Gorbesh Lexicon

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This is an alphabetical, sortable list of all known Gorbesh words.


All nouns are in the nominative (NOM) case unless otherwise indicated.

Gorbesh Part of
none ART the
ababo N ring
abowa ADJ grey
abruza ADJ drunk
abula ADJ large
abuve V save
achine V lease, rent
achuks N time
adaj N belly
adene V eat
adets ADV else
adonin N cheese
agitek N hammer
agowa N back
ahai N victory
ahen N voice
ahi N peace
ahome V lull
ahsa ADJ few
aime V buy
aimos N cake
akave N pain
akin ADV now
akose V leap
aksa ADJ good
aksen N anchor
alisa ADJ double
alola ADJ round
alole V roll
aluj N warning
aluje V warn
amaje V name
amange N dog
amaro AUX ought
amasin N name
ameshi (nom.) N dragon
ameshia (gen.) N dragon
ameshiam (obj.) N dragon
amulos N beard
amulosin N barber
an/ano (nom./obj.) PN it
ana (gen.) PN its
anawe V refuse
anawe V reply
ange V join
anhe V think
anhesha N thought
anhiza ADJ free (liberty)
anishi N wife
anji N freedom
anosh N anything
apapoe N heir
ape V seem
apiya N planet
apuhe V tie
aradis N fault, guilt
aradiza ADJ straight
aramosa ADJ rich
arawaj N scabbard, sheath
arek N hat
aris N money, wealth
arte V herd
arumiz N shield
arunas N water
arute V march
asaja ADJ sudden
asang N land
ase V count
ash ADJ any
asha ADJ recent
ashan N kettle
atande V forget
atate V raise
atiris N waterfall
atobin N mirror
atoe V hate
atshe V scale (climb)
atulaja N face
avos N right (prerogative)
avosa ADJ right, correct
awan N ship
awana N door
awarek ADV anywhere
Awenid N Empath
ayarks N bridge
ayisha ADJ silver
ayo N craft, trade
ayochi N craftsman
ayomas N bottom
ayosa ADJ crooked
azevo PN anyone
azichin N mule
azroeka ADJ hopeless
azukul N honor
bahe N path
bame V want
bar N brother
bara ADJ big
barban N wind
bare V pray
baresha N prayer
barira N brotherhood
baro V permit
basas N hair
base V shut, close
bashta ADJ tiny
bat C and
bawash N sickness
bawasha ADJ sick
baya ADJ giant
baz PREP for
beng N devil
berk N chest, breast
bilap N rock
bimaja N enemy
bobe V throw
bodu N hunt
boduje V hunt
bogone V surrender
borin N smuggler
borin N street
boshihe V fall
bov N headland
bovi N home
bovira N native country
brava ADJ wild
buaya N weapon
buek N faith
bugek ADJ simple
buina ADJ proud
buisa ADJ faithful, loyal
bukas N weight
bukase V weigh
buksa ADJ angry, mad
buksahai ADJ angriest, maddest
buksai ADJ angrier, madder
buksan ADV angrily
buksanai ADV more angrily
buksanhai ADV most angrily
bula ADJ broken
bule V break
bult N meal
buriha ADJ pleasant
burle V sack (a city)
busaya ADJ slight
buva ADJ full
buzik N anger
buzika ADJ angry
byuga ADJ rare
cayo N ancestor
chabika ADJ buried
chabike V bury
chaga ADJ outer
chags N bear
chalin N memory
cham N sun
chamaja N summer (season)
chamok N sunrise
chave V tire
chavos N shout
chavose V shout
chayek N temple
chaz PREP over
chigoe V retreat, flee
chigono ADJ retreating, fleeing
chigwe V retreat
chin REL what
chinush INT what?
