#SFhunter Version 2.0a #modified by Yugen counter set 0 goto TOP goto %zHFromEZ INTRO: put echo /on waitfor echo echo echo ****************a******************************* echo ** [|][|] [|] [] [][] []|[] [][] [][] ** echo ** [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] ** echo ** [] [] [] []|[] [] [] [][] [] [] ** echo ** [] [] [] [] []a [][] [][] [] [][] [][] ** echo *********************************************** echo put echo /off waitfor echo echo SFhunter Version 2 echo Last tweak 3/22/2009 3:21PM #echo #echo SITE: http://www.malific.com/ or http://www.geocities.com/malificdr/ #leaving for credit echo SITE: https://elanthipedia.play.net/mediawiki/images/0/0f/SFHunter.txt echo AIM: Yugen DR echo EMAIL: darkangelx@ihatetheworld.com echo echo }}}}}}}}} .SFhunter HELP {{{{{{{{{ echo IF_1 goto BEGIN goto %zHD INTRO_NEW: EZcheck_%EZrange: setvariable zHFromEZ TOP TOP: #Jeorgiesetvariable zHloot YES_LOOT #Jeorgiesetvariable zHskin SKIN1 #Jeorgiesetvariable zHskindrop BUN_NO #Jeorgieput sheath #Jeorgiegoto JEORGIE setvariable zHloot NO_LOOT setvariable zHskin SEARCH setvariable zHskindrop NOBUN setvariable zHlootgem 1 setvariable zHlootcoin 1 setvariable zHlootbox 1 setvariable zHlootjunk 1 JEORGIE: setvariable zHsearch setvariable zHexpC OFF setvariable zHskinexp BUN setvariable zHretreat SKIN1_ setvariable zHamb OFF setvariable zHarrange ARR_NO setvariable zHmonsterapp NO_APP setvariable zHmulti OFF setvariable zHexpA OFF setvariable zHexpB OFF setvariable zHtype 0 setvariable zHrange 1 setvariable zHrange1 fire setvariable zHrepeat RANGE setvariable zHmana NA setvariable zHspell NA setvariable zHmc NA setvariable zHm NA setvariable zHexpM ON setvariable zHget OFF setvariable zHCOM1 OFF setvariable zHCOM2 OFF setvariable zHCOM3 OFF setvariable zHCOM4 OFF setvariable zHCOM5 OFF setvariable zHcount OFF setvariable zHCOUNT NA setvariable zHcBrawl OFF setvariable zHbrawltype WEAPON setvariable zHskinsS 0 setvariable zHlootsS 0 setvariable zHkillsS 0 setvariable zHcritters 0 GOTO INTRO %zHD: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** Welcome to SFhunter! Created By: Malific Drockmur echo ** echo ** Basic usage echo ** .SFhunter {weapon} (shield) *shields are always optional* echo ** echo ** For a complete list of syntaxes restart the script as: echo ** }}}}}}}}}.SFhunter HELP{{{{{{{{{ echo ** echo ** SFhunter was designed to support all weapon types. It works echo ** them quickly and effectively, and can skin and loot kills. echo ** echo ** Please note this is NOT an AFK script. If you get into echo ** trouble the script will NOT get you out of it. echo ************************************************************************************** echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MAKING A DEFAULT SETTING! echo ** This allows you to type JUST '.SFhunter' to start hunting! echo ** See .SFhunter HELP and type in 'default' for details! echo ************************************************************************************** echo echo ** }}}}}}}}}.SFhunter HELP{{{{{{{{{ exit BEGIN_PAUSE: pause 10000: 0: 1: 2: BEGIN: match WEAPON_CHECK you draw match WEAPON_CHECK re already holding match BEGIN_HANDS free hand match WEAPON_CHECK free to matchre BEGINA /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match BEGINA You can only wield a weapon or a shield! match BEGIN_PAUSE ...wait match BEGIN_PAUSE type ahead put wield right my %1 matchwait BEGINA_PAUSE: pause BEGINA: match WEAPON_CHECK you sling match WEAPON_CHECK re already holding match WEAPON_CHECK inventory match WEAPON_CHECK you remove match BEGIN_HANDS free hand match BEGINB remove what? match BEGIN_HANDS hands are full match BEGINA_PAUSE ...wait match BEGINA_PAUSE type ahead put remove my %1 matchwait BEGINB_PAUSE: pause BEGINB: match B_BALDRIC baldric match WEAPON_CHECK you get match VARI_CHECK What were you match BEGINB_PAUSE ...wait match BEGINB_PAUSE type ahead put get my %1 matchwait B_BALDRIC: echo echo B_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto WEAPON_CHECK VARI_CHECK_PAUSE: pause VARI_CHECK: echo echo VARI_CHECK: echo match %1 roundtime match VARI_CHECK_PAUSE ...wait match VARI_CHECK_PAUSE type ahead match %1 You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter! match %1 You retreat match %1 You sneak back match %1 already as far match %1 You stop advancing put retreat matchwait BEGIN_HANDS: echo echo BEGIN_HANDS: echo echo ************************** echo ** Your hands are full! echo ** Ending script. echo ************************** echo exit DEAD: put *** You are Dead. echo echo ************************** echo ** You Seem to be dead. echo ** Ending Script. echo ************************** echo exit WEAPON_CHECK: echo echo WEAPON_CHECK: echo setvariable zHweapon %1 match LE light edged match ME medium edged match HE heavy edged match 2HE two-handed edged match LB light blunt match MB medium blunt match HB heavy blunt match 2HB two-handed blunt match STAFF_SLING staff sling match SHORT_BOW short bow match LONG_BOW long bow match COMP_BOW composite bow match LX crossbow match HX crossbow match SHORT_STAFF short staff match Q_STAFF quarter staff match PIKE pike match HALBERD halberd match SLINGS sling match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you match BEGIN_HANDS It's hard to appraise match UN_ID roundtime put appraise my %1 quick matchwait LE_PAUSE: pause LE: echo echo LE: echo LE2: match LE_SLICE leaf-blade match LE_SLICE Jagged Dao match LE_SLICE jagged dragon-pommel dao match LE_SLICE Curved Kythe match LE_SLICE Koummya match LE_SLICE Jambiya match LE_SLICE Serrated Steel Dao match LE_SLICE Gold and Blue-enameled Oben match LE_SLICE Darkly-Tinted Oben match LE_SLICE Bejeweled Silver Knife match LE_SLICE Crescent-bladed Shaska match LE_SLICE katar match LE_SLICE kanabu match LE_STAB Thin Steel Katar with Viper Fang Hilt match LE_STAB right hand match LE_PAUSE ...wait match LE_PAUSE type ahead put glance matchwait LE_SLICE: setvariable zHexp Light.Edged echo echo LE_SLICE: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 slice setvariable zHcombo5 chop setvariable zHcombo6 sweep setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused #setvariable zHcombo1 parry #setvariable zHcombo2 feint #setvariable zHcombo3 draw #setvariable zHcombo4 thrust #setvariable zHcombo5 jab #setvariable zHcombo6 unused #setvariable zHcombo7 unused #setvariable zHcombo8 unused counter add 600 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c LE_STAB: setvariable zHexp Light.Edged echo echo LE_THRUST: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 lunge setvariable zHcombo4 thrust setvariable zHcombo5 jab setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 #setvariable zHcombo1 parry #setvariable zHcombo2 feint #setvariable zHcombo3 draw #setvariable zHcombo4 thrust #setvariable zHcombo5 pummel #setvariable zHcombo6 dodge #setvariable zHcombo7 thrust #setvariable zHcombo8 unused #counter add 700 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c ME_PAUSE: pause ME: echo echo ME: echo match ME_SLICE Sapara match ME_SLICE Scimitar match ME_SLICE Cutlass match ME_SLICE Axe match ME_SLICE Hatchet match ME_SLICE Shotel match ME_SLICE Tei'oloh'ata match ME_SLICE Parang match ME_SLICE Sword match ME_SLICE Telo match ME_SLICE Adze match ME_SLICE Curlade match ME_SLICE Hanger match ME_SLICE Scythe-blade match ME_SLICE Cleaver match ME_SLICE Lata'oloh match ME_SLICE Mirror Blade match ME_ILTESH Iltesh match ME_STAB Rapier match ME_STAB Nambeli match ME_STAB Yataghan match ME_STAB Shashqa match ME_STAB Gladius match ME_STAB Pasabas match ME_STAB Foil match ME_STAB Thrusting Blade match ME_STAB Sabre match ME_SLICE right hand match ME_PAUSE ...wait match ME_PAUSE type ahead put glance matchwait #Not Steph's ME_SLICE: setvariable zHexp Medium.Edged echo echo ME_SLICE: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 chop setvariable zHcombo7 bob setvariable zHcombo8 weave counter add 600 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c ME_ILTESH: setvariable zHexp Medium.Edged echo echo ME_ILTESH: echo setvariable zHcombo1 feint setvariable zHcombo2 draw setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 slice setvariable zHcombo5 chop setvariable zHcombo6 lunge setvariable zHcombo7 thrust setvariable zHcombo8 jab counter add 800 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c ME_STAB: setvariable zHexp Medium.Edged echo echo ME_THRUST: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 thrust setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c HE_PAUSE: pause HE: echo echo HE: echo match HE_STAB Enamel-Hilted Longsword match HE_STAB Namkoba match HE_STAB Reinforced Cinquedea match HE_SLICE right hand match HE_PAUSE ...wait match HE_PAUSE type ahead put glance matchwait HE_SLICE: setvariable zHexp Heavy.Edged echo echo HE_SLICE: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c HE_STAB: setvariable zHexp Heavy.Edged echo echo HE_THRUST: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 lunge setvariable zHcombo4 thrust setvariable zHcombo5 jab setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c 2HE: setvariable zHexp Twohanded.Edged echo echo 2HE: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 goto %c LB: setvariable zHexp Light.Blunt echo echo LB: echo setvariable zHcombo1 dodge #setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo2 bash setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 draw #setvariable zHcombo5 jab setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c MB: setvariable zHexp Medium.Blunt echo echo MB: echo setvariable zHcombo1 dodge setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 bash setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 draw setvariable zHcombo6 jab setvariable zHcombo7 slice setvariable zHcombo8 unused counter add 700 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c HB: setvariable zHexp Heavy.Blunt echo echo HB: echo setvariable zHcombo1 feint setvariable zHcombo2 bash setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 draw setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c 2HB: setvariable zHexp Twohanded.Blunt echo echo 2HB: echo setvariable zHcombo1 feint setvariable zHcombo2 bash setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 draw setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 goto %c SHORT_STAFF: setvariable zHexp Short.Staff echo echo SHORT_STAFF: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 thrust setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 chop setvariable zHcombo5 jab setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 goto %c Q_STAFF: setvariable zHexp Quarter.Staff echo echo Q_STAFF: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 thrust setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 bash setvariable zHcombo5 draw setvariable zHcombo6 slice #setvariable zHcombo1 feint #setvariable zHcombo2 draw #setvariable zHcombo3 slice #setvariable zHcombo4 sweep #setvariable zHcombo5 bash #setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused counter add 600 goto %c PIKE: setvariable zHexp Pike echo echo PIKE: echo setvariable zHcombo1 dodge setvariable zHcombo2 jab setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 thrust setvariable zHcombo5 lunge setvariable zHcombo6 bob setvariable zHcombo7 weave setvariable zHcombo8 circle counter add 500 goto %c HALBERD: setvariable zHexp Halberd echo echo HALBERD: echo setvariable zHcombo1 dodge setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 thrust setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 chop setvariable zHcombo6 jab setvariable zHcombo7 bob setvariable zHcombo8 weave counter add 600 #setvariable zHcombo1 thrust #setvariable zHcombo2 sweep #setvariable zHcombo3 slice #setvariable zHcombo4 chop #setvariable zHcombo5 jab #setvariable zHcombo6 unused #setvariable zHcombo7 unused #setvariable zHcombo8 unused #counter add 500 goto %c SLINGS: setvariable zHammo rock setvariable zHexp Sling echo echo SLING: echo counter add 100 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c STAFF_SLING: setvariable zHammo rock setvariable zHexp Staff.Sling echo echo STAFF_SLING: echo counter add 100 goto %c LX: setvariable zHammo bolt setvariable zHexp Light.Crossbow echo echo LX: echo counter add 100 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c HX: setvariable zHammo bolt setvariable zHexp Heavy.Crossbow echo echo HX: echo counter add 100 goto %c SHORT_BOW: setvariable zHammo arrow setvariable zHexp Short.Bow echo echo SHORT_BOW: echo counter add 100 goto %c LONG_BOW: setvariable zHammo arrow setvariable zHexp Long.Bow echo echo LONG_BOW: echo counter add 100 goto %c COMP_BOW: setvariable zHammo arrow setvariable zHexp Composite.Bow echo echo COMP_BOW: echo counter add 100 goto %c DAN: DANC: DANCE: COUNT: COUN: COU: echo echo COUNT: echo setvariable zHcount ON shift goto COUNT_%1 COUNT_0: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_ONE shift goto BEGIN COUNT_1: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_TWO shift goto BEGIN COUNT_2: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_THREE shift goto BEGIN COUNT_3: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_FOUR shift goto BEGIN COUNT_4: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_FIVE shift goto BEGIN COUNT_5: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_SIX shift goto BEGIN COUNT_6: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_SEVEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_7: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_EIGHT shift goto BEGIN COUNT_8: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_NINE shift goto BEGIN COUNT_9: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_TEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_10: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_ELEVEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_11: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_TWELVE shift goto BEGIN COUNT_12: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_THIRTEEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_13: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_FOURTEEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_14: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_FIFTEEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_15: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_SIXTEEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_16: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_SEVENTEEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_17: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_EIGHTEEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_18: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_NINETEEN shift goto BEGIN COUNT_19: COUNT_20: setvariable zHCOUNT COUNT_PLUS shift goto BEGIN COMMAND: COMMAND1: COMMAN: COMMAN1: COMMA: COMMA1: COMM: COMM1: COM COM1: shift setvariable zHcom1 %1 setvariable zHCOM1 ON shift goto BEGIN COMMAND2: COMMAN2: COMMA2: COMM2: COM2: shift setvariable zHcom2 %1 setvariable zHCOM2 ON shift goto BEGIN COMMAND3: COMMAN3: COMMA3: COMM3: COM3: shift setvariable zHcom3 %1 setvariable zHCOM3 ON shift goto BEGIN COMMAND4: COMMAN4: COMMA4: COMM4: COM4: shift setvariable zHcom4 %1 setvariable zHCOM4 ON shift goto BEGIN COMMAND5: COMMAN5: COMMA5: COMM5: COM5: shift setvariable zHcom5 %1 setvariable zHCOM5 ON shift goto BEGIN REM: REMO: REMOV: REMOVE: echo echo REMOVE: echo shift put remove my %1 wait put stow my %1 wait shift goto BEGIN WEA: WEAR: echo echo WEAR: echo shift put get my %1 wait put wear my %1 wait shift goto BEGIN EXP: echo echo EXP: echo setvariable zHexpC ON shift goto BEGIN ATT: ATTA: ATTAC: ATTACK: echo echo ATTACK: echo shift put stance attack wait goto BEGIN EVA: EVAS: EVAD: EVASI: EVADE: EVASIO: EVASION: echo echo EVASION: echo shift put stance evasion wait goto BEGIN BLO: BLOC: BLOCK: echo echo BLOCK: echo shift put stance shield wait goto BEGIN PAR: PARR: PARRY: echo echo PARRY: echo shift put stance parry wait goto BEGIN CUS: CUST: CUSTO: CUSTOM: echo echo CUSTOM: echo shift put stance custom wait goto BEGIN REP: REPE: REPEA: REPEAT: REPEATE: REPEATER: echo echo REPEATER: echo setvariable zHrepeat REPEAT shift goto BEGIN LOG: VINE: setvariable zHexp THROW setvariable zHexpB THROW Counter set 1200 echo echo VINE: echo goto THROW_EQUIP OFF: OFFH: OFFHA: OFFHAN: OFFHAND: setvariable zHexp OFFHAND setvariable zHexpB OFFHAND setvariable zHtype OFFHAND echo echo OFFHAND: echo shift counter add 2200 match OFF_THROW_VARI you draw match OFF_THROW_VARI free to match OFF_THROW_VARI re already match BEGIN_HANDS free hand matchre OFF_THROW_EQUIP /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match OFF_THROW_EQUIP You can only wield a weapon or a shield! put wield left my %1 matchwait OFF_THROW_EQUIP: echo echo OFF_THROWN_EQUIP: echo match OFF_THROW_VARI you sling. match OFF_THROW_VARI re already match OFF_THROW_VARI inventory match OFF_THROW_VARI you remove match OFF_THROW_VARI_SWAP right hand match OFF_THROW_EQUIP_2 remove what? match BEGIN_HANDS hands are full put remove my %1 matchwait OFF_THROW_EQUIP_2: echo echo OFF_THROW_EQUIP_2: echo match OFF_THROW_BALDRIC baldric match OFF_THROW_VARI_SWAP you get match VARI_CHECK What were you put get my %1 matchwait OFF_THROW_BALDRIC: echo echo OFF_THROW_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto OFF_THROW_VARI_SWAP OFF_THROW_VARI_SWAP_PAUSE: pause OFF_THROW_VARI_SWAP: match OFF_THROW_VARI left hand match OFF_THROW_VARI_SWAP_PAUSE right hand put swap matchwait OFF_THROW_VARI: counter add 10 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c THR: THRO: THROW: THROWN: setvariable zHexpB THROW echo echo THROWN: echo shift counter add 1200 match THROW_VARI you draw match THROW_VARI free to match THROW_VARI re already match BEGIN_HANDS free hand matchre THROW_EQUIP /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match THROW_BRAWL You can only wield a weapon or a shield! put wield right my %1 matchwait THROW_BRAWL: THROW_EQUIP: echo echo THROWN_EQUIP: echo match THROW_VARI you sling. match THROW_VARI re already match THROW_VARI inventory match THROW_VARI you remove match THROW_VARI_SWAP right hand match THROW_EQUIP_2 remove what? match BEGIN_HANDS hands are full put remove my %1 matchwait THROW_EQUIP_2: echo echo THROW_EQUIP_2: echo match THROW_BALDRIC baldric match THROW_VARI_SWAP you get match VARI_CHECK What were you put get my %1 matchwait THROW_BALDRIC: echo echo THROW_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto THROW_VARI THROW_VARI_SWAP_PAUSE: pause THROW_VARI_SWAP: match THROW_VARI right hand match THROW_VARI_SWAP_PAUSE left hand put swap matchwait THROW_VARI: counter add 10 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c EMP: EMPU: EMPA: EMPUF: EMPAT: EMPUFF: EMPATH: shift setvariable zHtype BRAWL setvariable zHexpA Brawling setvariable zHexpB ON setvariable zHcBrawl ON echo echo EMPATH_BRAWLING: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 shove setvariable zHcombo3 circle setvariable zHcombo4 weave setvariable zHcombo5 bob #setvariable zHcombo6 unused #setvariable zHcombo7 unused #setvariable zHcombo8 unused counter add 500 goto EMPATH_E POA: POAC: POACH: POACHI: POACHIN: POACHING: shift setvariable zHrange 2 setvariable zHrange1 poach echo echo POACHING: echo goto BEGIN SNI: SNIP: SNIPE: SNIPI: SNIPIN: SNIPING: shift setvariable zHrange 2 setvariable zHrange1 snipe echo echo SNIPING: echo goto BEGIN CHO: CHOK: CHOKE: shift setvariable zHtype BRAWL setvariable zHexpA Brawling setvariable zHexpB ON setvariable zHcBrawl ON echo echo CHOKE: echo counter add 300 goto %c BRA: BRAW: BRAWL: BRAWLI: BRAWLIN: BRAWLING: shift setvariable zHcBrawl ON goto BRAWL_EXPB_%zHexpB BRAWL_EXPB_OFF: setvariable zHexpB ON setvariable zHexpA Brawling BRAWL_EXPB_ON: setvariable zHtype BRAWL echo echo BRAWLING: echo B_A: IF_1 goto B_B setvariable zHcombo1 dodge setvariable zHcombo2 gouge setvariable zHcombo3 claw setvariable zHcombo4 elbow setvariable zHcombo5 punch setvariable zHcombo6 slam setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused counter add 600 goto BRAWL_EQUIPMENT B_B: setvariable zHcombo1 circle setvariable zHcombo2 elbow setvariable zHcombo3 claw setvariable zHcombo4 kick setvariable zHcombo5 punch setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused counter add 500 goto BRAWL_EQUIPMENT AMB: AMBU: AMBUS: AMBUSH: AMBUSHI: AMBUSHIN: AMBUSHING: shift setvariable zHamb ON setvariable zHexpA Stalking setvariable zHexpB ON echo echo AMBUSHING: echo counter add 1000 match AMB_THIEF Guild: Thief match BEGIN Wealth: put info matchwait AMB_THIEF: counter add 1 goto BEGIN SNA: SNAP: SNAPF: SNAPFI: SNAPFIR: SNAPFIRE: shift echo echo SNAPFIRE: echo counter add 100 goto BEGIN EQUIP_2_PAUSE: pause EQUIP_2: echo echo EQUIP_2: echo setvariable zHshield %2 match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you match %c already match %c you get match %c you sling match %c you remove match EQUIP_2_PAUSE ...wait match EQUIP_2_PAUSE type ahead put remove my %2 put get my %2 matchwait ARR: ARRA: ARRAN: ARRANG: ARRANGE: echo echo ARRANGE: echo shift setvariable zHarrange ARR_YES setvariable zHskin SKIN1 goto %c LOOTC: LOOTCO: LOOTCOI: LOOTCOIN: LOOTCOINS: shift echo echo LOOTCOINS: echo setvariable zHloot YES_LOOT setvariable zHlootcoin 0 goto %c LOOTB: LOOTBO: LOOTBOX: LOOTBOXE: LOOTBOXES: shift echo echo LOOTBOXES: echo setvariable zHloot YES_LOOT setvariable zHlootbox 0 goto %c LOOTG: LOOTGE: LOOTGEM: LOOTGEMS: shift echo echo LOOTGEMS: echo setvariable zHloot YES_LOOT setvariable zHlootgem 0 goto %c LOOTJ: LOOTJU: LOOTJUN: LOOTJUNK: shift echo echo LOOTJUNK: echo setvariable zHloot YES_LOOT setvariable zHlootjunk 0 goto %c LOOT: shift echo echo LOOT: echo setvariable zHloot YES_LOOT setvariable zHlootgem 0 setvariable zHlootbox 0 setvariable zHlootcoin 0 goto %c ST: SEARCHT: SEARCHTR: SEARCHTRE: SEARCHTREA: SEARCHTREAS: SEARCHTREASU: SEARCHTREASUR: SEARCHTREASURE: echo echo SEARCHTREASURE: echo setvariable zHsearch treasure goto %c SB: SEARCHB: SEARCHBO: SEARCHBOX: SEARCHBOXE: SEARCHBOXES: echo echo SEARCHBOXES: echo setvariable zHsearch boxes goto %c SE: SEARCHE: SEARCHEQ: SEARCHEQU: SEARCHEQUI: SEARCHEQUIP: SEARCHEQUIPM: SEARCHEQUIPME: SEARCHEQUIPMEN: SEARCHEQUIPMENT: echo echo SEARCHEQUIPMENT: echo setvariable zHsearch equipment goto %c SA: SEARCHA: SEARCHAL: SEARCHALL: echo echo SEARCHALL: echo setvariable zHsearch all goto %c SG: SEARCHG: SEARCHGO: SEARCHGOO: SEARCHGOOD: SEARCHGOODS: echo echo SEARCHGOODS: echo setvariable zHsearch goods goto %c BAC: BACK: BACKS: BACKST: BACKSTA: BACKSTAB: BACKSTABB: BACKSTABI: BACKSTABBI: BACKSTABIN: BACKSTABBIN: BACKSTABING: BACKSTABBING: shift setvariable zHexpA Backstab setvariable zHexpB ON echo echo BACKSTABBING: echo counter add 1100 goto %c SLO: SLOW: SLOWE: SLOWER: YOU: YOUN: YOUNG: YOUT: YOUTH: echo echo SLOWER: echo shift counter add 2 goto begin RET: RETR: RETRE: RETREA: RETREAT: shift echo echo RETREAT: echo setvariable zHretreat SKIN_RETREAT setvariable zHskin SKIN1 goto %c SKIND: SKINDR: SKINDRO: SKINDROP: shift echo echo SKINDROP: echo setvariable zHskindrop BUN_NO setvariable zHskin SKIN1 goto %c SKINE: SKINEX: SKINEXP: shift echo echo SKINEXP: echo setvariable zHskinexp BUN_NO setvariable zHskin SKIN1 goto %c SKIN: SKINN: SKINNI: SKINNIN: SKINNING: shift echo echo SKIN: echo setvariable zHskin SKIN1 goto %c APP: APPR: APPRA: APPRAI: APPRAIS: APPRAISE: APPRAISA: APPRAISAL: shift echo echo APPRAISE: echo setvariable zHmonsterapp YES_APP goto %c GAU: GAUN: GAUNT: GAUNTL: GAUNTLE: GAUNTLET: GAUNTLETS: echo echo GAUNTLETS: echo setvariable zHtype GAUNT match LE_SLICE A claw pops out of each of your iron gauntlets. match GAUNT_GLANCE You start to slap your iron gauntlets put slap my gauntlets matchwait GAUNT_GLANCE: echo echo GAUNT_GLANCE: echo match LE_SLICE razor-edged claw in your match BEGIN_HANDS in your left hand put glance matchwait SWAP: BAS: BAST: BASTA: BASTAR: BASTARD: echo echo WEAPON_SWAP: echo shift match SWAPPABLE_%1 you draw match SWAPPABLE_%1 re already match BEGIN_HANDS free hand match SWAPPABLE_%1 free to matchre SWAPPABLE_A /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match LABELERROR You can only wield a weapon or a shield! put wield right my %2 matchwait SWAPPABLE_A: echo echo SWAPPABLE_A: echo match SWAPPABLE_%1 you sling match SWAPPABLE_%1 re already match SWAPPABLE_%1 inventory match SWAPPABLE_%1 you remove match SWAPPABLE_A2 remove what? match BEGIN_HANDS hands are full put remove my %2 matchwait SWAPPABLE_A2: match SWAPPABLE_BALDRIC baldric match SWAPPABLE_%1 you get match LABELERROR What were you put get my %2 matchwait SWAPPABLE_BALDRIC: echo echo SWAPPABLE_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto SWAPPABLE_%1 SWAPPABLE_QS: shift goto SWAPPABLE_QSA SWAPPABLE_1: shift goto SWAPPABLE_1A SWAPPABLE_2: shift goto SWAPPABLE_2A SWAPPABLE_SS: shift goto SWAPPABLE_SSA SWAPPABLE_B: shift goto SWAPPABLE_BA SWAPPABLE_E: shift goto SWAPPABLE_EA SWAPPABLE_HA: shift goto SWAPPABLE_HAA SWAPPABLE_PI: shift goto SWAPPABLE_PIA SWAPPABLE_1_PAUSE: pause SWAPPABLE_1A: match WEAPON_CHECK heavy match SWAPPABLE_1_PAUSE two-handed put swap my %1 matchwait SWAPPABLE_2_PAUSE: pause SWAPPABLE_2A: match WEAPON_CHECK two-handed match SWAPPABLE_2_PAUSE heavy put swap my %1 matchwait SWAPPABLE_B_PAUSE: pause SWAPPABLE_BA: match WEAPON_CHECK blunt match SWAPPABLE_B_PAUSE edged put swap my %1 matchwait SWAPPABLE_E_PAUSE: pause SWAPPABLE_EA: match WEAPON_CHECK edged match SWAPPABLE_E_PAUSE blunt put swap my %1 matchwait SWAPPABLE_PI_PAUSE: pause SWAPPABLE_PIA: match WEAPON_CHECK pike match SWAPPABLE_PI_PAUSE halberd match SWAPPABLE_PI_PAUSE short staff match SWAPPABLE_PI_PAUSE quarter staff put swap my %1 matchwait SWAPPABLE_SS_PAUSE: pause SWAPPABLE_SSA: match WEAPON_CHECK short staff match SWAPPABLE_SS_PAUSE halberd match SWAPPABLE_SS_PAUSE pike match SWAPPABLE_SS_PAUSE quarter staff put swap my %1 matchwait SWAPPABLE_HA_PAUSE: pause SWAPPABLE_HAA: match WEAPON_CHECK halberd match SWAPPABLE_HA_PAUSE short staff match SWAPPABLE_HA_PAUSE pike match SWAPPABLE_HA_PAUSE quarter staff put swap my %1 matchwait SWAPPABLE_QS_PAUSE: pause SWAPPABLE_QSA: match WEAPON_CHECK quarter staff match SWAPPABLE_QS_PAUSE short staff match SWAPPABLE_QS_PAUSE pike match SWAPPABLE_QS_PAUSE halberd put swap my %1 matchwait TM: echo echo TM: echo counter add 2300 setvariable zHm TM shift setvariable zHspell %1 shift setvariable zHmana %1 shift setvariable zHexpB ON setvariable zHexpA target IF_1 goto MAGIC_EQUIP goto M_BRAWL MAG: MAGI: MAGIC: echo echo MAGIC: echo counter add 2300 setvariable zHm PM shift setvariable zHspell %1 shift setvariable zHmana %1 shift setvariable zHexp primary setvariable zHexpM ON IF_1 goto MAGIC_EQUIP goto M_BRAWL PM: echo echo PM: echo counter add 2300 setvariable zHm PM shift setvariable zHspell %1 shift setvariable zHmana %1 shift setvariable zHexpB ON setvariable zHexpA primary IF_1 goto MAGIC_EQUIP goto M_BRAWL M_BRAWL: setvariable zHtype BRAWL setvariable zHexp Brawling setvariable zHmc COMBO_6_1 setvariable zHcBrawl ON setvariable zHcombo1 dodge setvariable zHcombo2 gouge setvariable zHcombo3 claw setvariable zHcombo4 elbow setvariable zHcombo5 punch setvariable zHcombo6 slam setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused shift goto %c MAGIC_EQUIP_PAUSE: pause MAGIC_EQUIP: echo echo MAGIC_EQUIP: echo match M_WEAPON_CHECK you draw match M_WEAPON_CHECK re already holding match BEGIN_HANDS free hand match M_WEAPON_CHECK free to matchre M_BEGINA /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match M_VARI_CHECK You can only wield a weapon or a shield! match MAGIC_EQUIP_PAUSE ...wait put wield right my %1 matchwait M_BEGINA: echo echo M_BEGINA: echo match M_WEAPON_CHECK you sling match M_WEAPON_CHECK re already holding match M_WEAPON_CHECK inventory match M_WEAPON_CHECK you remove match BEGIN_HANDS free hand match M_BEGINB remove what? match BEGIN_HANDS hands are full put remove my %1 matchwait M_BEGINB: echo echo M_BEGINB: echo match M_B_BALDRIC baldric match M_WEAPON_CHECK you get match M_VARI_CHECK What were you put get my %1 matchwait M_B_BALDRIC: echo echo M_B_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto M_WEAPON_CHECK M_VARI_CHECK: echo echo M_VARI_CHECK: echo goto M_%1 exit M_WEAPON_CHECK: echo echo M_WEAPON_CHECK: echo setvariable zHweapon %1 match M_LE light edged match M_ME medium edged match M_HE heavy edged match M_2HE two-handed edged match M_LB light blunt match M_MB medium blunt match M_HB heavy blunt match M_2HB two-handed blunt match M_STAFF_SLING staff sling match M_SLINGS sling match M_SHORT_BOW short bow match M_LONG_BOW long bow match M_COMP_BOW composite bow match M_LX crossbow match M_HX crossbow match M_SHORT_STAFF short staff match M_Q_STAFF quarter staff match M_PIKE pike match M_HALBERD halberd match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you match M_UN_ID roundtime put appraise my %1 quick matchwait M_REP: M_REPE: M_REPEA: M_REPEAT: M_REPEATE: M_REPEATER: echo echo M_REPEATER: echo setvariable zHrepeat REPEAT setvariable zHexp crossbow shift goto MAGIC_EQUIP M_GAU: M_GAUN: M_GAUNT: M_GAUNTL: M_GAUNTLE: M_GAUNTLET: M_GAUNTLETS: echo echo M_GAUNTLETS: echo setvariable zHtype GAUNT match M_LE_SLICE A claw pops out of each of your iron gauntlets. match M_GAUNT_GLANCE You start to slap your iron gauntlets put slap my gauntlets matchwait M_GAUNT_GLANCE: echo echo M_GAUNT_GLANCE: echo match M_LE_SLICE razor-edged claw in your match BEGIN_HANDS in your left hand put glance matchwait M_SWAP: M_BAS: M_BAST: M_BASTA: M_BASTAR: M_BASTARD: echo echo M_WEAPON_SWAP: echo shift match M_SWAPPABLE_%1 you draw match M_SWAPPABLE_%1 re already match BEGIN_HANDS free hand match M_SWAPPABLE_%1 free to matchre M_SWAPPABLE_A /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match LABELERROR You can only wield a weapon or a shield! put wield right my %2 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_A: echo echo M_SWAPPABLE_A: echo match M_SWAPPABLE_%1 you sling match M_SWAPPABLE_%1 re already match M_SWAPPABLE_%1 inventory match M_SWAPPABLE_%1 you remove match M_SWAPPABLE_A2 remove what? match BEGIN_HANDS hands are full put remove my %2 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_A2: match M_SWAPPABLE_BALDRIC baldric match M_SWAPPABLE_%1 you get match LABELERROR What were you put get my %2 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_BALDRIC: echo echo M_SWAPPABLE_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto M_SWAPPABLE_%1 M_SWAPPABLE_QS: shift goto M_SWAPPABLE_QSA M_SWAPPABLE_1: shift goto M_SWAPPABLE_1A M_SWAPPABLE_2: shift goto M_SWAPPABLE_2A M_SWAPPABLE_SS: shift goto M_SWAPPABLE_SSA M_SWAPPABLE_B: shift goto M_SWAPPABLE_BA M_SWAPPABLE_E: shift goto M_SWAPPABLE_EA M_SWAPPABLE_HA: shift goto M_SWAPPABLE_HAA M_SWAPPABLE_PI: shift goto M_SWAPPABLE_PIA M_SWAPPABLE_1_PAUSE: pause M_SWAPPABLE_1A: match M_WEAPON_CHECK heavy match M_SWAPPABLE_1_PAUSE two-handed put swap my %1 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_2_PAUSE: pause M_SWAPPABLE_2A: match M_WEAPON_CHECK two-handed match M_SWAPPABLE_2_PAUSE heavy put swap my %1 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_B_PAUSE: pause M_SWAPPABLE_BA: match M_WEAPON_CHECK blunt match M_SWAPPABLE_B_PAUSE edged put swap my %1 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_E_PAUSE: pause M_SWAPPABLE_EA: match M_WEAPON_CHECK edged match M_SWAPPABLE_E_PAUSE blunt put swap my %1 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_PI_PAUSE: pause M_SWAPPABLE_PIA: match M_WEAPON_CHECK pike match M_SWAPPABLE_PI_PAUSE halberd match M_SWAPPABLE_PI_PAUSE short staff match M_SWAPPABLE_PI_PAUSE quarter staff put swap my %1 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_SS_PAUSE: pause M_SWAPPABLE_SSA: match M_WEAPON_CHECK short staff match M_SWAPPABLE_SS_PAUSE halberd match M_SWAPPABLE_SS_PAUSE pike match M_SWAPPABLE_SS_PAUSE quarter staff put swap my %1 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_HA_PAUSE: pause M_SWAPPABLE_HAA: match M_WEAPON_CHECK halberd match M_SWAPPABLE_HA_PAUSE short staff match M_SWAPPABLE_HA_PAUSE pike match M_SWAPPABLE_HA_PAUSE quarter staff put swap my %1 matchwait M_SWAPPABLE_QS_PAUSE: pause M_SWAPPABLE_QSA: match M_WEAPON_CHECK quarter staff match M_SWAPPABLE_QS_PAUSE short staff match M_SWAPPABLE_QS_PAUSE pike match M_SWAPPABLE_QS_PAUSE halberd put swap my %1 matchwait M_LE_PAUSE: pause M_LE: echo echo M_LE: echo M_LE2: setvariable zHexp Light.Edged match M_LE_SLICE leaf-blade match M_LE_SLICE Jagged Dao match M_LE_SLICE jagged dragon-pommel dao match M_LE_SLICE Curved Kythe match M_LE_SLICE Koummya match M_LE_SLICE Jambiya match M_LE_SLICE Serrated Steel Dao match M_LE_SLICE Gold and Blue-enameled Oben match M_LE_SLICE Darkly-Tinted Oben match M_LE_SLICE Bejeweled Silver Knife match M_LE_SLICE Crescent-bladed Shaska match M_LE_SLICE katar match M_LE_SLICE kanabu match M_LE_STAB Thin Steel Katar with Viper Fang Hilt match M_LE_STAB right hand match M_LE_PAUSE ...wait match M_LE_PAUSE type ahead put glance matchwait M_LE_SLICE: echo echo M_LE_SLICE: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 slice setvariable zHcombo5 chop setvariable zHcombo6 sweep setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_6_1 setvariable zHexpM ON #setvariable zHcombo1 parry #setvariable zHcombo2 feint #setvariable zHcombo3 draw #setvariable zHcombo4 thrust #setvariable zHcombo5 jab #setvariable zHcombo6 unused #setvariable zHcombo7 unused #setvariable zHcombo8 unused IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_LE_STAB: echo echo M_LE_THRUST: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 lunge setvariable zHcombo4 thrust setvariable zHcombo5 jab setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON #setvariable zHcombo1 parry #setvariable zHcombo2 feint #setvariable zHcombo3 draw #setvariable zHcombo4 thrust #setvariable zHcombo5 pummel #setvariable zHcombo6 dodge #setvariable zHcombo7 thrust #setvariable zHcombo8 unused #setvariable zHmc COMBO_7_1 IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_ME_PAUSE: pause M_ME: setvariable zHexp Medium.Edged echo echo M_ME: echo match M_ME_SLICE Sapara match M_ME_SLICE Scimitar match M_ME_SLICE Cutlass match M_ME_SLICE Axe match M_ME_SLICE Hatchet match M_ME_SLICE Shotel match M_ME_SLICE Tei'oloh'ata match M_ME_SLICE Parang match M_ME_SLICE Sword match M_ME_SLICE Telo match M_ME_SLICE Adze match M_ME_SLICE Curlade match M_ME_SLICE Hanger match M_ME_SLICE Scythe-blade match M_ME_SLICE Cleaver match M_ME_SLICE Lata'oloh match M_ME_SLICE Mirror Blade match M_ME_ILTESH Iltesh match M_ME_STAB Rapier match M_ME_STAB Nambeli match M_ME_STAB Yataghan match M_ME_STAB Shashqa match M_ME_STAB Gladius match M_ME_STAB Pasabas match M_ME_STAB Foil match M_ME_STAB Thrusting Blade match M_ME_STAB Sabre match M_ME_SLICE right hand match M_ME_PAUSE ...wait match M_ME_PAUSE type ahead put glance matchwait #Not Steph's M_ME_SLICE: echo echo M_ME_SLICE: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 chop setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_6_1 setvariable zHexpM ON IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_ME_ILTESH: echo echo M_ME_ILTESH: echo setvariable zHcombo1 feint setvariable zHcombo2 draw setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 slice setvariable zHcombo5 chop setvariable zHcombo6 lunge setvariable zHcombo7 thrust setvariable zHcombo8 jab setvariable zHmc COMBO_8_1 setvariable zHexpM ON IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_ME_STAB: echo echo M_ME_THRUST: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 thrust setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_HE_PAUSE: pause M_HE: echo echo M_HE: echo setvariable zHexp Heavy.Edged match M_HE_STAB Enamel-Hilted Longsword match M_HE_STAB Namkoba match M_HE_STAB Reinforced Cinquedea match M_HE_SLICE right hand match M_HE_PAUSE ...wait match M_HE_PAUSE type ahead put glance matchwait M_HE_SLICE: echo echo M_HE_SLICE: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_HE_STAB: echo echo M_HE_THRUST: echo setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 lunge setvariable zHcombo4 thrust setvariable zHcombo5 jab setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_2HE: echo echo M_2HE: echo setvariable zHexp Twohanded.Edged setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 draw setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON goto %c M_LB: echo echo M_LB: echo setvariable zHexp Light.Blunt setvariable zHcombo1 dodge #setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo2 bash setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 draw #setvariable zHcombo5 jab setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_MB: echo echo M_MB: echo setvariable zHexp Medium.Blunt setvariable zHcombo1 dodge setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 bash setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 draw setvariable zHcombo6 jab setvariable zHcombo7 slice setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_7_1 setvariable zHexpM ON IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_HB: echo echo M_HB: echo setvariable zHexp Heavy.Blunt setvariable zHcombo1 feint setvariable zHcombo2 bash setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 draw setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_2HB: echo echo M_2HB: echo setvariable zHexp Twohanded.Blunt setvariable zHcombo1 feint setvariable zHcombo2 bash setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 draw setvariable zHcombo5 slice setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON goto %c M_SHORT_STAFF: echo echo M_SHORT_STAFF: echo setvariable zHexp Short.Staff setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 thrust setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 chop setvariable zHcombo5 jab setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON goto %c M_Q_STAFF: echo echo M_Q_STAFF: echo setvariable zHexp Quarter.Staff setvariable zHcombo1 parry setvariable zHcombo2 thrust setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 bash setvariable zHcombo5 draw setvariable zHcombo6 slice setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_6_1 setvariable zHexpM ON goto %c M_PIKE: echo echo M_PIKE: echo setvariable zHexp Pike setvariable zHcombo1 dodge setvariable zHcombo2 jab setvariable zHcombo3 sweep setvariable zHcombo4 thrust setvariable zHcombo5 lunge setvariable zHcombo6 unused setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 setvariable zHexpM ON goto %c M_HALBERD: echo echo M_HALBERD: echo setvariable zHexp Halberd setvariable zHcombo1 dodge setvariable zHcombo2 feint setvariable zHcombo3 thrust setvariable zHcombo4 sweep setvariable zHcombo5 chop setvariable zHcombo6 jab setvariable zHcombo7 unused setvariable zHcombo8 unused setvariable zHmc COMBO_6_1 setvariable zHexpM ON #setvariable zHcombo1 thrust #setvariable zHcombo2 sweep #setvariable zHcombo3 slice #setvariable zHcombo4 chop #setvariable zHcombo5 jab #setvariable zHcombo6 unused #setvariable