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ItemSource isRare item
Item:Black marble mortar speckled with tiny silver veinsBeyond the Barrier: The Devastation of Lyras/Incidental Loottrue
Item:Black marble mortar with birds carved about the rimLyr's Tenttrue
Item:Black marble pestleThieves' Guild Shop (Crossing) Game of Chicken 425 prizesAmbika's NightCraftsAlchemist's Cornerfalse
Item:Black marble pestle speckled with tiny silver veinsItem:Black marble mortar speckled with tiny silver veins Beyond the Barrier: The Devastation of Lyras/Incidental Loottrue
Item:Black marble spheresFlight of Hand (2) Flight of Hand (1)
Item:Black marble writing slateTaisidon Mystery 446/A'baya Esplanade Taisidon Mystery 443/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 439/A'baya EsplanadeTaisidon Mystery 435/A'baya Esplanadetrue
Item:Black-veined white marble fireplace flanked with ornately carved lionsGrate Expectations
Weapon:Blackened steel gladius capped with a marble sphereSleeping Dragon Corn Maze 425/End loot Sleeping Dragon Corn Maze 421/End loot
Item:Blue marble brazier resting in an ornately chiseled baseGrate Expectationstrue
Breaking and Entering/Rooms and Loot/Material options