chipiks N hut
chise V borrow
chisre V try
chiwa ADJ nude, bare
chobin AUX can
chodose V gain, earn
choga ADJ real
chole V solve
choms N sling
chone V forgive
chore V steal
Choro N Thief
chos N east
choska ADJ healthy
chosks N health
chot N respect
chote V respect
chotusa ADJ public
chovini N witch
chuden N clearing
chugan ADV really
chuke V suppose
chuki N shoulder
chumi ADV here
chuniek N copper
chur N offer
churasha N offering
chure V offer
churja N music
churja N promotion
chuwa ADJ dry
chuyek N fireplace, hearth
dachi N needle
dafuja N height
dahi ADV soon
danja N tooth
darule V push
das N chain
dasas V butcher
daseve V say
dat N farm
datik N basket
dato N agreement
dere V regret
dest N wing
dester N eagle
dibik N nose
dikek N pen
dila ADJ late
dinhe V sell
dinhin N seller
dirize V harvest
dirke V see
dirkesha N sight
ditiz N chimney
divane V discuss
doav N citizen
doavira N city
dofke V scare
doforos N tomorrow
dohiz PREP toward
dois N dove
dokaya N gift
doke V wound
doksha N wound
domis N god
donuid N sorcery
donuya N form, shape
dosta ADJ enough
doz PREP to
drahengro N classroom
drom N road
duboe V approach
dudops N claw
dufaje V clothe, dress
duik N image
duike V imagine
duishe V toss
dula ADJ old
dulane V murder
dulanin N murderer, assassin
Dunaja N Barbarian
dunks N mouth
dunul N sin
dunule V sin
duraen N inlet
durane V harm, injure
dure V damage
dushe V destroy
dutaze V cast metals
duvi N wave (water)
duwa N jaw
echena ADJ difficult
edra N sister
edri N sibling
eimos N agony
eise V carry
ekave V shoot
ekavin N bowman
elaja N song
elipsa ADJ like, similar
Eloti N Elothean
emaja N chisel
en C as
enedra N blood
enos N festival
enule V release
eoba ADJ cold
eoda ADJ cool
epert (nom.) PN you
eperta (gen.) PN your, yours
eperto (obj.) PN you
epet (nom.) PN thou
epeta (gen.) PN thy, thine
epeto (obj.) PN thee
eshase V sigh
eshun N middle
eudiz PREP across
euhos N armor
euten N desert
evoen N fall (season)
ewazul N line
ewinav N noble
ewoz PREP before
ewuso N court
eyike V repeat
eyivek N court (of law)
eyon N linen, flax
eyoshek N candle, light
eyuja N corner
fahul N plot, scheme
fane V remember
fashika ADJ fragrant
faze V get
fen N manor
ficaja N foothills
fide V arrest
figoz N ink
fili N war
filin N warrior
Filinos N Warrior Mage
filke V judge
fils N justice
firie V command, order
firye AUX must
fisa ADJ dead
fise V die
fisha N death
foros N today
fuas N ash
fujaz PREP beyond
fuma N pants
fupase V curse
furne V split
futave V attempt
fuva N anvil
ga ADJ all
gadaze V remark
gaham N toe
gaise V pursue
gakas N apple
gashe V spoil
geste V thank
gestena N thanks
getke V explain
gilye V sing
gireka ADJ last
gisks N clock
gisowa ADJ quiet
givek N soldier
giyas N dust
giyika ADJ loose
glaiye V teach
glaiyin N teacher
glosha ADJ lazy
goche V collect, gather
godusha ADJ savage
goina ADJ next
gokose N spy
gola N alliance
gorda ADJ poor (quality)
Gortoki N Gor'Tog
goshike V cover
goskiz PREP except
govota ADJ ready
gra ADJ huge
grahai ADJ hugest
grai ADJ huger
gran ADV hugely
granai ADV more hugely
granhai ADV most hugely
grast N animal
grola ADJ fair (fine)
gropa N shop
grope V shop
guhe V lead
guhehin N leader
guhesha N leadership
guike V jump
guye V mutter
hade V answer
hadsha ADJ another
hagina ADJ free (no cost)
haginan ADV freely
hahiz PREP among
hai ADV yes
haibe V search, seek
hajan N kilt
hani N journey
hanis N teardrop
haoken N length
haoma ADJ sad
haoman ADV sadly
haraze V bear
has N duty
haska ADJ blunt
hasta N hand
hat N bark of a tree
hatue V glance
haubog N boar, hog
hauge ADV together
hauke AUX should
hauma ADJ high
haurga N beach
hauri C while
hautek N oar
hauyon N lore
hauzul N den
hav N snow
havoga ADJ evil
hawa N channel
haya N seahawk
hayeka ADJ famous
hayoke V introduce
haz PREP within
hek N chin
heke V repel, ward
hesta ADJ weak
hicha ADJ yellow
hichas N meat
hikas (nom.) N knife
hikasa (gen.) N knife
hikasam (obj.) N knife
hikegi N mainland
hiks N mountain
hiksu N gulf
hin REL when
hino IND whenever
hinush INT when?