zHcombo7 unused #setvariable zHcombo8 unused #setvariable zHmc COMBO_5_1 goto %c M_SLINGS: setvariable zHammo rock echo echo M_SLING: echo setvariable zHmc RANGE_LOAD setvariable zHexpM SLING IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_STAFF_SLING: setvariable zHammo rock echo echo M_STAFF_SLING: echo setvariable zHmc RANGE_LOAD setvariable zHexpM SLING goto %c M_LX: setvariable zHammo bolt echo echo M_LX: echo setvariable zHmc RANGE_LOAD setvariable zHexpM XBOW IF_2 goto EQUIP_2 goto %c M_HX: setvariable zHammo bolt echo echo M_HX: echo setvariable zHmc RANGE_LOAD setvariable zHexpM XBOW goto %c M_SHORT_BOW: setvariable zHammo arrow echo echo M_SHORT_BOW: echo setvariable zHmc RANGE_LOAD setvariable zHexpM BOW goto %c M_LONG_BOW: setvariable zHammo arrow echo echo M_LONG_BOW: echo setvariable zHmc RANGE_LOAD setvariable zHexpM BOW goto %c M_COMP_BOW: setvariable zHammo arrow echo echo M_COMP_BOW: echo setvariable zHmc RANGE_LOAD setvariable zHexpM BOW goto %c SET: echo echo SET: echo setvariable zHmultiZ 1 shift SWITCH1: counter add 1 setvariable zHmulti%c %1 shift IF_1 goto Switch1 counter add 1 goto MULTI_N%c MULTI_N2: deletevariable zHmulti2 MULTI_N3: deletevariable zHmulti3 MULTI_N4: deletevariable zHmulti4 MULTI_N5: deletevariable zHmulti5 MULTI_N6: deletevariable zHmulti6 MULTI_N7: deletevariable zHmulti7 MULTI_N8: deletevariable zHmulti8 MULTI_N9: deletevariable zHmulti9 MULTI_N10: deletevariable zHmulti10 MULTI_N11: deletevariable zHmulti11 MULTI_N12: deletevariable zHmulti12 MULTI_N13: deletevariable zHmulti13 MULTI_N14: deletevariable zHmulti14 MULTI_N15: deletevariable zHmulti15 MULTI_N16: deletevariable zHmulti16 MULTI_N17: deletevariable zHmulti18 MULTI_N19: deletevariable zHmulti19 MULTI_N20: deletevariable zHmulti20 echo echo ************************************ echo ** Multi Weapon Set-up Complete! echo ** To use it type echo ** .SFhunter multi echo ************************************ echo exit %EZmulti1: deletevariable zHmulti1 %EZmulti2: deletevariable zHmulti2 %EZmulti3: deletevariable zHmulti3 %EZmulti4: deletevariable zHmulti4 %EZmulti5: deletevariable zHmulti5 %EZmulti6: deletevariable zHmulti6 %EZmulti7: deletevariable zHmulti7 %EZmulti8: deletevariable zHmulti8 %EZmulti9: deletevariable zHmulti9 %EZmulti10: deletevariable zHmulti10 %EZmulti11: deletevariable zHmulti11 %EZmulti12: deletevariable zHmulti12 %EZmulti13: deletevariable zHmulti13 %EZmulti14: deletevariable zHmulti14 %EZmulti15: deletevariable zHmulti15 %EZmulti16: deletevariable zHmulti16 %EZmulti17: deletevariable zHmulti18 %EZmulti19: deletevariable zHmulti19 %EZmulti20: deletevariable zHmulti20 MULTI: echo echo MULTI: echo shift IF_1 setvariable zHmultiZ %1 IF_1 goto MULTI_%1 setvariable zHmultiZ 1 pause put .SFhunter MultiA %zHmulti1 MULTI_1: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti1 MULTI_2: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti2 MULTI_3: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti3 MULTI_4: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti4 MULTI_5: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti5 MULTI_6: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti6 MULTI_7: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti7 MULTI_8: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti8 MULTI_9: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti9 MULTI_10: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti10 MULTI_11: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti11 MULTI_12: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti12 MULTI_13: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti13 MULTI_14: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti14 MULTI_15: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti15 MULTI_16: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti16 MULTI_17: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti17 MULTI_18: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti18 MULTI_19: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti19 MULTI_20: pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti20 %zHmulti1: %zHmulti2: %zHmulti3: %zHmulti4: %zHmulti5: %zHmulti6: %zHmulti7: %zHmulti8: %zHmulti9: %zHmulti10: %zHmulti11: %zHmulti12: %zHmulti13: %zHmulti14: %zHmulti15: %zHmulti16: %zHmulti17: %zHmulti18: %zHmulti19: %zHmulti20: setvariable zHmultiZ 1 pause put .SFhunter Multia %zHmulti1 MULTIA: echo echo MULTIA: echo Shift setvariable zHmulti ON goto %c DMULTI: echo echo DMULTI: echo setvariable zHmulti ON shift goto BEGIN DSET: echo echo DSET: echo setvariable zHD SET_YES shift setvariable zHDset %0 counter add 10000 goto %c 10100: 10200: 10300: 10400: 10402: 10500: 10502: 10600: 10602: 10700: 10702: 10800: 10802: 10900: 11000: 11100: 11200: 11300: 11400: 11401: 11500: 11501: 11600: 11601: 11700: 11701: 11800: 11801: 11900: 12000: 12100: 12200: 12300: 12400: DEFAULT_SET: echo echo DEFAULT_SET: echo counter subtract 10000 setvariable zHDloot %zHloot setvariable zHDlootbox %zHlootbox setvariable zHDlootcoin %zHlootcoin setvariable zHDlootgem %zHlootgem setvariable zHDretreat %zHretreat setvariable zHDskin %zHskin setvariable zHDskinexp %zHskinexp setvariable zHDskindrop %zHskindrop setvariable zHDarrange %zHarrange setvariable zHDmonsterapp %zHmonsterapp setvariable zHDmulti %zHmulti setvariable zHDexp %zHexp setvariable zHDexpA %zHexpA setvariable zHDexpB %zHexpB setvariable zHDtype %zHtype setvariable zHDrange %zHrange setvariable zHDrange1 %zHrange1 setvariable zHDrepeat %zHrepeat setvariable zHDammo %zHammo setvariable zHDcombo1 %zHcombo1 setvariable zHDcombo2 %zHcombo2 setvariable zHDcombo3 %zHcombo3 setvariable zHDcombo4 %zHcombo4 setvariable zHDcombo5 %zHcombo5 setvariable zHDcombo6 %zHcombo6 setvariable zHDcombo7 %zHcombo7 setvariable zHDcombo8 %zHcombo8 setvariable zHDcounter %c setvariable zHDm %zHm setvariable zHDmc %zHmc setvariable zHDspell %zHspell setvariable zHDmana %zHmana setvariable zHDexpC %zHexpC setvariable zHDexpM %zHexpM setvariable zHDget %zHget setvariable zHDgetA %zHgetA setvariable zHDcount %zHcount setvariable zHDCOUNT %zHCOUNT setvariable zHDcBrawl %zHcBrawl setvariable zHDbrawltype %zHbrawltype goto DCOM1_%zHCOM1 DCOM1_ON: setvariable zHDCOM1 ON setvariable zHDcom1 %zHcom1 goto DCOM2_%zHCOM2 DCOM1_OFF: setvariable zHDCOM1 OFF goto DCOM2_%zHCOM2 DCOM2_ON: setvariable zHDCOM2 ON setvariable zHDcom2 %zHcom2 goto DCOM3_%zHCOM3 DCOM2_OFF: setvariable zHDCOM2 OFF goto DCOM3_%zHCOM3 DCOM3_ON: setvariable zHDCOM3 ON setvariable zHDcom3 %zHcom3 goto DCOM4_%zHCOM4 DCOM3_OFF: setvariable zHDCOM3 OFF goto DCOM4_%zHCOM4 DCOM4_ON: setvariable zHDCOM4 ON setvariable zHDcom4 %zHcom4 goto DCOM5_%zHCOM5 DCOM4_OFF: setvariable zHDCOM4 OFF goto DCOM5_%zHCOM5 DCOM5_ON: setvariable zHDCOM5 ON setvariable zHDcom5 %zHcom5 goto DCOM6 DCOM5_OFF: setvariable zHDCOM5 OFF DCOM6: IF_1 setvariable zHDweapon %1 IF_2 setvariable zHDshield %2 IF_2 goto DEF_DONE setvariable zHD SET_NOSHIELD IF_1 goto DEF_DONE setvariable zHD SET_NOWEAPON DEF_DONE: IF_2 goto UNEQUIP_SET2 IF_1 goto UNEQUIP_SET GOTO DEF_DONE_SET UNEQUIP_SET2_PAUSE: pause UNEQUIP_SET2: echo echo UNEQUIP_SET2: echo matchre UNEQUIP_SET /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i match UNEQUIP_SET2A can't wear match UNEQUIP_SET2_PAUSE ...wait match UNEQUIP_SET2_PAUSE type ahead put wear %2 matchwait UNEQUIP_SET2A: echo echo UNEQUIP_SET2A: echo put stow %2 wait UNEQUIP_SET_PAUSE: pause UNEQUIP_SET: echo echo UNEQUIP_SET: echo match UNEQUIP_SETA appropriate sheath match UNEQUIP_SETA sheathe what? match UNEQUIP_SETA where? match UNEQUIP_SETA isn't any more matchre DEF_DONE_SET /You Sheath|you slide|you place|you slip|you hang|you secure/i match UNEQUIP_SETA you can only match UNEQUIP_SETA too heavy match UNEQUIP_SET_PAUSE ...wait match UNEQUIP_SET_PAUSE type ahead put sheath matchwait UNEQUIP_SETA: echo echo UNEQUIP_SETA: echo match UNEQUIP_SET_DROP unload match UNEQUIP_SETB can't wear matchre DEF_DONE_SET /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i put wear %1 matchwait UNEQUIP_SET_DROP: echo echo UNEQUIP_SET_DROP: echo put drop my %1 goto DEF_DONE_SET UNEQUIP_SETB: echo echo UNEQUIP_SETB: echo goto UNEQUIP_SETB_%zHget UNEQUIP_SETB_ON: put put my %1 %zhGetA wait goto DEF_DONE_SET UNEQUIP_SETB_OFF: put stow %1 wait DEF_DONE_SET: echo echo ******************************* echo ** Default combat is now set! echo ******************************* echo exit SET_YES: pause put .SFhunter DEFSET %zHDweapon %zHDshield SET_NOSHIELD: pause put .SFhunter DEFSET %zHDweapon SET_NOWEAPON: pause put .SFhunter DEFSET DEFSET: echo echo DEFSET: echo shift setvariable zHloot %zHDloot setvariable zHlootbox %zHDlootbox setvariable zHlootcoin %zHDlootcoin setvariable zHlootgem %zHDlootgem setvariable zHretreat %zHDretreat setvariable zHskin %zHDskin setvariable zHskinexp %zHDskinexp setvariable zHskindrop %zHDskindrop setvariable zHarrange %zHDarrange setvariable zHmonsterapp %zHDmonsterapp setvariable zHmulti %zHDmulti setvariable zHexp %zHDexp setvariable zHexpA %zHDexpA setvariable zHexpB %zHDexpB setvariable zHtype %zHDtype setvariable zHrange %zHDrange setvariable zHrange1 %zHDrange1 setvariable zHrepeat %zHDrepeat setvariable zHammo %zHDammo setvariable zHcombo1 %zHDcombo1 setvariable zHcombo2 %zHDcombo2 setvariable zHcombo3 %zHDcombo3 setvariable zHcombo4 %zHDcombo4 setvariable zHcombo5 %zHDcombo5 setvariable zHcombo6 %zHDcombo6 setvariable zHcombo7 %zHDcombo7 setvariable zHcombo8 %zHDcombo8 setvariable zHm %zHDm setvariable zHmc %zHDmc setvariable zHspell %zHDspell setvariable zHmana %zHDmana setvariable zHexpC %zHDexpC setvariable zHexpM %zHDexpM setvariable zHget %zHDget setvariable zHcount %zHDcount setvariable zHCOUNT %zHDCOUNT setvariable zHcBrawl %zHDcBrawl setvariable zHbrawltype %zHDbrawltype goto DSCOM1_%zHDCOM1 DSCOM1_ON: setvariable zHCOM1 ON setvariable zHcom1 %zHDcom1 DSCOM1_OFF: goto DSCOM2_%zHDCOM2 DSCOM2_ON: setvariable zHCOM2 ON setvariable zHcom2 %zHDcom2 DSCOM2_OFF: goto DSCOM3_%zHDCOM3 DSCOM3_ON: setvariable zHCOM3 ON setvariable zHcom3 %zHDcom3 DSCOM3_OFF: goto DSCOM4_%zHDCOM4 DSCOM4_ON: setvariable zHCOM4 ON setvariable zHcom4 %zHDcom4 DSCOM4_OFF: goto DSCOM5_%zHDCOM5 DSCOM5_ON: setvariable zHCOM5 ON setvariable zHcom5 %zHDcom5 DSCOM5_OFF: goto DEFSET_GET_%zHget DEFSET_GET_ON: setvariable zHgetA %zHDgetA DEFSET_GET_OFF: counter set %zHDcounter DEF1_EQUIP: echo echo DEF1_EQUIP: echo echo ************ echo ** .SFhunter %zHDset echo ************ goto DEF1_EQUIP2 DEF1_EQUIP2_PAUSE: pause DEF1_EQUIP2: goto DEF1_EQUIP_%zHtype DEF1_EQUIP_GAUNT: put slap my gaunt goto %c DEF1_EQUIP_OFFHAND_PAUSE: pause DEF1_EQUIP_OFFHAND: echo echo DEF1_EQUIP_OFFHAND: echo matchre DEF1_OFFHAND_SWAP /you draw|re already holding|free to/i matchre DEF1_OFFHAND2 /out of reach|What were you|REMOVE|Wield what|can't seem|You can only wield a weapon or a shield/i matchre DEF1_EQUIP_OFFHAND_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match BEGIN_HANDS free hand put wield left my %1 matchwait DEF1_OFFHAND2_PAUSE: pause DEF1_OFFHAND2: echo echo DEF1_OFFHAND2: echo match DEF1_OFFHAND3 remove what? matchre DEF1_OFFHAND_SWAP /you sling|already|you remove/ matchre DEF1_OFFHAND3_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put remove my %1 matchwait DEF1_OFFHAND3: echo echo DEF1_OFFHAND3: echo match DEF1_OFF_BALDRIC baldric matchre DEF1_OFFHAND_SWAP /you get|you pick up/i match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you put get my %1 matchwait DEF1_OFF_BALDRIC: echo echo DEF1_OFF_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto DEF1_OFFHAND_SWAP DEF1_OFFHAND_SWAP_PAUSE: pause DEF1_OFFHAND_SWAP: match DEF2 left hand match DEF1_OFFHAND_SWAP_PAUSE right hand put swap matchwait DEF1_EQUIP_BRAWL: IF_1 goto DEF1_EQUIP_0 goto %c DEF1_EQUIP_0_PAUSE: pause DEF1_EQUIP_0: echo echo DEF1_EQUIP_0: echo matchre DEF2 /you draw|re already holding|free to/i matchre DEF1_EQUIP3 /out of reach|What were you|REMOVE|Wield what|can't seem|You can only wield a weapon or a shield/i matchre DEF1_EQUIP_0_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match BEGIN_HANDS free hand put wield right my %1 matchwait DEF1_EQUIP3_PAUSE: pause DEF1_EQUIP3: echo echo DEF1_EQUIP3: echo match DEF1_EQUIP4 remove what? matchre DEF2 /you sling|already|you remove/i matchre DEF1_EQUIP3_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put remove my %1 matchwait DEF1_EQUIP4: echo echo DEF1_EQUIP4: echo match DEF1_BALDRIC baldric matchre DEF2 /you get|you pick up/i match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you put get my %1 matchwait DEF1_BALDRIC: echo echo DEF1_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto DEF2 DEF2: echo echo DEF2: echo IF_2 goto DEF2_EQUIP goto %c DEF2_EQUIP_PAUSE: pause DEF2_EQUIP: echo echo DEF2_EQUIP: echo match DEF2_EQUIP_PAUSE ...wait match DEF2_EQUIP_PAUSE type ahead match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you match %c You aren't match %c you pick up match %c you get match %c you sling match %c you remove match %c already put remove my %2 put get my %2 matchwait C_COMBO_EXP_ON: goto C_COMBO_MULTI_%zHmulti C_COMBO_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC C_COMBO_CHECK goto Multi_%zHmulti C_COMBO_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait MULTI_EXP_C_COMBO_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON C_COMBO_EXP_OFF: goto EXP_COUNT_%zHcount COMBO_EXP_ON: goto COMBO_MULTI_%zHmulti COMBO_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC COMBO_CHECK goto Multi_%zHmulti COMBO_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait MULTI_EXP_COMBO_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON COMBO_EXP_OFF: goto EXP_%c EXP_2400: EXP_2401: EXP_2402: EXP_2410: EXP_2411: EXP_2412: EXP_2420: EXP_2421: EXP_2422: EXP_2430: EXP_2431: EXP_2432: EXP_2440: EXP_2441: EXP_2442: EXP_2450: EXP_2451: EXP_2452: EXP_2460: EXP_2461: EXP_2462: EXP_2470: EXP_2471: EXP_2472: EXP_2480: EXP_2481: EXP_2482: EXP_2490: EXP_2491: EXP_2492: EXP_2300: EXP_2301: EXP_2302: EXP_2310: EXP_2311: EXP_2312: EXP_2320: EXP_2321: EXP_2322: EXP_2330: EXP_2331: EXP_2332: EXP_2340: EXP_2341: EXP_2342: EXP_2350: EXP_2351: EXP_2352: EXP_2360: EXP_2361: EXP_2362: EXP_2370: EXP_2371: EXP_2372: EXP_2380: EXP_2381: EXP_2282: EXP_2290: EXP_2291: EXP_2292: EXP_2382: EXP_2390: EXP_2391: EXP_2392: goto %zHmc STUN: pause 2 goto %c STUN1: pause 2 counter subtract 10 goto %c STUN2: pause 2 counter add 20 goto %c STUN3: pause 2 counter add 30 goto %c STUN4: pause 2 counter add 40 goto %c STUN5: pause 2 counter add 50 goto %c STUN6: pause 2 counter add 60 goto %c STUN7: pause 2 counter add 70 goto %c FACE1: counter subtract 10 goto FACE FACE2: counter add 20 goto FACE FACE3: counter add 30 goto FACE FACE4: counter add 40 goto FACE FACE5: counter add 50 goto FACE FACE6: counter add 60 goto FACE FACE7: counter add 70 goto FACE FACE_PAUSE: pause FACE: match FACE_PAUSE type ahead match FACE_PAUSE ...wait match ASSESS_ADV nothing else to face match %zHmonsterapp you turn put face next matchwait ASSESS_ADV: match FACE You stop advancing match NOTHING advance towards? match %zHmonsterapp begin match FACE You have lost sight match %zHmonsterapp to melee range match %zHmonsterapp [You're match %zHmonsterapp already at melee put ADV matchwait NOTHING: pause 3 waitforre /\.|\?|!/i goto FACE ADV1: counter subtract 10 goto ADV ADV2: counter add 20 goto ADV ADV3: counter add 30 goto ADV ADV4: counter add 40 goto ADV ADV5: counter add 50 goto ADV ADV6: counter add 60 goto ADV ADV7: counter add 70 goto ADV ADV_PAUSE: pause ADV: match FACE You stop advancing match FACE You have lost sight match NOTHING advance towards? match %c to melee range match %c [You're match %c already at melee match ADV_PAUSE ...wait match ADV_PAUSE type ahead put advance matchwait FATIGUE_SIT: echo echo FATIGUE_SIT: echo put sit waitfor you put parry waitfor you pause 2 match FATIGUE_STAND completely rested match FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT winded match FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT tired match FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT fatigued match FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT worn-out match FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT beat, match FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT exhausted match FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT bone-tired match FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT Encumbrance : put fat put encumbrance matchwait FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT: echo echo FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT: echo echo ************************ echo ** Waiting 10 Seconds echo ************************ echo pause 10 goto FATIGUE FATIGUE_STAND_PAUSE: pause FATIGUE_STAND: echo echo FATIGUE_STAND: echo match %c You stand back up. match FATIGUE_STAND_PAUSE roundtime match FATIGUE_STAND_PAUSE ...wait match FATIGUE_STAND_PAUSE type ahead put stand matchwait FATIGUE_PAUSE: pause FATIGUE: echo echo FATIGUE: echo put bob pause 5 put bob pause 5 put bob pause 5 pause 1 goto FATIGUE_CHECK FATIGUE_CHECK: echo echo FATIGUE_CHECK: echo match %c completely rested match %c winded match FATIGUE_WAIT tired match FATIGUE_WAIT fatigued match FATIGUE_WAIT worn-out match FATIGUE_WAIT beat, match FATIGUE_WAIT exhausted match FATIGUE_WAIT bone-tired put fat matchwait FATIGUE_CHECK1_PAUSE: pause FATIGUE_CHECK1: echo echo FATIGUE_CHECK1: echo match %c completely rested match %c winded match FATIGUE tired match FATIGUE fatigued match FATIGUE worn-out match FATIGUE beat, match FATIGUE exhausted match FATIGUE bone-tired put fat matchwait FATIGUE_WAIT: echo echo FATIGUE_WAIT: echo match FATIGUE melee match FATIGUE pole match FATIGUE [You're matchwait PAUSE: echo echo PAUSE: echo pause goto %c PAUSE1: echo echo PAUSE1: echo counter subtract 10 pause goto %c PAUSE2: echo echo PAUSE2: echo counter add 20 pause goto %c PAUSE3: echo echo PAUSE3: echo counter add 30 pause goto %c PAUSE4: echo echo PAUSE4: echo counter add 40 pause goto %c PAUSE5: echo echo PAUSE5: echo counter add 50 pause goto %c PAUSE6: echo echo PAUSE6: echo counter add 60 pause goto %c PAUSE7: echo echo PAUSE7: echo counter add 70 pause goto %c COUNT_FACE_PAUSE: pause COUNT_FACE: match COUNT_FACE_PAUSE type ahead match COUNT_FACE_PAUSE ...wait match COUNT_ASSESS_ADV nothing else to face match %zHmonsterapp you turn put face next matchwait COUNT_ASSESS_ADV: match COUNT_FACE You stop advancing match COUNT_NOTHING advance towards? match %zHmonsterapp begin match COUNT_FACE You have lost sight match %zHmonsterapp to melee range match %zHmonsterapp [You're match %zHmonsterapp already at melee put ADV matchwait COUNT_NOTHING: setvariable zHcritters 0 pause 3 waitforre /\.|\?|!/i goto COUNT_FACE COUNT_ADV_PAUSE: pause COUNT_ADV: match COUNT_FACE You stop advancing match COUNT_FACE You have lost sight match COUNT_NOTHING advance towards? match %s to melee range match %s [You're match %s already at melee match COUNT_ADV_PAUSE ...wait match COUNT_ADV_PAUSE type ahead put advance matchwait COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT: echo echo COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT: echo put sit waitfor you put parry waitfor you pause 2 match COUNT_FATIGUE_STAND completely rested match COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT winded match COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT tired match COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT fatigued match COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT worn-out match COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT beat, match COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT exhausted match COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT bone-tired match COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT Encumbrance : put fat put encumbrance matchwait COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT: echo echo COUNT_FATIGUE_SIT_WAIT: echo echo ************************ echo ** Waiting 10 Seconds echo ************************ echo pause 10 goto COUNT_FATIGUE COUNT_FATIGUE_STAND_PAUSE: pause COUNT_FATIGUE_STAND: echo echo COUNT_FATIGUE_STAND: echo match COUNT_ON You stand back up. match COUNT_FATIGUE_STAND_PAUSE roundtime match COUNT_FATIGUE_STAND_PAUSE ...wait match COUNT_FATIGUE_STAND_PAUSE type ahead put stand matchwait COUNT_FATIGUE_PAUSE: pause COUNT_FATIGUE: echo echo COUNT_FATIGUE: echo match COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter! match COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK You match COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK You sneak back match COUNT_FATIGUE_PAUSE [You're match COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK already as far match COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK1_PAUSE roundtime match COUNT_FATIGUE_PAUSE ...wait match COUNT_FATIGUE_PAUSE type ahead match COUNT_FATIGUE_PAUSE You stop advancing match COUNT_FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. matchwait COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK: echo echo COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK: echo match COUNT_ON completely rested match COUNT_ON winded match COUNT_FATIGUE_WAIT tired match COUNT_FATIGUE_WAIT fatigued match COUNT_FATIGUE_WAIT worn-out match COUNT_FATIGUE_WAIT beat, match COUNT_FATIGUE_WAIT exhausted match COUNT_FATIGUE_WAIT bone-tired put fat matchwait COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK1_PAUSE: pause COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK1: echo echo COUNT_FATIGUE_CHECK1: echo match COUNT_ON completely rested match COUNT_ON winded match COUNT_FATIGUE tired match COUNT_FATIGUE fatigued match COUNT_FATIGUE worn-out match COUNT_FATIGUE beat, match COUNT_FATIGUE exhausted match COUNT_FATIGUE bone-tired put fat matchwait COUNT_FATIGUE_WAIT: echo echo COUNT_FATIGUE_WAIT: echo match COUNT_FATIGUE melee match COUNT_FATIGUE pole match COUNT_FATIGUE [You're matchwait COUNT_PAUSE: echo echo COUNT_PAUSE: echo pause goto %s #COMBAT SYSTEMS 100: counter add 10 goto %zHrepeat%_%zHmulti REPEAT_OFF: REPEAT_ON: echo echo REPEAT_%zHmulti%: echo match REP_EXP_L crossbow match REP_EXP_H crossbow put app %1 matchwait REP_EXP_L: setvariable zHexp light.crossbow goto RANGE_OFF REP_EXP_H: setvariable zHexp heavy.crossbow goto RANGE_OFF RANGE_ON: RANGE_OFF: 110: counter add 10 RANGE_DODGE: echo echo RANGE_DODGE: echo put dodge waitfor you pause GOTO RANGE_LOAD RANGE_LOAD_PAUSE: 120: goto RANGE_EXP_%zHexpC RANGE_EXP_ON: goto RANGE_MULTI_%zHmulti RANGE_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC RANGE_CHECK goto Multi_%zHmulti RANGE_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait MULTI_EXP_RANGE_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON RANGE_EXP_OFF: pause goto %zHrepeat%_LOAD RANGE_2_LOAD_PAUSE: pause RANGE_2_LOAD: match RANGE_LOAD fail matchre RANGE_LOAD /You are too close|notices|discovers/i matchre RANGE_LOAD /You melt|You blend|Eh\?/i matchre RANGE_2_LOAD_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put hide matchwait RANGE_1_LOAD_PAUSE: pause RANGE_1_LOAD: RANGE_LOAD: echo echo RANGE_LOAD: echo matchre RANGE_GET /You must|your hand jams|readily available|You can not load/i matchre RANGE_1_LOAD_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match RANGE_RETREAT3_PAUSE roundtime match RANGE_RETREAT3 is already match RANGE_SHIELD shield on your arm. match RANGE_TARGE targe on your arm. match RANGE_BUCKLER buckler on your arm. match RANGE_LID lid on your arm. put load matchwait REPEAT_LOAD_PAUSE: pause REPEAT_LOAD: echo echo REPEAT_LOAD echo matchre RANGE_GET /You must|your hand jams|readily available|You can not load/i matchre REPEAT_LOAD_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match REPEAT_LOAD_RETREAT_PAUSE roundtime match REPEAT_LOOK is already match RANGE_SHIELD shield on your arm. match RANGE_TARGE targe on your arm. match RANGE_BUCKLER buckler on your arm. match RANGE_LID lid on your arm. put load matchwait REPEAT_LOAD_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause REPEAT_LOAD_RETREAT: echo echo REPEAT_LOAD_RETREAT: echo matchre REPEAT_PUSH /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat |re already|You |roundtime|You sneak back/i matchre RANGE_RETREAT_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put fat matchwait REPEAT_LOOK: echo echo REPEAT_LOOK: echo match REPEAT_PUSH unarmed match RANGE_RETREAT3 ready to fire put look %1 matchwait RANGE_SHIELD: echo echo RANGE_SHIELD: echo setvariable zHarm shield goto RANGE_ARM RANGE_TARGE: echo echo RANGE_TARGE: echo setvariable zHarm targe goto RANGE_ARM RANGE_BUCKLER: echo echo RANGE_BUCKLER: echo setvariable zHarm buckler goto RANGE_ARM RANGE_LID: echo echo RANGE_LID: echo setvariable zHarm lid goto RANGE_ARM RANGE_ARM_PAUSE: pause RANGE_ARM: echo echo RANGE_ARM: echo matchre RANGE_ARM_STOW /You loosen the straps securing|You aren't wearing that\./i match RANGE_ARM_ERROR Remove what? matchre RANGE_ARM_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put remove my %zHarm matchwait RANGE_ARM_STOW: echo echo RANGE_ARM_STOW: echo match RANGE_ARM_ERROR Stow What? match RANGE_ARM_ADJUST too match RANGE_ARM_STOWED you put put stow %zHarm matchwait RANGE_ARM_ADJUST_PAUSE: pause RANGE_ARM_ADJUST: echo echo RANGE_ARM_ADJUST: echo match RANGE_ARM_WORN you sling match RANGE_ARM_ERROR through the straps match RANGE_ARM_ADJUST_PAUSE You can't wear any more items like that. put adj my %zHarm put wear my %zHarm matchwait RANGE_ARM_STOWED: echo echo RANGE_ARM_STOWED: echo echo *********************************** echo ** ARM SHIELD ALERT!!! echo ** echo ** You were wearing an arm shield! echo ** The shield has been stowed! echo ** echo ** DO NOT FORGET TO GET IT OUT BEFORE YOU MELEE HUNT! echo *********************************** goto RANGE_LOAD_PAUSE RANGE_ARM_WORN: echo echo RANGE_ARM_WORN: echo echo *********************************** echo ** ARM SHIELD ALERT!!! echo ** echo ** You were wearing an arm shield! echo ** The shield has been adjusted and placed over your shoulder! echo ** echo ** DO NOT FORGET TO PUT IT BACK BEFORE YOU MELEE HUNT! echo *********************************** goto RANGE_LOAD_PAUSE RANGE_ARM_ERROR_PAUSE: pause RANGE_ARM_ERROR: echo echo RANGE_ARM_ERROR: echo echo *********************************** echo ** ARM SHIELD ALERT!!! echo ** echo ** You are wearing an Arm shield! echo ** I Can't figure out what kind! echo ** Please remove/stow/wear the shield and type GO to continue. echo ** Email me your shield name so I can put it into the script! echo ** drockmali@hotmail.com echo *********************************** echo matchre RANGE_ARM_ERROR /melee|balance\]|balanced\]|\[You're/i matchre RANGE_ARM_ERROR_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match RANGE_LOAD_PAUSE Go what? match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait AMMO_UNEQUIP_PAUSE: pause AMMO_UNEQUIP: echo echo AMMO_UNEQUIP: echo matchre RANGE_GET /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i match AMMO_UNEQUIPA can't wear match AMMO_UNEQUIP_PAUSE ...wait match AMMO_UNEQUIP_PAUSE type ahead put wear %2 matchwait AMMO_UNEQUIPA: echo echo MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIPA: echo put stow %2 wait goto RANGE_GET AMMO_REEQUIP: echo echo AMMO_REEQUIP: echo put get %2 put remove %2 goto %zHrepeat%_LOAD RANGE_GET_PAUSE: pause RANGE_GET: echo echo RANGE_GET: echo match NO_AMMO what are you match RANGE_DEAD_MONSTER you pull matchre RANGE_GET_PAUSE /you pick up|you put/i match AMMO_UNEQUIP You need a free hand match AMMO_REEQUIP stow what match RANGE_PAUSE You must unload put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo matchwait RANGE_PAUSE: echo echo RANGE_PAUSE: echo pause 3 match RANGE_LOAD loaded match RANGE_%zHrange%_FIRE You think match %zHrepeat%_PAUSE_GET there is nothing matchre RANGE_RETREAT3 /you begin to target|already targetting/i put aim matchwait RANGE_PAUSE_GET: echo echo RANGE_PAUSE_GET: echo match AMMO_UNEQUIP You need a free hand match RANGE_DEAD_MONSTER you pull matchre RANGE_PAUSE /you pick up|you put/i matchre RANGE_PAUSE1 /stow what|You must unload/i put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo matchwait REPEAT_PAUSE_GET: echo echo REPEAT_PAUSE_GET: echo match AMMO_UNEQUIP You need a free hand match RANGE_DEAD_MONSTER you pull matchre RANGE_PAUSE /you pick up|you put/i matchre RANGE_PAUSE2 /stow what|You must unload/i put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo matchwait RANGE_PAUSE1: echo echo RANGE_PAUSE1: echo pause 3 wait match %zHrepeat%_LOAD loaded match RANGE_FIRE You think match RANGE_PAUSE1 there is nothing matchre RANGE_RETREAT3 /you begin to target|already targetting/i put aim matchwait RANGE_PAUSE2: echo echo RANGE_PAUSE: echo match %zHrepeat%_LOAD loaded match RANGE_%zHrange%_FIRE You think match REPEAT_LOAD there is nothing matchre RANGE_RETREAT3 /you begin to target|already targetting/i put aim matchwait REPEAT_PUSH1_PAUSE: pause REPEAT_PUSH1: echo echo REPEAT_PUSH1: echo match RANGE_PAUSE2 into firing position match RANGE_PAUSE1 could damage match RANGE_LOAD ammunition store matchre REPEAT_PUSH1_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put push my %1 matchwait RANGE_DEAD_MONSTER: echo echo RANGE_DEAD_MONSTER: echo put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo waitfor you goto RANGE_UNLOAD RANGE_UNLOAD_PAUSE: pause RANGE_UNLOAD: match RANGE_UNLOAD_STOW roundtime match RANGE_UNLOAD_PAUSE ...wait match RANGE_UNLOAD_PAUSE type ahead match DEAD_MONSTER isn't loaded put unload matchwait RANGE_UNLOAD_STOW_PAUSE: pause RANGE_UNLOAD_STOW: match RANGE_UNLOAD_STOW_PAUSE ...wait match RANGE_UNLOAD_STOW_PAUSE type ahead matchre DEAD_MONSTER /you put|stow what/i put stow right matchwait RANGE_RETREAT3_PAUSE: pause RANGE_RETREAT3: echo echo RANGE_RETREAT3: echo goto %zHrepeat%_RETREAT RANGE_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause RANGE_RETREAT: echo echo RANGE_RETREAT: echo matchre RANGE_%zHrange%_AIM /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat |re already|You think|roundtime|You sneak back/i matchre RANGE_%zHrange%_AIM /You retreat from combat./i matchre RANGE_RETREAT_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait REPEAT_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause REPEAT_RETREAT: echo echo RANGE_RETREAT: echo matchre REPEAT_PUSH /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat |re already|You think|roundtime|You sneak back/i matchre REPEAT_RETREAT_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait REPEAT_PUSH_PAUSE: pause REPEAT_PUSH: echo echo REPEAT_PUSH: echo matchre RANGE_%zHrange%_AIM /into firing position|could damage/i matchre REPEAT_PUSH_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match REPEAT_LOAD ammunition store put push my %1 matchwait RANGE_AIM_PAUSE: pause RANGE_1_AIM: echo echo RANGE_1_AIM: echo match RANGE_LOAD loaded match RANGE_FIRE You think match RANGE_PAUSE there is nothing matchre RANGE_AIM_FIRE /already targetting|begin to target/i matchre RANGE_AIM_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put aim matchwait RANGE_AIM_FIRE: echo echo RANGE_AIM_FIRE: echo match RANGE_RETREAT melee range on you match RANGE_FIRE You think match RANGE_1_AIM stop concentrating on aiming matchwait RANGE_FIRE_PAUSE: pause RANGE_FIRE: echo echo RANGE_FIRE: echo matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balance\]|balanced\]|isn't what you|referring/i match RANGE_PAUSE what are you trying match RANGE_RETREAT2 isn't loaded match RANGE_RETREAT2_PAUSE roundtime match RANGE_FIRE_PAUSE ...wait match RANGE_FIRE_PAUSE type ahead put fire matchwait RANGE_RETREAT2_PAUSE: pause RANGE_RETREAT2: echo echo RANGE_RETREAT2: echo matchre RANGE_DEATH /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat from combat\.|already as far|You sneak back/i match %c roundtime matchre RANGE_RETREAT2_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait RANGE_DEATH_PAUSE: pause RANGE_DEATH: echo echo RANGE_DEATH: echo matchre DEAD_MONSTER /which appears dead|\(dead\)/i matchre %zHrepeat%_DEAD_LOAD /paths:|exits:|and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i match RANGE_DEATH_PAUSE ...wait match RANGE_DEATH_PAUSE type ahead put look matchwait REPEAT_DEAD_LOAD: goto REPEAT_PUSH RANGE_DEAD_LOAD: goto RANGE_%zHrange%_LOAD RANGE_2_AIM_PAUSE: pause RANGE_2_AIM: echo echo RANGE_2_AIM: echo matchre RANGE_2_HIDE /discovers|fail|begin to target|already targetting/i match RANGE_LOAD loaded match RANGE_2_FIRE You think match RANGE_PAUSE there is nothing matchre RANGE_2_AIM_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put aim matchwait RANGE_2_HIDE_PAUSE: pause RANGE_2_HIDE: echo echo RANGE_2_HIDE: echo match RANGE_2_HIDE fail matchre RANGE_2_RETREAT1 /You are too close|notices|discovers/i matchre RANGE_2_STALK /You melt|You blend|Eh\?/i matchre RANGE_2_HIDE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put hide matchwait RANGE_2_RETREAT1_PAUSE: pause RANGE_2_RETREAT1: echo echo RANGE_2_RETREAT1: echo matchre RANGE_2_AIM /You sneak|continue your slaughter/i match RANGE_2_RETREAT11_PAUSE roundtime matchre RANGE_2_HIDE_FAIL /already|You retreat/i matchre RANGE_2_RETREAT1_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait RANGE_2_RETREAT11_PAUSE: pause RANGE_2_RETREAT11: echo echo RANGE_2_RETREAT11: echo matchre RANGE_FIRE /roundtime|You sneak back|continue your slaughter/i matchre RANGE_2_HIDE_FAIL /already|You retreat/i matchre RANGE_2_RETREAT11_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait RANGE_2_HIDE_FAIL_PAUSE: pause RANGE_2_HIDE_FAIL: echo echo RANGE_2_HIDE_FAIL: echo match RANGE_2_HIDE_FAIL fail matchre RANGE_2_RETREAT1 /You are too close|notices|discovers/i matchre RANGE_2_STALK /You melt|You blend|Eh\?/i matchre RANGE_2_HIDE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put hide matchwait RANGE_2_STALK_FAIL_PAUSE: pause RANGE_2_STALK_FAIL: echo echo RANGE_2_STALK_FAIL: echo match RANGE_FIRE discovers matchre RANGE_2_FIRE /You move into position|already stalking/i match RANGE_2_RETREAT1 trying to stalk match RANGE_FIRE try being out of sight match RANGE_2_STALK2 You think match RANGE_DEATH nothing else match RANGE_2_AIM stop concentrating on aiming match RANGE_2_STALK2_PAUSE You fail matchre RANGE_2_STALK_FAIL_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match %zHrange1%_SWIM_FIRE Don't be silly put stalk matchwait RANGE_2_STALK_PAUSE: pause RANGE_2_STALK: echo echo RANGE_2_STALK: echo match RANGE_FIRE discovers matchre RANGE_2_AIM_FIRE_1 /You move into position|already stalking/i match RANGE_2_RETREAT1 trying to stalk match RANGE_FIRE try being out of sight match RANGE_2_STALK2 You think match RANGE_DEATH nothing else match RANGE_2_AIM stop concentrating on aiming match RANGE_2_STALK2_PAUSE You fail matchre RANGE_2_STALK_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match %zHrange1%_SWIM_FIRE Don't be silly put stalk matchwait RANGE_2_STALK2_PAUSE: pause RANGE_2_STALK2: echo echo RANGE_2_STALK2: echo match RANGE_FIRE discovers matchre RANGE_2_FIRE /You move into position|already stalking|You fail/i match RANGE_2_AIM stop concentrating on aiming match RANGE_2_RETREAT1 trying to stalk match RANGE_FIRE try being out of sight match RANGE_DEATH nothing else matchre RANGE_2_STALK2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match %zHrange1%_SWIM Don't be silly put stalk matchwait SNIPE_SWIM_FIRE: RANGE_2_AIM_FIRE: echo echo RANGE_2_AIM_FIRE: echo matchre RANGE_FIRE /discovers|fail/i match RANGE_RETREAT melee range on you match RANGE_2_FIRE You think match RANGE_2_AIM stop concentrating on aiming matchwait RANGE_2_AIM_FIRE_1: pause 3 goto RANGE_2_FIRE RANGE_2_FIRE_PAUSE: pause SNIPE_SWIM: RANGE_2_FIRE: echo echo RANGE_2_FIRE: echo match RANGE_PAUSE what are you trying match RANGE_RETREAT2 isn't loaded match RANGE_RETREAT2_PAUSE roundtime matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balance\]|balanced\]|isn't what you|referring/i matchre RANGE_2_FIRE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i matchre RANGE_FIRE /must be hidden|not trained|stalking|You can not poach|you are not hidden/i put %zHrange1 matchwait POACH_SWIM: echo echo POACH_SWIM: echo echo echo ********************************* echo ** YOU CANNOT POACH HERE! echo ** Switching to normal combat. echo ********************************* echo setvariable zHrange 1 goto RANGE_FIRE 200: setvariable zHsnap AIM_FIRE counter add 10 SNAP_DODGE: echo echo SNAP_DODGE: echo put dodge waitfor you pause goto SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD SNAP_SHIELD_REM: echo echo SNAP_SHIELD_REM: echo matchre SNAP_REM_DONE /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i match SNAP_REM2A can't wear put wear %2 matchwait SNAP_REM2A: echo echo SNAP_REM2A: echo match SNAP_REM_DROP2 too match SNAP_REM_DONE you put put stow %2 matchwait SNAP_REM_DROP2: echo echo SNAP_REM_DROP2: echo put drop my %2 waitfor you drop goto SNAP_REM_DONE SNAP_REPEAT_LOAD_PAUSE: goto SNAP_REPEAT_EXP_%zHexpC SNAP_REPEAT_EXP_ON: goto SNAP_REPEAT_MULTI_%zHmulti SNAP_REPEAT_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC SNAP_REPEAT_CHECK goto Multi_%zHmulti SNAP_REPEAT_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait MULTI_EXP_SNAP_REPEAT_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON SNAP_REPEAT_EXP_OFF: pause goto SNAP_REPEAT_PUSH SNAP_RANGE_LOAD_PAUSE: goto SNAP_EXP_%zHexpC SNAP_EXP_ON: goto SNAP_MULTI_%zHmulti SNAP_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC SNAP_CHECK goto Multi_%zHmulti SNAP_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait MULTI_EXP_SNAP_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON SNAP_EXP_OFF: pause goto SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD 210: setvariable zHsnap AIM_FIRE SNAP_RANGE_LOAD: echo echo SNAP_RANGE_LOAD: echo matchre SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match SNAP_RETREAT3_PAUSE roundtime match SNAP_RETREAT3 is already match SNAP_SHIELD shield on your arm. match SNAP_TARGE targe on your arm. match SNAP_BUCKLER buckler on your arm. match SNAP_LID lid on your arm. matchre SNAP_GET /You must|your hand jams|ammunition|You can not load/i put load matchwait SNAP_REPEAT_LOAD: echo echo SNAP_REPEAT_LOAD: echo matchre SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match SNAP_REPEAT_LOAD_RETREAT_PAUSE roundtime match SNAP_REPEAT_LOOK is already match SNAP_SHIELD shield on your arm. match SNAP_TARGE targe on your arm. match SNAP_BUCKLER buckler on your arm. match SNAP_LID lid on your arm. matchre SNAP_GET /You must|your hand jams|ammunition|You can not load/i put load matchwait SNAP_REPEAT_LOAD_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause SNAP_REPEAT_LOAD_RETREAT: echo echo SNAP_REPEAT_LOAD_RETREAT: echo matchre SNAP_REPEAT_PUSH /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat | re already|You think|roundtime|You sneak back/i matchre SNAP_RANGE_LOAD_RETREAT_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait SNAP_REPEAT_LOOK: echo echo SNAP_REPEAT_LOOK: echo match SNAP_REPEAT_PUSH unarmed match SNAP_%zHrange%_AIM ready to fire put look %1 matchwait SNAP_REPEAT_PUSH_PAUSE: pause SNAP_REPEAT_PUSH: echo echo SNAP_REPEAT_PUSH: echo matchre SNAP_%zHrange%_AIM /into firing position|could damage/i matchre SNAP_REPEAT_PUSH_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match SNAP_REPEAT_LOAD ammunition store put push my %1 matchwait SNAP_SHIELD: echo echo SNAP_SHIELD: echo setvariable zHarm shield goto SNAP_ARM SNAP_TARGE: echo echo SNAP_TARGE: echo setvariable zHarm targe goto SNAP_ARM SNAP_BUCKLER: echo echo SNAP_BUCKLER: echo setvariable zHarm buckler goto SNAP_ARM SNAP_LID: echo echo SNAP_LID: echo setvariable zHarm lid goto SNAP_ARM SNAP_ARM_PAUSE: pause SNAP_ARM: echo echo SNAP_ARM: echo matchre SNAP_ARM_STOW /You loosen the straps securing|You aren't wearing that\./i match SNAP_ARM_ERROR Remove what? matchre SNAP_ARM_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put remove my %zHarm matchwait SNAP_ARM_STOW: echo echo SNAP_ARM_STOW: echo match SNAP_ARM_ERROR Stow What? match SNAP_ARM_ADJUST too match SNAP_ARM_STOWED you put put stow %zHarm matchwait SNAP_ARM_ADJUST_PAUSE: pause SNAP_ARM_ADJUST: echo echo SNAP_ARM_ADJUST: echo match SNAP_ARM_WORN you sling match SNAP_ARM_ERROR through the straps match SNAP_ARM_ADJUST_PAUSE You can't wear any more items like that. put adj my %zHarm put wear my %zHarm matchwait SNAP_ARM_STOWED: echo echo SNAP_ARM_STOWED: echo echo *********************************** echo ** ARM SHIELD ALERT!!! echo ** echo ** You were wearing an arm shield! echo ** The shield has been stowed! echo ** echo ** DO NOT FORGET TO GET IT OUT BEFORE YOU MELEE HUNT! echo *********************************** goto SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD SNAP_ARM_WORN: echo echo SNAP_ARM_WORN: echo echo *********************************** echo ** ARM SHIELD ALERT!!! echo ** echo ** You were wearing an arm shield! echo ** The shield has been adjusted and placed over your shoulder! echo ** echo ** DO NOT FORGET TO PUT IT BACK BEFORE YOU MELEE HUNT! echo *********************************** goto SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD SNAP_ARM_ERROR_PAUSE: pause SNAP_ARM_ERROR: echo echo SNAP_ARM_ERROR: echo echo *********************************** echo ** ARM SHIELD ALERT!!! echo ** echo ** You are wearing an Arm shield! echo ** I Can't figure out what kind! echo ** Please remove/stow/wear the shield and type GO to continue. echo ** Email me your shield name so I can put it into the script! echo ** drockmali@hotmail.com echo *********************************** echo matchre SNAP_ARM_ERROR_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|melee|balance\]|balanced\]|\[You're/i match SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD Go what? match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait SNAP_GET: IF_2 goto SNAP_SHIELD_REM goto SNAP_REM_DONE SNAP_REM_DONE_PAUSE: pause SNAP_REM_DONE: echo echo SNAP_REM_DONE: echo matchre SNAP_GET3 /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat from combat\.