post:A Scrap of Sturdy Paper - 05/28/2012 - 01:35

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A Scrap of Sturdy Paper · on 05/28/2012 01:35 AM CDT 2067
Found in a gutter just outside the Riverhaven Empath guild, the top half of this note has been torn away.

What remains of the note is written in bold, square lettering with vivid blue-black ink. It reads:

fine time I had at the festival. It's been too long since I went anywhere. I even tried some of that brackish ale, if you can believe such a thing! In Langenfirth, I met with a few folks who escorted me the rest of the way up the road.

Got a few fresh paints, can't wait to try them out. It's so easy to let one's duties as a Wen overwhelm and obscure whatever made us fit for the task to begin with.

Thankfully, the trip was uneventful otherwise, no repeat of what happened to Annael. No luck was involved, nor any skill of mine; it all comes down to a fine group of Therengians who safely escorted me home. They must have been military of some kind, so organized and efficient. I didn't know that when I first fell in with them, but it was obvious by the way they handled themselves that they had done escort duty many times before. It was very impressive! We must recommend them to Annael if she decides to make the trip again, I know she was rattled after what happened last time.

We must make sure the Modien are aware that this threat continues; we cannot let Eksharo's sacrifice be in vain.

The final paragraph has been started and struck through several times, and there is no signature.

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Therengia Events, by DR-EMPNPC on the forums.


Being found in Riverhaven, and with it's reference to the Kalo rae Wen, it may have been written by Nebela.