hione V mock, laugh at
hiroks N tradition
hiruek N bond
hist N sound
hitosa ADJ metal
hohul N pike
homas N dish
homas N plant
homek N butter
hon ADV very
hota ADJ flat
hovuja N edge
hudik N host
hueha ADJ kind (nice)
huene V arrive, reach
humyon N sky
ibeke V float
ibina N bay
ibole V care
ichiga N food
ichik N forever
ida N distance
idatse V grieve
ideta ADV all right
idize V poke
idoke V lie, tell a lie
idokesha N lie, falsehood
idufa ADJ familiar
iduja N tongue
ifa N speech
ifave V speak
ifiza N storm
ifozul N rank
iful V forage
igane V fight
igatul N castle
iguji N spider
igurje V carve
ihaja N lamp
ihik N right (dir.)
ikek N evening
ikeks V slap
ikomik N day
ikuch N vault
ikuchis N country
ikuja N chair
ilak N crow
ilame V rub
ilari N rope
ilas N beauty
ilasa ADJ beautiful
ilave V heal
ilawe V heal
ilawin N healer
ilina ADJ blue
Iliti N Elf
ilosa ADJ narrow
iluhe V touch
imen N leg
imiza ADJ several
imurek N leech
inik N aunt
inosh N thing
ipone V swear
ipsa ADJ hollow
irach N ice
irachin N peasant
irava ADJ sharp
irave V require
iresi N virtue
isav N auger
isdaja ADJ lovely
isdari N love
isde V love
ishozu N fortress, fort
isidi N ground, soil
Iskamur N S'Kra Mur
isoye V fry
ispanz N shadow
isule V help
itagi N debt
itare V drink
itayis N oil
itek N cheek
iten N creek
itoz PREP upon
itubek N saddle
ivame V give
ivav N price
ivide V conceal, hide
ivide V swim
ivuje V kneel
iyave V change
iyek ADV yet
iyomize V creep
iyufin N skull
iyuva N game
izion N knot
izuje V fly
izul N surprise
izule V surprise
jata ADJ noble
jekipe V unite
jostamu N envy, jealousy
junda ADJ deep
kachaz N village
kadesa N mouse
kal N promise
kale V promise
kam N stronghold
kama ADJ strong
kamaja N garden
kanav N rib
kar N west
kashik N cave
kashoin N farmer
kaska ADJ stupid
kast N wood
katala ADJ stubborn
kauja N fountain
kauje V dream
kaujesha N dream
kele V proceed
kema N hail
kena N house
kerde V make
kert (nom.) PN we
kerta (gen.) PN our, -s
kerto (obj.) PN us
kestre V tell
ket (nom.) PN I
keta (gen.) PN my, mine
keto (obj.) PN me
kilna ADJ secret
kima ADJ each
kinik (nom.) N lizard
kinika (gen.) N lizard
kinikam (obj.) N lizard
kinoe V cook
kinohin N cook, chef
kirchima N inn
kiris N tree
kirka ADJ common
kirvi N grandmother
kis N silk
kisi N purse
kisti N belt
kitale V gleam
kitaye N leopard
kituje V owe
kiyuhe V end
kiyuhi N ending
klachan N family
klaj N shoe
klak N skin
klake N hide (skin), pelt
klake V skin (flay)
kleta ADJ important
klud N fox
knaps N lightning
knapsa ADJ light (weight)
knare V belong