|re already as far away|You sneak back/i match SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD_PAUSE roundtime matchre SNAP_REM_DONE_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait SNAP_GET3_PAUSE: pause SNAP_GET3: echo echo SNAP_GET3: echo match NO_AMMO what are you match SNAP_DEAD_MONSTER you pull matchre SNAP_GET3_PAUSE /you pick up|you put/i match SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD stow what match SNAP_PAUSE You must unload put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo matchwait SNAP_PAUSE: echo echo SNAP_PAUSE: echo pause 3 match SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD_PAUSE loaded match SNAP_%zHrange%_FIRE You think match SNAP_PAUSE_GET there is nothing matchre SNAP_RETREAT3 /you begin to target|already targetting/i put aim matchwait SNAP_PAUSE_GET: echo echo SNAP_PAUSE_GET: echo IF_2 goto SNAP_PAUSE_SHIELD_REM match SNAP_DEAD_MONSTER you pull matchre SNAP_PAUSE /you pick up|you put/i matchre SNAP_PAUSE1 /stow what|You must unload/i put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo matchwait SNAP_PAUSE1: echo echo SNAP_PAUSE1: echo pause 3 wait match SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD_PAUSE loaded match SNAP_FIRE You think match SNAP_PAUSE1 there is nothing matchre SNAP_RETREAT3 /you begin to target|already targetting/i put aim matchwait SNAP_PAUSE_SHIELD_REM: echo echo SNAP_PAUSE_SHIELD_REM: echo matchre SNAP_PAUSE_REM_DONE /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i match SNAP_PAUSE_REM2A can't wear put wear %2 matchwait SNAP_PAUSE_REM2A: echo echo SNAP_PAUSE_REM2A: echo match SNAP_PAUSE_REM_DROP2 too match SNAP_PAUSE_REM_DONE you put put stow %2 matchwait SNAP_PAUSE_REM_DROP2: echo echo SNAP_PAUSE_REM_DROP2: echo put drop my %2 waitfor you drop SNAP_PAUSE_REM_DONE: echo echo SNAP_PAUSE_REM_DONE: echo match SNAP_DEAD_MONSTER you pull matchre SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR1 /you pick up|you put/i matchre SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR2 /stow what|You must unload/i put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo matchwait SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR1_PAUSE: pause SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR1: echo echo SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR1: echo matchre SNAP_PAUSE /already|what are you|you pick up|you get|you sling/i matchre SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR1_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put remove my %2 put get %2 matchwait SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR2_PAUSE: pause SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR2: echo echo SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR2: echo matchre SNAP_PAUSE1 /already|what are you|you pick up|you get|you sling/i matchre SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put remove my %2 put get %2 matchwait SNAP_DEAD_MONSTER: echo echo SNAP_DEAD_MONSTER: echo put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo waitfor you goto DEAD_MONSTER SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR_PAUSE: pause SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR: echo echo SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR: echo matchre SNAP_RETREAT /already|what are you|you pick up|you get|you sling/i match SNAP_FIRE You think matchre SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put remove my %2 put get %2 matchwait SNAP_RETREAT3_PAUSE: pause SNAP_RETREAT3: echo echo SNAP_RETREAT3: echo IF_2 goto SNAP_SHIELD_WEAR goto SNAP_RETREAT SNAP_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause SNAP_RETREAT: echo echo SNAP_RETREAT: echo matchre SNAP_%zHrange%_AIM /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat |re already|You think|roundtime|You sneak back/i matchre SNAP_RETREAT_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait SNAP_AIM_PAUSE: pause SNAP_1_AIM: echo echo SNAP_1_AIM: echo match SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD_PAUSE loaded match SNAP_FIRE You think match SNAP_PAUSE there is nothing matchre SNAP_%zHsnap /already targetting|begin to target/i matchre SNAP_AIM_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put aim matchwait SNAP_AIM_FIRE: echo echo SNAP_AIM_FIRE: echo match SNAP_RETREAT melee range on you match SNAP_FIRE You think match SNAP_1_AIM stop concentrating on aiming matchwait SNAP_FIRE_PAUSE: pause SNAP_FIRE: echo echo SNAP_FIRE: echo setvariable zHsnap FIRE match SNAP_PAUSE what are you trying match SNAP_RETREAT2 isn't loaded match SNAP_RETREAT2_PAUSE roundtime matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balance\]|balanced\]|isn't what you|referring/i match SNAP_FIRE_PAUSE ...wait match SNAP_FIRE_PAUSE type ahead put fire matchwait SNAP_RETREAT2_PAUSE: pause SNAP_RETREAT2: echo echo SNAP_RETREAT2: echo matchre SNAP_DEATH /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat from combat\.|already as far|You sneak back/i match SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD_PAUSE roundtime matchre SNAP_RETREAT2_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait SNAP_DEATH_PAUSE: pause SNAP_DEATH: echo echo SNAP_DEATH: echo matchre DEAD_MONSTER /which appears dead|\(dead\)/i matchre SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD_PAUSE /paths:|exits:|and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i match SNAP_DEATH_PAUSE ...wait match SNAP_DEATH_PAUSE type ahead put look matchwait SNAP_2_AIM_PAUSE: pause SNAP_2_AIM: echo echo SNAP_2_AIM: echo matchre SNAP_STALK_HIDE /discovers|fail|begin to target|already targetting/i match SNAP_%zHrepeat%_LOAD_PAUSE loaded match SNAP_2_FIRE You think match SNAP_PAUSE there is nothing matchre SNAP_2_AIM_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put aim matchwait SNAP_STALK_HIDE_PAUSE: pause SNAP_STALK_HIDE: echo echo SNAP_STALK_HIDE: echo match SNAP_STALK_HIDE fail matchre SNAP_STALK_RETREAT1 /You are too close|notices|discovers/i matchre SNAP_STALK_STALK /You melt|You blend|Eh\?/i matchre SNAP_STALK_HIDE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put hide matchwait SNAP_STALK_RETREAT1_PAUSE: pause SNAP_STALK_RETREAT1: echo echo SNAP_STALK_RETREAT1: echo matchre SNAP_2_AIM /You sneak|continue your slaughter/i match SNAP_STALK_RETREAT11_PAUSE roundtime matchre SNAP_STALK_HIDE /already|You retreat|You sneak back/i matchre SNAP_STALK_RETREAT1_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait SNAP_STALK_RETREAT11_PAUSE: pause SNAP_STALK_RETREAT11: echo echo SNAP_STALK_RETREAT11: echo match SNAP_FIRE roundtime matchre SNAP_STALK_HIDE /already|You retreat|You sneak back|continue your slaughter/i matchre SNAP_STALK_RETREAT11_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait SNAP_STALK_STALK_PAUSE: pause SNAP_STALK_STALK: echo echo SNAP_STALK_STALK: echo match SNAP_FIRE discovers matchre SNAP_2_%zHsnap /You move into position|already stalking/i match SNAP_STALK_RETREAT1 trying to stalk match SNAP_FIRE try being out of sight match SNAP_STALK_STALK2 You think match SNAP_DEATH nothing else match SNAP_2_AIM stop concentrating on aiming match SNAP_STALK_STALK2_PAUSE You fail matchre SNAP_STALK_STALK_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match SNAP_%zHrange1%_SWIM_FIRE Don't be silly put stalk matchwait SNAP_STALK_STALK2_PAUSE: pause SNAP_STALK_STALK2: echo echo SNAP_STALK_STALK2: echo match SNAP_FIRE discovers matchre SNAP_2_FIRE /You move into position|already stalking|You fail/i match SNAP_2_AIM stop concentrating on aiming match SNAP_STALK_RETREAT1 trying to stalk match SNAP_FIRE try being out of sight match SNAP_DEATH nothing else matchre SNAP_STALK_STALK2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match SNAP_%zHrange1%_SWIM Don't be silly put stalk matchwait SNAP_STALK_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause SNAP_STALK_RETREAT: echo echo SNAP_STALK_RETREAT: echo match SNAP_FIRE roundtime matchre SNAP_2_AIM_FIRE /already|You retreat|You sneak back|continue your slaughter/i matchre SNAP_STALK_RETREAT_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait SNAP_SNIPE_SWIM_FIRE: SNAP_2_AIM_FIRE: echo echo SNAP_2_AIM_FIRE: echo matchre SNAP_FIRE /discovers|fail/i match SNAP_STALK_RETREAT melee range on you match SNAP_2_FIRE You think match SNAP_2_AIM stop concentrating on aiming matchwait SNAP_2_FIRE_PAUSE: pause SNIPE_SWIM: SNAP_2_FIRE: echo echo SNAP_2_FIRE: echo setvariable zHsnap FIRE match SNAP_PAUSE what are you trying match SNAP_RETREAT2 isn't loaded match SNAP_RETREAT2_PAUSE roundtime matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balance\]|balanced\]|isn't what you|referring/i matchre SNAP_2_FIRE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i matchre SNAP_FIRE /must be hidden|not trained|stalking|You can not poach|you are not hidden/i put %zHrange1 matchwait SNAP_POACH_SWIM: echo echo SNAP_POACH_SWIM: echo echo echo ********************************* echo ** YOU CANNOT POACH HERE! echo ** Switching to normal combat. echo ********************************* echo setvariable zHrange 1 goto SNAP_FIRE 300: counter add 10 goto GRAPPLE GRAPPLE_PAUSE: pause 310: GRAPPLE: echo echo GRAPPLE: echo matchre GRAPPLE_PAUSE /unable to make|breaks away|\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match CHOKE_KILL_PAUSE grips you back match CHOKE_KILL while grappled match CHOKE_ADV aren't close enough match CHOKE_FACE nothing else match CHOKE_STUN You are still stunned. put grapple matchwait CHOKE_KILL_PAUSE: pause CHOKE_KILL: echo echo CHOKE_KILL: echo matchre CHOKE_KILL_PAUSE /begin to squeeze|out a small grunt|\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i matchre DEAD_MONSTER /Your pulse quickens with|you turn to face/i match GRAPPLE not grappling match CHOKE_ADV aren't close enough match CHOKE_FACE nothing else match CHOKE_STUN You are still stunned. put choke matchwait CHOKE_STUN: pause 2 goto GRAPPLE CHOKE_NOTHING: pause 3 wait goto CHOKE_FACE CHOKE_FACE_PAUSE: pause CHOKE_FACE: echo echo CHOKE_FACE: echo match CHOKE_FACE_PAUSE type ahead match CHOKE_FACE_PAUSE ...wait match CHOKE_ADV nothing else to face match %zHmonsterapp you turn put face next matchwait CHOKE_ADV_PAUSE: pause CHOKE_ADV: echo echo CHOKE_ADV: echo matchre CHOKE_FACE /You stop advancing|You have lost sight/i match CHOKE_NOTHING advance towards? matchre GRAPPLE /to melee range|already at melee/i match GRAPPLE [You're match CHOKE_ADV_PAUSE ...wait match CHOKE_ADV_PAUSE type ahead put advance matchwait 400: 401: counter add 10 410: 411: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_421: EXP_420: COMBO_4_1: echo echo COMBO_4_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre 420 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 420: 421: counter add 10 COMBO_4_2: echo echo COMBO_4_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre 430 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 430: 431: counter add 10 COMBO_4_3: echo echo COMBO_4_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre 440 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 440: 441: counter subtract 30 COMBO_4_4: echo echo COMBO_4_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 402: counter add 10 412: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_422: COMBO_4_1: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_4_1: %zHcombo1 slower echo matchre 422 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 422: counter add 10 COMBO_4_2: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_4_2: %zHcombo2 slower echo matchre 432 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 432: counter add 10 COMBO_4_3: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_4_3: %zHcombo3 slower echo matchre 442 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 442: counter subtract 30 COMBO_4_4: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_4_4: %zHcombo4 slower echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 500: 501: counter add 10 510: ################### ###Fatigue check ##if you want to disable this check scroll down and change the SUBTRACT value to 60 ################### echo ECHO FATIGUE CHECK echo match FATIGUE You are somewhat tired. match FATIGUE You are Tired match EXP_520 You are completely match EXP_520 You are slightly put fat matchwait 511: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_520: COMBO_5_1: echo echo COMBO_5_1: %zHcombo1 echo matchre 520 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired\You are somewhat tired./i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre ADV1 /You must be closer/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 520: 521: counter add 10 COMBO_5_2: echo echo COMBO_5_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre 530 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre ADV1 /You must be closer/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 530: 531: counter add 10 COMBO_5_3: echo echo COMBO_5_3: %zHcombo3 echo pause 2 matchre 540 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough| You're already/i matchre ADV1 /You must be closer|leaps to/i matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 540: 541: counter add 10 COMBO_5_4: echo echo COMBO_5_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre 550 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre ADV1 /You must be closer/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 550: 551: counter subtract 40 COMBO_5_5: echo echo COMBO_5_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV4 /aren't close enough/ matchre ADV1 /You must be closer/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE4 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE4 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN4 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 560: 561: counter add 10 COMBO_5_6: echo echo COMBO_5_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV4 /aren't close enough/ matchre ADV1 /You must be closer/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE4 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE4 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN4 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 570: 571: counter add 10 COMBO_5_7: echo echo COMBO_5_7: %zHcombo7 echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV4 /aren't close enough/ matchre ADV1 /You must be closer/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE4 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE4 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN4 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo7 matchwait 580: 581: counter subtract 70 COMBO_5_8: echo echo COMBO_5_8: %zHcombo8 echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired\You are somewhat tired./i matchre ADV4 /aren't close enough/ matchre ADV1 /You must be closer/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE4 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE4 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN4 You are still stunned. put fat put %zHcombo8 matchwait 502: counter add 10 512: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_522: COMBO_5_1: echo echo COMBO_5_1: %zHcombo1 slower echo matchre 522 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired\You are somewhat tired./i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put fat put %zHcombo1 matchwait 522: counter add 10 COMBO_5_2: echo echo COMBO_5_2: %zHcombo2 slower echo matchre 532 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 532: counter add 10 COMBO_5_3: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_5_3: %zHcombo3 slower echo pause 2 matchre 542 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 542: counter add 10 COMBO_5_4: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_5_4: %zHcombo4 slower echo matchre 552 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 552: counter subtract 40 COMBO_5_5: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_5_5: %zHcombo5 slower echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV4 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE4 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE4 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN4 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait COUNT_5_1: save COUNT_5_1 echo echo COUNT_5_1: parry echo matchwait matchre COUNT_5_2 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre COUNT_FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre COUNT_ADV /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre COUNT_FACE /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre COUNT_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN You are still stunned. put parry matchwait COUNT_5_2: save COUNT_5_2 echo echo COUNT_5_2: shove echo matchre COUNT_5_3 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack|You push/i matchre COUNT_FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre COUNT_ADV /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre COUNT_FACE /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre COUNT_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN You are still stunned. put shove matchwait COUNT_5_3: save COUNT_5_3 echo echo COUNT_5_3: circle echo matchre COUNT_5_4 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre COUNT_FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre COUNT_ADV /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre COUNT_FACE /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre COUNT_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN You are still stunned. put circle matchwait COUNT_5_4: save COUNT_5_4 echo echo COUNT_5_4: weave echo matchre COUNT_5_5 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre COUNT_FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre COUNT_ADV /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre COUNT_FACE /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre COUNT_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN You are still stunned. put weave matchwait COUNT_5_5: save COUNT_5_5 echo echo COUNT_5_5: bob echo matchre COUNT%zHcritters /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre COUNT_FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre COUNT_ADV /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre COUNT_FACE /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre COUNT_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN You are still stunned. put bob matchwait COUNT0: COUNT1: COUNT2: COUNT3: COUNT4: COUNT5: COUNT6: COUNT7: COUNT8: COUNT9: COUNT10: COUNT11: goto C_COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC COUNT12: setvariable zHcritters 0 echo echo *************************** echo ** echo ** The Dance is now over... echo ** echo *************************** echo pause 5 goto %c 600: 601: counter add 10 610: 611: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_621: EXP_620: COMBO_6_1: echo echo COMBO_6_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre 620 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 620: 621: counter add 10 COMBO_6_2: echo echo COMBO_6_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre 630 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 630: 631: counter add 10 COMBO_6_3: echo echo COMBO_6_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre 640 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 640: 641: counter add 10 COMBO_6_4: echo echo COMBO_6_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre 650 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 650: 651: counter add 10 COMBO_6_5: echo echo COMBO_6_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre 660 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 660: 661: counter subtract 50 COMBO_6_6: echo echo COMBO_6_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV5 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE5 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE5 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN5 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 602: counter add 10 612: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_622: COMBO_6_1: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_6_1: %zHcombo1 slower echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre 622 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 622: counter add 10 COMBO_6_2: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_6_2: %zHcombo2 slower echo matchre 632 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 632: counter add 10 COMBO_6_3: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_6_3: %zHcombo3 slower echo matchre 642 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 642: counter add 10 COMBO_6_4: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_6_4: %zHcombo4 slower echo matchre 652 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 652: counter add 10 COMBO_6_5: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_6_5: %zHcombo5 slower echo matchre 662 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 662: counter subtract 50 COMBO_6_6: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_6_6: %zHcombo6 slower echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV5 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE5 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE5 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN5 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 700: 701: counter add 10 710: ################### ###Fatigue check ##if you want to disable this check scroll down and change the SUBTRACT value to 60 ################### echo ECHO FATIGUE CHECK echo match FATIGUE You are somewhat tired. match FATIGUE You are tired. match EXP_720 You are completely match EXP_720 You are slightly put fat matchwait 711: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_721: EXP_720: COMBO_7_1: echo echo COMBO_7_1: %zHcombo1 echo matchre 720 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 720: 721: counter add 10 COMBO_7_2: echo echo COMBO_7_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre 730 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 730: 731: counter add 10 COMBO_7_3: echo echo COMBO_7_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre 740 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 740: 741: counter add 10 COMBO_7_4: echo echo COMBO_7_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre 750 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 750: 751: counter add 10 COMBO_7_5: echo echo COMBO_7_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre 760 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 760: 761: counter add 10 COMBO_7_6: echo echo COMBO_7_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre 770 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 770: 771: counter subtract 60 COMBO_7_7: echo echo COMBO_7_7: %zHcombo7 echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV6 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE6 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE6 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN6 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo7 matchwait 702: counter add 10 ################### ###Fatigue check ##if you want to disable this check scroll down and change the SUBTRACT value to 60 ################### echo ECHO FATIGUE CHECK echo matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired|\You are fatigued./i match FATIGUE You are somewhat tired. match FATIGUE You are tired. match EXP_720 You are completely match EXP_720 You are slightly put fat matchwait 712: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_722: COMBO_7_1: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_7_1: %zHcombo1 slower echo matchre 722 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 722: counter add 10 COMBO_7_2: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_7_2: %zHcombo2 slower echo matchre 732 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 732: counter add 10 COMBO_7_3: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_7_3: %zHcombo3 slower echo matchre 742 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 742: counter add 10 COMBO_7_4: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_7_4: %zHcombo4 slower echo matchre 752 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 752: counter add 10 COMBO_7_5: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_7_5: %zHcombo5 slower echo matchre 762 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 762: counter add 10 COMBO_7_6: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_7_6: %zHcombo6 slower echo matchre 772 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 772: counter subtract 60 COMBO_7_7: echo echo COMBO_7_7: %zHcombo7 slower echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV6 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE6 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE6 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN6 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo7 matchwait 800: 801: counter add 10 810: 811: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_821: EXP_820: COMBO_8_1: echo echo COMBO_8_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre 820 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 820: 821: counter add 10 COMBO_8_2: echo echo COMBO_8_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre 830 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 830: 831: counter add 10 COMBO_8_3: echo echo COMBO_8_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre 840 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 840: 841: counter add 10 COMBO_8_4: echo echo COMBO_8_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre 850 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 850: 851: counter add 10 COMBO_8_5: echo echo COMBO_8_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre 860 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 860: 861: counter add 10 COMBO_8_6: echo echo COMBO_8_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre 870 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 870: 871: counter add 10 COMBO_8_7: echo echo COMBO_8_7: %zHcombo7 echo matchre 880 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo7 matchwait 880: 881: counter subtract 70 COMBO_8_8: echo echo COMBO_8_8: %zHcombo8 echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV7 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE7 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE7 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN7 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo8 matchwait 802: counter add 10 812: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_822: COMBO_8_1: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_8_1: %zHcombo1 slower echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre 822 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 822: counter add 10 COMBO_8_2: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_8_2: %zHcombo2 slower echo matchre 832 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 832: counter add 10 COMBO_8_3: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_8_3: %zHcombo3 slower echo matchre 842 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 842: counter add 10 COMBO_8_4: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_8_4: %zHcombo4 slower echo matchre 852 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 852: counter add 10 COMBO_8_5: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_8_5: %zHcombo5 slower echo matchre 862 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 862: counter add 10 COMBO_8_6: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_8_6: %zHcombo6 slower echo matchre 872 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 872: counter add 10 COMBO_8_7: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_8_7: %zHcombo7 slower echo matchre 882 /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV1 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE1 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo7 matchwait 882: counter subtract 70 COMBO_8_8: pause 3 echo echo COMBO_8_8: %zHcombo8 slower echo matchre %c /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to|roundtime| pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre ADV7 /aren't close enough/ matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FACE7 /nothing else|at what are you/ matchre PAUSE7 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN7 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo8 matchwait 1100: counter add 10 goto BACK_EQUIP2 BACK1: IF_2 goto BACK_EQUIP goto BACKSTAB_HIDE BACK_EQUIP_PAUSE: pause BACK_EQUIP: echo echo BACK_EQUIP: echo match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you matchre BACKSTAB_HIDE /you get|re already|you sling|you remove/i matchre BACK_EQUIP_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put remove my %2 put get my %2 matchwait BACK_EQUIP2_PAUSE: pause BACK_EQUIP2: echo echo BACK_EQUIP2: echo matchre BACK1 /you draw|re already|free to/i match BEGIN_HANDS free hand matchre BACK_EQUIP2A /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i matchre BACK_EQUIP2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put wield right my %1 matchwait BACK_EQUIP2A_PAUSE: pause BACK_EQUIP2A: echo echo BACK_EQUIP2A: echo match BACK_EQUIP2B remove what? matchre BACK1 /re already|you sling|you remove/i matchre BACK_EQUIP2A_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put remove my %1 matchwait BACK_EQUIP2B: echo echo BACK_EQUIP2B: echo match BACK_BALDRIC baldric match BACK1 you get match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you put get my %1 matchwait BACK_BALDRIC: echo echo BACK_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto BACK1 BACKSTAB_HIDE_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_HIDE: echo echo BACKSTAB_HIDE: echo match BACKSTAB_HIDE fail matchre BACKSTAB_RETREAT1 /You are too close|notices|discovers/i matchre BACKSTAB_ADV /You melt|You blend|Eh\?/i matchre BACKSTAB_HIDE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put hide matchwait BACKSTAB_RETREAT1_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_RETREAT1: echo echo BACKSTAB_RETREAT1: echo goto BACKSTAB_ADV BACKSTAB_RETREAT11_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_RETREAT11: echo echo BACKSTAB_RETREAT11: echo goto backstab_assess_adv matchwait BACKSTAB_FACE_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_FACE: matchre BACKSTAB_FACE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match BACKSTAB_ASSESS_ADV nothing else to match BACKSTAB_ADV you turn put face next matchwait BACKSTAB_ASSESS_ADV: matchre BACKSTAB_FACE /You stop advancing|You have lost sight/i match NOTHING advance towards? match BACKSTAB_ADV begin matchre BACKSTAB_FAIL /to melee range|\[You're|already at melee/i put advance matchwait BACKSTAB_NOTHING: pause 3 wait goto BACKSTAB_retreat2 BACKSTAB_RETREAT2_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_RETREAT2: echo echo BACKSTAB_RETREAT2: echo matchre BACKSTAB_FAIL /discovers|notices|fail|You are too close/i matchre BACKSTAB_ADV /You melt|/Eh?|You blend/i matchre BACKSTAB_RETREAT2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put hide matchwait BACKSTAB_ADV_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_ADV: echo echo BACKSTAB_ADV: echo matchre BACKSTAB_HIDE /discovers|notices|fail/i match BACKSTAB_STALK melee match BACKSTAB_FACE quite dead match BACKSTAB_NOTHING What do you want to advance towards? matchre BACKSTAB_ADV_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|you stop advancing/i put advance matchwait BACKSTAB_STALK_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_STALK: echo echo BACKSTAB_STALK: echo matchre BACKSTAB_FAIL /discovers|notices|try being out of sight/i match BACKSTAB_ADV nothing else matchre %c /Don't be silly|You move into position|already stalking/i match BACKSTAB_RETREAT1 trying to stalk match BACKSTAB_STALK2 You fail matchre BACKSTAB_STALK_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put stalk matchwait BACKSTAB_STALK2_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_STALK2: echo echo BACKSTAB_STALK2: echo matchre BACKSTAB_FAIL /discovers|notices|try being out of sight/i match BACKSTAB_ADV nothing else matchre %c /Don't be silly|You move into position|already stalking/i match BACKSTAB_RETREAT1 trying to stalk match BACKSTAB_STALK3 You fail matchre BACKSTAB_STALK2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put stalk matchwait BACKSTAB_STALK3: pause goto BACKSTAB1 BACKSTAB_FAIL: echo echo BACKSTAB_FAIL: echo goto BACKSTAB_ATTACK 1110: goto BACKSTAB1 BACKSTAB1_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB1: echo echo BACKSTAB1: echo matchre BACKSTAB_AMBUSH /You can't backstab that\.|political/i matchre BACKSTAB_ADV /help if you were closer|aren't close enough to attack|aren't close enough to do that/i matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match BACKSTAB_FACE nothing else match BACKSTAB_EXP_%zHexpC roundtime match BACKSTAB_RETREAT1 you must be hidden matchre BACKSTAB1_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put backstab matchwait BACKSTAB_EXP_ON: goto BACKSTAB_MULTI_%zHmulti BACKSTAB_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC BACKSTAB_CHECK goto Multi_%zHmulti BACKSTAB_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait MULTI_EXP_BACKSTAB_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON BACKSTAB_EXP_OFF: goto BACKSTAB_HIDE BACKSTAB_STAND_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_STAND: echo echo BACKSTAB_STAND: echo match BACKSTAB_STAND_PAUSE roundtime match BACKSTAB_HIDE You stand back up. matchre BACKSTAB_STAND_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put stand matchwait BACKSTAB_AMBUSH_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_AMBUSH: echo echo BACKSTAB_AMBUSH: echo matchre BACKSTAB_ADV /help if you were closer|aren't close enough to attack|aren't close enough to do that/i matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match BACKSTAB_FACE nothing else match BACKSTAB_HIDE roundtime match BACKSTAB_ATTACK you must be hidden matchre BACKSTAB_AMBUSH_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put attack back matchwait BACKSTAB_ATTACK_PAUSE: pause BACKSTAB_ATTACK: echo echo BACKSTAB_ATTACK: echo matchre BACKSTAB_ADV /help if you were closer|aren't close enough to attack|aren't close enough to do that/i matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match BACKSTAB_FACE nothing else match BACKSTAB_HIDE roundtime matchre BACKSTAB_ATTACK_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put attack matchwait 1200: counter add 10 1210: counter add 10 THROWN_DODGE_PAUSE: pause THROWN_DODGE: echo echo THROWN_DODGE: echo matchre THROWN_FACE /you are already|You move into a position to dodge/i matchre THROWN_DODGE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put dodge matchwait THROWN_GET_PAUSE_D: pause THROWN_GET_D: echo echo THROWN_GET_D: echo matchre THROWN_DODGE /already|You need a free hand to pick that up|you get|you pick up/i match THROWN_SECONDARY What were you matchre THROWN_GET_PAUSE_D /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait THROWN_FACE_PAUSE: pause 1220: THROWN_FACE: matchre THROWN_FACE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match THROWN_ASSESS nothing else to face match THROWN_THROW you turn put face next matchwait THROWN_ASSESS: pause 3 goto THROWN_THROW THROWN_THROW_PAUSE: pause THROWN_THROW: goto THROWN_EXP_%zHexpC THROWN_EXP_ON: goto THROWN_MULTI_%zHmulti THROWN_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC THROWN_CHECK goto Multi_%zHmulti THROWN_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait MULTI_EXP_THROWN_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON THROWN_EXP_OFF: echo echo THROWN_THROW: echo matchre THROWN_GET /roundtime|What do you want to throw\?