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ItemSource isRare item
Item:Glittering yellow diamondInner Vision (1)
Item:Black suede bodice fastened by six crossed wands
Item:Cluster brooch in the shape of a six-pointed star brilliant with different gem stones
Item:Engagement ring glimmering with multifaceted diamonds
Item:Flashy cloth-of-gold cassock wrought with canary diamonds
Item:Gleaming gold badge etched with the phrase "I shall cast the first stone!"
Item:Gleaming platinum badge etched with the phrase "I shall cast the first stone!"
Item:Large rough-cut Nature's Canopy emerald box
Item:Large rough-cut Nature's Canopy emerald boxGuildfest 405/Auction
Weapon:Midnight black crossbow engraved with the image of lightning bolts along the stockWar and Craft (2) War and Craft (1)