knawe V move
knaz PREP down
knaze V laugh
knazid N permission
knia N school
kniaja N scissors
knika ADJ both
knirek N nature
knis N smile
knise V smile
knoge N fence
knone V kindle
knore V smash
knore V strain
knosa ADJ quick
knosan ADV quickly
knoya N wedding
knude V jerk
knudek N riddle
knuva ADJ much
kochips N beggar
kocho N button
kochos N rival
kodose V earn
Koduis N Paladin
kofe V put
kohele V hold
kokove V cough
kolose V study
kolosin N student
komi N moor
komps N pan
kon REL who
kona ADJ fast, swift
kona REL whose
kono IND whoever
konush INT who?
konusha INT whose?
konuz PREP beneath
kopula ADJ strange
kora ADJ blind
kore V kiss
koresha N kiss
kori N plow
koriba N theft
kos C if
kosks ADV well
kotor N part
koube V view
kowe V breathe
koyez PREP between
koz PREP at
kralis N knee
kretes C although, though
krisis N junk
krushe V leave
kuchasha ADJ smart
kulaje V cut
kumate V fill
kune V bind
kurako N rat
kusa ADJ equal
kush N trust
kushe V trust
kutose V drag
kutoya N bed
kuv N clay
kuwas N mammoth
kuwina ADJ pink
kuzuja N nephew
labaja ADJ hard (task)
lachek N dew
ladaek N night
laen N oak
laike V wash
lakahi N bone
lala ADJ red
lalera ADJ foreign
lalerin N foreigner, stranger
lanoz PREP in front of
lans N birth
lape V spit
lariz PREP around
lauz PREP under
lav N word
lavez PREP on behalf of
leine N tunic
lene V invite
lenesha N invitation
lera ADJ possible
leshya N spirit
lez PREP through
li PREP by
lichine V drop
liduas N life
liduse V pick
ligan N haze
lihai N deer
lihek N idea
lika ADJ neat
likek N grave
lil N book
linaze V compel
liri N law, statute
lirisha N lawsuit
lisn N side
lite V walk
litge V wander
litina ADJ supreme
lobura N herb
lohek N hole
lom N thigh
lomisa ADJ slow
lon N sailor
lone V bless
Lonin N Cleric
lonina N river
lopen N donkey
lopse V bake
lork N saber, scimitar
losase V return, give back
lososa ADJ sober
lot N son
loti N daughter
lovina N beer
loy V grow
loya ADJ whole
loze V know
lozesha N knowledge
lozka ADJ rough
luen ADV so
luen C so that
lui N soil
luje V stop
luke V sit
luksa ADJ poor (wealth)
lula ADJ local
lurops ADV instead
lus N drink
lusek N father
lusiye V wait
lusks N coat
luya ADJ soft
luyo N frost
mabos N mother
macho N fish
maege N arm
maka ADJ personal
make V praise
makesha N praise
maklanze V force
malva ADJ impossible
mana N glory
manke V threaten
marima N cloud
masigan N army
maska N cat
maskiya ADJ endless
masmana ADJ square
masoya N crowd
masruga ADJ clear
masyat N statue
mavas N library
maveka ADJ small
maya N left (dir.)