/i matchre T_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match THROWN_DUD suitable throwing match THROWN_FACE At What are you trying matchre THROWN_THROW_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put throw matchwait THROWN_GET_PAUSE: pause THROWN_GET: echo echo THROWN_GET: echo matchre THROWN_THROW2 /already|pick that up|you get|you pick up/i match THROWN_SECONDARY What were you matchre THROWN_GET_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait THROWN_THROW2_PAUSE: pause THROWN_THROW2: echo echo THROWN_THROW2: echo matchre THROWN_GET2 /roundtime|What do you want to throw\?/i matchre T_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match THROWN_DUD suitable throwing match THROWN_FACE At What are you trying matchre THROWN_THROW2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put throw matchwait THROWN_GET2_PAUSE: pause THROWN_GET2: echo echo THROWN_GET2: echo match THROWN_SECONDARY What were you matchre THROWN_RETREAT /already|pick that up|you get|you pick up/i matchre THROWN_GET2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait THROWN_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause THROWN_RETREAT: echo echo THROWN_RETREAT: echo goto THROWN_THROW FATIGUE_T_PAUSE: pause FATIGUE_T: echo echo FATIGUE_T echo matchre FATIGUE /you get|you pull|What were you|you pick/i matchre FATIGUE_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait THROWN_DUD: echo echo THROWN_DUD: echo echo ********************************** echo ** Item chosen can't be thrown! echo ** Attempting normal combat! echo ********************************** echo counter subtract 1210 goto WEAPON_CHECK T_DEAD_PAUSE: pause T_DEAD: echo echo T_DEAD: echo matchre DEAD_MONSTER /you get|you pull|What were you|you pick/i matchre T_DEAD_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait THROWN_SECONDARY_PAUSE: pause THROWN_SECONDARY: echo echo THROWN_SECONDARY: echo put advance goto BRAWL_2_T BRAWL_1_T_PAUSE: pause BRAWL_1_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 1 echo echo BRAWL_1_T: Dodge echo match BRAWL_2_T re already dodging matchre BRAWL_2_T_G /You move into a position to dodge|comes free and falls to the ground|you are already/i matchre FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre BRAWL_1_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put dodge matchwait BRAWL_2_T_G_PAUSE: pause BRAWL_2_T_G: echo echo BRAWL_2_T_G: echo matchre THROWN_RETREAT /already|you get|you pull|you pick/i match BRAWL_2_T What were you matchre BRAWL_2_T_G_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|comes free and falls to the ground/i put get %1 matchwait BRAWL_2_T_PAUSE: pause BRAWL_2_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 2 echo echo BRAWL_2_T: Gouge echo matchre T_ADV /aren't close enough to attack\.|aren't close enough to do that!/i matchre T_B_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|nothing else|you turn to face|already dead|very dead/i matchre FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match BRAWL_3_T roundtime matchre BRAWL_2_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match BRAWL_2_T_G comes free and falls to the ground. put gouge matchwait BRAWL_3_T_PAUSE: pause BRAWL_3_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 3 echo echo BRAWL_3_T: Claw echo matchre T_ADV /aren't close enough to attack\.|aren't close enough to do that!/i matchre T_B_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|nothing else|you turn to face|already dead|very dead/i matchre FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match BRAWL_4_T roundtime matchre BRAWL_3_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match BRAWL_2_T_G comes free and falls to the ground. put claw matchwait BRAWL_4_T_PAUSE: pause BRAWL_4_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 4 echo echo BRAWL_4_T: Elbow echo matchre T_ADV /aren't close enough to attack\.|aren't close enough to do that!/i matchre T_B_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|nothing else|you turn to face|already dead|very dead/i matchre FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match BRAWL_5_T roundtime matchre BRAWL_4_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match BRAWL_2_T_G comes free and falls to the ground. put elbow matchwait BRAWL_5_T_PAUSE: pause BRAWL_5_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 5 echo echo BRAWL_5_T: Claw echo matchre T_ADV /aren't close enough to attack\.|aren't close enough to do that!/i matchre T_B_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|nothing else|you turn to face|already dead|very dead/i matchre FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match BRAWL_1_T roundtime matchre BRAWL_5_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match BRAWL_2_T_G comes free and falls to the ground. put claw matchwait T_B_DEAD_PAUSE: pause T_B_DEAD: echo echo T_B_DEAD: echo matchre DEAD_MONSTER /already|you get|you pull|you pick/i match BRAWL_2_T What were you matchre T_B_DEAD_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|comes free and falls to the ground\./i put get %1 matchwait FATIGUE_T_PAUSE: pause FATIGUE_T: echo echo FATIGUE_T: echo matchre FATIGUE_T_CHECK /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat from combat\.|already as far|You sneak back/i match FATIGUE_T_CHECK1 roundtime match FATIGUE_T_PAUSE stop advancing matchre FATIGUE_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|stop advancing|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait FATIGUE_T_CHECK_PAUSE: pause FATIGUE_T_CHECK: echo echo FATIGUE_T_CHECK: echo matchre BRAWL_%zHbrawlT%_T /completely rested|winded|tired/i matchre FATIGUE_T_WAIT /fatigued|worn-out|beat,|exhausted|bone-tired/i matchre FATIGUE_T_CHECK_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put fat matchwait FATIGUE_T_CHECK1: echo echo FATIGUE_T_CHECK1: echo matchre BRAWL_%zHbrawlT%_T /completely rested|winded|tired/i matchre FATIGUE_T /fatigued|worn-out|beat,|exhausted|bone-tired/i put fat matchwait FATIGUE_T_WAIT: echo echo FATIGUE_T_WAIT: echo matchre FATIGUE_T /melee|pole|\[You're/i matchwait T_ADV_PAUSE: pause T_ADV: match T_DEAD You stop advancing match T_RUN You have lost sight matchre BRAWL_%zHbrawlT%_T /to melee range|\[You're|already at melee/i matchre T_ADV_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put advance matchwait T_RUN: echo echo T_RUN: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** THE MONSTER JUST RAN AWAY WITH YOUR %1 STUCK IN IT!! echo ** YOU BETTER GO GET IT!! echo ************************************************************************************** echo echo ******************** echo ** ENDING SCRIPT! echo ******************** echo exit 2200: counter add 10 2210: counter add 10 OFF_THROWN_DODGE_PAUSE: pause OFF_THROWN_DODGE: echo echo OFF_THROWN_DODGE: echo matchre OFF_THROWN_FACE /you are already|You move into a position to dodge/i matchre OFF_THROWN_DODGE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put dodge matchwait OFF_THROWN_GET_PAUSE_D: pause OFF_THROWN_GET_D: echo echo THROWN_GET_D: echo matchre OFF_THROWN_DODGE /already|You need a free hand to pick that up|you get|you pick up/i match OFF_THROWN_SECONDARY What were you matchre OFF_THROWN_GET_PAUSE_D /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait OFF_THROWN_FACE_PAUSE: pause 2220: OFF_THROWN_FACE: matchre OFF_THROWN_FACE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match OFF_THROWN_ASSESS nothing else to face match OFF_THROWN_THROW you turn put face next matchwait OFF_THROWN_ASSESS: pause 3 goto OFF_THROWN_THROW OFF_THROWN_THROW_PAUSE: pause OFF_THROWN_THROW: goto OFF_THROWN_EXP_%zHexpC OFF_THROWN_EXP_ON: goto OFF_THROWN_MULTI_%zHmulti OFF_THROWN_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC OFF_THROWN_CHECK goto Multi_%zHmulti OFF_THROWN_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait MULTI_EXP_OFF_THROWN_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON OFF_THROWN_EXP_OFF: echo echo OFF_THROWN_THROW: echo matchre OFF_THROWN_GET /roundtime|What do you want to throw\?/i matchre OFF_T_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match OFF_THROWN_DUD suitable throwing match OFF_THROWN_FACE At What are you trying matchre OFF_THROWN_THROW_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put throw left matchwait OFF_THROWN_GET_PAUSE: pause OFF_THROWN_GET: echo echo OFF_THROWN_GET: echo matchre OFF_THROWN_THROW2 /already|pick that up|you get|you pick up/i match OFF_THROWN_SECONDARY What were you matchre OFF_THROWN_GET_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait OFF_THROWN_THROW2_PAUSE: pause OFF_THROWN_THROW2: echo echo OFF_THROWN_THROW2: echo matchre OFF_THROWN_GET2 /roundtime|What do you want to throw\?/i matchre OFF_T_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match OFF_THROWN_DUD suitable throwing match OFF_THROWN_FACE At What are you trying matchre OFF_THROWN_THROW2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put throw left matchwait OFF_THROWN_GET2_PAUSE: pause OFF_THROWN_GET2: echo echo OFF_THROWN_GET2: echo match OFF_THROWN_SECONDARY What were you matchre OFF_THROWN_RETREAT /already|pick that up|you get|you pick up/i matchre OFF_THROWN_GET2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait OFF_THROWN_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause OFF_THROWN_RETREAT: echo echo OFF_THROWN_RETREAT: echo matchre OFF_THROWN_THROW /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat from combat|already as far|You sneak back/i match OFF_THROWN_THROW_PAUSE roundtime matchre OFF_THROWN_RETREAT_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait OFF_FATIGUE_T_PAUSE: pause OFF_FATIGUE_T: echo echo OFF_FATIGUE_T: echo matchre OFF_FATIGUE /you get|you pull|What were you|you pick/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait OFF_FATIGUE_PAUSE: pause OFF_FATIGUE: echo echo OFF_FATIGUE: echo match OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter! match OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK You retreat from combat. match OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK You sneak back match OFF_FATIGUE_PAUSE [You're match OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK already as far match OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK1_PAUSE roundtime match OFF_FATIGUE_PAUSE ...wait match OFF_FATIGUE_PAUSE type ahead match OFF_FATIGUE_PAUSE You stop advancing match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK: echo echo OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK: echo match OFF_THROWN_THROW completely rested match OFF_THROWN_THROW winded match OFF_FATIGUE_WAIT tired match OFF_FATIGUE_WAIT fatigued match OFF_FATIGUE_WAIT worn-out match OFF_FATIGUE_WAIT beat, match OFF_FATIGUE_WAIT exhausted match OFF_FATIGUE_WAIT bone-tired put fat matchwait OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK1_PAUSE: pause OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK1: echo echo OFF_FATIGUE_CHECK1: echo match OFF_THROWN_THROW completely rested match OFF_THROWN_THROW winded match OFF_FATIGUE tired match OFF_FATIGUE fatigued match OFF_FATIGUE worn-out match OFF_FATIGUE beat, match OFF_FATIGUE exhausted match OFF_FATIGUE bone-tired put fat matchwait OFF_FATIGUE_WAIT: echo echo OFF_FATIGUE_WAIT: echo match OFF_FATIGUE melee match OFF_FATIGUE pole match OFF_FATIGUE [You're matchwait OFF_THROWN_DUD: echo echo OFF_THROWN_DUD: echo echo ********************************** echo ** Item chosen can't be thrown! echo ** Attempting normal combat! echo ********************************** echo counter subtract 2220 put swap goto WEAPON_CHECK OFF_T_DEAD_PAUSE: pause OFF_T_DEAD: echo echo OFF_T_DEAD: echo matchre DEAD_MONSTER /you get|you pull|What were you|you pick/i matchre OFF_T_DEAD_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put get %1 matchwait OFF_THROWN_SECONDARY_PAUSE: pause OFF_THROWN_SECONDARY: echo echo OFF_THROWN_SECONDARY: echo put advance goto OFF_BRAWL_2_T OFF_BRAWL_1_T_PAUSE: pause OFF_BRAWL_1_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 1 echo echo OFF_BRAWL_1_T: Dodge echo match OFF_BRAWL_2_T re already dodging matchre OFF_BRAWL_2_T_G /You move into a position to dodge|you are already|comes free and falls to the ground/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i matchre OFF_BRAWL_1_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put dodge matchwait OFF_BRAWL_2_T_G_PAUSE: pause OFF_BRAWL_2_T_G: echo echo OFF_BRAWL_2_T_G: echo matchre OFF_THROWN_RETREAT /already|you get|you pull|you pick/i match OFF_BRAWL_2_T What were you matchre OFF_BRAWL_2_T_G_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|comes free and falls to the ground/i put get %1 matchwait OFF_BRAWL_2_T_PAUSE: pause OFF_BRAWL_2_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 2 echo echo OFF_BRAWL_2_T: Gouge echo matchre OFF_T_ADV /aren't close enough to attack\.|aren't close enough to do that!/i matchre OFF_T_B_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|nothing else|you turn to face|already dead|very dead/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match OFF_BRAWL_3_T roundtime matchre OFF_BRAWL_2_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match OFF_BRAWL_2_T_G comes free and falls to the ground. put gouge matchwait OFF_BRAWL_3_T_PAUSE: pause OFF_BRAWL_3_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 3 echo echo OFF_BRAWL_3_T: Claw echo matchre OFF_T_ADV /aren't close enough to attack\.|aren't close enough to do that!/i matchre OFF_T_B_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|nothing else|you turn to face|already dead|very dead/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match OFF_BRAWL_4_T roundtime matchre OFF_BRAWL_3_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match OFF_BRAWL_2_T_G comes free and falls to the ground. put claw matchwait OFF_BRAWL_4_T_PAUSE: pause OFF_BRAWL_4_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 4 echo echo OFF_BRAWL_4_T: Elbow echo matchre OFF_T_ADV /aren't close enough to attack\.|aren't close enough to do that!/i matchre OFF_T_B_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|nothing else|you turn to face|already dead|very dead/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match OFF_BRAWL_5_T roundtime matchre OFF_BRAWL_4_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match OFF_BRAWL_2_T_G comes free and falls to the ground. put elbow matchwait OFF_BRAWL_5_T_PAUSE: pause OFF_BRAWL_5_T: setvariable zHbrawlT 5 echo echo OFF_BRAWL_5_T: Jab echo matchre OFF_T_ADV /aren't close enough to attack\.|aren't close enough to do that!/i matchre OFF_T_B_DEAD /balanced\]|balance\]|nothing else|you turn to face|already dead|very dead/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match OFF_BRAWL_1_T roundtime matchre OFF_BRAWL_5_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match OFF_BRAWL_2_T_G comes free and falls to the ground. put jab matchwait OFF_T_B_DEAD_PAUSE: pause OFF_T_B_DEAD: echo echo OFF_T_B_DEAD: echo matchre DEAD_MONSTER /already|you get|you pull|you pick/i match OFF_BRAWL_2_T What were you matchre OFF_T_B_DEAD_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|comes free and falls to the ground\./i put get %1 matchwait OFF_FATIGUE_T_PAUSE: pause OFF_FATIGUE_T: echo echo OFF_FATIGUE_T: echo matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T_CHECK /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat from combat\.|already as far|You sneak back/i match OFF_FATIGUE_T_CHECK1 roundtime match OFF_FATIGUE_T_PAUSE stop advancing matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead|stop advancing|\[You're/i match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait OFF_FATIGUE_T_CHECK_PAUSE: pause OFF_FATIGUE_T_CHECK: echo echo OFF_FATIGUE_T_CHECK: echo matchre OFF_BRAWL_%zHbrawlT%_T /completely rested|winded|tired/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T_WAIT /fatigued|worn-out|beat,|exhausted|bone-tired/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T_CHECK_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put fat matchwait OFF_FATIGUE_T_CHECK1: echo echo OFF_FATIGUE_T_CHECK1: echo matchre OFF_BRAWL_%zHbrawlT%_T /completely rested|winded|tired/i matchre OFF_FATIGUE_T /fatigued|worn-out|beat,|exhausted|bone-tired/i put fat matchwait OFF_FATIGUE_T_WAIT: echo echo OFF_FATIGUE_T_WAIT: echo matchre FATIGUE_T /melee|pole|\[You're/i matchwait OFF_T_ADV_PAUSE: pause OFF_T_ADV: match OFF_T_DEAD You stop advancing match OFF_T_RUN You have lost sight matchre OFF_BRAWL_%zHbrawlT%_T /to melee range|\[You're|already at melee/i matchre OFF_T_ADV_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put advance matchwait OFF_T_RUN: echo echo OFF_T_RUN: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** THE MONSTER JUST RAN AWAY WITH YOUR %1 STUCK IN IT!! echo ** YOU BETTER GO GET IT!! echo ************************************************************************************** echo echo ******************** echo ** ENDING SCRIPT! echo ******************** echo exit EMPATH_E: IF_2 goto EMPATH_EQUIP IF_1 match EMPATH_APPRAISE you draw IF_1 match EMPATH_APPRAISE re already holding IF_1 match BEGIN_HANDS free hand IF_1 match EMPATH_APPRAISE free to IF_1 matchre EMPATH_E2 /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i IF_1 match EMPATH_E2 You can only wield a weapon or a shield! IF_1 put wield right my %1 IF_1 matchwait goto EMP_BRAWL EMPATH_E2: match EMPATH_E3 What were you match EMPATH_APPRAISEL placing it match EMP_BRAWL already match EMP_BRAWL Inventory match EMPATH_APPRAISE off from over your shoulder. match EMPATH_APPRAISE you remove put remove my %1 matchwait EMPATH_E3: echo echo EMPATH_E3: echo match EMPATH_BALDRIC baldric match EMPATH_APPRAISE you get match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you put get my %1 matchwait EMPATH_BALDRIC: echo echo EMPATH_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto EMPATH_APPRAISE EMPATH_EQUIP_PAUSE: pause EMPATH_EQUIP: echo echo EMPATH_EQUIP: echo match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you match EMPATH_EQUIPS you get match EMPATH_EQUIP2 re already match EMPATH_EQUIP2 you sling match EMPATH_EQUIP2 you remove match EMPATH_EQUIP_PAUSE ...wait match EMPATH_EQUIP_PAUSE type ahead put remove my %2 put get my %2 matchwait EMPATH_EQUIPS: put swap waitfor you move EMPATH_EQUIP2_PAUSE: pause EMPATH_EQUIP2: echo echo EMPATH_EQUIP2: echo match EMP_BRAWL you draw match EMP_BRAWL re already holding match BEGIN_HANDS free hand match EMP_BRAWL free to matchre EMPATH_EQUIP3 /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match BEGIN_NOWEAP You can only wield a weapon or a shield! match EMPATH_EQUIP2_PAUSE ...wait match EMPATH_EQUIP2_PAUSE type ahead put wield right my %1 matchwait EMPATH_EQUIP3: echo echo EMPATH_EQUIP3: echo match EMPATH_EQUIP4 remove what? match EMP_BRAWL re already match EMP_BRAWL inventory match EMP_BRAWL you sling match EMP_BRAWL you remove put remove my %1 matchwait EMPATH_EQUIP4: echo echo EMPATH_EQUIP4: echo match EMPATH_BALDRIC2 baldric match EMP_BRAWL you get match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you put get my %1 matchwait EMPATH_BALDRIC2: echo echo EMPATH_BALDRIC2: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto EMP_BRAWL EMPATH_APPRAISE: echo echo EMPATH_APPRAISE: echo match EMP_BRAWL_PAUSE weapon. match EMPATH_SWAP hinderance match EMP_BRAWL_PAUSE roundtime put appraise my %1 matchwait EMPATH_APPRAISEL: echo echo EMPATH_APPRAISEL: echo match EMPATH_SWAP weapon. match EMP_BRAWL_PAUSE hinderance match EMP_BRAWL_PAUSE roundtime put appraise my %1 matchwait EMPATH_SWAP: echo echo EMPATH_SWAP: echo put swap waitfor you move EMP_BRAWL_PAUSE: pause EMP_BRAWL: goto %c BRAWL_EQUIPMENT: echo echo BRAWL_EQUIPMENT: echo pause IF_2 goto BRAWL_EQUIP IF_1 match BRAWL_APPRAISE you draw IF_1 match BRAWL_APPRAISE re already holding IF_1 match BEGIN_HANDS free hand IF_1 match BRAWL_APPRAISE free to IF_1 matchre BRAWL_E2 /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i IF_1 match BRAWL_E2 You can only wield a weapon or a shield! IF_1 put wield right my %1 IF_1 matchwait goto BRA_BRAWL BRAWL_E2: match BRAWL_E3 What were you match BRAWL_E3 Remove what? match BRAWL_APPRAISEL placing it match BRA_BRAWL already match BRA_BRAWL Inventory match BRA_BRAWL you remove match BRAWL_APPRAISE off from over your shoulder. put remove my %1 matchwait BRAWL_E3: echo echo BRAWL_E3: echo match BRAWL_BALDRIC baldric match BRAWL_APPRAISE you get match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you put get my %1 matchwait BRAWL_BALDRIC: echo echo BRAWL_BALDRIC: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto BRAWL_APPRAISE BRAWL_EQUIP_PAUSE: pause BRAWL_EQUIP: echo echo BRAWL_EQUIP: echo match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you match BRAWL_EQUIPS you get match BRAWL_EQUIP2 re already match BRAWL_EQUIP2 you sling match BRAWL_EQUIP2 you remove match BRAWL_EQUIPA_PAUSE ...wait match BRAWL_EQUIPA_PAUSE type ahead put remove my %2 put get my %2 matchwait BRAWL_EQUIPS: put swap waitfor you move BRAWL_EQUIP2_PAUSE: pause BRAWL_EQUIP2: echo echo BRAWL_EQUIP2: echo match BRA_BRAWL you draw match BRA_BRAWL re already holding match BEGIN_HANDS free hand match BRA_BRAWL free to matchre BRAWL_EQUIP3 /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match BEGIN_NOWEAP You can only wield a weapon or a shield! match BRAWL_EQUIP2_PAUSE ...wait match BRAWL_EQUIP2_PAUSE type ahead put wield right my %1 matchwait BRAWL_EQUIP3: echo echo BRAWL_EQUIP3: echo match BRAWL_EQUIP4 remove what? match BRA_BRAWL re already match BRA_BRAWL inventory match BRA_BRAWL you sling match BRA_BRAWL you remove put remove my %1 matchwait BRAWL_EQUIP4: echo echo BRAWL_EQUIP4: echo match BRAWL_BALDRIC2 baldric match BRA_BRAWL you get match BEGIN_NOWEAP What were you put get my %1 matchwait BRAWL_BALDRIC2: echo echo BRAWL_BALDRIC2: echo setvariable zHget ON setvariable zHgetA in my baldric goto BRA_BRAWL BRAWL_APPRAISE: echo echo BRAWL_APPRAISE: echo match BRA_BRAWL_PAUSE weapon. match BRAWL_SWAP2 hinderance match BRA_BRAWL_PAUSE roundtime put appraise my %1 matchwait BRAWL_APPRAISEL: echo echo BRAWL_APPRAISEL: echo setvariable zHbrawltype SHIELD match BRAWL_SWAP1 weapon. match BRA_BRAWL_PAUSE hinderance match BRA_BRAWL_PAUSE roundtime put appraise my %1 matchwait BRAWL_SWAP1: echo echo BRAWL_SWAP1: echo setvariable zHbrawltype WEAPON put swap waitfor you goto BRA_BRAWL BRAWL_SWAP2: echo echo BRAWL_SWAP2: echo setvariable zHbrawltype SHIELD put swap waitfor you BRA_BRAWL_PAUSE: pause BRA_BRAWL: echo echo BRA_BRAWL: echo goto %c AMBUSH_HIDE_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_HIDE: goto AMBUSH_HIDE_%zHmulti AMBUSH_HIDE_OFF: echo echo AMBUSH_HIDE_OFF: echo match AMBUSH_HIDE fail matchre AMBUSH_RETREAT1 /You are too close|notices|discovers/i matchre AMBUSH_ADV /You melt|You blend|Eh\?/i matchre AMBUSH_HIDE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match AMBUSH_HIDE_PAUSE type ahead put hide matchwait AMBUSH_HIDE_ON: echo echo AMBUSH_HIDE_ON: echo #Welsh match AMBUSH_HIDE fail #Welsh matchre AMBUSH_RETREAT1 /You are too close|notices|discovers/i #Welsh matchre AMBUSH_ADV /You melt|You blend|Eh\?/i #Welsh matchre AMBUSH_HIDE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Welsh match AMBUSH_HIDE_PAUSE type ahead #Welshput hide #Welsh matchwait match AMBUSH_HIDE fail matchre AMBUSH_RETREAT1 /You are too close|notices|discovers/i matchre AMBUSH_RETREAT /You melt|You blend|Eh\?/i matchre AMBUSH_HIDE_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match AMBUSH_HIDE_PAUSE type ahead put hide matchwait AMBUSH_RETREAT_1: counter subtract 10 goto AMBUSH_HIDE AMBUSH_RETREAT_2: counter add 20 goto AMBUSH_HIDE AMBUSH_RETREAT_3: counter add 30 goto AMBUSH_HIDE AMBUSH_RETREAT_4: counter add 40 goto AMBUSH_HIDE AMBUSH_RETREAT_5: counter add 50 goto AMBUSH_HIDE AMBUSH_RETREAT_6: counter add 60 goto AMBUSH_HIDE AMBUSH_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_RETREAT: echo echo AMBUSH_RETREAT: echo match AMBUSH_FAIL You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter matchre AMBUSH_ADV /You sneak|roundtime|already/i match AMBUSH_RETREAT2 You retreat match AMBUSH_RETREAT stop advancing match AMBUSH_RETREAT_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_RETREAT_PAUSE type ahead match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait AMBUSH_RETREAT1_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_RETREAT1: echo echo AMBUSH_RETREAT1: echo match AMBUSH_FAIL You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter match AMBUSH_ADV You sneak match AMBUSH_RETREAT11_PAUSE roundtime match AMBUSH_RETREAT2 already match AMBUSH_RETREAT2 You retreat match AMBUSH_RETREAT1 stop advancing match AMBUSH_RETREAT1_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_RETREAT1_PAUSE type ahead match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait AMBUSH_RETREAT11_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_RETREAT11: echo echo AMBUSH_RETREAT11: echo match AMBUSH_FAIL You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter match AMBUSH_FAIL roundtime match AMBUSH_RETREAT2 already match AMBUSH_RETREAT2 You retreat match AMBUSH_RETREAT2 You sneak back match AMBUSH_RETREAT11_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_RETREAT11_PAUSE type ahead match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait AMBUSH_FACE1: counter subtract 10 goto AMBUSH_FACE AMBUSH_FACE2: counter add 20 goto AMBUSH_FACE AMBUSH_FACE3: counter add 30 goto AMBUSH_FACE AMBUSH_FACE4: counter add 40 goto AMBUSH_FACE AMBUSH_FACE5: counter add 50 goto AMBUSH_FACE AMBUSH_FACE6: counter add 60 goto AMBUSH_FACE AMBUSH_FACE_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_FACE: match AMBUSH_FACE_PAUSE type ahead match AMBUSH_FACE_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_ASSESS_ADV nothing else to match AMBUSH_ADV you turn put face next matchwait AMBUSH_ASSESS_ADV: match AMBUSH_FACE You stop advancing match NOTHING advance towards? match AMBUSH_ADV begin match AMBUSH_FACE You have lost sight match AMBUSH_FAIL to melee range match AMBUSH_FAIL [You're match AMBUSH_FAIL already at melee put advance matchwait AMBUSH_NOTHING: pause 3 wait goto AMBUSH_FACE AMBUSH_RETREAT2_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_RETREAT2: echo echo AMBUSH_RETREAT2: echo matchre AMBUSH_FAIL /discovers|notices|fail|You are too close/i matchre AMBUSH_ADV /You melt|You blend|Eh\?/i matchre AMBUSH_RETREAT2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put hide matchwait AMBUSH_ADV1: counter subtract 10 goto AMBUSH_ADV AMBUSH_ADV2: counter add 20 goto AMBUSH_ADV AMBUSH_ADV3: counter add 30 goto AMBUSH_ADV AMBUSH_ADV4: counter add 40 goto AMBUSH_ADV AMBUSH_ADV5: counter add 50 goto AMBUSH_ADV AMBUSH_ADV6: counter add 60 goto AMBUSH_ADV AMBUSH_ADV7: counter add 70 goto AMBUSH_ADV AMBUSH_ADV_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_ADV: echo echo AMBUSH_ADV: echo match AMBUSH_HIDE discovers match AMBUSH_HIDE notices match AMBUSH_HIDE fail match AMBUSH_STALK melee match AMBUSH_NOTHING What do you want to advance towards? match AMBUSH_ADV_PAUSE you stop advancing match AMBUSH_ADV_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_ADV_PAUSE type ahead put advance matchwait AMBUSH_STALK_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_STALK: echo echo AMBUSH_STALK: echo match AMBUSH_FAIL discovers match AMBUSH_FAIL notices match AMBUSH_ADV nothing else match %c You move into position match %c already stalking match %c Don't be silly match AMBUSH_HIDE trying to stalk match AMBUSH_HIDE try being out of sight match AMBUSH_STALK2 You fail match AMBUSH_STALK_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_STALK_PAUSE type ahead put stalk matchwait AMBUSH_STALK2_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_STALK2: echo echo AMBUSH_STALK2: echo match AMBUSH_FAIL discovers match AMBUSH_FAIL notices match AMBUSH_ADV nothing else match %c You move into position match %c already stalking match %c Don't be silly match AMBUSH_HIDE trying to stalk match AMBUSH_HIDE try being out of sight match AMBUSH_STALK3 You fail match AMBUSH_STALK2_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_STALK2_PAUSE type ahead put stalk matchwait AMBUSH_STALK3_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_STALK3: echo echo AMBUSH_STALK3: echo match AMBUSH_FAIL discovers match AMBUSH_FAIL notices match AMBUSH_ADV nothing else match %c You move into position match %c already stalking match %c Don't be silly match AMBUSH_HIDE trying to stalk match AMBUSH_HIDE try being out of sight match AMBUSH_STALK4 You fail match AMBUSH_STALK3_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_STALK3_PAUSE type ahead put stalk matchwait AMBUSH_STALK4_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_STALK4: echo echo AMBUSH_STALK4: echo match AMBUSH_FAIL discovers match AMBUSH_FAIL notices match AMBUSH_ADV nothing else match %c You move into position match %c already stalking match %c Don't be silly match AMBUSH_HIDE trying to stalk match AMBUSH_HIDE try being out of sight match AMBUSH_STALK5 You fail match AMBUSH_STALK4_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_STALK4_PAUSE type ahead put stalk matchwait AMBUSH_STALK5: pause goto %c AMBUSH_STAND_PAUSE: pause AMBUSH_STAND: echo echo AMBUSH_STAND: echo match AMBUSH_STAND_PAUSE roundtime match AMBUSH_HIDE You stand back up. match AMBUSH_STAND_PAUSE ...wait match AMBUSH_STAND_PAUSE type ahead put stand matchwait AMBUSH_FAIL: echo echo AMBUSH_FAIL: echo counter subtract 1000 save %c counter add 1000 goto %s 1400: counter add 10 1410: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_1421: EXP_1420: AMB_COMBO_4_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_4_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1420: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_4_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_4_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 1430: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_4_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_4_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 1440: counter subtract 30 AMB_COMBO_4_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_4_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 1500: counter add 10 1510: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_1521: EXP_1520: AMB_COMBO_5_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put fat put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1520: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_5_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 1530: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_5_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_3: %zHcombo3 echo pause 2 matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 1540: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_5_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 1550: counter subtract 40 AMB_COMBO_5_5: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV4 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE4 nothing else matchre PAUSE4 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN4 You are still stunned. put fat put %zHcombo5 matchwait 1600: counter add 10 1610: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_1621: EXP_1620: AMB_COMBO_6_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put fat put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1620: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_6_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 1630: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_6_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 1640: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_6_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 1650: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_6_5: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 1660: counter subtract 50 AMB_COMBO_6_6: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV5 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE5 nothing else matchre PAUSE5 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN5 You are still stunned. put fat put %zHcombo6 matchwait 1700: counter add 10 1710: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_1721: EXP_1720: AMB_COMBO_7_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put fat put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1720: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 1730: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 1740: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 1750: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_5: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 1760: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_6: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 1770: counter subtract 60 AMB_COMBO_7_7: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_7: %zHcombo7 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/ you are somewhat tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV6 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE6 nothing else matchre PAUSE6 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN6 You are still stunned. put fat put %zHcombo7 matchwait 1800: counter add 10 1810: counter add 10 goto COMBO_EXP_%zHexpC EXP_1821: EXP_1820: AMB_COMBO_8_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired\You are somewhat tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1820: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 matchwait 1830: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 matchwait 1840: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 matchwait 1850: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_5: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 matchwait 1860: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_6: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 1870: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_7: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_7: %zHcombo7 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo7 matchwait 1880: counter subtract 70 AMB_COMBO_8_8: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_8: %zHcombo8 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV7 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE7 nothing else matchre PAUSE7 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN7 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo8 matchwait 1401: counter add 10 1411: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_4_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_4_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1421: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_4_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_4_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 head matchwait 1431: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_4_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_4_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 head matchwait 1441: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_4_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_4_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 head matchwait 1501: counter add 10 1511: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_5_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1521: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_5_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 head matchwait 1531: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_5_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 head matchwait 1541: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_5_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 head matchwait 1551: counter subtract 40 AMB_COMBO_5_5: echo echo AMB_COMBO_5_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV4 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE4 nothing else matchre PAUSE4 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN4 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 head matchwait 1601: counter add 10 1611: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_6_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1621: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_6_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 head matchwait 1631: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_6_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 head matchwait 1641: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_6_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 head matchwait 1651: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_6_5: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 head matchwait 1661: counter subtract 50 AMB_COMBO_6_6: echo echo AMB_COMBO_6_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV5 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE5 nothing else matchre PAUSE5 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN5 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 head matchwait 1701: counter add 10 1711: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1721: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 head matchwait 1731: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 head matchwait 1741: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 head matchwait 1751: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_5: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 head matchwait 1761: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_7_6: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 matchwait 1771: counter subtract 60 AMB_COMBO_7_7: echo echo AMB_COMBO_7_7: %zHcombo7 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV6 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE6 nothing else matchre PAUSE6 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN6 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo7 head matchwait 1801: counter add 10 1811: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_1: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_1: %zHcombo1 echo #Patricia matchre KHRI /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i #Patricia matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough #Patricia matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i #Patricia match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else #Patricia matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i #Patricia match STUN1 You are still stunned. #Patriciaput %zHcombo1 #Patricia matchwait matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo1 matchwait 1821: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_2: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_2: %zHcombo2 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo2 head matchwait 1831: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_3: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_3: %zHcombo3 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo3 head matchwait 1841: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_4: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_4: %zHcombo4 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo4 head matchwait 