Post:Thieves abilty to use RUNES - 11/25/2008 - 23:34:23

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Re: Thieves abilty to use RUNES · on 11/25/2008 11:34:23 PM 702
>>1) You shape local mana into a spell pattern. Mana resists being moved: this builds up frictional spell energy.


>>2) Optionally, you can create a secondary pattern ("harnessed" mana) to build up more friction for the purposes of dumping the energy into the spell.


>>3) The spell's physical trigger - usually some kind of gesture - undoes these patterns. The mana snaps back into place and the release of spell energy cascades out to affect the physical laws.

Sort of. The physical gesture is theoretically optional. It's there for two reasons. In lore speak, because magicians are human(ish) and like having little rituals and mnemonic devices to focus themselves. In game speak, because it makes the process look a little more impressive and engaging.

The gesturing is useful and comforting to the magician, but in the end magic happens in his brain.


This message was originally posted in Abilities, Skills and Magic \ Suggestions - New/Existing Guilds and Skills, by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.