mayek N branch
mazas N blame
mazaze V blame
miege N bird
mika ADJ single
mikik N seagull
milav N butterfly
minoa N heaven
mis N air
misasnuni N afternoon
misaz PREP after
misol N travel
misole V travel
mizak N wizard
mizne V crawl
moas N fate
moche V lock
moche V point
modo N cup
modose V lick
moduja N horse
moen N ore
mohas N shame
mohase V shame
mohaze V defend
mokis N glass
mol C than
moni N dawn
moras N dough
mortsi N highlands
movoe V ascend
mrak N week
mraka ADJ weekly
muake V suggest
mucik V attack
mue V prepare
muhen N neck
muhenta N necklace
muhi N guest
muj N salt
muja ADJ salty
mulo N corpse
mure V ride
muwa ADJ empty
nahik N horn (anatomy)
nahiz PREP into
nak ADV not
nake V feel
naki ADV there
nalaiz N rune
nalazai N runestone
nalio N beef
namin N age
napoz PREP out of
nariyon N liver
nase V let
naske V show
nason N winter (season)
nasye V pass
natul N dagger
nave V question
navesha N question
nawaze V receive
naz PREP in, inside
nehe N joke
nesa ADJ bad
nesan ADV badly
nibe V become
nilas N gown
nimiz PREP along
ninion N serpent
niose V bend
nisas N lip
nison N story
nisonin N storyteller
nivuj N shell
niye V have
nizaye N lord
nizi ADV never
nobi N collar
noike V rule, govern
noiz N apron
noja N fork
nolsa ADV just
noluen N year
nonine V strike
nos N place
nota N blouse
noti N shirt
noyasha ADJ spare, extra
nua ADJ rapid
nub C but
nubiz PREP unless
nuek N quest
nueke V quest
nuja N pitcher, jug
nulis N goat
nura N forge
nuras N cliff
nure V forge
nuri N fur
nuwe V hurt
obahi N rain
obena N sweetheart
obo N tunnel
ocha ADJ correct
ochaja ADJ continual
ocheke V go
ochi N direction
ochilse V tease
ochin N deal
ochufa N chicken
ochuks ADV sometimes
odawe V dare
odawe V send
odeke V raise (from death)
odul N morning
ofore V visit
oginik ADV still, yet
ohose V depart
ohurje V observe
oin N mist
okapas N fondness
okawi N smoke
oke V dig
okodaz N blade
okseha ADJ greedy
olabi N pity
olge N honey
olitai N squirrel
oliva N egg
olohen N gloom
omase V endure
omaz PREP about, concerning
omiren N robe
ona ADJ fine (great)
onawi N man
one V warm
onesha N shawl
onhi N bean
onin N club
onina ADJ hot
oniz PREP without
onoba ADJ tall
onosh PN something
onwa N pond
opirka ADJ dark
opirkso N darkness
opos N silence
oposa ADJ silent
opul N mistake
oraje V protect
oren N valley
Oritai N Gorbesh
orkse V sting
oruja N boat
orute V read
osaja N hospital
ose V be
osek N ointment
osh ADJ some
osi N luck (good)
osija ADJ lucky
osize V remove
osute V recall
osuti N albatross
otek ADV again
otekiz PREP against
otun N gem
ove V ponder
oveke V predict
ovekesha N prediction
oviya C however
owarek ADV somewhere
oyamabos N mother to be
ozamaja N champion
ozas N lady
ozaze V beat
ozevo PN someone
ozoras N bank
paik ADV seldom
palse V hit
pane V watch
paramis N tale
pasilas N sheep
paya ADJ fat
pazaye V dye
petal N hug
petale V hug
pibe V open
pichu N sneeze
pichuwe V sneeze
pin N fire
pinav N flame
pipa ADJ only
pipi N comet
pir N foot
plal N throat