1851: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_5: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_5: %zHcombo5 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo5 head matchwait 1861: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_6: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_6: %zHcombo6 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo6 head matchwait 1871: counter add 10 AMB_COMBO_8_7: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_7: %zHcombo7 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV1 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE1 nothing else matchre PAUSE1 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN1 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo7 head matchwait 1881: counter subtract 70 AMB_COMBO_8_8: echo echo AMB_COMBO_8_8: %zHcombo8 echo matchre AMBUSH_HIDE /already in a position|But you are already dodging|You move into a position to| roundtime|pointlessly hack/i matchre FATIGUE /\[You're beat,|\[You're exhausted|\[You're bone-tired/i match AMBUSH_ADV7 aren't close enough matchre DEAD_MONSTER /balanced\]|balance\]|already dead|very dead/i match AMBUSH_FACE7 nothing else matchre PAUSE7 /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN7 You are still stunned. put %zHcombo8 head matchwait 2380: 2381: 2382: 2383: counter subtract 10 2370: 2371: 2372: 2373: counter subtract 10 2360: 2361: 2362: 2363: counter subtract 10 2350: 2351: 2352: 2353: counter subtract 10 2340: 2341: 2342: 2343: counter subtract 10 2330: 2331: 2332: 2333: counter subtract 10 2320: 2321: 2322: 2323: counter subtract 10 2310: 2311: 2312: 2313: counter subtract 10 2300: 2301: 2302: 2303: goto prep 2290: 2291: 2292: 2293: counter add 10 goto prep PREP_PAUSE: pause PREP: goto MAGIC_EXP_%zHexpC MAGIC_EXP_ON: goto MAGIC_MULTI_%zHmulti MAGIC_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC MAGIC_CHECK goto Multi_%zHmulti MAGIC_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait MULTI_EXP_MAGIC_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON MAGIC_EXP_OFF: echo echo PREP: echo # matchre TARGET /fully prepared|already preparing/i # match MAGIC_COMBAT have to strain # matchre PREP_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i # match STUN stunned ###disable or edit cambrinth put charge my arm 2 pause 3 put look put invoke arm pause 3 goto TARGET: TARGET_PAUSE: pause TARGET: echo echo TARGET: echo match FACE_TM not engaged matchre CAST_%zHm /Your formation|Your target pattern|don't need to target/i match PREP Your patterns dissipate matchre TARGET_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN stunned put target %zHspell %zHmana matchwait FACE_PAUSE: pause FACE_TM: echo echo FACE_TM: echo match TARGET you turn match FACE_ADV There is nothing match STUN stunned put face next matchwait FACE_ADV: match FACE_TM You stop advancing match FACE_TM2 advance towards? match FACE_TM You have lost sight matchre TARGET /to melee range|\[You're|already at melee|begin/i put ADV matchwait FACE_TM2: put rel spell goto NOTHING CAST_PM: echo echo CAST_PM: echo matchre MAGIC_DEATH_%zHexpB /You gesture|You reach|roundtime/i match MAGIC_DEATH_REL because your target is dead match STUN stunned match FACE_TM on yourself! match PREP You don't put cast matchwait CAST_TM: echo echo CAST_TM: echo matchre MAGIC_RETREAT /You gesture|You reach|roundtime/i match MAGIC_DEATH_REL because your target is dead match TARGET Your secondary spell pattern dissipates match FACE_TM on yourself! match STUN stunned match PREP You don't put cast matchwait MAGIC_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause MAGIC_RETREAT: echo echo MAGIC_RETREAT: echo goto MAGIC_DEATH_ON MAGIC_DEATH_REL: put rel spell wait goto DEAD_MONSTER MAGIC_DEATH_OFF_PAUSE: pause MAGIC_DEATH_OFF: matchre DEAD_MONSTER /which appears dead|\(dead\)/i matchre MAGIC_COMBAT2 /paths:|exits:|and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i match MAGIC_DEATH_OFF_PAUSE ...wait match MAGIC_DEATH_OFF_PAUSE type ahead match STUN stunned put look matchwait MAGIC_DEATH_ON_PAUSE: pause MAGIC_DEATH_ON: matchre DEAD_MONSTER /which appears dead|\(dead\)/i matchre PREP /paths:|exits:|and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i match MAGIC_DEATH_ON_PAUSE ...wait match MAGIC_DEATH_ON_PAUSE type ahead match STUN stunned put look matchwait MAGIC_COMBAT: put rel spell wait MAGIC_COMBAT2: matchre %zHmc /melee|pole|\[You're|on you/i match FACE to advance towards put adv matchwait 2480: 2481: 2482: 2483: counter subtract 10 2470: 2471: 2472: 2473: counter subtract 10 2460: 2461: 2462: 2463: counter subtract 10 2450: 2451: 2452: 2453: counter subtract 10 2440: 2441: 2442: 2443: counter subtract 10 2430: 2431: 2432: 2433: counter subtract 10 2420: 2421: 2422: 2423: counter subtract 10 2410: 2411: 2412: 2413: counter subtract 10 2400: 2401: 2402: 2403: goto SN_PREP 2390: 2391: 2392: 2393: counter add 10 goto SN_PREP SN_PREP_PAUSE: pause SN_PREP: goto SN_MAGIC_EXP_%zHexpC SN_MAGIC_EXP_ON: goto SN_MAGIC_MULTI_%zHmulti SN_MAGIC_MULTI_ON: setvariable zHexpC MAGIC_CHECK goto SN_SN_Multi_%zHmulti SN_MAGIC_MULTI_OFF: put skill wait SN_MULTI_EXP_MAGIC_CHECK: setvariable zHexpC ON SN_MAGIC_EXP_OFF: echo echo SN_PREP: echo # matchre SN_TARGET /fully prepared|already preparing/i # match SN_MAGIC_COMBAT have to strain # matchre SN_PREP_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i # match STUN stunned put prep %zHspell %zHmana SN_TARGET_PAUSE: pause SN_TARGET: echo echo SN_TARGET: echo match SN_FACE_TM not engaged matchre SN_MAGIC_RETREAT /You gesture|You reach|roundtime/i match SN_MAGIC_DEATH_REL because your target is dead match SN_FACE_TM on yourself! match STUN stunned match SN_PREP You don't put target put cast matchwait SN_FACE_PAUSE: pause SN_FACE_TM: echo echo SN_FACE_TM: echo match SN_TARGET you turn match FACE_ADV There is nothing match STUN stunned put face next matchwait SN_FACE_ADV: match SN_FACE_TM You stop advancing match SN_FACE_TM2 advance towards? match SN_FACE_TM You have lost sight matchre SN_TARGET /to melee range|\[You're|already at melee|begin/i put ADV matchwait SN_FACE_TM2: put rel spell goto NOTHING SN_CAST_PM: echo echo SN_CAST_PM: echo matchre SN_MAGIC_COMBAT2 /You gesture|You reach|roundtime/i match STUN stunned match SN_FACE_TM on yourself! match SN_PREP You don't put cast matchwait SN_CAST_TM: echo echo SN_CAST_TM: echo matchre SN_MAGIC_RETREAT /You gesture|You reach|roundtime/i match SN_MAGIC_DEATH_REL because your target is dead match SN_FACE_TM on yourself! match STUN stunned match SN_PREP You don't put cast matchwait SN_MAGIC_RETREAT_PAUSE: pause SN_MAGIC_RETREAT: echo echo SN_MAGIC_RETREAT: echo matchre SN_MAGIC_DEATH /You cannot back away from a chance to continue your slaughter|You retreat from combat|re already|You think|You sneak back/i match SN_MAGIC_DEATH_PAUSE roundtime matchre SN_MAGIC_RETREAT_PAUSE /stop advancing|\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match STUN stunned match FATIGUE_STAND You must stand first. put look matchwait SN_MAGIC_DEATH_REL: put rel spell wait goto DEAD_MONSTER SN_MAGIC_DEATH_PAUSE: pause SN_MAGIC_DEATH: matchre DEAD_MONSTER /which appears dead|\(dead\)/i matchre SN_PREP /paths:|exits:|and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i match SN_MAGIC_DEATH_PAUSE ...wait match SN_MAGIC_DEATH_PAUSE type ahead match STUN stunned put look matchwait SN_MAGIC_COMBAT: put rel spell wait SN_MAGIC_COMBAT2: matchre %zHmc /melee|pole|\[You're|on you/i match FACE to advance towards put adv matchwait DEAD_MONSTER: echo echo DEAD_MONSTER: echo echo goto EXPC_%zHexpC EXPC_ON: put skill wait EXPC_OFF: setvariable zHcounter %c counter set 0 counter set %zHkills counter add 1 setvariable zHkills %c counter set 0 counter set %zHkillsS counter add 1 setvariable zHkillsS %c counter set %zHcounter goto %zHmonster Monsterlist: %EZmonster: %zHmonster: #33/32 MONSTER1: MONSTER_GROUP_1: echo echo MONSTER1: echo setvariable zHmonster MONSTER1B matchre TROLL_2 /wood troll (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GOBLIN /goblin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HOG /musk hog (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MADMAN /crazed madman (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DEER /red brocket deer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GRENDEL /grendel (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre COUGAR /cougar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RAM /ram (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DRYAD / dryad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre NYAD / nyad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOGGLE /boggle (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BEAR /frostweyr bear (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre KOBOLD /kobold (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre JACKAL /jackal (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TROLL /troll (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre EEL /grass eel (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SHAMAN /goblin shaman (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOAR /boar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre KELPIE /kelpie (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CREEPER /creeper (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre VINES /morah vine (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MARAUDER /gypsy marauder (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre OGRE /ogre (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BEAR /black bear (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WOLF /blood wolf (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOBCAT /bobcat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ARBELOG /arbelog (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RAT /rat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIDER /spider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOOBRIE /boobrie (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MOTH /moth (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LARVA /larva (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WASP /wasp (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER2 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait # 32/32 MONSTER2: MONSTER_GROUP_2: echo echo MONSTER2: echo setvariable zHmonster MONSTER2B matchre MAULER /warklin mauler (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SILVERFISH /silverfish (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WARKLIN /armored warklin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BEISWURM /beisswurm (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BEAR /cave bear (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PARD /golden pard (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BISON /bison (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ANTELOPE /antelope (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ARZUMOS /clouded arzumos (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PRIESTESS /dragon priestess (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PECCARY /small peccary (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SERPENT /serpent (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FIRECAT /firecat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MAIDEN /maiden (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WESTANURYN /mottled westanuryn (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ATI'ETS /sealed ati'ets (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MIHMANAN /olensari mihmanan (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre STALKER /faenrae stalker (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CUTTHROAT /cutthroat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FOOTPAD /footpad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RUFFIAN /ruffian (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre THUG /thug (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre VIPER /viper (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LEUCRO /leucro (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre REAVER /faenrae reaver (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HOUND_2 /wind hound (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BADGER /badger (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TROLLKIN /trollkin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre POTHANIT /croff pothanit (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GHOUL /ghoul (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre INKHORNE /inkhorne (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER3 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait # 32/32 MONSTER3: MONSTER_GROUP_3: echo echo MONSTER3: echo setvariable zHmonster MONSTER3B matchre GARGOYLE /gargoyle (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SNOWBEAST /snowbeast (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIRIT /death spirit (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SKUNK /skunk (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SHADOWEAVER /shadoweaver (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FROSTWEAVER /frostweaver (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FIEND /dark fiend (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIRIT /dark spirit (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PIRATE /pirate (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GOBLIN /snow goblin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GRUB /corpse grub (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DEER /red brocket deer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BURROWER /burrower (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPRITE /water sprite (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LIPOPOD /glutinous lipopod (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SKELETON /skeleton (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PSUEDOPOD /slimy psuedopod (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ZOMBIE /zombie (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WOLF /bone wolf (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WORM /grave worm (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre VULTURE /sun vulture (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre KRA'HEI /kra'hei (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PECCARY /peccary (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TROLL_2 /swamp troll (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FENDRYAD /fendryad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ELSRAEL /sinuous elsrael (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SLUAGH /lesser sluagh (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DYRACHIS /spiny dyrachis (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CROCODILE /crocodile (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SQUIRREL /squirrel (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ATIKET /atik'et (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER4 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait #33/32 MONSTER4: MONSTER_GROUP_4: echo echo MONSTER4: echo setvariable zHmonster MONSTER4B matchre FROG /frog (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MODA /moda (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HATCHLING /hatchling (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ANGISWAERD /marbled angiswaerd (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIDER /sand spider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DEER /red brocket deer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre NOMAD /zombie nomad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CRAB /salt crab (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPRITE /sand sprite (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LA'HEKE /ochre la'heke (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MORURYN /dobek moruryn (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre UNYN /unyn (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre OSHU /oshu (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HHRKI'IZH /ur hhrki'izh (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DOLOMAR /retan dolomar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre POLOH'IZH /grey poloh'izh (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOA /river boa (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HELE'LAS /sleek hele'las (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CELPEZE /asaren celpeze (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CARACAL /caracal (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LUN'SHELE /lun'shele (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RAIDER /raider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CLANCHIEF /raider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre REIVER /reiver (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WARCAT /warcat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CAIMAIN /caimain (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SCOUT /scout (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BANDIT /bandit (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BARGHEST /barghest (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HEADHUNTER /headhunter (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SAVAGE /savage (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LACH /lach (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER5 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait # 31/32 MONSTER5: MONSTER_GROUP_5: echo echo MONSTER5: echo setvariable zHmonster MONSTER5B matchre CROW /crow (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SCREAMER /s'lai screamer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DINEGO /wir dinego (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GUARDIAN /a pile of rubble/i matchre GENI /forest geni (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SOUL /tortured soul (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HAFWA /snaer hafwa (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FIEND /crypt fiend (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPRITE_2 /fire sprite (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MEY /moss mey (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GERMISH'DIN /germish'din (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre KARTAIS /kartais (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LA'TAMI /yvhh la'tami (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIDER /blade spider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MALCHATA /malchata (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FANATIC /priest fanatic (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MAGE /adan'f shadow mage (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WARRIOR /adan'f blood warrior (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DANCER /adan'f spirit dancer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CRAB /crab (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HOUND /shadow hound (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SLUAGH /greater sluagh (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SEORDMAER /scaly seordmaer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre STEED /steed (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SWAIN /swain (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MORADU /moradu (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GIDII /gidii (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GREMLIN /gremlin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RAVEN /raven (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER6 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait # 27/32 MONSTER6: MONSTER_GROUP_6: echo echo MONSTER6: echo setvariable zHmonster MONSTER6B matchre TROLL /cave troll (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BULL /storm bull (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre NYAD /deadwood nyad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DRYAD /deadwood dryad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GARGOYLE /marble gargoyle (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre OGRE /blight ogre (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BAT /blight bat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TOMMYKNOCKER /tommyknocker (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SLIME /slime (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GOBLIN /black goblin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GRYPHON /gryphon (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FIEND /retch fiend (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOAR /boar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SHALSWAR /shalswar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ZEALOT /zealot (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BLOODVINE /bloodvine (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LOUT /lout (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CONSCRIPT /conscript (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TRESS /tress (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i #LARVA also in 1, grouped with Crag + Tendril matchre LARVA /larva (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CRAG /crag (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TENDRIL /tendril (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BEAST /beast (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BASILISK /basilisk (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MERROW /merrow (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER_FAIL /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait MONSTER1B: echo echo MONSTER1B: echo matchre TROLL_2 /wood troll (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GOBLIN /goblin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HOG /musk hog (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MADMAN /crazed madman (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GRENDEL /grendel (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre COUGAR /cougar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RAM /ram (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DRYAD / dryad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre NYAD / nyad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOGGLE /boggle (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre KOBOLD /kobold (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre JACKAL /jackal (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TROLL /troll (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre EEL /grass eel (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SHAMAN /goblin shaman (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOAR /boar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre KELPIE /kelpie (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CREEPER /creeper (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre VINES /morah vine (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MARAUDER /gypsy marauder (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre OGRE /ogre (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BEAR /black bear (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WOLF /blood wolf (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOBCAT /bobcat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ARBELOG /arbelog (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RAT /rat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIDER /wolf spider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOOBRIE /boobrie (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MOTH /moth (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LARVA /larva (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WASP /wasp (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER2 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait # 32/32 MONSTER2B: echo echo MONSTER2B: echo matchre MAULER /warklin mauler (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SILVERFISH /silverfish (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WARKLIN /armored warklin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BEISWURM /beisswurm (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BEAR /cave bear (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PARD /golden pard (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BISON /bison (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ANTELOPE /antelope (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ARZUMOS /clouded arzumos (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PRIESTESS /dragon priestess (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PECCARY /small peccary (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SERPENT /serpent (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FIRECAT /firecat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MAIDEN /maiden (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WESTANURYN /mottled westanuryn (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ATI'ETS /sealed ati'ets (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MIHMANAN /olensari mihmanan (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre STALKER /faenrae stalker (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CUTTHROAT /cutthroat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FOOTPAD /footpad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RUFFIAN /ruffian (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre THUG /thug (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre VIPER /viper (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LEUCRO /leucro (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre REAVER /faenrae reaver (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HOUND_2 /wind hound (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BADGER /badger (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TROLLKIN /trollkin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre POTHANIT /croff pothanit (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GHOUL /ghoul (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre INKHORNE /inkhorne (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER1 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait MONSTER3B: echo echo MONSTER3B: echo matchre GARGOYLE /gargoyle (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SNOWBEAST /snowbeast (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIRIT /death spirit (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SKUNK /skunk (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SHADOWEAVER /shadoweaver (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FROSTWEAVER /frostweaver (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FIEND /dark fiend (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIRIT /dark spirit (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PIRATE /pirate (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GOBLIN /snow goblin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GRUB /corpse grub (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BURROWER /burrower (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPRITE /water sprite (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LIPOPOD /glutinous lipopod (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SKELETON /skeleton (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PSUEDOPOD /slimy psuedopod (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ZOMBIE /zombie (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WOLF /bone wolf (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WORM /grave worm (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre VULTURE /sun vulture (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre KRA'HEI /kra'hei (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre PECCARY /peccary (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TROLL_2 /swamp troll (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FENDRYAD /fendryad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ELSRAEL /sinuous elsrael (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SLUAGH /lesser sluagh (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DYRACHIS /spiny dyrachis (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CROCODILE /crocodile (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SQUIRREL /squirrel (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ATIKET /atik'et (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER1 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait MONSTER4B: echo echo MONSTER4B: echo matchre FROG /frog (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MODA /moda (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HATCHLING /hatchling (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ANGISWAERD /marbled angiswaerd (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIDER /sand spider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre NOMAD /zombie nomad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DEER /red brocket deer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CRAB /salt crab (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPRITE /sand sprite (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LA'HEKE /ochre la'heke (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MORURYN /dobek moruryn (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre UNYN /unyn (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre OSHU /oshu (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HHRKI'IZH /ur hhrki'izh (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DOLOMAR /retan dolomar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre POLOH'IZH /grey poloh'izh (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOA /river boa (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HELE'LAS /sleek hele'las (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CELPEZE /asaren celpeze (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CARACAL /caracal (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LUN'SHELE /lun'shele (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RAIDER /raider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CLANCHIEF /raider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre REIVER /reiver (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WARCAT /warcat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CAIMAIN /caimain (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SCOUT /scout (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BANDIT /bandit (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BARGHEST /barghest (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HEADHUNTER /headhunter (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SAVAGE /savage (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LACH /lach (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER1 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait MONSTER5B: echo echo MONSTER5B: echo matchre CROW /crow (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SCREAMER /s'lai screamer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DINEGO /wir dinego (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GUARDIAN /a pile of rubble/i matchre GENI /forest geni (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SOUL /tortured soul (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HAFWA /snaer hafwa (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FIEND /crypt fiend (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPRITE_2 /fire sprite (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MEY /moss mey (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GERMISH'DIN /germish'din (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre KARTAIS /kartais (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LA'TAMI /yvhh la'tami (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SPIDER /blade spider (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MALCHATA /malchata (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FANATIC /priest fanatic (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MAGE /adan'f shadow mage (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre WARRIOR /adan'f blood warrior (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DANCER /adan'f spirit dancer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CRAB /crab (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre HOUND /shadow hound (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SLUAGH /greater sluagh (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SEORDMAER /scaly seordmaer (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre STEED /steed (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SWAIN /swain (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MORADU /moradu (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GIDII /gidii (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GREMLIN /gremlin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre RAVEN /raven (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER6B /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait MONSTER6B: echo echo MONSTER6B: echo matchre TROLL /cave troll (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BULL /storm bull (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre NYAD /deadwood nyad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre DRYAD /deadwood dryad (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GARGOYLE /marble gargoyle (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre OGRE /blight ogre (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BAT /blight bat (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TOMMYKNOCKER /tommyknocker (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SLIME /slime (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GOBLIN /black goblin (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre GRYPHON /gryphon (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre FIEND /retch fiend (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BOAR /boar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre SHALSWAR /shalswar (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre ZEALOT /zealot (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BLOODVINE /bloodvine (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre LOUT /lout (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CONSCRIPT /conscript (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TRESS /tress (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i #LARVA also in 1, grouped with Crag + Tendril matchre LARVA /larva (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre CRAG /crag (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre TENDRIL /tendril (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BEAST /beast (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre BASILISK /basilisk (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MERROW /merrow (which appears dead|\(dead\))/i matchre MONSTER1 /paths:|exits:/i matchre SKIN_VARI_CHECK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look matchwait MONSTER_FAIL: setvariable zHmonster MONSTER1 echo echo MONSTER_FAIL: echo echo echo ************************************ echo ** Could not find a dead monster. ** echo ************************************ echo goto NO_LOOT RAVEN: echo echo RAVEN: echo setvariable zHkill raven goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MERROW: echo echo MERROW: echo setvariable zHkill merrow goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK LACH: echo echo LACH: echo setvariable zHkill lach goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SAVAGE: echo echo SAVAGE: echo setvariable zHkill savage goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK HEADHUNTER: echo echo HEADHUNTER: echo setvariable zHkill headhunter goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK ATIKET: echo echo ATIKET: echo setvariable zHkill atik'et goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SQUIRREL: echo echo SQUIRREL: echo setvariable zHkill squirrel goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK TROLL_2: echo echo TROLL_2: echo setvariable zHkill troll goto SEARCH TROLL: echo echo TROLL: echo setvariable zHkill troll goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK RAT: echo echo RAT: echo setvariable zHkill rat goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SILVERFISH: echo echo SILVERFISH: echo setvariable zHkill silverfish goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK GOBLIN: echo echo GOBLIN: echo setvariable zHkill goblin goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK HOG: echo echo HOG: echo setvariable zHkill hog goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MADMAN: echo echo MADMAN: echo setvariable zHkill madman goto SEARCH GRENDEL: echo echo GRENDEL: echo setvariable zHkill grendel goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK COUGAR: echo echo COUGAR: echo setvariable zHkill cougar goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK RAM: echo echo RAM: echo setvariable zHkill ram goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK DRYAD: echo echo DRYAD: echo setvariable zHkill dryad goto SEARCH NYAD: echo echo NYAD: echo setvariable zHkill nyad goto SEARCH BOGGLE: echo echo BOGGLE: echo setvariable zHkill boggle goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BEAR: echo BEAR: echo setvariable zHkill bear goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK KOBOLD: echo echo KOBOLD: echo setvariable zHkill kobold goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK JACKAL: echo echo JACKAL: echo setvariable zHkill jackal goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK EEL: echo echo EEL: echo setvariable zHkill eel goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SHAMAN: echo echo SHAMAN: echo setvariable zHkill shaman goto SEARCH BOAR: echo echo BOAR: echo setvariable zHkill boar goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK KELPIE: echo echo KELPIE: echo setvariable zHkill kelpie goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK CREEPER: echo echo CREEPER: echo setvariable zHkill creeper goto SEARCH VINES: echo echo VINES: echo setvariable zHkill vine goto SEARCH MARAUDER: echo echo MARAUDER: echo setvariable zHkill marauder goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK OGRE: echo echo OGRE: echo setvariable zHkill ogre goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BEAR: echo echo BEAR: echo setvariable zHkill bear goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BOBCAT: echo echo BOBCAT: echo setvariable zHkill bobcat goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MAULER: