Moon Mage vision list 2020

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This list includes visions from the Moon mage event prediction ability experienced in 2020.

Also included are spontaneous visions experienced without the use of the PREDICT command. These latter visions can be experienced by any moon mage as long as they're logged into the game environment when the vision is distributed. Generally these visions signal incipient invasions or immediate developments in an ongoing event or storyline.

Moon mage visions stem directly from their prophetic link to the Plane of Probability and connection to Fate.


Date and Time: 01/04/2020
You find yourself in a broad tent, a ring of enormous warriors gathered around a low smoldering fire. Adorned in blood red paints and animal pelts, crisscrossed with rippling scars and burns, each carries a weapon in their calloused hands. They argue, shouting and swearing in foreign tongues, gesturing threats and spitting into the fire. A heavy rain can be heard outside, the staccato hammering on the tent surging and ebbing like a heartbeat, though not loud enough to drown out the argument unfolding before you.

A child walks in, wearing nothing but a hide loincloth, his thin body and bloodied knuckles seemingly out of place among these giants. He holds up a hand and the warriors immediately fall silent. The rain continues to thunder against the tent as the child softly begins to tell a tale, and the vision fades.

Possible Subjects: Unknown Repeat: Unknown