pobave V flow
pog N hunger
poga ADJ hungry
pomana N spell
pon N bronze
porase V dwell
porasha N dwelling
pos N eye
posava N eyebrow
posoe V talk
posun N woodland
prale V work
prastlo N tool
pretera N wilderness
Pridai N Prydaen
puhins N relative, kin
pum N crescent
pundana ADJ comic
puri N lake
puro ADV once
puska N sword
Rachlin N Gnome
rahek N descendant
Rakash N Rakash
ramik V groan
ranik N breastplate
ranz PREP from
raps N mast
ratav N midnight
raz N axe
razasha ADJ shining
razashe V shine
retina ADJ green
rians N autumn (season)
riav N sea
riele N brooch
rihia N blanket
rik N room
rilose V knead
rimek N friend
rine V marry
rinek N marriage
rineken ADJ awful
risul N refund
risule V refund
rodawa ADJ purple
roek V hope
rom N season
romas N sporran
ronaja N orange
roos N magic
rope V pour
rotawe V lie, recline
rothe V paint
rouja N heart
ruaze V kill
rube V follow
ruek ADV always
ruka ADJ mighty
rukhe V stay
runase V bite
runon N creature
ruos N happiness, joy
ruosa ADJ happy, glad, joyful
rushe V sew
rutaps N archer
ruven N skirt
ruza ADJ alive
sa ART a, an
sabuje V tear (rip)
sadula ADJ safe
saga ADJ wrong
sagalon N number
sagiz PREP during
sahin N priest
sako ADJ major
salke V take
Salpen N Commoner
sapek N appearance
sarka ADJ fierce
saros N oat
saste V greet
Satiyon N Kaldar
saul ADV also, too
sav N south
sava ADJ brown
savam ADV then
savechos N southeast
savekar N southwest
sawa N mead
se C that
sedra N child
sege N boy
sekani N snake
serha N tent
sero N head
set PN one
seta ADJ first
shade V worship
shaiz N color
shale V understand
shalis N sweat
shalise V sweat
shalsun N hill
shebari N bride
shesti N noon
shin REL why
shinush INT why?
shion N spring (season)
shira ADJ actual
shiven N luck (bad)
shiye V sink
shob N sorrow
shobe V sorrow
shoda ADJ expensive
shofene V share
shofenin N shareholder
shoha ADJ early
shoi C because
shoiz PREP because of
shomaz N short sword
shomis N guard
shomka ADJ modern
shoru N medicine
shoshe V refer
shosiwa N nut
shova ADJ lame
showa N race (species)
shrif N duck
shubek N cart
shueke V enter
shuhek N wagon
shuma ADJ female
shumel N bread
shums N lock
shutoz PREP above
shuz PREP up
siak N breath
sialu N bowl
siam N nail, claw
sian N battle
sianraz N battle axe
sib N north
sibechos N northeast
sibekar N northwest
sidave V balance
sidhe V lend
siha ADJ thin
sihan N province
silen N guild
silot N market
siluja N flesh
simi N leaf
sineke V fold
sinoi DEM that, this
siode V resemble
sire V board
sire V look
sirika ADJ rude
sirin N hour
sisas N ox
sishav N stone
siturek N trap
sivek N outside
sivez ADV/PREP outside
sivide V realize
sivoc V guess
siwa ADJ pretty
siye V do
siyin N agent
siz PREP besides
skorni N boot
slavi N tail
slig N halberd
sliga ADJ heavy
slove V serve
slovin N servant
Smavandre N Trader
smave V trade
smik N mud
sobas N floor
sochi N cloak
solohe V boil
sorta ADJ wise
sortena N wisdom
sortenin N wise man
sosa N key
sosi N soul
sove V sleep
sovesha N sleep
soye ADV back (direc.)