echo echo MAULER: echo setvariable zHkill mauler goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK INKHORNE: echo echo INKHORNE: echo setvariable zHkill inkhorne goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK WARKLIN: echo echo WARKLIN: echo setvariable zHkill warklin goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BEISWURM: echo echo BEISWURM: echo setvariable zHkill beisswurm goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK PARD: echo echo PARD: echo setvariable zHkill pard goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BISON: echo echo BISON: echo setvariable zHkill bison goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK ANTELOPE: echo echo ANTELOPE: echo setvariable zHkill antelope goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK ARZUMOS: echo echo ARZUMOS: echo setvariable zHkill arzumos goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK PRIESTESS: echo echo PRIESTESS: echo setvariable zHkill priestess goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK PECCARY: echo echo PECCARY: echo setvariable zHkill peccary goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK serpent: echo echo SERPENT: echo setvariable zHkill serpent goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK VIPER: echo echo VIPER: echo setvariable zHkill viper goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK FIRECAT: echo echo FIRECAT: echo setvariable zHkill firecat goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MAIDEN: echo echo MAIDEN: echo setvariable zHkill maiden goto SEARCH WESTANURYN: echo echo WESTANURYN: echo setvariable zHkill westanuryn goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK ATI'ETS: echo echo ATI'ETS: echo setvariable zHkill ati'ets goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MIHMANAN: echo echo MIHMANAN: echo setvariable zHkill mihmanan goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK STALKER: echo echo STALKER: echo setvariable zHkill stalker goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK CUTTHROAT: echo echo CUTTHROAT: echo setvariable zHkill cutthroat goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK FOOTPAD: echo echo FOOTPAD: echo setvariable zHkill footpad goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK RUFFIAN: echo echo RUFFIAN: echo setvariable zHkill ruffian goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK THUG: echo echo THUG: echo setvariable zHkill thug goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK LEUCRO: echo echo LEUCRO: echo setvariable zHkill leucro goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK REAVER: echo echo REAVER: echo setvariable zHkill reaver goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK HOUND_2: echo echo HOUND_2: echo setvariable zHkill hound goto SEARCH SPRITE_2: echo echo SPRITE_2: echo setvariable zHkill sprite goto SEARCH HOUND: echo echo HOUND: echo setvariable zHkill hound goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BADGER: echo echo BADGER: echo setvariable zHkill badger goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK TROLLKIN: echo echo TROLLKIN: echo setvariable zHkill trollkin goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK POTHANIT: echo echo POTHANIT: echo setvariable zHkill pothanit goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK GHOUL: echo echo GHOUL: echo setvariable zHkill ghoul goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK GARGOYLE: echo echo GARGOYLE: echo setvariable zHkill gargoyle goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SNOWBEAST: echo echo SNOWBEAST: echo setvariable zHkill snowbeast goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SPIRIT: echo echo SPIRIT: echo setvariable zHkill spirit goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SKUNK: echo echo SKUNK: echo setvariable zHkill skunk goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SHADOWEAVER: echo echo SHADOWEAVER: echo setvariable zHkill shadoweaver goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK FROSTWEAVER: echo echo FROSTWEAVER: echo setvariable zHkill frostweaver goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK PIRATE: echo echo PIRATE: echo setvariable zHkill pirate goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK GRUB: echo echo GRUB: echo setvariable zHkill grub goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BURROWER: echo echo BURROWER: echo setvariable zHkill burrower goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SPRITE: echo echo SPRITE: echo setvariable zHkill sprite goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK LIPOPOD: echo echo LIPOPOD: echo setvariable zHkill lipopod goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SKELETON: echo echo SKELETON: echo setvariable zHkill skeleton goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK PSUEDOPOD: echo echo PSUEDOPOD: echo setvariable zHkill psuedopod goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK ZOMBIE: echo echo ZOMBIE: echo setvariable zHkill zombie goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK DEER: echo echo DEER: echo setvariable zHkill deer goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK WOLF: echo echo WOLF: echo setvariable zHkill wolf goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK WORM: echo echo WORM: echo setvariable zHkill worm goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK VULTURE: echo echo VULTURE: echo setvariable zHkill vulture goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK KRA'HEI: echo echo KRA'HEI: echo setvariable zHkill kra'hei goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK FENDRYAD: echo echo FENDRYAD: echo setvariable zHkill fendryad goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK ELSRAEL: echo echo ELSRAEL: echo setvariable zHkill elsrael goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK DYRACHIS: echo echo DYRACHIS: echo setvariable zHkill dyrachis goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BOOBRIE: echo echo BOORIE: echo setvariable zHkill boobrie goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MOTH: echo echo MOTH: echo setvariable zHkill moth goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK WASP: echo echo WASP: echo setvariable zHkill wasp goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK LARVA: echo echo LARVA: echo setvariable zHkill larva goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK CROCODILE: echo echo CROCODILE: echo setvariable zHkill crocodile goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MODA: echo echo MODA: echo setvariable zHkill moda goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK HATCHLING: echo echo HATCHLING: echo setvariable zHkill hatchling goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK ANGISWAERD: echo echo ANGISWAERD: echo setvariable zHkill angiswaerd goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SPIDER: echo echo SPIDER: echo setvariable zHkill spider goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK NOMAD: echo echo NOMAND: echo setvariable zHkill nomad goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK CRAB: echo echo CRAB: echo setvariable zHkill crab goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK LA'HEKE: echo echo LA'HEKE: echo setvariable zHkill la'heke goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MORURYN: echo echo MORURYN: echo setvariable zHkill moruryn goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK FROG: echo echo FROG: echo setvariable zHkill frog goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK UNYN: echo echo UNYN: echo setvariable zHkill unyn goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK OSHU: echo echo OSHU: echo setvariable zHkill oshu goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK HHRKI'IZH: echo echo HHRKI'IZH: echo setvariable zHkill hhrki'izh goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK DOLOMAR: echo echo DOLOMAR: echo setvariable zHkill dolomar goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK POLOH'IZH: echo echo POLOH'IZH: echo setvariable zHkill poloh'izh goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BOA: echo echo BOA: echo setvariable zHkill boa goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK HELE'LAS: echo echo HELE'LAS: echo setvariable zHkill hele'las goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK CELPEZE: echo echo CELEPEZE: echo setvariable zHkill celpeze goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK CARACAL: echo echo CARACAL: echo setvariable zHkill caracal goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK LUN'SHELE: echo echo LUN'SHELE: echo setvariable zHkill lun'shele goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK RAIDER: echo echo RAIDER: echo setvariable zHkill raider goto SEARCH CLANCHIEF: echo echo CLANCHIEF: echo setvariable zHkill raider goto SEARCH REIVER: echo echo REIVER: echo setvariable zHkill reiver goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK WARCAT: echo echo WARCAT: echo setvariable zHkill warcat goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK CAIMAIN: echo echo CAIMAIN: echo setvariable zHkill caimain goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SCOUT: echo echo SCOUT: echo setvariable zHkill scout goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BANDIT: echo echo BANDIT: echo setvariable zHkill bandit goto SEARCH BARGHEST: echo echo BARGHEST: echo setvariable zHkill barghest goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK CROW: echo echo CROW: echo setvariable zHkill crow goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SCREAMER: echo echo SCREAMER: echo setvariable zHkill screamer goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK DINEGO: echo echo DINEG0: echo setvariable zHkill dinego goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK GUARDIAN_PAUSE: pause GUARDIAN: echo echo GUARDIAN: echo setvariable zHkill guardian match NO_LOOT could not match NO_LOOT What were you match SEARCH_NEXT not dead match SEARCH_NEXT It's still alive match NO_LOOT picked clean match NO_LOOT It carried nothing of interest. match LOOT_LOOK You search match LOOT_LOOK roundtime match GUARDIAN_PAUSE ...wait match GUARDIAN_PAUSE type ahead match GUARDIAN_PAUSE roundtime put loot rubble %zHsearch matchwait GENI: echo echo GENI: echo setvariable zHkill geni goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SOUL: echo echo SOUL: echo setvariable zHkill soul goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK HAFWA: echo echo HAFWA: echo setvariable zHkill hafwa goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK FIEND: echo echo FIEND: echo setvariable zHkill fiend goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MEY: echo echo MEY: echo setvariable zHkill mey goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK GERMISH'DIN: echo echo GERMISH'DIN: echo setvariable zHkill germish'din goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK KARTAIS: echo echo KARTAIS: echo setvariable zHkill kartais goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK LA'TAMI: echo echo LA'TAMI: echo setvariable zHkill la'tami goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MALCHATA: echo echo MALCHATA: echo setvariable zHkill malchata goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK FANATIC: echo echo FANATIC: echo setvariable zHkill fanatic goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MAGE: echo echo MAGE: echo setvariable zHkill mage goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK WARRIOR: echo echo WARRIOR: echo setvariable zHkill warrior goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK DANCER: echo echo DANCER: echo setvariable zHkill dancer goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK ARBELOG: echo echo ARBELOG: echo setvariable zHkill arbelog goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SLUAGH: echo echo SLUAGH: echo setvariable zHkill sluagh goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK STEED: echo echo STEED: echo setvariable zHkill steed goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SWAIN: echo echo SWAIN: echo setvariable zHkill swain goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK MORADU: echo echo MORADU: echo setvariable zHkill moradu goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK GIDII: echo echo GIDII: echo setvariable zHkill gidii goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK GREMLIN: echo echo GREMLIN: echo setvariable zHkill gremlin goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SEORDMAER: echo echo SEORDMAER: echo setvariable zHkill seordmaer goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BULL: echo echo BULL: echo setvariable zHkill bull goto SEARCH TOMMYKNOCKER: echo echo TOMMYKNOCKER: echo setvariable zHkill tommyknocker goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SLIME: echo echo SLIME: echo setvariable zHkill slime goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BAT: echo echo BAT: echo setvariable zHkill bat goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SHALSWAR: echo echo SHALSWAR: echo setvariable zHkill shalswar goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK ZEALOT: echo echo ZEALOT: echo setvariable zHkill zealot goto SEARCH GRYPHON: echo echo GRYPHON: echo setvariable zHkill gryphon goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BLOODVINE: echo echo BLOODVINE: echo setvariable zHkill bloodvine goto SEARCH LOUT: echo echo LOUT: echo setvariable zHkill lout goto SEARCH CONSCRIPT: echo echo CONSCRIPT: echo setvariable zHkill conscript goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK TRESS: echo echo TRESS: echo setvariable zHkill tress goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK CRAG: echo echo CRAG: echo setvariable zHkill crag goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK TENDRIL: echo echo TENDRIL: echo setvariable zHkill tendril goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BEAST: echo echo BEAST: echo setvariable zHkill beast goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK BASILISK: echo echo BASILISK: echo setvariable zHkill basilisk goto SKIN_VARI_CHECK SKIN_VARI_CHECK: echo echo SKIN_VARI_CHECK: echo goto %zHskin SKIN1_PAUSE: pause SKIN1: echo echo SKIN1: echo goto %zHarrange ARR_YES: match %zHretreat you can't match SKIN1B already been skinned match SKIN1B You might want to kill it first match SKIN1B Try killing match SKIN1__PAUSE roundtime match %zHretreat You don't have enough experience match %zHretreat Ranger match SKIN1_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN1_PAUSE type ahead match %zHretreat That has match %zHretreat That creature match ARR_YES You begin match ARR_YES You continue match ARR_YES You complete put arrange %zHkill for skin matchwait SKIN1B_PAUSE: pause SKIN1B: echo echo SKIN1B: echo match %zHretreat try killing match SKIN_FAIL already been skinned match SKIN_FAIL cannot be skinned match SKIN1__PAUSE roundtime match %zHretreat You don't have enough experience match %zHretreat Ranger match SKIN1B_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN1B_PAUSE type ahead match SEARCH You can't do that. match %zHretreat That creature match ARR_YES You begin match ARR_YES You continue match ARR_YES You complete put arrange other %zHkill for skin matchwait SKIN1__PAUSE: pause ARR_NO: goto %zHretreat SKIN_RETREAT: put look SKIN1_: pause IF_2 goto SKIN_STOW2 IF_1 goto SKIN_STOW goto SKIN_GO1 SKIN_STOW2_PAUSE: pause SKIN_STOW2: echo echo SKIN_STOW2: echo matchre SKIN_STOW /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i match SKIN_STOW2A can't wear match SKIN_STOW2_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_STOW2_PAUSE type ahead put wear %2 matchwait SKIN_STOW2A: echo echo SKIN_STOW2A: echo match SKIN_STOW_DROP2 too match SKIN_STOW you put match SKIN_STOW_DROP2 What were you put stow %2 matchwait SKIN_STOW_DROP2: echo echo SKIN_STOW_DROP2: echo put drop my %2 SKIN_STOW_PAUSE: pause SKIN_STOW: echo echo SKIN_STOW: echo goto SKIN_GO_PAUSE #SKIN_STOW: # echo # echo SKIN_STOW: # echo #goto SKINTYPE_%zHtype #science - just a comment SKINTYPE_GAUNT: put drop my claw goto SKIN_GO SKINTYPE_BRAWL: goto SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_%zHbrawltype SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD_PAUSE: pause SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD: match SKIN_STOWA you get match SKIN_STOWA you draw match SKIN_STOWA already holding match SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD_PAUSE type ahead matchre NO_KNIFE /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i put wield right my knife matchwait SKIN_TYPE_PAUSE: pause SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_WEAPON: SKINTYPE_0: match SKIN_SWAP1 you get match SKIN_SWAP1 you draw match SKIN_SWAP1 already holding match SKIN_TYPE_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_TYPE_PAUSE type ahead match matchre NO_KNIFE /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i put wield left my knife matchwait SKIN_OFF_PAUSE: pause SKINTYPE_OFFHAND: match SKIN_STOWA you get match SKIN_STOWA you draw match SKIN_STOWA already holding match SKIN_OFF_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_OFF_PAUSE type ahead match SKINTYPE_0 You need to have your right hand free to draw your matchre NO_KNIFE /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i put wield right my knife matchwait SKIN_SWAP1_PAUSE: pause SKIN_SWAP1: echo echo SKIN_SWAP1: echo put swap matchre SKIN_STOWA /appropriate sheath|where\?|isn't any more|you can only|too heavy/i match SKIN_UNLOAD You should unload matchre SKIN_GO /You Sheath|you slide|you place|you slip|sheathe what\?|you hang|you secure/i matchre SKIN_SWAP1_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i put sheath left matchwait SKIN_UNLOAD_PAUSE: pause SKIN_UNLOAD: put sheath match SKIN_UNLOAD_STOW roundtime match SKIN_UNLOAD_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_UNLOAD_PAUSE type ahead match SKINTYPE_0 isn't loaded put unload matchwait SKIN_UNLOAD_STOW_PAUSE: pause SKIN_UNLOAD_STOW: match SKIN_UNLOAD_STOW_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_UNLOAD_STOW_PAUSE type ahead matchre SKINTYPE_0 /you put|stow what/i put stow right matchwait SKIN_STOWA: echo echo SKIN_STOWA: echo match SKIN_STOW_DROP unload match SKIN_STOWB can't wear matchre SKIN_GO /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i put wear %1 matchwait SKIN_STOWB: echo echo SKIN_STOWB: echo goto SKIN_STOWB_%zHget SKIN_STOWB_ON: match SKIN_UNLOAD You should unload match SKIN_STOW_DROP too match SKIN_GO you put put put my %1 %zhGetA matchwait SKIN_STOWB_OFF: match SKIN_UNLOAD You should unload match SKIN_STOW_DROP too match SKIN_GO you put put stow %1 matchwait SKIN_STOW_DROP: echo echo SKIN_STOW_DROP: echo put drop my %1 goto SKIN_GO SKIN_GO1_PAUSE: pause SKIN_GO1: match SKIN_GO2 you get match SKIN_GO2 you draw match SKIN_GO2 already holding match SKIN_GO1_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_GO1_PAUSE type ahead matchre NO_KNIFE /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i put wield left my knife matchwait SKIN_GO2_PAUSE: pause SKIN_GO2: match SKIN_GO you swap match SKIN_GO you move match SKIN_GO2_PAUSE type ahead match SKIN_GO2_PAUSE ...wait put swap matchwait SKIN_GO_PAUSE: pause SKIN_GO: echo echo SKIN_GO: echo match SKIN_FAIL can't be skinned match SKIN_FAIL flay match NO_SKIN skin what? match SKIN_GO_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_GO_PAUSE type ahead match SKINNED . put skin matchwait NO_KNIFE_PAUSE: pause NO_KNIFE: echo echo NO_KNIFE: echo match SEARCH can't be skinned match SEARCH flay match SEARCH skin what? match NO_KNIFE_PAUSE ...wait match NO_KNIFE_PAUSE type ahead match NO_KNIFE_SKINNED . put skin matchwait NO_KNIFE_SKINNED_PAUSE: pause NO_KNIFE_SKINNED: echo echo NO_KNIFE_SKINNED: echo match SEARCH nothing in your left hand match NO_KNIFE_SKINNED_PAUSE ..wait # match DROP_BUN2 a lumpy bundle in your left hand match NO_KNIFE_%zHskinexp left hand put glance matchwait DROP_BUN2: #put drop my bundle wait goto NO_KNIFE_SKIN NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW_PAUSE: pause NO_KNIFE_BUN: NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW: echo echo NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW: echo match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWA appropriate sheath match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWA sheathe what? match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWA where? match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWA isn't any more matchre BUN /You Sheath|you slide|you place|you slip|you hang|you secure/i match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWA you can only match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWA too heavy match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW_PAUSE ...wait match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW_PAUSE type ahead put sheath matchwait NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWA: echo echo NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWA: echo match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW_DROP unload match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWB can't wear matchre BUN /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i put wear %1 matchwait NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWB: echo echo NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWB: echo goto NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWB_%zHGET NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWB_ON: match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW_DROP too match BUN you put put put my %1 %zhGetA matchwait NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOWB_OFF: match NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW_DROP too match BUN you put put stow %1 matchwait NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW_DROP: echo echo NO_KNIFE_SKIN_STOW_DROP: echo put drop my %1 NO_SKIN: SKIN_FAIL: echo echo SKIN_FAIL: echo goto SKIN_RE_EQUIP_%zHskinexp SKINNED_PAUSE: pause SKINNED: echo echo SKINNED: echo pause 3 match SKIN_FAIL nothing in your left hand match SKINNED_PAUSE ...wait match DROP_BUN a lumpy bundle in your left hand match %zHskinexp left hand put glance matchwait DROP_BUN: put drop my bundle wait goto SKIN2 NO_KNIFE_BUN_NO: BUN_NO: setvariable zHcounter %c counter set 0 counter set %zHskins counter add 1 setvariable zHskins %c counter set 0 counter set %zHskinsS counter add 1 setvariable zHskinsS %c counter set %zHcounter echo echo BUN_NO: echo goto NOBUN2 BUN: setvariable zHcounter %c counter set 0 counter set %zHskins counter add 1 setvariable zHskins %c counter set 0 counter set %zHskinsS counter add 1 setvariable zHskinsS %c counter set %zHcounter echo echo BUN: echo put sheath goto BUN2 BUN2_PAUSE: pause BUN2: #Netzer echo #Netzer echo BUN2: #Netzer echo #Netzer match %zHskindrop not yours #Netzer match ROPE referring #Netzer match BUN22 you tap #Netzer match BUN2_PAUSE type ahead #Netzer match BUN2_PAUSE ...wait #Netzerput tap my bundle #Netzer matchwait echo echo BUN2: echo match %zHskindrop not yours match ROPE What were you match BUN22 you get match BUN22 you pick match BUN22 already match OTHER_BUN That can't be picked up. match BUN2_PAUSE type ahead match BUN2_PAUSE ...wait put get bundle matchwait OTHER_BUN: echo echo OTHER_BUN: echo match %zHskindrop not yours match ROPE What were you match BUN22 you get match BUN22 you pick match NO_BUN That can't be picked up. match BUN22 already match BUN2_PAUSE type ahead match BUN2_PAUSE ...wait put get other bundle matchwait BUN22_PAUSE: pause BUN22: echo echo BUN22: echo match BUNDONE you bundle up match BUNDONE you stuff match ROPE BUNDLE HELP match ROPEN try to stuff match ROPEN new bundle match BUN22_PAUSE type ahead put bundle matchwait REMBUN2: echo echo REMBUN2: echo # match ROPEN you sling # match ROPEN you remove #put remove bun # matchwait ROPEN: echo echo ROPEN echo # match REMBUN2 you aren't holding that # match ROPE you drop #put drop my bundle matchwait ROPE: echo echo ROPE: echo match %zHskindrop I could not match GET_ROPE You tap put tap bun rope matchwait GET_ROPE: echo echo GET_ROPE: echo match %zHskindrop What were you match BUN22 you get match BUN22 you pick put get bun rope matchwait NOBUN: echo echo NOBUN: echo goto SKIN_%zHloot SKIN_YES_LOOT: NO_BUN: echo echo NO_BUN: echo match NOBUN2 no matter match NOBUN2 any more room match SKIN_RE_EQUIP You put put stow left matchwait NO_KNIFE_NOBUN2: SKIN_NO_LOOT: NOBUN2: echo echo NOBUN2: echo matchre SKIN_FAIL /nothing in your left hand|your empty hands./i matchre DROP_WING /wing in your left hand|wings in your left hand/i matchre DROP_FEATHER /feather in your left hand|feathers in your left hand/i matchre DROP_BONES /bones in your left hand|bones in your left hand/i matchre DROP_HAND /hand in your left hand|hand in your left hand/i matchre DROP_SHELL /shell in your left hand|shells in your left hand/i match DROP_PSEUDOPOD pseudopod in your left hand match DROP_SHEEPSKIN sheepskin in your left hand match DROP_TOENAIL toenail in your left hand match DROP_HEART heart in your left hand matchre DROP_FRAGMENT /fragment in your left hand|fragments in your left hand/i matchre DROP_FORECLAW /foreclaw in your left hand|foreclaws in your left hand/i match DROP_ANT antennae matchre DROP_BARB /barb in your left hand|barbs in your left hand/i matchre DROP_CLAW /claws in your left hand|claw in your left hand/i matchre DROP_EAR /ear in your left hand|ears in your left hand/i matchre DROP_EYE /eye in your left hand|eyes in your left hand/i match DROP_HIDE hide in your left hand match DROP_HOOF hoof in your left hand matchre DROP_HORN /horn in your left hand|horns in your left hand/i match DROP_PELT pelt in your left hand match DROP_SAC sac in your left hand matchre DROP_SCALE /scale in your left hand|scales in your left hand/i match DROP_SCALP scalp in your left hand match DROP_SKIN skin in your left hand match DROP_TAIL tail in your left hand matchre DROP_TUSK /tusk in your left hand|tusks in your left hand/i match DROP_STRIPE stripe in your left hand match DROP_SPINNER spinneret in your left hand match DROP_TALON talon in your left hand match DROP_CATGUT catgut in your left hand match DROP_QUILL quill in your left hand matchre DROP_FANG /fang in your left hand|fangs in your left hand/i match DROP_BRISTLE bristle in your left hand match DROP_MOSSHAIR mosshair in your left hand match DROP_TOOTH tooth in your left hand match DROP_STINGER stinger in your left hand matchre DROP_BEAK /beak in your left hand|beaks in your left hand/i put glance matchwait REMBUN: echo echo REMBUN: echo # match BUNDONE you sling # match BUNDONE you remove #put remove bun matchwait BUNDONE: #NetzerWEAR_BUN: #Netzer echo #Netzer echo WEAR_BUN: #Netzer echo #Netzerpause #Netzerput wear my bun #Netzergoto SKIN_RE_EQUIP echo echo BUNDONE: echo # match REMBUN you aren't holding that # match SKIN_RE_EQUIP you drop #put drop my bun # matchwait DROP_BEAK: echo echo DROP_BEAK: echo setvariable zHskin2 beak goto DROP2 DROP_STINGER: echo echo DROP_STINGER: echo setvariable zHskin2 stinger goto DROP2 DROP_TOOTH: echo echo DROP_TOOTH: echo setvariable zHskin2 tooth goto DROP2 DROP_MOSSHAIR: echo echo DROP_MOSSHAIR: echo setvariable zHskin2 mosshair goto DROP2 DROP_BRISTLE: echo echo DROP_BRISTLE: echo setvariable zHskin2 bristle goto DROP2 DROP_FANG: echo echo DROP_FANG: echo setvariable zHskin2 fang goto DROP2 DROP_QUILL: echo echo DROP_QUILL: echo setvariable zHskin2 quill goto DROP2 DROP_CATGUT: echo echo DROP_CATGUT: echo setvariable zHskin2 catgut goto DROP2 DROP_TALON: echo echo DROP_TALON: echo setvariable zHskin2 talon goto DROP2 DROP_SPINNER: echo echo DROP_SPINNER: echo setvariable zHskin2 spinneret goto DROP2 DROP_FEATHER: echo echo DROP_FEATHER: echo setvariable zHskin2 feather goto DROP2 DROP_BONES: echo echo DROP_BONES: echo setvariable zHskin2 bones goto DROP2 DROP_HAND: echo echo DROP_HAND: echo setvariable zHskin2 hand goto DROP2 DROP_WING: echo echo DROP_WING: echo setvariable zHskin2 wing goto DROP2 DROP_SHELL: echo echo DROP_SHELL: echo setvariable zHskin2 SHELL goto DROP2 DROP_PSEUDOPOD: echo echo DROP_PSEUDOPOD: echo setvariable zHskin2 PSEUDOPOD goto DROP2 DROP_SHEEPSKIN: echo echo DROP_SHEEPSKIN: echo setvariable zHskin2 SHEEPSKIN goto DROP2 DROP_STRIPE: echo echo DROP_STRIPE: echo setvariable zHskin2 STRIPE goto DROP2 DROP_TOENAIL: echo echo DROP_TOENAIL: echo setvariable zHskin2 TOENAIL goto DROP2 DROP_HEART: echo echo DROP_HEART: echo setvariable zHskin2 HEART goto DROP2 DROP_FRAGMENT: echo echo DROP_FRAGMENT: echo setvariable zHskin2 FRAGMENT goto DROP2 DROP_FORECLAW: echo echo DROP_FORECLAW: echo setvariable zHskin2 FORECLAW goto DROP2 DROP_ANT: echo echo DROP_ANT: echo setvariable zHskin2 antennae goto DROP2 DROP_BARB: echo echo DROP_BARB: echo setvariable zHskin2 barb goto DROP2 DROP_CLAW: echo echo DROP_CLAW: echo setvariable zHskin2 claw goto DROP2 DROP_EAR: echo echo DROP_EAR: echo setvariable zHskin2 ear goto DROP2 DROP_EYE: echo echo DROP_EYE: echo setvariable zHskin2 eye goto DROP2 DROP_HIDE: echo echo DROP_HIDE: echo setvariable zHskin2 hide goto DROP2 DROP_HOOF: echo echo DROP_HOOF: echo setvariable zHskin2 hoof goto DROP2 DROP_HORN: echo echo DROP_HORN: echo setvariable zHskin2 horn goto DROP2 DROP_PELT: echo echo DROP_PELT: echo setvariable zHskin2 pelt goto DROP2 DROP_SAC: echo echo DROP_SAC: echo setvariable zHskin2 sac goto DROP2 DROP_SCALE: echo echo DROP_SCALE: echo setvariable zHskin2 scale goto DROP2 DROP_SCALP: echo echo DROP_SCALP: echo setvariable zHskin2 scalp goto DROP2 DROP_SKIN: echo echo DROP_SKIN: echo setvariable zHskin2 skin goto DROP2 DROP_TAIL: echo echo DROP_TAIL: echo setvariable zHskin2 tail goto DROP2 DROP_TUSK: echo echo DROP_TUSK: echo setvariable zHskin2 tusk goto DROP2 DROP2: echo echo DROP2: echo match SKIN_RE_EQUIP_%zHskinexp You drop match SKIN_RE_EQUIP_%zHskinexp You relax matchre NOBUN2 /could not|What were you|But you/i put drop my %zHskin2 matchwait SKIN_RE_EQUIP_BUN_NO: echo echo SKIN_RE_EQUIP_BUN_NO: echo IF_1 goto K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP2 goto K_SKIN_EQUIP_%zHtype K_SKIN_EQUIP_GAUNT: K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP_GAUNT: put sheath wait put slap my gaunt wait goto SEARCH K_SKIN_EQUIP_BRAWL: K_SKIN_EQUIP_0: goto KO_SEARCH K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP2_PAUSE: pause K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP2: goto K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP_%zHtype K_SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND: K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP_OFFHAND: echo echo K_SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND: echo match KO_SEARCH you draw match KO_SEARCH free to match KO_SEARCH re already match NO_SKIN free hand matchre K_SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2 /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?|You can only wield a weapon or a shield/i put wield left my %1 matchwait K_SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2: echo echo K_SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2: echo match KO_SEARCH you get match KO_SEARCH shoulder. match KO_SEARCH you remove match KO_SEARCH already holding that. match KO_SEARCH inventory match K_SEARCH right hand match KO_SEARCH What were you match KO_SEARCH What are yo match NO_SKIN hands are full put remove my %1 put get my %1 matchwait K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP_BRAWL: goto K_SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_%zHbrawltype K_SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD_PAUSE: pause K_SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD: echo echo K_SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD: echo match KO_SEARCH you pick up match KO_SEARCH you get match KO_SEARCH you sling match KO_SEARCH you remove match KO_SEARCH already match K_SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD_PAUSE ...wait match K_SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD_PAUSE type ahead put remove my %1 put get %1 matchwait K_SKIN_BRAWLTYPE_WEAPON: K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP_0: echo echo K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP_0: echo match K_SEARCH you draw match K_SEARCH already match NO_SKIN free to matchre K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP3 /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP3 You can only wield a weapon or a shield! match K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP2_PAUSE ...wait match K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP2_PAUSE type ahead put wield my %1 matchwait K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_PAUSE: pause K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP3: echo echo K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP3: echo match K_THROW_CHECK what were you match K_SEARCH you pick up match K_SEARCH you get match K_SEARCH you sling match K_SEARCH you remove match K_SEARCH already match K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_PAUSE ...wait match K_SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_PAUSE type ahead put remove my %1 put get %1 matchwait K_THROW_CHECK: put sheath my knife goto THROW_CHECK KO_SEARCH: put sheath right wait goto SEARCH K_SEARCH: #put swap wait put sheath left wait goto SEARCH SKIN_RE_EQUIP: SKIN_RE_EQUIP_BUN: echo echo SKIN_RE_EQUIP_BUN: echo IF_1 goto SKIN_RE_EQUIP2 goto SKIN_EQUIP_%zHtype SKIN_EQUIP_GAUNT: put slap my gaunt wait SKIN_EQUIP_BRAWL: SKIN_EQUIP_0: goto SEARCH SKIN_RE_EQUIP2_PAUSE: pause SKIN_RE_EQUIP2: goto SKIN_RE_EQUIP_%zHtype SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND: SKIN_RE_EQUIP_OFFHAND: echo echo SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND: echo match SEARCH you draw match SEARCH free to match SEARCH re already match NO_SKIN free hand matchre SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2 /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?|You can only wield a weapon or a shield/i put wield left my %1 matchwait SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2: echo echo SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2: echo match SEARCH you get match SEARCH shoulder. match SEARCH you remove match SEARCH already holding that. match SEARCH inventory match SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2_SWAP right hand match SEARCH What were you match SEARCH What are yo match NO_SKIN hands are full put remove my %1 put get my %1 matchwait SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2_SWAP_PAUSE: pause SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2_SWAP: match SEARCH left hand match SKIN_EQUIP_OFFHAND2_SWAP_PAUSE right hand put swap matchwait SKIN_RE_EQUIP_BRAWL: goto SKIN_RE_BRAWLTYPE_%zHbrawltype SKIN_RE_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD_PAUSE: pause SKIN_RE_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD: echo echo SKIN_RE_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD: echo match KO_SEARCH you pick up match KO_SEARCH you get match K_OSEARCH you sling match KO_SEARCH you remove match SEARCH already match SKIN_RE_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_RE_BRAWLTYPE_SHIELD_PAUSE type ahead put remove my %1 put get %1 matchwait SKIN_RE_BRAWLTYPE_WEAPON: SKIN_RE_EQUIP_0: echo echo SKIN_RE_EQUIP_0: echo match K_SEARCH you draw match K_SEARCH re already match NO_SKIN free to matchre SKIN_RE_EQUIP3 /out of reach|remove|What were you|can't seem|Wield what\?/i match SKIN_RE_EQUIP3 You can only wield a weapon or a shield! match SKIN_RE_EQUIP2_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_RE_EQUIP2_PAUSE type ahead put wield left my %1 matchwait SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_PAUSE: pause SKIN_RE_EQUIP3: echo echo SKIN_RE_EQUIP3: echo match THROW_CHECK what were you match SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_KC you pick up match SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_KC you get match SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_KC you sling match SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_KC you remove match SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_KC already match SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_PAUSE ...wait match SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_PAUSE type ahead put remove my %1 put get %1 matchwait SKIN_RE_EQUIP3_KC: echo echo SKIN_RE_EQUIP_KC: echo match SEARCH nothing in your left hand match SEARCH empty hands match K_SEARCH in your left hand put glance matchwait THROW_CHECK: echo echo THROW_CHECK: echo Goto T_%c T_2220: T_2221: T_2222: T_2223: T_1220: T_1221: T_1222: T_1223: Goto SEARCH SEARCH_PAUSE: pause SEARCH: echo echo SEARCH: echo match NO_LOOT could not match NO_LOOT What were you match NO_LOOT should probably match SEARCH_NEXT not dead match SEARCH_NEXT It's still alive match NO_LOOT picked clean match NO_LOOT It carried nothing of interest. match LOOT_LOOK You search match LOOT_LOOK roundtime match SEARCH_PAUSE ...wait match SEARCH_PAUSE type ahead match SEARCH_PAUSE roundtime put loot %zHkill %zHsearch matchwait SEARCH_NEXT_PAUSE: pause SEARCH_NEXT: echo echo SEARCH_NEXT: echo match NO_LOOT could not match NO_LOOT What were you match SEARCH_NEXT2 not dead match SEARCH_NEXT2 It's still alive match NO_LOOT picked clean match NO_LOOT It carried nothing of interest. match LOOT_LOOK You search match LOOT_LOOK roundtime match SEARCH_NEXT_PAUSE ...wait match SEARCH_NEXT_PAUSE type ahead match SEARCH_NEXT_PAUSE roundtime put loot other %zHkill %zHsearch matchwait SEARCH_NEXT2_PAUSE: pause SEARCH_NEXT2: echo echo SEARCH_NEXT2: echo match NO_LOOT could not match NO_LOOT What were you match NO_LOOT not dead match NO_LOOT It's still alive match NO_LOOT picked clean match NO_LOOT It carried nothing of interest. match LOOT_LOOK You search match LOOT_LOOK roundtime match SEARCH_NEXT2_PAUSE ...wait match SEARCH_NEXT2_PAUSE type ahead match SEARCH_NEXT2_PAUSE roundtime put loot third %zHsearch matchwait SEARCH_NEXT_NOSKIN_PAUSE: pause SEARCH_NEXT_NOSKIN: echo echo SEARCH_NEXT_NOSKIN: echo match NO_LOOT could not match NO_LOOT What were you match SEARCH_NOSKIN_NEXT2 not dead match SEARCH_NOSKIN_NEXT2 It's still alive match NO_LOOT picked clean match NO_LOOT It carried nothing of interest. match LOOT_LOOK You search match LOOT_LOOK roundtime match SEARCH_NEXT_NOSKIN_PAUSE ...wait match SEARCH_NEXT_NOSKIN_PAUSE type ahead match SEARCH_NEXT_NOSKIN_PAUSE roundtime put loot other %zHkill %zHsearch matchwait SEARCH_NEXT2_NOSKIN_PAUSE: pause SEARCH_NEXT2_NOSKIN: echo echo SEARCH_NEXT2_NOSKIN: echo match NO_LOOT could not match NO_LOOT should probably match NO_LOOT What were you match NO_LOOT not dead match NO_LOOT It's still alive match NO_LOOT picked clean match NO_LOOT It carried nothing of interest. match LOOT_SEARCH You search match LOOT_SEARCH roundtime match SEARCH_NEXT_PAUSE ...wait match SEARCH_NEXT_PAUSE type ahead match SEARCH_NEXT_PAUSE roundtime put loot third %zHkill %zHsearch matchwait LOOT_LOOK: goto %zHloot LOOT_SKIPPING: Goto NO_LOOT YES_LOOT: goto LOOT_%zHskin LOOT_SKIN1: goto LOOT_%zHtype goto BOX_%zHlootbox LOOT_SEARCH: IF_2 goto LOOT_REM goto LOOT_%zHtype LOOT_GAUNT: put drop claw LOOT_BRAWL: IF_1 goto BOX_%zHlootbox put wield my knife wait LOOT_OFFHAND: LOOT_0: goto BOX_%zHlootbox LOOT_REM_PAUSE: pause LOOT_REM: echo echo LOOT_REM: echo matchre BOX_%zHlootbox /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i match LOOT_REMA can't wear match LOOT_REM_PAUSE ...wait match LOOT_REM_PAUSE type ahead put wear %2 matchwait LOOT_REMA: echo echo LOOT_REMA: echo match LOOT_REM_DROP too match BOX_%zHlootbox You put match LOOT_REM_DROP What were you put stow %2 matchwait LOOT_REM_DROP: echo echo LOOT_REM_DROP: echo put drop my %2 goto BOX_%zHlootbox BOX_0: echo echo LOOT_BOXES: echo # matchre LOOT_STRONGBOX / strongbox,| strongbox\.