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ItemSource isRare item
Item:Carved dragonwood abacus with faceted amber beadsPremium raffles Menger Andu
Item:Carved dragonwood door with a roaring dragon's head in the centerKaty Gore The Door
Item:Carved dragonwood monstrance with a circular baseOnly The Holy (2) Only The Holy (1)
Weapon:Carved dragonwood staff set with an orb of iridescent cambrinthQuest for Kanton's Dagger
Weapon:Ceremonial aldamdin blade set with pale blue moon pearlCultured Attire (6)
Item:Chess board with e'erdream and dragonwood chessmentreasure maptrue
Item:Claw-footed bed crafted of lustrous carved dragonwoodPrison Riot: The Aftermath/End loot Estate Holder Charity Auction 434
Item:Competition miniature flock of seagulls with beady yellow eyesHollow Eve Festival 447/Game prizestrue
Item:Corrugated-hide covered design codex with a dragonwood backingOwirvald Riverhaven Auction 427
Item:Dark dragonwood beer barrel with onyx-hide strapsSimuCon/Past Conventions