srabe AUX may
srakaps N husband
sraks N echo
srash ADV almost
srav N birch
sravik C since
srel ADJ smooth
srez PREP with
srie N sand
srige V cross
srigos N crossbow
srija ADJ loud
srilke V stand
srine V taste
srips N cord
srise V come
sroas N custom, law
sroas N potion
srogai ADJ less
srosen N peak
srosha ADJ sweet (taste)
srota ADJ different
sroya N sail
srud N fear
sruge V clean
sruha ADJ many
sruhos N orphan
sruje V settle
stanya N stable
stura ADJ holy, sacred
sturin N holy man
subul N grass
sufek N fog
suhe V comb, curry
suin N speed
sune V hear
suneja N hearing
sunowa ADJ white
sunoye V draw, sketch
supalas N cow
susa ADJ mad (insane)
susik N dress
susiz ADV/PREP near
suto N star
sutuja N companion
suvaje V obey
suvire V saw
suwanis N owl
suweze V yield
swaja N merchant
sweja N cattle
swoz PREP behind, aft
syat N gold
syata ADJ cheap
syus N terror
syusa ADJ terrible
syuze V terrify
t?kan N earth
ta (prefix) REFL self
taben N jewel
tabenira N jewelry
tai N prophet
taisha N prophecy
taiye V prophesy
taka ADJ true
takek N jetty
takelto PN ourselves
taketo PN myself
takiben N truth
tala ADJ sure
talas N feather
talwa N intelligence
Tamul N Bard
tanoen N penalty
tapelto PN yourselves
tapeto PN thyself
tapta N thumb
taru N raven
taseke V ask
tasha ADJ powerful
tasin N defeat
tasine V defeat
Tato N Human
tavayon N humility
tavelo PN herself
tavonerto PN themselves
tavono PN himself
tayis N infant
tayiz N baby
tehara N girl
terna ADJ young
tiba N cousin
ticaja ADJ bare
tidik N mill
tigine V interest
tikua ADJ stiff
tilias N idol
tilien N rapids
tin REL which, that
tino IND whichever
tinush INT which?
tlai N doom
tlavan ADV immediately
tlavek N iron
tlaye V live
tlifik N strap
tlika ADJ great
tlilaja ADJ total
tloge V train
tlogesha N training
Tloha N Ranger
tlota ADJ bright
tluj N dirt
tluja ADJ dirty
tluke AUX would
tlus N poison
tluyon N danger
toful ADJ short
tohaka ADJ brave
tohiz PREP onto
tokuja N clan
tolays N bracelet
tolul N neighbor
tolura ADJ black
tomeke V deceive
tomiek N deceit
topoz PREP off
toraja N lesson
toren N future
toros N flower
toruja N master
toz PREP on
tozu N omen
trekoth N fool
trofos N town
trohe V bathe
trupos N body
tud N milk
tudos N field
tuek N religion
tuekse V row
tuik N finger
tuja N glove
tukik V burn
tukine V lay
tuks N carpenter
tums N sweets
turba ADJ pale
tuz PREP ahead
uba ADJ little
Ubati N Halfling
ubave V keep
ubohek N pirate
ubule V rush
uchek N center
uchimi N hauberk
uchinav N king
uchinavi N queen
uchos N knight
uchose V delay
uchub N moon
uchuba N month
Uchubros N Moon Mage
Udasha N loss
udaye V lose
uden N otter
udil N pride
ufuli N island
uhalaya N boundary
uhase V find
uhek N ocean
ukaven N brain
ukula ADJ alone
ukupa ADJ far (distant)
ulasa ADJ long
ulirs N harbor
ulome V finish
umin N front
umutas N ear
unizin N meadow
unor N art
unorin N artist
upowen N bush
uraz N altar
ure V punish
uresha N punishment
uriba ADJ final
uriban ADV finally
uriona ADJ low
urs N cloth
ursayos N clothing
us ADV ever
usaya ADJ every
ushoe AUX shall
usibos N shore
usikos N oven
usona ADJ lost
usorge N insult
usork N inch
usus N bow (archery)
uswe N circle
utaye V pay
uto N arrow
utosa ADJ inner
utosfi N niece
uvaja N quarrel
uyek V ambush
uzaye N fruit
uzoai ADJ more
uzohai ADJ most
vadra N strength
vaos C or
vardo N caravan
varez PREP until, 'til
varnas ADV thus
vasichi N goods
vasik N weather
vatave V pack
vathe N helmet, helm
vayule V listen
vaz PREP of
veke V start
vel (nom.) PN she
vela (gen.) PN her, hers
velo (obj.) PN her
ves N forest
videk V fish
vifas N polearm
viga N leather
vin REL how
vinush INT how
vison N world
vitsa N woman
vobike V own, possess
vodul N language
voike V stretch
voloe V learn
volohin N apprentice
von (nom.) PN he
vona ADJ other
vona (gen.) PN his
vonert (nom.) PN they
vonerta (gen.) PN their, theirs
vonerto (obj.) PN them
vono (obj.) PN him
vordon N wall
voruya ADJ easy
vuge V persuade
vuma ADJ deaf
vunin N gate
vyusher N wolf
warek REL where
wareko IND wherever
warekush INT where?