| strongbox and /i # matchre LOOT_COFFER / coffer,| coffer\.| coffer and /i # matchre LOOT_CHEST / chest,| chest\.| chest and /i # matchre LOOT_CADDY / caddy,| caddy\.| caddy and /i # matchre LOOT_CASKET / casket,| casket\.| casket and /i # matchre LOOT_TRUNK / trunk,| trunk\.| trunk and /i # matchre LOOT_SKIPPET / skippet,| skippet\.| skippet and /i # matchre LOOT_CRATE / crate,| crate\.| crate and /i # matchre LOOT_BOX / box,| box\.| box and /i goto LOOT_BOXES LOOT_BOXES_COUNT: setvariable zHcounter %c counter set 0 counter set %zHloots counter add 1 setvariable zHloots %c counter set 0 counter set %zHlootsS counter add 1 setvariable zHlootsS %c counter set %zHcounter goto LOOT_BOXES LOOT_BOXES_PAUSE: pause LOOT_BOXES: match LOOT_STRONGBOX strongbox match LOOT_COFFER coffer match LOOT_CHEST chest match LOOT_CADDY caddy match LOOT_CASKET casket match LOOT_TRUNK trunk match LOOT_SKIPPET skippet match LOOT_CRATE crate match LOOT_BOX box match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? match LOOT_BOXES_PAUSE ...wait match LOOT_BOXES_PAUSE type ahead put stow boxes matchwait BOX_1: goto GEM_%zHlootgem GEM_0: echo echo LOOT_GEMS: echo # matchre LOOT_KUNZITE / kunzite,| kunzite\.| kunzite and /i # matchre LOOT_IOLITE / iolite,| iolite\.| iolite and /i # matchre LOOT_CORAL / coral,| coral\.| coral and /i # matchre LOOT_IVORY / ivory,| ivory\.| ivory and /i # matchre LOOT_SPINEL / spinel,| spinel\.| spinel and /i # matchre LOOT_ONYX / onyx,| onyx\.| onyx and /i # matchre LOOT_GARNET / garnet,| garnet\.| garnet and /i # matchre LOOT_CHALCEDONY / chalcedony,| chalcedony\.| chalcedony and /i # matchre LOOT_LAZULI / lazuli,| lazuli\.| lazuli and /i # matchre LOOT_STAR-STONE / star-stone,| star-stone\.| star-stone and /i # matchre LOOT_SUNSTONE / sunstone,| sunstone\.| sunstone and /i # matchre LOOT_MOONSTONE / moonstone,| moonstone\.| moonstone and /i # matchre LOOT_HEMATITE / hematite,| hematite\.| hematite and /i # matchre LOOT_TANZANITE / tanzanite,| tanzanite\.| tanzanite and /i # matchre LOOT_TURQUOISE / turquoise,| turquoise\.| turquoise and /i # matchre LOOT_PERIDOT / peridot,| peridot\.| peridot and /i # matchre LOOT_BERYL / beryl,| beryl\.| beryl and /i # matchre LOOT_ANDALUSITE / andalusite,| andalusite\.| andalusite and /i # matchre LOOT_AGATE / agate,| agate\.| agate and /i # matchre LOOT_JADE / jade,| jade\.| jade and /i # matchre LOOT_CITRINE / citrine,| citrine\.| citrine and /i # matchre LOOT_AQUAMARINE / aquamarine,| aquamarine\.| aquamarine and /i ##added Above gems - TY Storrmm Wyndrydor # matchre LOOT_PEARL / pearl,| pearl\.| pearl and /i # matchre LOOT_SAPPHIRE / sapphire,| sapphire\.| sapphire and /i # matchre LOOT_OPAL / opal,| opal\.| opal and /i # matchre LOOT_BLOODSTONE / bloodstone,| bloodstone\.| bloodstone and /i # matchre LOOT_NUGGET / nugget,| nugget\.| nugget and /i # matchre LOOT_ZIRCON / zircon,| zircon\.| zircon and /i # matchre LOOT_AMETHYST / amethyst,| amethyst\.| amethyst and /i # matchre LOOT_QUARTZ / quartz,| quartz\.| quartz and /i # matchre LOOT_JASPER / jasper,| jasper\.| jasper and /i # matchre LOOT_BLOODGEM / bloodgem,| bloodgem\.| bloodgem and /i # matchre LOOT_CRYSTAL / crystal,| crystal\.| crystal and /i # matchre LOOT_TOPAZ / topaz,| topaz\.| topaz and /i # matchre LOOT_RUBY / ruby,| ruby\.| ruby and /i # matchre LOOT_DIOPSIDE / diopside,| diopside\.| diopside and /i # matchre LOOT_GEM / gem,| gem\.| gem and /i # matchre LOOT_RUNE / runestone,| runestone\.| runestone and /i # matchre LOOT_SCROLL / scroll,| scroll\.| scroll and /i # matchre LOOT_TABLET / tablet,| tablet\.| tablet and /i # matchre LOOT_EMERALD / emerald,| emerald\.| emerald and /i # matchre LOOT_DIAMOND / diamond,| diamond\.| diamond and /i # matchre LOOT_STONE / stone,| stone\.| stone and | stones,| stones\.| stones and /i # matchre LOOT_carnelian goto LOOT_GEMS LOOT_GEMS_COUNT: setvariable zHcounter %c counter set 0 counter set %zHloots counter add 1 setvariable zHloots %c counter set 0 counter set %zHlootsS counter add 1 setvariable zHlootsS %c counter set %zHcounter goto LOOT_GEMS LOOT_GEMS_PAUSE: pause LOOT_GEMS: match LOOT_TOURMALINE tourmaline. match LOOT_TSAVORITE tsavorite. match LOOT_EGG egg. match LOOT_CHRYSOPRASE chrysoprase. match LOOT_TOOTH tooth. match LOOT_AMBER amber. match LOOT_KUNZITE kunzite. match LOOT_IOLITE iolite. match LOOT_CORAL coral. match LOOT_IVORY ivory. match LOOT_SPINEL spinel. match LOOT_ONYX onyx. match LOOT_GARNET garnet. match LOOT_CHALCEDONY chalcedony. match LOOT_LAZULI lazuli. match LOOT_STAR-STONE star-stone. match LOOT_SUNSTONE sunstone. match LOOT_MOONSTONE moonstone. match LOOT_HEMATITE hematite. match LOOT_TANZANITE tanzanite. match LOOT_TURQUOISE turquoise. match LOOT_PERIDOT peridot. match LOOT_BERYL beryl. match LOOT_ANDALUSITE andalusite. match LOOT_AGATE agate. match LOOT_JADE jade. match LOOT_CITRINE citrine. match LOOT_MALACHITE malachite. match LOOT_AQUAMARINE aquamarine. #added Above gems - TY Storrmm Wyndrydor. match LOOT_MORGANITE morganite. match LOOT_PEARL pearl. match LOOT_PEBBLE pebble. match LOOT_ALEXANDRITE alexandrite. match LOOT_SAPPHIRE sapphire. match LOOT_OPAL opal. match LOOT_BLOODSTONE bloodstone. match LOOT_NUGGET nugget. match LOOT_ZIRCON zircon. match LOOT_AMETHYST amethyst. match LOOT_QUARTZ quartz. match LOOT_JASPER jasper. match LOOT_BLOODGEM bloodgem. match LOOT_CRYSTAL crystal. match LOOT_TOPAZ topaz. match LOOT_RUBY ruby. match LOOT_DIOPSIDE diopside. match LOOT_EMERALD emerald. match LOOT_DIAMOND diamond. match LOOT_STONE stone. match LOOT_STONE stones. match LOOT_BEAD bead. match LOOT_GEM gem. match LOOT_GEM gems. match LOOT_BAR bar. match LOOT_carnelian carnelian. match LOOTING Stow what? match LOOT_GEMS_PAUSE ...wait match LOOT_GEMS_PAUSE type ahead pause .5 put stow gems matchwait LOOTING_PAUSE: setvariable zHcounter %c counter set 0 counter set %zHloots counter add 1 setvariable zHloots %c counter set 0 counter set %zHlootsS counter add 1 setvariable zHlootsS %c counter set %zHcounter goto LOOTING LOOTING_PAUSE1: pause GEM_1: LOOTING: echo echo LOOTING: echo goto JUNK_%zHlootjunk JUNK_0: matchre LOOT_SHIELD / shield,| shield\.| shield and /i matchre LOOT_SWORD / sword,| sword\.| sword and /i matchre LOOT_CLOAK / cloak,| cloak\.| cloak and /i match JUNK_1 Encumbrance : matchre NO_LOOT_DARK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look junk put encumb matchwait LOOT_SHIELD: echo echo LOOT_SHIELD: echo save shield goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_SWORD: echo echo LOOT_SWORD: echo save sword goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_CLOAK: echo echo LOOT_CLOAK: echo save cloak goto LOOT_STOW JUNK_1: goto COIN_%zHlootcoin COIN_0: matchre LOOT_COIN / coin,| coins,| coin\.| coin and | coins\.| coins and /i COIN_1: matchre LOOT_FRAG / iron fragment,| iron fragment.| iron fragment and /i # matchre LOOT_RUNE / runestone,| runestone and| runestone\./i # matchre LOOT_CARD / card,| card\.| card and /i matchre LOOT_MAP / map,| map\.| map and /i matchre LOOT_SCROLL / scroll,| scroll\.| scroll and /i matchre LOOT_TABLET / tablet,| tablet\.| tablet and /i matchre NO_LOOT /Encumbrance :|paths:|exits:/i matchre NO_LOOT_DARK /and you can't see a thing|Your world is a crimson haze/i put look put encum matchwait LOOT_TOURMALINE: echo echo LOOT_TOURMALINE: echo save tourmaline match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW echo LOOT_MALACHITE: echo save malachite match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You pick match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW echo LOOT_PEBBLE: echo save pebble match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_TSAVORITE: echo echo LOOT_TSAVORITE: echo save tsavorite match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_ALEXANDRITE: echo echo LOOT_ALEXANDRITE: echo save alexandrite match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_BEAD: echo echo LOOT_BEAD: echo save bead match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_MORGANITE: echo echo LOOT_MORGANITE: echo save morganite match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_CHRYSOPRASE: echo echo LOOT_CHRYSOPRASE: echo save chrysoprase match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_TOOTH: echo echo LOOT_TOOTH: echo save chrysoprase match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_EGG: echo echo LOOT_EGG: echo save egg match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_AMBER: echo echo LOOT_AMBER: echo save amber match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_KUNZITE: echo echo LOOT_KUNZITE: echo save kunzite match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_IOLITE: echo echo LOOT_IOLITE: echo save iolite match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_CORAL: echo echo LOOT_CORAL: echo save coral match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_IVORY: echo echo LOOT_IVORY: echo save ivory match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_SPINEL: echo echo LOOT_SPINEL: echo save spinel match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_ONYX: echo echo LOOT_ONYX: echo save onyx match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_GARNET: echo echo LOOT_GARNET: echo save garnet match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_CHALCEDONY: echo echo LOOT_CHALCEDONY: echo save chalcedony match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_LAZULI: echo echo LOOT_LAZULI: echo save lazuli match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_STAR-STONE: echo echo LOOT_STAR_STONE: echo save star-stone match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_SUNSTONE: echo echo LOOT_SUNSTONE: echo save sunstone match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_MOONSTONE: echo echo LOOT_MOONSTONE: echo save moonstone match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_HEMATITE: echo echo LOOT_HEMATITE: echo save hematite match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_TANZANITE: echo echo LOOT_TANZANITE: echo save tanzanite match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_TURQUOISE: echo echo LOOT_TURQUOISE: echo save turquoise match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_PERIDOT: echo echo LOOT_PERIDOT: echo save peridot match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_BERYL: echo echo LOOT_BERYL: echo save beryl match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_ANDALUSITE: echo echo LOOT_ANDALUSITE: echo save andalusite match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_AGATE: echo echo LOOT_AGATE: echo save agate match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_JADE: echo echo LOOT_JADE: echo save jade match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_CITRINE: echo echo LOOT_CITRINE: echo save citrine match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_AQUAMARINE: echo echo LOOT_AQUAMARINE: echo save aquamarine match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_EMERALD: echo echo LOOT_EMERALD: echo save emerald match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_DIAMOND: echo echo LOOT_DIAMOND: echo save diamond match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_carnelian: echo echo LOOT_carnelian: echo save carnelian match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open match LOOTING Stow what? matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_STRONGBOX: echo echo LOOT_STRONGBOX: echo save strongbox match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_DROP You just can't get match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? matchwait LOOT_COFFER: echo echo LOOT_COFFER: echo save coffer match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_DROP You just can't get match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? matchwait LOOT_CHEST: echo echo LOOT_CHEST: echo save chest match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP You just can't get match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? matchwait LOOT_BOX: echo echo LOOT_BOX: echo save box match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP You just can't get match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? matchwait LOOT_CADDY: echo echo LOOT_CADDY: echo save caddy match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP You just can't get match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? matchwait LOOT_CASKET: echo echo LOOT_CASKET: echo save casket match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP You just can't get match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? matchwait LOOT_TRUNK: echo echo LOOT_TRUNK: echo save trunk match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP You just can't get match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? matchwait LOOT_SKIPPET: echo echo LOOT_SKIPPET: echo save skippet match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP You just can't get match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? matchwait LOOT_CRATE: echo echo LOOT_CRATE: echo save crate match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP You just can't get match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_BOXES_COUNT You put match GEM_%zHlootgem Stow what? matchwait #LOOT_STRONGBOX: # echo # echo LOOT_STRONGBOX: # echo #save strongbox #goto LOOT_STOW # #LOOT_COFFER: # echo # echo LOOT_COFFER: # echo #save coffer #goto LOOT_STOW # #LOOT_CHEST: # echo # echo LOOT_CHEST: # echo #save chest #goto LOOT_STOW # #LOOT_BOX: # echo # echo LOOT_BOX: # echo #save box #goto LOOT_STOW # #LOOT_CADDY: # echo # echo LOOT_CADDY: # echo #save caddy #goto LOOT_STOW # #LOOT_CASKET: # echo # echo LOOT_CASKET: # echo #save casket #goto LOOT_STOW # #LOOT_TRUNK: # echo # echo LOOT_TRUNK: # echo #save trunk #goto LOOT_STOW # #LOOT_SKIPPET: # echo # echo LOOT_SKIPPET: # echo #save skippet #goto LOOT_STOW # #LOOT_CRATE: # echo # echo LOOT_CRATE: # echo #save crate #goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_PEARL: echo echo LOOT_PEARL: echo save pearl match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_SAPPHIRE: echo echo LOOT_SAPPHIRE: echo save sapphire match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_OPAL: echo echo LOOT_OPAL: echo save opal match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_BLOODSTONE: echo echo LOOT_BLOODSTONE: echo save bloodstone match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_NUGGET: echo echo LOOT_NUGGET: echo save nugget match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_ZIRCON: echo echo LOOT_ZIRCON: echo save zircon match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_AMETHYST: echo echo LOOT_AMETHYST: echo save amethyst match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_QUARTZ: echo echo LOOT_QUARTZ: echo save quartz match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_JASPER: echo echo LOOT_JASPER: echo save jasper match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_STONE: echo echo LOOT_STONE: echo save stone match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_BLOODGEM: echo echo LOOT_BLOODGEM: echo save bloodgem match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_CRYSTAL: echo echo LOOT_CRYSTAL: echo save crystal match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_TOPAZ: echo echo LOOT_TOPAZ: echo save topaz match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_RUBY: echo echo LOOT_RUBY: echo save ruby match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_DIOPSIDE: echo echo LOOT_DIOPSIDE: echo save diopside match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_BAR: echo echo LOOT_BAR: echo save bar match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP wealth of gems match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_GEM: echo echo LOOT_GEM: echo save gem match LOOT_DROP You've already match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You put match LOOT_GEMS_COUNT You open matchwait goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_RUNE: echo echo LOOT_RUNE: echo save rune goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_SCROLL: echo echo LOOT_SCROLL: echo save scroll goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_TABLET: echo echo LOOT_TABLET: echo save tablet goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_CARD: echo echo LOOT_CARD: echo save card goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_FRAG: echo echo LOOT_FRAG: echo save fragment goto LOOT_STOW LOOT_STOW: match LOOT_DROP no matter match LOOT_DROP any more room match LOOTING_PAUSE You put match LOOT_LOOK_NO stow what put stow %s matchwait LOOT_COIN: put get coin waitfor you put get coin waitfor you goto LOOTING_PAUSE LOOT_LOOK_NO: echo echo LOOT_LOOK_NO: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** Couldn't find %s%. Looting skipped. (check room description) echo ** Type 'set !desc' to turn off room Descriptions for better looting. echo ** Type 'set desc' to turn them back on. echo ************************************************************************************** echo IF_2 goto LOOT_EQUIP goto CHOKE_%zHtype LOOT_DROP: echo echo LOOT_DROP: echo put drop my %s echo echo ******************************** echo ** Out of room to store Loot! echo ******************************** echo IF_2 goto LOOT_EQUIP goto CHOKE_%zHtype NO_LOOT_DARK: echo echo ******************************** echo ** The room is too dark to loot! echo ******************************** echo IF_2 goto LOOT_EQUIP goto CHOKE_%zHtype NO_LOOT: echo echo NO_LOOT: echo IF_2 goto LOOT_EQUIP goto CHOKE_%zHtype LOOT_EQUIP_PAUSE: pause LOOT_EQUIP: echo echo LOOT_EQUIP: echo match Loot_equip_pause ...wait match loot_equip_pause type ahead match CHOKE_POINT What were you match CHOKE_POINT You aren't match CHOKE_POINT you pick up match CHOKE_POINT you get match CHOKE_POINT you sling match CHOKE_POINT already match CHOKE_POINT you remove put remove my %2 put get my %2 matchwait CHOKE_GAUNT: put sheath my knife put slap my gaunt wait goto CHOKE_POINT CHOKE_BRAWL: put sheath my knife wait goto CHOKE_POINT CHOKE_OFFHAND: CHOKE_0: CHOKE_POINT: echo echo CHOKE_POINT: echo goto KILL_COUNT KILL_COUNT: echo echo ****************************************** echo ** Random Stats with SFhunter: echo ** This Session / Overall echo ** # of Kills Made:: %zHkillsS / %zHkills echo ** Successful Skins: %zHskinsS / %zHskins echo ** Loot Grabbed::::: %zHlootsS / %zHloots echo ****************************************** echo ## XP Mind State by Chris Evans XP_CHECK1: matchre XPSLEEP /(: Thick|: Very Thick|: Dense|: Very Dense|: Stagnant|: Very Stagnant|: Frozen|: Very Frozen)/i matchre XP%zHxpsleep /(: Murky|: Very Murky)/i matchre XPAWAKE /(: clear|: fluid)/i put skill matchwait XP_CHECK2: pause 1 goto Multi_%zHmulti XPSLEEP: setvariable zHxpsleep SLEEP put sleep goto XP_CHECK2 XP%zHxpsleep: XPAWAKE: setvariable zHxpsleep AWAKE put awaken goto XP_CHECK2 ## XP Mindstate by Chris Evans goto Multi_%zHmulti MULTI_ON: echo echo MULTI_ON: echo Goto MULTIB_%zHexpB MULTIB_OFF: echo echo MULTIB_OFF: echo match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % clear match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % learning match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % thoughtful match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % pondering match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % concentrating match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % muddled match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % very muddled match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % perplex match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC Deaths: match MULTI_SWITCH % bewild match MULTI_SWITCH % dazed match MULTI_SWITCH % mind put skill %zHexp matchwait MULTIB_ON: echo echo MULTIB_ON: echo match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % clear match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % learning match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % thoughtful match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % pondering match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % concentrating match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % muddled match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % very muddled match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % perplex match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC Deaths: match MULTI_SWITCH % bewild match MULTI_SWITCH % dazed match MULTI_SWITCH % mind put skill %zHexpA matchwait MULTIB_THROW: echo echo MULTIB_THROW: echo match MULTIB_THROW2 % clear match MULTIB_THROW2 % learning match MULTIB_THROW2 % thoughtful match MULTIB_THROW2 % pondering match MULTIB_THROW2 % concentrating match MULTIB_THROW2 % muddled match MULTIB_THROW2 % very muddled match MULTIB_THROW2 % perplex match MULTIB_THROW2 Deaths: match MULTI_SWITCH % bewild match MULTI_SWITCH % dazed match MULTI_SWITCH % mind put skill Light Thrown matchwait MULTIB_THROW2: echo echo MULTIB_THROW2: echo match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % clear match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % learning match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % thoughtful match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % pondering match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % concentrating match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % muddled match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % very muddled match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % perplex match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC Deaths: match MULTI_SWITCH % bewild match MULTI_SWITCH % dazed match MULTI_SWITCH % mind put skill Heavy Thrown matchwait MULTIB_OFFHAND: echo echo MULTIB_OFFHAND: echo match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % clear match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % learning match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % thoughtful match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % pondering match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % concentrating match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % muddled match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % very muddled match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC % perplex match MULTI_EXP_%zHexpC Deaths: match MULTI_SWITCH % bewild match MULTI_SWITCH % dazed match MULTI_SWITCH % mind put skill %zHexpB matchwait MULTI_SWITCH: echo echo MULTI_SWITCH: echo pause Goto MULTI_SWITCH_%zHexpB MULTI_SWITCH_OFF: goto MULTI_SWITCH_%zHexp MULTI_SWITCH_UNL: put unload my %1 goto MULTI_SWITCH_%zHexp MULTI_SWITCH_TARGET: MULTI_SWITCH_PRIMARY: goto MULTI_SWITCH_%zHexpM MULTI_SWITCH_BOW_PAUSE: pause MULTI_SWITCH_BOW: MULTI_SWITCH_Short.Bow: MULTI_SWITCH_Long.Bow: MULTI_SWITCH_Composite.Bow: IF_2 goto MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIP MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_BOW: MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_Short.Bow: MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_Long.Bow: MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_Composite.Bow: echo echo MULTI_SWITCH_BOW: echo match MULTI_SWITCH_ON what are you match MULTI_SWITCH_BOW you pull match MULTI_SWITCH_BOW you pick up match MULTI_SWITCH_BOW you put match MULTI_SWITCH_ON stow what match MULTI_SWITCH_UNL You must unload match MULTI_SWITCH_BOW_PAUSE ...wait match MULTI_SWITCH_BOW_PAUSE type ahead put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo matchwait MULTI_SWITCH_XBOW_PAUSE: pause MULTI_SWITCH_XBOW: MULTI_SWITCH_Heavy.Crossbow: MULTI_SWITCH_Light.Crossbow: IF_2 goto MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIP MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_XBOW: MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_Heavy.Crossbow: MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_Light.Crossbow: echo echo MULTI_SWITCH_XBOW: echo match MULTI_SWITCH_ON what are you match MULTI_SWITCH_XBOW you pull match MULTI_SWITCH_XBOW you pick up match MULTI_SWITCH_XBOW you put match MULTI_SWITCH_ON stow what match MULTI_SWITCH_UNL You must unload match MULTI_SWITCH_XBOW_PAUSE ...wait match MULTI_SWITCH_XBOW_PAUSE type ahead put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo matchwait MULTI_SWITCH_SLING_PAUSE: pause MULTI_SWITCH_SLING: MULTI_SWITCH_Staff.Sling: IF_2 goto MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIP MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_SLING: MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_Staff.Sling: echo echo MULTI_SWITCH_SLING: echo match MULTI_SWITCH_ON what are you match MULTI_SWITCH_SLING you pull match MULTI_SWITCH_SLING you pick up match MULTI_SWITCH_SLING you put match MULTI_SWITCH_ON stow what match MULTI_SWITCH_UNL You must unload match MULTI_SWITCH_SLING_PAUSE ...wait match MULTI_SWITCH_SLING_PAUSE type ahead put stow %zHammo put stow %zHammo matchwait MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIP_PAUSE: pause MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIP: echo echo MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIP: echo matchre MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_%zHexp /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i match MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIPA can't wear match MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIP_PAUSE ...wait match MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIP_PAUSE type ahead put wear %2 matchwait MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIPA: echo echo MULTI_AMMO_UNEQUIPA: echo put stow %2 wait goto MULTI_SWITCH_AMMO_%zHexp MULTI_SWITCH_Light.Edged: MULTI_SWITCH_Medium.Edged: MULTI_SWITCH_Heavy.Edged: MULTI_SWITCH_Twohanded.Edged: MULTI_SWITCH_Light.Blunt: MULTI_SWITCH_Medium.Blunt: MULTI_SWITCH_Twohanded.Blunt: MULTI_SWITCH_Heavy.Blunt: MULTI_SWITCH_Short.Staff: MULTI_SWITCH_Quarter.Staff: MULTI_SWITCH_Pike: MULTI_SWITCH_Halberd: MULTI_SWITCH_THROW: MULTI_SWITCH_ON: counter set %zHmultiZ counter add 1 setvariable zHmultiZ %c pause IF_2 goto UNEQUIP_STOW2 IF_1 goto UNEQUIP_STOW goto MULTI_GO UNEQUIP_STOW2_PAUSE: pause UNEQUIP_STOW2: echo echo UNEQUIP_STOW2: echo matchre UNEQUIP_STOW /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i match UNEQUIP_STOW2A can't wear match UNEQUIP_STOW2_PAUSE ...wait match UNEQUIP_STOW2_PAUSE type ahead put wear %2 matchwait UNEQUIP_STOW2A: echo echo UNEQUIP_STOW2A: echo put stow %2 wait UNEQUIP_STOW_PAUSE: pause UNEQUIP_STOW: echo echo UNEQUIP_STOW: echo match UNEQUIP_STOWA appropriate sheath match UNEQUIP_STOWA sheathe what? match UNEQUIP_STOWA where? match UNEQUIP_STOWA isn't any more matchre MULTI_GO /You Sheath|you slide|you place|you slip|you hang|you secure/i match UNEQUIP_STOWA you can only match UNEQUIP_STOWA too heavy match UNEQUIP_STOW_PAUSE ...wait match UNEQUIP_STOW_PAUSE type ahead put sheath matchwait UNEQUIP_STOWA: echo echo UNEQUIP_STOWA: echo match UNEQUIP_STOW_DROP unload match UNEQUIP_STOWB can't wear matchre MULTI_GO /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i put wear %1 matchwait UNEQUIP_STOW_DROP: echo echo UNEQUIP_STOW_DROP: echo put drop my %1 put drop my claw wait goto MULTI_GO UNEQUIP_STOWB: echo echo UNEQUIP_STOWB: echo goto UNEQUIP_STOWB_%zHget UNEQUIP_STOWB_ON: put put my %1 %zhGetA wait goto MULTI_GO UNEQUIP_STOWB_OFF: put stow %1 put drop my claw wait goto MULTI_GO MULTI_SWITCH_OFFHAND: counter set %zHmultiZ counter add 1 setvariable zHmultiZ %c IF_2 goto OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW2 IF_1 goto OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW goto MULTI_GO OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW2_PAUSE: pause OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW2: echo echo OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW2: echo matchre OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW2A can't wear match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW2_PAUSE ...wait match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW2_PAUSE type ahead put wear %2 matchwait OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW2A: echo echo OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW2A: echo put stow %2 wait OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW_PAUSE: pause OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW: echo echo OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW: echo match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWA appropriate sheath match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWA sheathe what? match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWA where? match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWA isn't any more matchre MULTI_GO /You Sheath|you slide|you place|you slip|you hang|you secure/i match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWA you can only match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWA too heavy match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW_PAUSE ...wait match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW_PAUSE type ahead put sheath matchwait OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWA: echo echo OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWA: echo match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW_DROP unload match OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWB can't wear matchre MULTI_GO /you (sling|attach)|re already|wear what|what were you/i put wear %1 matchwait OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW_DROP: echo echo OFF_UNEQUIP_STOW_DROP: echo put drop my %1 goto MULTI_GO OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWB: echo echo OFF_UNEQUIP_STOWB: echo put stow left %1 wait goto MULTI_GO MULTI_GO: #goto MULTI_BRA_%zHexpA #MULTI_BRA_BRAWLING: #MULTI_BRA_OFF: #MULTI_BRA_BACKSTAB: #MULTI_BRA_STALKING: echo echo MULTI_GO: echo pause put .SFhunter Multi %zHmultiZ MULTI_OFF: echo echo MULTI_OFF: echo MULTI_EXP_OFF: MULTI_EXP_ON: goto %zHmonsterapp YES_APP: match NO_APP roundtime match NO_APP appraise match NO_APP You can't determine match NO_APP You cannot appraise put app %zHkill quick matchwait NO_APP: goto COM1_%zHCOM1 COM1_PAUSE: pause COM1_ON: matchre COM1_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match COM1_OFF Encumbrance : put %zHcom1 put encum matchwait COM1_OFF: goto COM2_%zHCOM2 COM2_PAUSE: pause COM2_ON: matchre COM2_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match COM2_OFF Encumbrance : put %zHcom2 put encum matchwait COM2_OFF: goto COM3_%zHCOM3 COM3_PAUSE: pause COM3_ON: matchre COM3_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match COM3_OFF Encumbrance : put %zHcom3 put encum matchwait COM3_OFF: goto COM4_%zHCOM4 COM4_PAUSE: pause COM4_ON: matchre COM4_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match COM4_OFF Encumbrance : put %zHcom4 put encum matchwait COM4_OFF: goto COM5_%zHCOM5 COM5_PAUSE: pause COM5_ON: matchre COM5_PAUSE /\.\.\.wait|type ahead/i match COM5_OFF Encumbrance : put %zHcom5 put encum matchwait COM5_OFF: goto COUNT_%zHcount COUNT_ON_PAUSE: pause EXP_COUNT_ON: COUNT_ON: match COUNT_ON_PAUSE ...wait goto %zHCOUNT COUNT_ONE: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice only one COUNT_TWO: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice two COUNT_THREE: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice three COUNT_FOUR: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice four COUNT_FIVE: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice five COUNT_SIX: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice six COUNT_SEVEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice seven COUNT_EIGHT: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice eight COUNT_NINE: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice nine COUNT_TEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice ten COUNT_ELEVEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice eleven COUNT_TWELVE: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice twelve COUNT_THIRTEEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice thirteen COUNT_FOURTEEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice fourteen COUNT_FIFTEEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice fifteen COUNT_SIXTEEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice sixteen COUNT_SEVENTEEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice seventeen COUNT_EIGHTEEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice eighteen COUNT_NINETEEN: match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice nineteen COUNT_PLUS: echo echo COUNT_PLUS: echo match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice twenty match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice thirty match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice forty match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice fifty match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice sixty match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice seventy match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice eighty match CLEAR_CRITTERS you notice ninety match CLEAR_CRITTERS hundred match CLEAR_CRITTERS thousand match COUNT_5_1 You notice no match CRITTER_COUNTS roundtime put count critter matchwait CRITTER_COUNTS: setvariable zHcounter %c counter set 0 counter set %zHcritters counter add 1 setvariable zHcritters %c counter set %zHcounter echo echo ******************** echo ** Dance number %zHcritters echo ******************** echo goto COUNT_5_1 CLEAR_CRITTERS: setvariable zHcritters 0 echo echo *************************** echo ** The Dance is now over ** echo *************************** echo COUNT_OFF: goto %c HELP: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** echo ** Weapons echo ** Shields echo ** Ambushing echo ** Appraisal echo ** Backstabbing echo ** Brawling echo ** COMs echo ** Count Critters echo ** Choke echo ** Default Setting echo ** Dancing echo ** Empathic Brawling echo ** Experience Checks echo ** Looting Options echo ** Magic echo ** Multi Skill Training echo ** Poaching echo ** Repeating Crossbows echo ** Searching Options echo ** Skinning Options echo ** Slower Fighting echo ** Sniping echo ** Snapfiring echo ** Swappable Weapons (Bastard swords etc.) echo ** Syntax Full echo ** Thrown / Offhand Thrown / Throwing Vines|Logs echo ** Wearing Equipment echo ** Personalizations echo ** echo ** Please type one of the above options for details. echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** echo match HELP_COUNT count match HELP_COMMAND coms match HELP_WEAR wear match HELP_SWAP swap match HELP_MULTI multi match HELP_SHIELD shield match HELP_LOOT loot match HELP_SKIN skin match HELP_APP appr match HELP_STANCE stance matchre HELP_DEF /defa|sett/i matchre HELP_BRAWL /brawl|chok/i matchre HELP_EMPATH /danc|empath/i match HELP_AMBUSH ambush match HELP_BACK back matchre HELP_POACH /poach|snip/i match HELP_REPEAT repeat match HELP_SNAP snap match HELP_SLOW slow matchre HELP_THROWN /off|vine|throw|log/i match HELP_SYNTAX synt match HELP_PERS person match HELP_MAGIC magic match HELP_EXP exp match HELP_WEAPON weap match HELP_SEARCH sear matchwait HELP_ echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** echo ** echo ** echo ** echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 5 goto HELP pause 10 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_SEARCH: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The script can be instructed to search dead critters for specific types of loot echo ** per the in game LOOT verb. The Commands are: echo ** echo ** SEARCHTREASURE, SEARCHBOXES, SEARCHEQUIPMENT, SEARCHGOODS, SEARCHALL echo ** Or you can use ST, SB, SE, SG, SA echo ** echo ** Example: echo ** .SFhunter SB echo ** This will make the script "loot boxes" when searching kills. echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 10 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_COUNT: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** It is possible to have the script Dance with a certain number of critters without echo ** killing them. The Script will do 'Emapthic Brawling' until MORE THAN the number echo ** of critters you designate is in the room. (NOT at melee. NOT on you. IN THE ROOM.) echo ** echo ** .SFhunter Count # echo ** echo ** Example: echo ** .SFhunter Count 3 Scimitar echo ** You will Dance until there are 4 critters, then attack until there are only echo ** 3 again. echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 10 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_COMMAND: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The script now enables you to input your own personal commands. This commands echo ** occur after each kill, or before engaging the first monster to enter an empty echo ** room. You can enter up to 5 commands to be done one after the other. echo ** echo ** NOTE: Appraisal is done at the same time as commands, keep roundtimes in mind. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter Com1 comm.and ... Com5 comm.and (use the periods for multiple words) echo ** echo ** NOTE: When combined with Default or Multi-Weapon set-ups you will need to manually echo ** re-add the periods via SF's Variable window. Variable Names: zHmulti1-20 echo ** echo ** Examples: echo ** .SFhunter Com1 sing.dmrs Com2 concentrate echo ** .SFhunter Com1 roar.trothfang Com2 assess echo ** .SFhunter Com1 point.%zHkill Com2 say.Next! echo ** NOTE: %zHkill is the name of the critter you last killed. There will need to be a echo ** second one for it to work %100. (Appraisal uses %zHkill) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 10 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_WEAR: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The script is able to equip items for you. echo ** You can do this for multiple pieces of equipment. echo ** echo ** Remove: echo ** The script will REMOVE then STOW the item. echo ** echo ** Wear: echo ** The script will GET then WEAR the item. