Property:Shop type is

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Description: A property for declaring that a shop sells a certain type of wares.
Type: String

There are currently 2729 items in this property, 689 of which are incomplete, and 0 of which are outdated.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
clothing  +
clothing  +
cambrinth  +, clothing  +, jewelry  +,
cambrinth  +, clothing  +, jewelry  +,
trader  +, armor  +, weapon  +,
miscellaneous  +
miscellaneous  +
miscellaneous  +
herb  +, alchemy  +
clothing  +
pet  +, jewelry  +, toy  +
cleric  +, container  +, magic  +,
cleric  +, container  +, magic  +,
cleric  +, container  +, magic  +,
elf  +, armor  +, clothing  +,
elf  +, armor  +, clothing  +,
elf  +, armor  +, clothing  +,