wasowe V cry
we V bring
wehi ADV away
weja N backpack
wena N empire
wenavai N emperor
wenavi N empress
wenaya ADJ imperial
winav N prince
winavi N princess
wore V smell
yabuja N brush
yade V run
yai N twig
yamek N coin
yatos ADV often
yeksa ADJ new
yik N noose
yika ADJ principal
yile V weep
yimase V need
yisks N captive, prisoner
yoe V watch out
yolks N livestock, herd
yorn N sweater
yose V begin
yosiben N beginning
yuhe V build
yuhie V sail
yuika ADJ mute, dumb
yusine V worry
yute V write
yuton N coat of arms
za C whether
zaya N spear
zege V mix
zevo N person
zihule V measure
zine AUX will
zite V happen
zizuje V wave (gesture)
Zodi N Dwarf
zos N baron
zose V meet
zosi N baroness
zosrabe AUX might
zoz PREP out
zu ADJ no
zuforos N yesterday
zunosh PN nothing
zuoe N ale
zuwarek ADV nowhere
zuzevo PN no one, nobody, none


Gorbesh Common
chev 0 (zero)
set 1 (one)
ber 2 (two)
fed 3 (three)
dek 4 (four)
pyet 5 (five)
nem 6 (six)
zel 7 (seven)
ref 8 (eight)
hep 9 (nine)
teg 10 (ten)
sheb* 11 (eleven)
saj* 12 (twelve)
vesh* 12 (twelve)
beregin 20 (twenty)
baj* 24 (twenty-four)
fedegin 30 (thirty)
faj* 36 (thirty-six)
dekegin 40 (forty)
daj* 48 (forty-eight)
pyetegin 50 (fifty)
nemegin 60 (sixty)
pyaj* 60 (sixty)
zelegin 70 (seventy)
naj* 72 (seventy-two)
refegin 80 (eighty)
zaj* 84 (eighty-four)
hepegin 90 (ninety)
raj* 96 (ninety-six)
tag 100 (one hundred)
haj* 108 (one hundred and eight)
taj* 120 (one hundred and twenty)
shaj* 132 (one hundred and thirty-two)
yaj* 144 (one hundred and forty-four)
ber tag 200 (two hundred)
ber tag bat zel 207 (two hundred and seven)
tagin 1,000 (one thousand)
tagin zel tag dekegin bat ref 1,748 (one thousand seven hundred and forty-eight)
seta 1st (first)
bera 2nd (second)
feda 3rd (third)
deka 4th (fourth)
pyeta 5th (fifth)
nema 6th (sixth)
zela 7th (seventh)
refa 8th (eighth)
hepa 9th (ninth)
tega 10th (tenth)

*Cardinal numbers that are primarily Gnomish in use. (The Gnomes often prefer to count by dozens.)

Sources/See Also