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter remove wear (rest of fighting set-up) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 10 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_EXP: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The script has two methods of Checking Experience. echo ** The Main method is using the 'Mutli' command, where the script will check Exp echo ** and switch weapons to your next set-up when needed. (See the Multi-weapon section) echo ** echo ** The second Method is using the 'EXP' variable. This causes the script to input echo ** 'exp' everytime a weapon cycles or a kill is made. There is no actual skill check echo ** via the script with this option, it simply displays you current field exp. echo ** echo ** However, if you use the EXP variable inside a Multi-Weapon Setup it will check echo ** your weapon EXP every cycle and switch to your next setup as needed. This is great echo ** for backtraining weapons when you can't kill the critter with your current skill. echo ** echo ** Syntax: .SFhunter EXP (shield) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 5 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_MAGIC: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** At long Last, the script can use magic. Both Targeted and none Targeted Magic, be echo ** they attack spells or buff spells. (LB or SOP) echo ** It is however limited to one spell, and the standard prep/target/cast routine. echo ** And The script CANNOT use weapons while a spell is being preped/targeted. echo ** echo ** Commands: TM/PM = You will use mainly magic to hunt. echo ** MAGIC = You will use mainly weapons to hunt. echo ** When combined with Multi, TM checks Targeted Magic, PM/MAGIC Primary. echo ** echo ** Syntax: .SFhunter TM/PM/MAGIC {weapon} (shield) echo ** echo ** Examples: .SFhunter TM FB 15 scimitar echo ** .SFhunter MAGIC SOP 20 swap 1 b.sword targe echo ** echo ** Notes: TM/PM will hunt using magic, your weapon is a back-up and is only used when echo ** low on mana. echo ** MAGIC is a single spell cast as the weapon combo repeats. echo ** SNAP can be used for snap casting. echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 10 goto HELP HELP_STANCE: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The script is able to alter your stance. echo ** Attack - Evasion - Block - Parry - Custom echo ** These commands will make the script switch to the preset Stance you enter. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter att/eva/blo/par/cus {weapon} (shield) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 10 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_REPEAT: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The script is able to use repeating crossbows to the utmost of their abilities. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter repeat {crossbow} echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_SLOW: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** For those of us that get tired out when using Weapons at full echo ** speed, the script can be set-up to use them a little more slowly. echo ** You can use Slow or Young to turn this on. echo ** echo ** NOTE: Does not work with: Backstab, Ambush, Ranged, or Thrown combat styles. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter slow {weapon} (sheild) or .SFhunter young {weapon} (shield) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_MULTI: SETUP: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** To set up multi weapon simply put in SET as the first variable followed by the echo ** SFhunter set-ups you want to cycle through, each set-up must be inside a set of echo ** quotes ("). Multi-weapon will change set-ups when you reach Bewildering in the echo ** current weapon. echo ** Syntax: .SFhunter SET "Set-up1" "Set-up2" Set-up3" ... "Set-up20" echo ** NOTE: You don't have to use all 20 available set-up spots. echo ** Example: .SFhunter SET "skin loot scimitar shield" "loot app brawl" echo ** echo ** USE: echo ** Once set-up, to use the script for multi-weapon simply use the "multi" command. echo ** If you want to start on a set-up that isn't your first one entered simply type in echo ** the number of the set-up you want to start with. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter MULTI (#) echo ** I know its a bit complex. AIM: Malific Drockmur EMAIL: drockmali@hotmail.com echo ** echo ** A note on multi word weapons: echo ** If a set-up contains a multi word weapon like short.bow or bastard.sword there echo ** is an added step to get this to work properly. echo ** Once you create your set-up, since it is inside quotes the . is removed making echo ** these one word weapons two words, and thus two variables. To fix this do the echo ** following. echo ** Go into your scripts window and click the "Variables" button. Find the variable echo ** with your multi word weapon and re-enter the period. This will make it function echo ** properly when "multi" is used. echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 7 goto HELP HELP_SWAP: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The script can be set-up to use swappable weapons. echo ** "Swap X" must be followed by the weapon. echo ** echo ** Syntax: .SFhunter swap {1/2/E/B/PI/HA/SS/QS} {weapon} (shield) echo ** echo ** 1 = 1 handed for weapons that swap between 1 and 2 hands. echo ** 2 = 2 handed for weapons that swap between 1 and 2 hands. echo ** E = Edged for weapons that swap between edged and blunt. echo ** B = Blunt for weapons that swap between edged and blunt. echo ** PI = Use this weapon as a Pike. echo ** HA = Use this weapon as a Halberd. echo ** SS = Use this weapon as a Short Staff. echo ** QS = Use this weapon as a Quarter Staff. echo ** echo ** EXAMPLES: .SFhunter swap 1 sword shield echo ** .SFhunter swap PI spear echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_WEAPON: HELP_SHIELD: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** It works any type of weapon in the game. Anytime you can use a shield, the script echo ** supports it. echo ** WARNING: If you are using an arm worn shield DO NOT enter a shield name. echo ** .SFhunter {weapon} (shield) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_LOOT: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The Script can be set-up to loot Kills. (It always searches.) echo ** echo ** Due to match limitations it only looks for the most common types of items to loot, echo ** So keep your eyes open for the extremely rare stuff. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter loot {weapon} (shield) <--- Loots everything except junk echo ** echo ** You can also set-up the script to loot specific item types, rather than everything. echo ** The variables for these are: echo ** echo ** lootgem echo ** lootcoin echo ** lootbox echo ** lootjunk <--- junk referes to SOME common drops: sword, cloak, shield, etc. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter lootbox {weapon} {shield} <--- Loot boxes but not gems or coins. echo ** .SFhunter lootgem lootcoin {weapon} {shield} <--- Loot coins and gems but not boxes. echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_APP: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The Script can be set-up to appraise the monsters you are fighting. echo ** echo ** The script will 'appraise quick' for a 3 second RT. echo ** It attempts to app after a kill, and will app when a monster enters an empty room. echo ** Do to the limitations of the script it can ONLY app the same type of monster as the echo ** last monster you killed. echo ** This creates a sort of "hit or miss" system, but it does work most of the time. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter app {weapon} (shield) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_SKIN: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** Everyone has there own method of how they skin. This script therefore has several echo ** options on how skinning works. echo ** Here are the commands for skinning, and what they do: echo ** echo ** Skin or : Skins, bundles, leaves bundles on ground. If it can't bundle, it stows echo ** Skinning the skin if you are looting, drops the skin if you aren't. echo ** Skindrop : Same as 'skin' but drops the skin if it can't bundle. echo ** Skinexp : Skins the kill, then drops the skin, makes no attempt to stow or bundle. echo ** Arrange : Same as 'skin' but it arranges first. echo ** Retreat : Will make the script retreat before skinning. echo ** echo ** There is no need to use 'skin' if you are using one of the other options, it knows echo ** you're skinning. echo ** echo ** Options can be combined for full effect. echo ** Example: .Sfhunter Arrange Skinexp Retreat - this would make the script retreat, echo ** arrange the kill, skin it, and drop the skin. echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 10 goto HELP_FRONT HELP_FRONT: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** echo ** The Option you chose was a "Front Command" echo ** Front commands must come before any other scripting commands, echo ** but can be mixed in any order with other Front Commands. echo ** echo ** LIST of FRONT commands: Appraise, Arrange, Exp, Loot, Retreat, Skin, Skindrop, echo ** Skinexp, Slower, Attack, Evasion, Shield, Parry, Custom, echo ** Lootbox, Lootcoin, Lootgem, Wear , Com1-Com5, echo ** Count, SearchTreasure(ST), SearchBoxes(SB), SearchAll(SA), echo ** SearchGoods(SG), SearchEquipment(SE) echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 5 goto HELP HELP_BRAWL: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The script Brawls, both with and without weapons/shields. You can also brawl with echo ** just a shield. echo ** echo ** For Barbarians you can also go on a choking spree! Keep in mind though you can't echo ** Choke with a weapon or shield in hand. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter brawl {weapon} (shield) echo ** .SFhunter choke echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_EMPATH: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** If you're an Empath, or just want to dance with a critter. There is brawling that echo ** doesn't hurt the critter. you can do it with or without weapons/shields and can echo ** also do it with just a shield. echo ** .SFhunter empath (weapon) (shield) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_AMBUSH: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** For non thieves looking to get the drop on someone there's always ambushing. echo ** Ambushing automatically aims for the head (Thief only) so thieves can get echo ** backstab exp from this script. Support is in there for ambushing with ANY melee echo ** weapon in the game, as well as ambushing while brawling. echo ** .SFhunter ambush {weapon} (shield) echo ** .SFhunter ambush brawl {weapon} (shield) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_BACK: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** For all you Th... err Bakers. Backstabbing is supported. echo ** .SFhunter backstab {weapon} (shield) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_POACH: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** For those of you who like your stealth kills at range, Poaching and Sniping is echo ** fully operational. echo ** .SFhunter poach {weapon} (shield(slings and LX only!) echo ** .SFhunter snipe {weapon} (shield(LX only!) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_SNAP: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** For those of us who are impatient, ALL Ranged systems can be snapfired. echo ** Snapfiring will cause the script to aim fully one time, then aim and fire instanly echo ** after you load until your target is dead. echo ** echo ** SNAP also works with Magic systems. It will fully prepare the spell then Target and echo ** Cast at the same time. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter snap {weapon} (shield(slings and LX only!) echo ** .SFhunter snap poach {weapon} (shield(slings and LX only!) echo ** .SFhunter snap TM FB 15 scimitar echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_SYNTAX: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** This is a brief (for me anyway) description of how the script works echo ** and What order commands come in, as well as a list of all the commands echo ** the script has. echo ** echo ** There are many options settings and methods of using the script, echo ** all of which have been programed in and can be called forth using the echo ** correct comamnds. Knowing those commands and how to use them is what echo ** this section is for. echo ** echo ** 'Command' refers to anything that follows .SFhunter when starting the script. echo ** There are several types of commands: echo ** echo ** 'Front Commands' have to come before anything else, but can echo ** be placed in any order amongst themselves. These are basic systems echo ** that toggle on or off specific non-combat features. echo ** echo ** 'Combat Methods' come after 'Front Commands' but before echo ** 'Combat Systems'. Methods alter a System in very specifc but minor echo ** ways, and can usually only be used with a specific System. echo ** echo ** 'Combat Systems' come After Methods, and Immediately before your echo ** Equipment. Systems decide how the script is going to fight. This is usually echo ** defined by your Equipment, but occasionlly a System is used that redefines echo ** how combat is undergone with Certain Equipment. echo ** echo ** 'Equipment' is always the last command. When the script finds your echo ** Equipment (usually a weapon) it begins combat after equiping you. echo ** Equipment is defined as the in game items you will be using to hunt with. echo ** echo ** 'Special' commands are.. special. They are usually systems that have echo ** nothing to do with combat itself, but were placed into the script as extras echo ** They are also the commands used to set-up some of the more complex features echo ** of the script. echo ** echo ** Command List: echo ** Front Commands: Appraise, Arrange, Exp, Loot, Retreat, Skin, Skindrop, Skinexp, echo ** Slower, Attack, Evasion, Shield, Parry, Custom, Lootbox, Lootcoin, echo ** Lootgem, Wear , Com1-Com5, Count echo ** Combat Methods: Ambush, Slow, Snapfire echo ** Combat Systems: Backstab, Brawl, Choke, Empath, Magic, Offhand, PM, Repeat, Snipe, echo ** Swap, Throw, TM echo ** Spc. Equipment: Gauntlet echo ** Spcl. Commands: SET and MULTI (multi weapons), DSET (Default Setting), LIST, DEBUG, echo ** HELP echo ** echo ** SYNTAX ORDER: [] = Special Commands () = Front Commands || = Combat Methods echo ** /\ = Combat Systems {} = Equipment echo ** echo ** Basic: .SFhunter {weapon} {shield} echo ** Advan: .SFhunter () || /\ {} echo ** Spcl.: .SFhunter [] echo ** echo ** For more specifc information please refer to the individual HELP sections. echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 20 goto HELP HELP_THROWN: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** Like to throw things? SFhunter can satisfy your needs! echo ** It's also enabled to throw vines and logs while brawling, echo ** as well as doing Offhand thrown. echo ** echo ** .SFhunter throw {weapon} (shield) echo ** .SFhunter off {weapon} (shield) echo ** .SFhunter vine (shield) echo ** .SFhunter log (shield) echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 3 goto HELP HELP_PERS: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** Personalizations are custom edits of SFhunter done by Malific. echo ** echo ** Personalizations are included with the general release so the echo ** the script doesn't have to be re-edited for every bug fix/change. echo ** They are Commented (#) out of the actual script. echo ** echo ** If you have a personalization and need to know how to use it, simply echo ** open the script in a text editor and replace "#Character name" with echo ** a blank or space. echo ** echo ** If you have questions or requests refer to: echo ** AIM: Malific Drockmur EMAIL: drockmali@hotmail.com echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 5 goto HELP HELP_DEF: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** The script can be configured to create 1 default combat setting. echo ** This setting will be used when the script is started with no variables. echo ** It will skip all variable checks and go immediately into combat using echo ** the pre-configured weapon set-up created with this command. echo ** echo ** Basically think of this as your "Oh crap! I need to be fighting NOW" set-up. echo ** echo ** SYNTAX: .SFhunter DSET {weapon set-up} echo ** EXAMPLE: .SFhunter DSET loot skin scimtar shield echo ** USAGE: .SFhunter echo ** echo ** A note on multi word weapons: echo ** If your set-up contains a multi word weapon like short.bow or bastard.sword echo ** there is an added step to get this to work properly. Once you create your set-up, echo ** since it is inside quotes the . is removed making these one word weapons two words, echo ** and thus two variables. To fix this do the following. echo ** GO into your scripts window and click the "Variables" button. Find the variable echo ** with your multi word weapon and re-enter the period. This will make it function echo ** properly when default mode is used. echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 10 goto HELP_DM HELP_DM: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** To tie Default setting into a Multi-Weapon Setup use the command DMULTI echo ** This will make the script use your default setting as the first chain in a echo ** Multi-weapon set-up. You must have previously set-up Multi-Weapon to use this. echo ** echo ** SYNTAX: .SFhunter DSET DMULTI {weapon set-up} echo ** EXAMPLE: .SFhunter DSET DMULTI loot skin scimitar shield echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** echo goto HELP #PatriciaKHRI_PAUSE: #Patriciapause #PatriciaKHRI: #Patricia match KHRI2_PAUSE You close your eyes #Patricia match KHRI2_PAUSE Roundtime #Patricia match KHRI2 already #Patricia match KHRI_PAUSE You are still stunned. #Patricia match KHRI_PAUSE ...wait #Patricia match KHRI_PAUSE type ahead #Patriciaput khri support #Patricia matchwait #Patricia #PatriciaKHRI2_PAUSE: #Patriciapause #PatriciaKHRI2: #Patricia match %c Taking slow deep breaths #Patricia match %c Roundtime #Patricia match %c already #Patricia match %c yourself too drained #Patricia match KHRI2_PAUSE You are still stunned. #Patricia match KHRI2_PAUSE ...wait #Patricia match KHRI2_PAUSE type ahead #Patriciaput khri spar #Patricia matchwait #PatriciaCOUNT_KHRI_PAUSE: #Patriciapause #PatriciaCOUNT_KHRI: #Patricia match COUNT_KHRI2_PAUSE You close your eyes #Patricia match COUNT_KHRI2_PAUSE Roundtime #Patricia match COUNT_KHRI2 already #Patricia match COUNT_KHRI_PAUSE You are still stunned. #Patricia match COUNT_KHRI_PAUSE ...wait #Patricia match COUNT_KHRI_PAUSE type ahead #Patriciaput khri support #Patricia matchwait #Patricia #PatriciaCOUNT_KHRI2_PAUSE: #Patriciapause #PatriciaCOUNT_KHRI2: #Patricia match %s Taking slow deep breaths #Patricia match %s Roundtime #Patricia match %s already #Patricia match %s yourself too drained #Patricia match COUNT_KHRI2_PAUSE You are still stunned. #Patricia match COUNT_KHRI2_PAUSE ...wait #Patricia match COUNT_KHRI2_PAUSE type ahead #Patriciaput khri spar #Patricia matchwait LABELERROR: echo ***************** echo ** LABELERROR: ** echo ***************** BEGIN_NOWEAP: echo echo ******************************** echo ** Can't find your equipment. echo ** Ending Script. echo ******************************** echo goto DEBUG_MODE UN_ID: echo echo UN_ID: echo echo ************************************* echo ** Unable to Identify your weapon. echo ** Ending Script. echo ************************************* echo DEBUG: DEBUG_MODE: echo echo DEBUG_MODE: echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** echo ** Copy/Paste DEBUG_MODE and LAST 3 commands worth of game text echo ** to DrockMali@hotmail.com for troubleshooting. echo ** echo ** SITE: http://www.malific.com/ or http://www.geocities.com/malificdr/ echo ** AIM: Malific Drockmur echo ** echo ** SFhunter Version 2: Last tweak 3/22/2009 3:21PM echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** echo pause 5 put echo /on waitfor echo echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** echo ** Variables: echo ** 1 = %1 IF_2 echo ** 2 = %2 IF_3 echo ** 3 = %3 IF_4 echo ** 4 = %4 IF_5 echo ** 5 = %5 IF_6 echo ** 6 = %6 IF_7 echo ** 7 = %7 IF_8 echo ** 8 = %8 IF_9 echo ** 9 = %9 echo ** 0 = %0 echo ** Save = %s echo ** Counter = %c echo ** echo ** General Variables: echo ** zHkill = %zHkill echo ** zHapp = %zHmonsterapp echo ** zHmonster = %zHmonster echo ** zHloot = %zHloot echo ** zHlootbox = %zHlootbox echo ** zHlootcoin = %zHlootcoin echo ** zHlootgem = %zHlootgem echo ** zHskin = %zHskin echo ** zHskinexp = %zHskinexp echo ** zHskindrop = %zHskindrop echo ** zHarrange = %zHarrange echo ** zHmulti = %zHmulti echo ** zHmultiZ = %zHmultiZ echo ** zHexp = %zHexp echo ** zHexpA = %zHexpA echo ** zHexpB = %zHexpB echo ** zHexpC = %zHexpC echo ** zHexpM = %zHexpM echo ** zHtype = %zHtype echo ** zHcounter = %zHcounter echo ** zHrange = %zHrange echo ** zHrange1 = %zHrange1 echo ** zHsnap = %zHsnap echo ** zHarm = %zHarm echo ** zHamb = %zHamb echo ** zHget = %zHget echo ** zHgetA = %zHgetA echo ** zHcount = %zHcount echo ** zHCOUNT = %zHCOUNT echo ** zHcBrawl = %zHcBrawl echo ** zHbrawltype = %zHbrawltype echo ** zHcritters = %zHcritters echo ** zHxpsleep = %zHxpsleep echo ** zHsearch = %zHsearch echo ** echo ** Weapon Combos: echo ** zHcombo1 = %zHcombo1 echo ** zHcombo2 = %zHcombo2 echo ** zHcombo3 = %zHcombo3 echo ** zHcombo4 = %zHcombo4 echo ** zHcombo5 = %zHcombo5 echo ** zHcombo6 = %zHcombo6 echo ** zHcombo7 = %zHcombo7 echo ** zHcombo8 = %zHcombo8 echo ** echo ** Magic Settings: echo ** zHspell = %zHspell echo ** zHmana = %zHmana echo ** zHm = %zHm echo ** zHmc = %zHmc echo ** echo ** Multi Set-ups: echo ** zHmulti1 = %zHmulti1 echo ** zHmulti2 = %zHmulti2 echo ** zHmulti3 = %zHmulti3 echo ** zHmulti4 = %zHmulti4 echo ** zHmulti5 = %zHmulti5 echo ** zHmulti6 = %zHmulti6 echo ** zHmulti7 = %zHmulti7 echo ** zHmulti8 = %zHmulti8 echo ** zHmulti9 = %zHmulti9 echo ** zHmulti10 = %zHmulti10 echo ** zHmulti11 = %zHmulti11 echo ** zHmulti12 = %zHmulti12 echo ** zHmulti13 = %zHmulti13 echo ** zHmulti14 = %zHmulti14 echo ** zHmulti15 = %zHmulti15 echo ** zHmulti16 = %zHmulti16 echo ** zHmulti17 = %zHmulti17 echo ** zHmulti18 = %zHmulti18 echo ** zHmulti19 = %zHmulti19 echo ** zHmulti20 = %zHmulti20 echo ** echo ** Command Settings: echo ** zHCOM1 = %zHCOM1 echo ** zHcom1 = %zHcom1 echo ** zHCOM2 = %zHCOM2 echo ** zHcom2 = %zHcom2 echo ** zHCOM3 = %zHCOM3 echo ** zHcom3 = %zHcom3 echo ** zHCOM4 = %zHCOM4 echo ** zHcom4 = %zHcom4 echo ** zHCOM5 = %zHCOM5 echo ** zHcom5 = %zHcom5 echo ** echo ** zHDset = %zHDset echo ** echo ************************************************************************************** put echo /off waitfor echo echo echo ******************************** echo ** Ending Script. echo ******************************** echo exit LIST: echo echo ******************************************* echo ** echo ** Listing ALL Variables and their values. echo ** echo ******************************************* echo pause 3 put echo /on waitfor echo echo echo ******************************************* echo ** echo ** zHkill = %zHkill echo ** zHkills = %zHkills echo ** zHmonsterapp = %zHmonsterapp echo ** zHmonster = %zHmonster echo ** zHloot = %zHloot echo ** zHlootbox = %zHlootbox echo ** zHlootcoin = %zHlootcoin echo ** zHlootgem = %zHlootgem echo ** zHloots = %zHloots echo ** zHretreat = %zHretreat echo ** zHskin = %zHskin echo ** zHskin2 = %zHskin2 echo ** zHskins = %zHskins echo ** zHskinexp = %zHskinexp echo ** zHskindrop = %zHskindrop echo ** zHarrange = %zHarrange echo ** zHmulti = %zHmulti echo ** zHmultiZ = %zHmultiZ echo ** zHexp = %zHexp echo ** zHexpA = %zHexpA echo ** zHexpB = %zHexpB echo ** zHtype = %zHtype echo ** zHcounter = %zHcounter echo ** zHrange = %zHrange echo ** zHrange1 = %zHrange1 echo ** zHrepeat = %zHrepeat echo ** zHammo = %zHammo echo ** zHsnap = %zHsnap echo ** zHarm = %zHarm echo ** zHamb = %zHamb echo ** zHspell = %zHspell echo ** zHmana = %zHmana echo ** zHm = %zHm echo ** zHmc = %zHmc echo ** zHexpC = %zHexpC echo ** zHexpM = %zHexpM echo ** zHget = %zHget echo ** zHgetA = %zHgetA echo ** zHcount = %zHcount echo ** zHCOUNT = %zHCOUNT echo ** zHcBrawl = %zHcBrawl echo ** zHbrawltype = %zHbrawltype echo ** zHkillsS = %zHkillsS echo ** zHskinsS = %zHskinsS echo ** zHlootsS = %zHlootsS echo ** zHcritters = %zHcritters echo ** zHxpsleep = %zHxpsleep echo ** zHsearch = %zHsearch echo ** echo ** zHcombo1 = %zHcombo1 echo ** zHcombo2 = %zHcombo2 echo ** zHcombo3 = %zHcombo3 echo ** zHcombo4 = %zHcombo4 echo ** zHcombo5 = %zHcombo5 echo ** zHcombo6 = %zHcombo6 echo ** zHcombo7 = %zHcombo7 echo ** zHcombo8 = %zHcombo8 echo ** echo ** zHmulti1 = %zHmulti1 echo ** zHmulti2 = %zHmulti2 echo ** zHmulti3 = %zHmulti3 echo ** zHmulti4 = %zHmulti4 echo ** zHmulti5 = %zHmulti5 echo ** zHmulti6 = %zHmulti6 echo ** zHmulti7 = %zHmulti7 echo ** zHmulti8 = %zHmulti8 echo ** zHmulti9 = %zHmulti9 echo ** zHmulti10 = %zHmulti10 echo ** zHmulti11 = %zHmulti11 echo ** zHmulti12 = %zHmulti12 echo ** zHmulti13 = %zHmulti13 echo ** zHmulti14 = %zHmulti14 echo ** zHmulti15 = %zHmulti15 echo ** zHmulti16 = %zHmulti16 echo ** zHmulti17 = %zHmulti17 echo ** zHmulti18 = %zHmulti18 echo ** zHmulti19 = %zHmulti19 echo ** zHmulti20 = %zHmulti20 echo ** echo ** zHCOM1 = %zHCOM1 echo ** zHcom1 = %zHcom1 echo ** zHCOM2 = %zHCOM2 echo ** zHcom2 = %zHcom2 echo ** zHCOM3 = %zHCOM3 echo ** zHcom3 = %zHcom3 echo ** zHCOM4 = %zHCOM4 echo ** zHcom4 = %zHcom4 echo ** zHCOM5 = %zHCOM5 echo ** zHcom5 = %zHcom5 echo ** echo ** zHweapon = %zHweapon echo ** zHshield = %zHshield echo ** zHbrawlT = %zHbrawlT echo ** echo ** zHD = %zHD echo ** zHDloot = %zHDloot echo ** zHDlootbox = %zHDlootbox echo ** zHDlootcoin = %zHDlootcoin echo ** zHDlootgem = %zHDlootgem echo ** zHDretreat = %zHDretreat echo ** zHDskin = %zHDskin echo ** zHDskinexp = %zHDskinexp echo ** zHDskindrop = %zHDskindrop echo ** zHDarrange = %zHDarrange echo ** zHDmonsterapp = %zHDmonsterapp echo ** zHDmulti = %zHDmulti echo ** zHDexp = %zHDexp echo ** zHDexpA = %zHDexpA echo ** zHDexpB = %zHDexpB echo ** zHDtype = %zHDtype echo ** zHDrange = %zHDrange echo ** zHDrange1 = %zHDrange1 echo ** zHDrepeat = %zHDrepeat echo ** zHDammo = %zHDammo echo ** zHDcombo1 = %zHDcombo1 echo ** zHDcombo2 = %zHDcombo2 echo ** zHDcombo3 = %zHDcombo3 echo ** zHDcombo4 = %zHDcombo4 echo ** zHDcombo5 = %zHDcombo5 echo ** zHDcombo6 = %zHDcombo6 echo ** zHDcombo7 = %zHDcombo7 echo ** zHDcombo8 = %zHDcombo8 echo ** zHDcounter = %zHDcounter echo ** zHDweapon = %zHDweapon echo ** zHDshield = %zHDshield echo ** zHDspell = %zHDspell echo ** zHDmana = %zHDmana echo ** zHDmc = %zHDmc echo ** zHDexpC = %zHDexpC echo ** zHDexpM = %zHDexpM echo ** zHDget = %zHDget echo ** zHDgetA = %zHDgetA echo ** zHDset = %zHDset echo ** zHDcount = %zHDcount echo ** zHDCOUNT = %zHDCOUNT echo ** zHDcBrawl = %zHDcBrawl echo ** zHDcBrawlB = %zHDcBrawlB echo ** zHDbrawltype = %zHDbrawltype echo ** echo ** zHDCOM1 = %zHDCOM1 echo ** zHDcom1 = %zHDcom1 echo ** zHDCOM2 = %zHDCOM2 echo ** zHDcom2 = %zHDcom2 echo ** zHDCOM3 = %zHDCOM3 echo ** zHDcom3 = %zHDcom3 echo ** zHDCOM4 = %zHDCOM4 echo ** zHDcom4 = %zHDcom4 echo ** zHDCOM5 = %zHDCOM5 echo ** zHDcom5 = %zHDcom5 echo ** echo ** ALL variables have been Listed. echo ** To delete ALL existing Variables echo ** Restart the script as .SFhunter DELETE echo ** echo ******************************************* echo put echo /off waitfor echo exit DELETE: echo echo ******************************************** echo ** echo ** WARNING! WARNING! WARNING! WARNGING! echo ** echo ** This command will erase ALL Variables echo ** SFhunter has saved into Stormfront. echo ** echo ** # of Kills, skins, loots, and echo ** your Multi-Weapon Set-ups echo ** echo ** WILL BE LOST!! echo ** echo ** To continue type GO otherwise hit ESC echo ** to exit the script. echo ** echo ******************************************** waitfor Go what? deletevariable zHkill deletevariable zHkills deletevariable zHmonsterapp deletevariable zHmonster deletevariable zHloot deletevariable zHlootbox deletevariable zHlootcoin deletevariable zHlootgem deletevariable zHretreat deletevariable zHloots deletevariable zHskin deletevariable zHskin2 deletevariable zHskins deletevariable zHskinexp deletevariable zHskindrop deletevariable zHarrange deletevariable zHmulti deletevariable zHmultiZ deletevariable zHexp deletevariable zHexpA deletevariable zHexpB deletevariable zHtype deletevariable zHcounter deletevariable zHrange deletevariable zHrange1 deletevariable zHrepeat deletevariable zHammo deletevariable zHsnap deletevariable zHarm deletevariable zHamb deletevariable zHspell deletevariable zHmana deletevariable zHm deletevariable zHmc deletevariable zHexpC deletevariable zHexpM deletevariable zHget deletevariable zHgetA deletevariable zHcount deletevariable zHCOUNT deletevariable zHcBrawl deletevariable zHcBrawlB deletevariable zHbrawltype deletevariable zHkillsS deletevariable zHskinsS deletevariable zHlootsS deletevariable zHcritters deletevariable zHxpsleep deletevariable zHcombo1 deletevariable zHcombo2 deletevariable zHcombo3 deletevariable zHcombo4 deletevariable zHcombo5 deletevariable zHcombo6 deletevariable zHcombo7 deletevariable zHcombo8 deletevariable zHmulti1 deletevariable zHmulti2 deletevariable zHmulti3 deletevariable zHmulti4 deletevariable zHmulti5 deletevariable zHmulti6 deletevariable zHmulti7 deletevariable zHmulti8 deletevariable zHmulti9 deletevariable zHmulti10 deletevariable zHmulti11 deletevariable zHmulti12 deletevariable zHmulti13 deletevariable zHmulti14 deletevariable zHmulti15 deletevariable zHmulti16 deletevariable zHmulti17 deletevariable zHmulti18 deletevariable zHmulti19 deletevariable zHmulti20 deletevariable zHweapon deletevariable zHshield deletevariable zHbrawlT deletevariable zHCOM1 deletevariable zHcom1 deletevariable zHCOM2 deletevariable zHcom2 deletevariable zHCOM3 deletevariable zHcom3 deletevariable zHCOM4 deletevariable zHcom4 deletevariable zHCOM5 deletevariable zHcom5 deletevariable zHD deletevariable zHDloot deletevariable zHDlootbox deletevariable zHDlootcoin deletevariable zHDlootgem deletevariable zHDretreat deletevariable zHDskin deletevariable zHDskinexp deletevariable zHDskindrop deletevariable zHDarrange deletevariable zHDmonsterapp deletevariable zHDmulti deletevariable zHDexp deletevariable zHDexpA deletevariable zHDexpB deletevariable zHDtype deletevariable zHDrange deletevariable zHDrange1 deletevariable zHDrepeat deletevariable zHDammo deletevariable zHDcombo1 deletevariable zHDcombo2 deletevariable zHDcombo3 deletevariable zHDcombo4 deletevariable zHDcombo5 deletevariable zHDcombo6 deletevariable zHDcombo7 deletevariable zHDcombo8 deletevariable zHDcounter deletevariable zHDweapon deletevariable zHDshield deletevariable zHDspell deletevariable zHDmana deletevariable zHDmc deletevariable zHDexpC deletevariable zHDexpM deletevariable zHDget deletevariable zHDgetA deletevariable zHDset deletevariable zHDcount deletevariable zHDCOUNT deletevariable zHDcBrawl deletevariable zHDcBrawlB deletevariable zHDbrawltype deletevariable zHDCOM1 deletevariable zHDcom1 deletevariable zHDCOM2 deletevariable zHDcom2 deletevariable zHDCOM3 deletevariable zHDcom3 deletevariable zHDCOM4 deletevariable zHDcom4 deletevariable zHDCOM5 deletevariable zHDcom5 echo echo ************************************************************************************** echo ** All SFhunter Variables have been removed. echo ************************************************************************************** echo exit %zHFromEZ: goto EZCheck_%EZrange EZCheck_1: EZCheck_2: echo echo ****************************************************** echo ** READ IMPORTANT!! echo ** Do to certain Circumstances I have altered the echo ** names of the Variables for SFhunter. echo ** echo ** The script has detected that you are using the echo ** older variables, or this is the first time you echo ** have run the script for this character. echo ** echo ** The script will now set-up your Varaibles to echo ** use the correct names... Do not be alarmed. echo ** echo ** PLEASE NOTE: Default setup WILL need to be re-set. echo ** echo ******************************************************* echo pause 3 ZHSWAP: setvariable zHkill %EZkill setvariable zHkills %EZkills setvariable zHmonsterapp %EZmonsterapp setvariable zHmonster %EZmonster setvariable zHloot %EZloot setvariable zHloots %EZloots setvariable zHskin %EZskin setvariable zHskin2 %EZskin2 setvariable zHskins %EZskins setvariable zHskinexp %EZskinexp setvariable zHskindrop %EZskindrop setvariable zHarrange %EZarrange setvariable zHmulti %EZmulti setvariable zHmultiZ %EZmultiZ setvariable zHexp %EZexp setvariable zHexpA %EZexpA setvariable zHexpB %EZexpB setvariable zHtype %EZtype setvariable zHcounter %EZcounter setvariable zHrange %EZrange setvariable zHrange1 %EZrange1 setvariable zHrepeat %EZrepeat setvariable zHammo %EZammo setvariable zHsnap %EZsnap setvariable zHarm %EZarm setvariable zHamb %EZamb setvariable zHspell %EZspell setvariable zHmana %EZmana setvariable zHm %EZm setvariable zHmc %EZmc setvariable zHexpC %EZexpC setvariable zHexpM %EZexpM setvariable zHcombo1 %EZcombo1 setvariable zHcombo2 %EZcombo2 setvariable zHcombo3 %EZcombo3 setvariable zHcombo4 %EZcombo4 setvariable zHcombo5 %EZcombo5 setvariable zHcombo6 %EZcombo6 setvariable zHcombo7 %EZcombo7 setvariable zHcombo8 %EZcombo8 setvariable zHmulti1 %EZmulti1 setvariable zHmulti2 %EZmulti2 setvariable zHmulti3 %EZmulti3 setvariable zHmulti4 %EZmulti4 setvariable zHmulti5 %EZmulti5 setvariable zHmulti6 %EZmulti6 setvariable zHmulti7 %EZmulti7 setvariable zHmulti8 %EZmulti8 setvariable zHmulti9 %EZmulti9 setvariable zHmulti10 %EZmulti10 setvariable zHmulti11 %EZmulti11 setvariable zHmulti12 %EZmulti12 setvariable zHmulti13 %EZmulti13 setvariable zHmulti14 %EZmulti14 setvariable zHmulti15 %EZmulti15 setvariable zHmulti16 %EZmulti16 setvariable zHmulti17 %EZmulti17 setvariable zHmulti18 %EZmulti18 setvariable zHmulti19 %EZmulti19 setvariable zHmulti20 %EZmulti20 setvariable zHweapon %EZweapon setvariable zHshield %EZshield setvariable zHbrawlT %EZbrawlT setvariable zHD %EZD setvariable zHDloot %EZDloot setvariable zHDskin %EZDskin setvariable zHDskinexp %EZDskinexp setvariable zHDskindrop %EZDskindrop setvariable zHDarrange %EZDarrange setvariable zHDmonsterapp %EZDmonsterapp setvariable zHDmulti %EZDmulti setvariable zHDexp %EZDexp setvariable zHDexpA %EZDexpA setvariable zHDexpB %EZDexpB setvariable zHDtype %EZDtype setvariable zHDrange %EZDrange setvariable zHDrange1 %EZDrange1 setvariable zHDrepeat %EZDrepeat setvariable zHDammo %EZDammo setvariable zHDcombo1 %EZDcombo1 setvariable zHDcombo2 %EZDcombo2 setvariable zHDcombo3 %EZDcombo3 setvariable zHDcombo4 %EZDcombo4 setvariable zHDcombo5 %EZDcombo5 setvariable zHDcombo6 %EZDcombo6 setvariable zHDcombo7 %EZDcombo7 setvariable zHDcombo8 %EZDcombo8 setvariable zHDcounter %EZDcounter setvariable zHDweapon %EZDweapon setvariable zHDshield %EZDshield setvariable zHDspell %EZDspell setvariable zHDmana %EZDmana setvariable zHDmc %EZDmc setvariable zHDexpC %EZDexpC setvariable zHDexpM %EZDexpM deletevariable EZkill deletevariable EZkills deletevariable EZmonsterapp deletevariable EZmonster deletevariable EZloot deletevariable EZretreat deletevariable EZloots deletevariable EZskin deletevariable EZskin2 deletevariable EZskins deletevariable EZskinexp deletevariable EZskindrop deletevariable EZarrange deletevariable EZmulti deletevariable EZmultiZ deletevariable EZexp deletevariable EZexpA deletevariable EZexpB deletevariable EZtype deletevariable EZcounter deletevariable EZrange deletevariable EZrange1 deletevariable EZrepeat deletevariable EZammo deletevariable EZsnap deletevariable EZarm deletevariable EZamb deletevariable EZspell deletevariable EZmana deletevariable EZm deletevariable EZmc deletevariable EZexpC deletevariable EZexpM deletevariable EZcombo1 deletevariable EZcombo2 deletevariable EZcombo3 deletevariable EZcombo4 deletevariable EZcombo5 deletevariable EZcombo6 deletevariable EZcombo7 deletevariable EZcombo8 deletevariable EZmulti1 deletevariable EZmulti2 deletevariable EZmulti3 deletevariable EZmulti4 deletevariable EZmulti5 deletevariable EZmulti6 deletevariable EZmulti7 deletevariable EZmulti8 deletevariable EZmulti9 deletevariable EZmulti10 deletevariable EZmulti11 deletevariable EZmulti12 deletevariable EZmulti13 deletevariable EZmulti14 deletevariable EZmulti15 deletevariable EZmulti16 deletevariable EZmulti17 deletevariable EZmulti18 deletevariable EZmulti19 deletevariable EZmulti20 deletevariable EZweapon deletevariable EZshield deletevariable EZbrawlT deletevariable EZD deletevariable EZDloot deletevariable EZDretreat deletevariable EZDskin deletevariable EZDskinexp deletevariable EZDskindrop deletevariable EZDarrange deletevariable EZDmonsterapp deletevariable EZDmulti deletevariable EZDexp deletevariable EZDexpA deletevariable EZDexpB deletevariable EZDtype deletevariable EZDrange deletevariable EZDrange1 deletevariable EZDrepeat deletevariable EZDammo deletevariable EZDcombo1 deletevariable EZDcombo2 deletevariable EZDcombo3 deletevariable EZDcombo4 deletevariable EZDcombo5 deletevariable EZDcombo6 deletevariable EZDcombo7 deletevariable EZDcombo8 deletevariable EZDcounter deletevariable EZDweapon deletevariable EZDshield deletevariable EZDspell deletevariable EZDmana deletevariable EZDmc deletevariable EZDexpC deletevariable EZDexpM echo echo ****************************************************** echo ** READ IMPORTANT!! echo ** Do to certain Circumstances I have altered the echo ** names of the Variables for SFhunter. echo ** echo ** The script has detected that you are using the echo ** older variables, or this is the first time you echo ** have run the script for this character. echo ** echo ** The script has now set-up your Varaibles to echo ** use the correct names... Do not be alarmed. echo ** echo ** PLEASE NOTE: You WILL need to re-enter your echo ** Default set-up. echo ** echo ******************************************************* echo pause 3 goto INTRO_NEW 0 = default 1 = Thief Ambushing + 2 = Slower Comboes + 3 = xtra 10 = 1st 20 = 2nd 30 = 3rd 40 = 4th 50 = 5th 60 = 6th 100 = Range, Poach, Snipe + 200 = Snapfiring + 300 = Choke + 400 = 4 combo + 500 = 5 combo + 600 = 6 combo + 700 = 7 combo + 800 = 8 combo + 900 = xtra 1000 = Ambushing + 1100 = Backstabbing + 1200 = Thrown + 1300 = xtra 1400 = Amb 4 combo + 1500 = Amb 5 combo + 1600 = Amb 6 combo + 1700 = Amb 7 combo + 1800 = Amb 8 combo + 1900 = xtra 2000 = xtra 2100 = xtra 2200 = Off Hand Thrown + 2300 = Magic + 10000 = Default Setup 20000 = xtra 30000 = xtra 40000 = xtra