Post:Interesting new book - of interest to s'kra necromancers - 3/8/2010 - 13:38:16

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Re: interesting new book - of interest to s'kra necromancers · on 3/8/2010 1:38:16 PM 579
No PC is a part of the Dragon Priests, or a Bone Elf, or the Xela'shar. Zamidren is running a distinct organization which is not the Necromancer Clearinghouse.

PCs are certainly free to lie to each other, though. Just don't come crying to me in a auto-RP based delusion that the card-carrying Dragon Priests will do anything other than tear your entrails out like the next guy.


This message was originally posted in The Necromancers (26) \ Necromancer Ideologies (9), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.